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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi! For A Couple Weeks I Have Noticed My Dog Chewing On His Back Paw… He …

For a couple weeks I have noticed my dog chewing on his back paw… he normally has pretty strong allergies this time of year and he is a licker anyway.. however tonight when I got home from work I took another close look at his paw (it was looking very pink) and noticed that he is missing a nail.. it’s completely gone ! He is in no pain as it seems.. hes walking, running, playing and eating as normal.. the only thing is he is obviously licking the area where his nail was.. it’s not bleeding and doesn’t look infected…
what advice do you have for this type of situation? I have been reading and watching videos about this but it’s half and half of I should take him to the vet or if I can take care of this at home.. Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I have never had a situation where the entire nail has been gone- a few times we have had a partial rip and then we did have to make a trip to see the vet or vet tech to have it looked at and snipped. I’m guessing, if there is no pain, swelling, soreness- that it may have happened a bit ago? If there is still a “wound” opening, I would keep it clean and keep an eye on it. If it feels swollen, or sore then definitely call your vet. And honestly, I’m a nervous nelly, so I would probably call my vet anyway and double check with them to see if I should bring them in to be seen…

  2. Laura

    My suggestion? Get all the nails much shorter and keep them shorter to prevent this in the future. Torn nails, broken nails usually happen due to excessively LONG nails. Keeping them short keeps them safer from this sort of accident.

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Nabia | 4 years ago
My Baby Brownie Was Diagnosed With IVDD 6 Days Ago. I Didn’t Go For The Surgery …

My baby Brownie was diagnosed with IVDD 6 days ago. I didn’t go for the surgery due to the cost. I’m giving him crate treatment at home he’s on two pain meds and a steroid at the moment. I hate seeing my baby in pain but I’m trying to stay positive. I saw your video on YouTube and it was very positive and hopefully. I’m hoping you can share any advice on our I can bring my baby back to good health. Currently his back legs aren’t working and he has no control over his bladder so I’m helping him go potty and cleaning his pee pad. His back and neck are in pain. I’m hoping he can make a great recovery.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Wishing you the very best of luck. I have quite a few videos on this and you can also search Ivdd at There’s lots of info there too

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Debra Brenner | 4 years ago
So Our Little Morkie Stella Had Jumped From My Arms And Landed Wrong On Her Hind …

So our little Morkie Stella had jumped from my arms and landed wrong on her hind leg. She then proceeded to have trouble walking on it and has been limping. It seems to be affecting her joint. She’s not crying out in pain, but is not putting any pressure on her leg. Her hip felt stiff under my fiance’s grasp.
I am freaking out, unsure of what to do. She’s not shrieking when we touch it. She’s just complying

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    The only time a joint injury is a true emergency is a hip dislocation in these cases time is of the essence to put it back into place. The classic presentation of this is a prominent bump on the hip and the leg appears to be rotated outward also they toe touch. Little dogs tend to have shallow hips so they can dislocate fairly easily and it is most common with a fall or jump. A trip to the ER is indicated they will take an X-ray and if dislocated try to put it back into place. The faster it is put back in place the better as the longer you wait the harder it is to correct and the more likely it is to fail (ie “pop back out”).
    The other possibility is a fracture. Little dogs have fragile bones. Although it sounds terrible this isn’t an emergency and cage rest is indicated. See a vet ASAP for an X-ray. An orthopedic specialist should be seen to repair this.
    Lastly a knee injury like a cruciate ligament rupture is the next possibility. This is like an ACL in people. It happens with trauma or abnormal forces on the knee associated with playing or turning the leg while the body is in motion. This is often a surgical procedure to correct.

    It is also possible to have a muscle, joint, tendon or injury elsewhere which would benefit from rest and analgesics or steroid/NSAID therapy.

    In cases like this I have to say it’s best to go directly to the ER for an exam and possible X-ray.

    I hope she’s ok.

    Keep us posted

    1. Debra Brenner Post author

      Even if she isn’t in pain when we touch that area? Is it possible that she just sprained something?

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Jasmine | 4 years ago
My 16 Year Old Cat Has Been Diagnosed With Some Kind Of Nasal Cancer. I Don’t …

My 16 year old cat has been diagnosed with some kind of nasal cancer. I don’t know which specifically because I didn’t want to pay for the tests that would specify which kind. Regardless, we are not treating the cancer; we are giving her supportive care. She is currently on steroids (prednisolone) and painkillers (gabapentin). With all of this, she has recently had a new symptom: a bulging of the bridge of her nose. At first, I thought it might be the cancer, but then one day, it popped open, and started leaking fluids (probably blood mixed with other things). I gave her first aid, and it healed. Now, it’s doing it again, but the fluid is building back up, even after leaking out. I called the vet after the first time this had happened, and was told that things like this would keep happening, and that she’s probably near the end of her life. Nothing about what it could be or how to handle it.

So my questions are, should I see a different vet? Does the pressure cause her pain? Is there some way to treat this? I haven’t euthanized her yet, because she still seems to enjoy life.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    These are all questions to ask your vet. Without knowing specifically what the diagnosis is (or specifically what type of cancer) and what kind of fluid this is it is hard to predict outcome abd treatment options. Also the steroid can influence patient response. Cancer is defined as aberrant cell growth so it is by definition abnormal activity and asking to know and understand anything acting abnormally is also hard to predict. You have decided to keep her comfortable while declining the work up so we have a hard time answering specific questions about what to expect and do bed sue we do t have enough information to be able to answer questions like these.
    Pain is impossibly to answer without seeing your pet in person and doing an exam to look for the signs that might indicate pain. Also we don’t have great long term options for treating pain in cats. Pred has some properties to help.
    It sounds like you are doing the best you can with limited ability to diagnose which is the huge majority of cases I see. Keep doing what you can and it’s ok to seek multiple opinions.

    Good luck.

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Cathy | 4 years ago
Hello, My 8yr Old Anatolian Shepherd Had A Mass Removal Surgery Done About A Month Ago. …


My 8yr old Anatolian Shepherd had a mass removal surgery done about a month ago. At the end of the second week of recovery he developed a large seroma (it was tested and not infected). The vet has since put 2 different drains in and although they work, the seroma re-develops after each time. He just had his most recent drain removed on Sunday and today (5 days later) I notice a small amount of liquid coming back. I really don’t want him to have to go into another surgery 🙁 will the seroma go away on its own? He doesn’t seem to be in any pain and the seroma is not warm to the touch, and it is much smaller this time around but I am worried it is going to just keep growing.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. In my personal experience, a seroma will go away on its own…. it just takes time. So unless it is on a spot where it will be likely to cause discomfort or irritation, perhaps just leaving it to give it time to clear up on its own, is a good option. You may want to confirm with your vet. Best of luck!☺️????

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Tanya | 4 years ago
My 8 Year Old Labrador Had A Lump Removed From Her Chest Area Two Weeks Ago And …

My 8 year old Labrador had a lump removed from her chest area two weeks ago and has developed a seroma at the incision site. Vet is monitoring and happy that it’s not infected, but is there anything I can do to help it reduce, light massage? Hot or cold compress? She isn’t in pain, but she does seem to be finding it uncomfortable to lay down.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    While I don’t think that massage or compress hurts I don’t think it speeds up the absorption. Keep a close eye on it and call your get if anything concerning arises.

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Robyn | 4 years ago
Hello! I Will Try To Keep This As Short As Possible But Is Hard Because So …

Hello! I will try to keep this as short as possible but is hard because so much has happened.

I have 3 cats. My male cat is the one I am worried about the most right now. About a month ago all 3 got URIs and went to the vet. They were treated with antibiotics however they weren’t helping much so I had to bring them back a few times! Due to financial issues I ended up bringing them to our local shelter/humane society where they have a free clinic right now due to Covid. Biggest mistake EVER! They were so mean to my cat and overly rough with him completely stressing him out. I wasn’t allowed to go in the room with him however was able to watch some of what was going on through a window. This stressed my cat out so much that a week later he got a urinary blockage (2 weeks ago now)… I have never had issues prior with the other vet. He is 8 yr old. Anyways the vet cathed him and sent him home since it was the weekend and they are closed… where he ended up going to the ER the next day because he was crying all night…. They took the cath out… gave him pain meds and fluids… and kept him for 5 hours… He came home that night and has been on pain meds as needed and prazosin 2x a day. He is also on Hills C/D wet (with minimal dry of the c/d) He has been seen 2x since at the vet and Monday they did a urine sample/culture…. They said he has white blood cells so was put on antibiotics…but once the culture came back it showed everything to be normal…so was taken off of them…. Prior to all of this he was free fed however I have been switching all my cats to meal times 2-3 times a day… and will continue with that because of weight issues . He has been peeing, however, sometimes when I am peeing he will come pee in his litter box at the same time… He shakes his back end and puts it up in the air kind of and the pee shoots or sprays out …. this isn’t every time he pees but it has happened 3 times that I have seen. His pee clumps aren’t as big as they were prior to all this and now vary in size… sometimes a golf ball size give or take a little bit bigger/or smaller. I also will see his back end/tail twitching randomly in the day. The vet said this happening more than likely was due to stress. I have been making sure to keep the stress level low at home, use feliway (idk if it helps) and new toys/cat nip.

My questions are…

1. When switching to a wet food diet…. Will cats pee more than usual? They were on a 90% dry diet before. Sometimes I add a little water to it as I don’t see him drink a lot.

2. He only has a few days left of the prazosin… Should he been weened or go off cold turkey?

3. Is the shaking and spraying like pee normal? He does so in the litter box however because of his angle sometimes it gets on the wall.

I am new to this… and have talked to/seen several vets however they all say different things so I am confused… I just want to know if this is normal….. I think he is probably irritated from being cathed and such… due to licking his private sometimes and whining (both aren’t as bad as they were before however still happen)

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry all of this has happened. I will try to answer your questions BUT you really need to stick with a vet you trust and be prepared for this to take a while to resolve. In some cats it is a lifelong issue.
    I prefer wet to dry as it is a much higher water content and usually much less fattening. I even recommend adding water.
    I also advise clients to try to give Sq fluids at home.
    Prazosin is a question for your vet. Some stay on this medication long term as it seems to be very beneficial.
    I am not sure what the shaking is. Maybe try to get it on video and discuss with your vet. Maybe pain?
    You should also ask about anything you can try for stress? Like Feliway? Catnip? Toys? Confinement at night? An anti anxiety medication? This is a discussion for your vet. What really matters is that you have someone advocating for you and your cat and you do everything you can to avoid another blockage and learn how to manage this long term.

    Best of luck.

    If possible can you share your vet experience (with the costs included) in our storyline section. It might help others.

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Kerry | 4 years ago
My 11 Year Old Yorkie Began Trembling And Having Trouble Walking 8 Days Ago. I Took Her To …

My 11 year old yorkie began trembling and having trouble walking 8 days ago. I took her to the vet the next day and she suspected IVDD. She put her on a pain reliever, prednasolome, and a muscle relaxer. She could still walk a bit when she went outside to go potty. 3 days ago she started to have extreme pain in her left shoulder/neck. She completely stopped walking but she tries and can stand and sit, but she falls over. I took her back to the vet and had an x ray done. They showed that the vertebrae between the neck and shoulder was very messed up. They kept her on the same meds. Is there hope for her? She is extremely healthy and fit. She is not over weight and was still very playful. She starts shaking and her neck muscles tighten and start twitching about 4 hours after I have given her the muscle relaxer, and she takes it every 12 hours so she is very tight for hours! What can I do for her? We cannot afford an MRI although wish we could. Also how often do I move her during the night? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Hello- so sorry that you and your pup are going through this. If you look up on YouTube, Dr. Magnifico has posted a lot on ivdd. You may be able to find some valuable advice from her. Hoping that she see your post here- she’s very knowledgeable and will hopefully be able to offer some tips on how to help. Best of luck ????????

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Sara | 4 years ago
My Cat Has Been Limping On His Hind Left Leg He Hissing Aggressively Meows When He …

My cat has been limping on his hind left leg he hissing aggressively meows when he moves I’m pretty sure he either has a fracture or sprain or dislocation. he is eating an drink and using the bathroom but I can’t afford to take him to the vet for treatment what can I do for him and for his pain?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I’m sorry your cat is in so much pain. Really, you need to get him to a vet… especially since he is in so my pain.

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Heather | 4 years ago
My 1 Year Old Golden Doodle Was Neutered Last Week. The Incision Is Healing Nicely, But I …

My 1 year old Golden Doodle was neutered last week. The incision is healing nicely, but I am noticing some red fluid filled sacs on each side of the incision. He is acting ok and occasionally tries to lick the area. I noticed one sac burst and fluid came out, not bloody just pink. Is this normal?? He doesn’t seem to be in pain. Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Seromas at incision sites are normal but I would always ask the vet who did the surgery to verify.