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Cyann | 3 weeks ago
Heya! I Have Desperate Questions Regarding UO For My 10 Month Old Kitty! My Kitty Was In …

Heya! I have desperate questions regarding UO for my 10 month old kitty! My kitty was in the hospital for three days in IV fluids and catheter treatment. His levels improved and they released him yet his urine was still bloody, according to his doctor. After catheter removal, how long does it take for my kitty to return to a normal restroom routine? And will my kitty have some symptoms of his sickness continue? (slight shivering, crying out, licking his bits). He is going to his restroom frequently but is producing decently amount of urine; quarter sized to palm of my hand amount. He is also eating and drinking water. How long until his inflammation clears up around his area? And when should I see him back at the vet? I’m trying to be patient but I can’t stand to see him in pain 🙁

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I cannot answer this question other than saying if he isn’t doing well you should recheck with your vet. I do thee following for my UO kitties. Pain meds; zorbium and gabapentin. Antibiotic: usually convenia and I teach families how to give sq fluids at home. I also teach them how to palate the bladder and put them on a canned urinary prescription diet.

    Of the bloody urine persists take an Xray to look for a stone or an ultrasound to look for abnormalities in the bladder.

    Good luck.

    1. Cyann Post author

      Heya Kristia! Thank you for your reply! He actually is on some pain medication and antibiotics! He takes both every 12 hours. And it does seem like he is peeing more than I initially explained. But I am curious if you have any tutorials up on how to do a Sq fluids at home? Again thank you for being helpful.

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Francis | 2 months ago
My Dog Has Hind Legs Due To IVDD. I’m So Saddened To See Him Like …

Levi has hind legs due to IVDD. I’m so saddened to see him like this. He is only 4.5 years old and otherwise very active and happy. Dr. Magnífico your videos of Hank’s progress has given me hope. My question is why is he trembling despite being resting and under pain and anti-inflammatory medication? He can move his front legs, but he is not eating and just drinks water with a syringe. His symptoms began on Saturday, December 28. The Vet saw him Sunday morning and said we should keep him strictly rested for about 30 days. He is urinating and defecating on his diapers. My wife keeps him clean and changes his position every three hours. Day six no progress. Is there hope and is the trembling part of the recovery process? Also he can’t lift his head and is there a way to know if he is suffering from Myelomalacia? I appreciate you Dr. Magnífico for your passion in caring for our beloved furry family!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t know if the trembling is pain or nerve function talking to the muscles. If you cannot afford a neurologist referral then I recommend you follow the instructions from your vet and the information I provided on my YouTube channel and blog.

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Justin | 2 months ago
I Cant Get A Picture Because The Website Wont Work On My Phone For Some Reason …

I cant get a picture because the website wont work on my phone for some reason but my cat lost one of his whole back claws, there is dried blood along the top of it should i be worried? He is sleeping rn and a little bit ago he was walking around like he wasn’t in pain, is this normal for cats? He got back from the vet about a month ago for an abcess on his neck from one of my other cats being a little too rough and bitting him, could this be the same issue of the cats playing too rough and his claw got ripped out?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In most cases this isn’t a problem that I worry about. But, infection can happen, and litter boxes are inherently dirty.
    So, the best option is to seek veterinary care for an examination and perhaps antibiotic soak, or oral antibiotic option.
    We will see about getting the photo option fixed.
    Happy Holiday

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Katherine | 3 months ago
My Senior, Male, Neutered, Diabetic Nebelung Cat Is Experiencing Constipation, I Had Recently Slowly Changed His …

My senior, male, neutered, diabetic nebelung cat is experiencing constipation, I had recently slowly changed his diet to a raw based diet from royal Canon diabetic pouches,, as i was put off from the vet scientific diabetic diets in the end due to one day reading the ingredients and seeing that my cat was needing something more or potentially he was lacking something, I say this as he was starting to mirander outside like a Billy goat eating all the graass that he could in our backyard. Coincidently, Boof started flickng his head and scratching at his ears, the next day after noticing his discomfort and that he still hadn’t defecate (day 3) i took him to a neighboring vet as our usual vet was fully booked out, I could see crusty brown specs in his ear and a discharge, the vet I took him to gave, me pmp drops to administer 3 drops per ear twice daily for 7 days. She didn’t want to try to much else due to him being a diabetic and also a new patient,
One day later when I was cleaning boofs bedding a spider
Like bug had come out onto our carpet,
I took a photo of it,
It’s definitely some type of tick not sure if it cpmr from out of his ear or if it has anything to do with his constipation.
Boofs appetite has been great this whole time aswel.
Although after eating I have noticed him somewhat whining ND groverling like his pain 🙁
He also vomited twice after having dinner. (biley foaming substance liquid)
On day 5 I took vet into out normal vet who assessed him, she gave him a 24hour anti nausea injection, and assessed him, she said to resume giving lactolose maybe a little bit more and aswel with the subcut fluids,

And still nothing,….

The vet called today to see how Boof was I explained to her that he wants to go to the toilet but just can’t, and his looking pretty squeamish again,
She explained to me that because of it being 6days now with no bowel movements that it can get Boof pretty sick potentially, she explained that instead of taking a stab in the dark and guess that they would breed to take xrays ect bloods and mannualyl remove all feces that’s stuck in him and it would cost $800. Due to Christmas coming up and the overall rise in the cost of living and the renting crisis here, I am just stuck for money at the moment that kills me to say, I have tried vet pay with. No luck…

Is there anything I can try at home please, it’s not at all a situation where I don’t want to pay anyone, it’s by far the opposite and I’m hoping that a friend of family member will reply to me after asking for a lend, which I never do, and I never would expect or be suprised if anyone can help,
My boy means so much to me,
I just gave Boof a 5ml enema of lactulose and more subcut fluids
Is there anything more that I can do please 🙁 🙁

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat.
    In my experience constipation in cats is always secondary to something else. And in fact very few are actually constipated. It is absolutely imperative that someone competent palpate your cats abdomen or take an Xray to confirm the constipation before you treat for it. People always think it’s constipation and it’s usually poor dietary intake, cachexia or poor muscle mass and usually a few other things.
    Constipation in cats feels like a colon full of hard distended feces. This should be confirmed by a rectal exam. The problem with getting this diagnosis incorrect is that all of the things you try to treat it will make everything else inherently worse. Do not give your cat anything until you confirm this and figure out why it happened.

    My guess might be you don’t have the diabetes adequately controlled and therefore you are losing muscle mass. This includes the gi tract which can no longer push feces out of the body.

    Please find a vet you trust for your cats care.

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Justin | 3 months ago
My Cat Got A Large Lump Under His Jaw That Formed Over Night. The Vets Are …

My cat got a large lump under his jaw that formed over night. The vets are closed and the emergency vet is too far and expensive. My parents say they will take him monday but is it safe to leave it untreated for two days? *edit, i should mention the lump is large and does not seem to be causing pain, he is acting normal anyway. I cant tell if its warm or not thou

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If it truly happened overnight then it is most likely infection. If he is acting normally it may not need to be addressed today. But I do recommend it be seen asap. The longer infection sits the more difficult and dangerous it is.

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Deborah | 4 months ago
My 5 Yr Old Cat Has Been Home One Day Following An Overnight Stay At The Vet …

My 5 yr old cat has been home one day following an overnight stay at the vet for blockage of urethra for crystals. He was given what seemed to be the appropriate treatment of catheter, steroids, antibiotics and a X-ray. He has come home on a five day supply of steroids and diet food. I was expecting my cat would just be “fixed” and back to normal. But he is not back to normal by any means. He is very weak and subdued. This is a normally very active , mischievous cat. My question is this normal response after having been thru this ordeal ? He is eating and drinking well. He is peeing but very little. Often but small amounts. He does not seem to be in pain like prior to treatment. He will go and just lay in the litter pan. It almost seems he is too weak to get out. But he does get out. I’m assuming he might be just like a human with a uti , in that he feels he has to go pee all the time . They did send him home having had a long acting antibiotic. I don’t know if that can make him feel bad. He does seem to be in the side of improving , but very slowly. Is this normal? It’s the weekend here so I can’t call the vet with my questions. I have a great vet group , although I have never seen the vet who took care of my cat before and am disappointed I was not given more post care instructions on what to expect.
Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It’s hard for me to answer this because the answer lies in an examination. If he has a small, soft, non painful bladder and is urinating comfortably then I would say that it is ok to give him some time at home to recuperate. But. The best answer always has to be the safest answer and I always have to say that the best advice I can give is to see a vet.
    Can you call the er and ask to speak to someone who just took care of him? Or see your regular vet first thing Monday morning?
    I hope he’s ok

  2. Deborah Post author

    I might not have phased my question right. I just wanted to know once blockage has been opened and cat sent home does the cat usually go back to normal behavior or does it take a couple of days for the cat to recoup from having had the trauma.? He is peeing, eating and drinking.

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Gwen | 4 months ago
Got This 3-4 Week Kitten Who Needed A Home And Appears To Have A Twisted/angular …

Got this 3-4 week kitten who needed a home and appears to have a twisted/angular wrist. He was most likely born with this deformity since I don’t believe his legs cause him any pain. He is starting to walk and it is becoming a bit of a struggle.
Can someone recommend me any options? I don’t want to go to the Vet just now because i know it will end being costly with X-rays and such. Right now i’m considering splinting, but I also want to know other options like maybe messages, etc. He is doing pretty well, but since he does sometimes walk, supporting his leg on the leg twisted (the bone, rather than his paw), i’m afraid it’ll become a future problem when he’s older.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    If you follow my blog at I have a few articles on this. I would use a soft splint and rest. These kittens grow and the legs strengthen and they can have normal lives. If you are anywhere near me in northern Maryland I will help.

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Jaime | 4 months ago
Hi. I Have An Almost 6 Year Old Lab Who Keeps Vomiting When She Eats Or Drinks. …

Hi. I have an almost 6 year old lab who keeps vomiting when she eats or drinks. She is otherwise happy and doesn’t appear to be in any pain but does appear to be losing weight (she’s a heavier build). She wants to keep eating and drinking though and not having any other problems. Is there something I can give her to resolve the stomach issue or could it be something more serious?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    This sounds like it could be a partial obstruction in her gut. That’s something I’d consider emergent. Please get her to the vet.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Laura. I also worry about pancreatitis and Addisons. Although there are other possibilities. Please see a vet.

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BRET | 5 months ago
Just Seeing If You Know Anybody In Chicagoland That Is Able To Do Somewhat Affordable Surgery. …

Just seeing if you know anybody in Chicagoland that is able to do somewhat affordable surgery. My cat had unblocking last Monday, model patient & fine til Sat when not flowing as freely, he is trying so hard, I’m trying to gently help him while going. I’m 1400.00 in & don’t want to lose my Lil guy cz of money. He’s trying so hard & I’m losing my mind going thru it all. We have most of the antibiotics & pain meds, just need to get past this, did the overnight at home and stayed up, all went well. 5 days 2 soon…..if could direct us somewhere near Ill go. He deserves to live, not die cz his dad can’t afford this unblocking.


If email can give u more contact info

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your kitty and this situation.
    I would post on social media looking for advice and affordable options. Call all of the shelters and rescues and ask your vet for help.
    Next ask to be unblocked via the most affordable option they will give you. Ask to decline all diagnostics and ask to be allowed to go home with the urinary catheter in place. Or ask if your vet will permit your cat to be hospitalized at their facility for a few days. I have written a lot about trying to afford this. Please go to my blog at and search for UO or blocked cat.
    There are also Facebook groups on this. See if anyone there can offer help.
    Please let me know if you find someone to help.

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Parham | 5 months ago
Hello All, I Wanted To Follow Up On My Question About Mercury From Two Months Ago. …

Hello all,

I wanted to follow up on my question about Mercury from two months ago. He had been suffering from recurring urinary blockages, and after several ER visits, I scheduled him for a PU surgery at The Bridge Clinic, a non-profit vet hospital in Bensalem and Philadelphia. The surgery was done on Aug 14th, and the surgeon recommended doing the PU first to see if the stones would pass naturally, which they did. The surgery cost me $1,181.

Unfortunately, the issues didn’t end there. Mercury seemed to recover for about three weeks, but then he started frequenting the litter box and peeing only small amounts, sometimes not at all. He also began peeing outside the litter box and seemed very uncomfortable, especially at night, so I took him for a follow-up on Sep 12th. An X-ray and urinalysis were negative for stones or infections, but crystals were found, leading to a diagnosis of FIC/FLUTD. They suggested Gabapentin for pain and more water fountains and litter boxes (this visit cost $191).

Despite following their advice, Mercury’s issues persisted, so I scheduled another appointment on Sep 19th. The vet confirmed FLUTD and suspected a possible infection at the surgical site, so he received a Convenia and Buprenorphine injection (visit cost: $134). Still, no improvement.

I then took him to his primary vet at Telford on Oct 3rd, where they suspected a different bacterial infection and prescribed Clavamoxin, though I declined a urine culture due to cost (this vist was $170). I also put him on a strict urinary diet (he was on dryMetabolic Urinary food and regular wet food which I diluted with water). He showed some improvement, but then, last Monday, he seemed blocked again. After giving him Amitriptyline, he was able to urinate, and Telford said their only recomendation is a urine culture, and they don’t have any time to see him that week, so I reluctantly agreed to. (Urine culture + 7 Amitriptyline + 14 Clavamoxine was $323), today the results from the culture came back clean, meaning I spent $273 for nothing.

What’s frustrating is that I haven’t spoken to the vet directly since the first visit, only through techs and nurses, and I’m running out of time and money. Mercury is still in pain and struggling to urinate, and I don’t know what else to do.

So if you have any insight or recommendations to what I should do next please let me know because I am at my wits end and have no idea what to do. (I’ve attached the visit’s summaries and the receipt from my last time at Telford to this post)

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I applaud your dedication and devotion and on your cat. I’m sorry it has been such a long and arduous road.

    I’m sorry but I also think these cases need lots of time to resolve. They are usually complicated and multifactorial. So expecting or hoping for a quick resolution is often not feasible.

    I do think that it is hard to manage a budget and a complicated case. I don’t know if anyone has done xrays or an ultrasound but these are also still on the list of possible places to look for your answer. If you are running right on funds than lean harder on pain medication and anxiety medication.

    I like long term gabapentin and fluoxetine. I also offer lots of options in the litter and litter box department. I like a big, shallow uncovered box with potting soil, or play sand. Don’t remove what you have just add something like this and see which box they choose to use. Also add anything that you can to help keep him relaxed and calm.

    I also like feliway and lots and lots of toys.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know how things are going.

    Good luck