Where are you?
My 8mo old long haired German Shepherd was spayed 5d ago and developed what her regular Vets tell me is a seroma. Nobody has examined her post op, all phone consults.
I am an Rn. They knew she was hyper & I requested postop sedation- they opted for Trazodone 100mg 2x/day & Rimadyl for pain. This did nothing, she continued to jump up/romp a bit inside as she did when i picked her up. So they doubled the dose to 200mg bid, 3rd day adding Benadryl 50mg 2x/day which helps a little. Said short walks ok Saturday (3d post op)
I kept her as confined as possible in crate or pen. It’s about the size of a plum? I hope it’s not intestinal bleeding. She had laser surgery with internal sutures & skin glue closure. They advised heat. Today she started to have serosanguanous leaking from the incision so now it’s riskier for infection. She’s not had great appetite but otherwise acting normally- pooping less also. Should I insist on an exam or just keep monitoring for signs infection, etc?
She’s not licking area as wearing cone/collar. Is this common post spay? Vet is very experienced IF she’s the one who actually performed it…i presume she did. It’s not a teaching hospital. Very $$ 800!!
Thanks! Deb
I need help finding a surgeon for luxation of both scapula in a cat. I’ve been to two vets, called countless surgeons in multiple states, and even emailed a professor who wrote one of the articles I have found on the issue. All of them say something different (with the exception of the email that has yet to be returned). My vet said they couldn’t do anything but take x-rays, a second opinion (regular vet practice) offered injections of Adequan (which won’t fix the problem). When I asked my vet about the effectiveness of injections they turned around and said they’d sell me Ichon injections (which seem even more questionable) which is interesting they didn’t suggest it sooner if they could.
Of the surgeons I’ve called, I’ve asked all of them if they have experience in this rare condition. Surgery isn’t the only option; I’ve done my research. Surgery isn’t always the best treatment depending on severity and individual factors of the cat. But all of them seem to be selling the surgery. They won’t consider anything else.
Everyone wants me to bring him in so they can take their own x-rays and do their own exam, which I understand to a point but I’m a student with only so much money. While I’m willing to put what it takes if my cat needs surgery, I don’t want to spend thousands just on consults before we even do a potential surgery. And what am I supposed to do but get another opinion when everyone gives me a different diagnosis that fits their practice? One hospital even said bring the cat to their ER now which I know is wrong because I know while he may be uncomfortable, he is not in pain. I would not let him be in severe pain. I don’t want him uncomfortable either, but I need to know that I’m making the best decision not just being sold a service *especially* if it’s one he doesn’t need.
Please, please, please let me know if you know of anyone with experience in this area. Private practice to university professor wanting to use it as educational- I just need someone with experience beyond “knowing how to do it in theory.” Any help is beyond appreciated!!
My 5 year old basset hound and lab mix has a herniated disc. The vet gave her muscle relaxer and pain meds, but now she can’t move her back legs. We have restricted her to a crate so she can rest, we can’t afford surgery. Is there hope that she will get better with meds and crate rest or should I start preparing for the worst?
Is the red puffiness allergies? Both her eyes look like this, I can’t tell if she’s in pain, she’s acting completely normal. It just concerns me, because they look painful
2 days ago i noticed a big black scab on my cats chin, i am familiar with cat-ne (feline acne) and i have not noticed it on him previously. The scab was pretty large and when i looked at it today, he allowed me to touch it so im assuming it isnt causing him pain and it kinda just fell right off. However, now there is a big raw spot where the scab was. Its rather pink and i think i saw some clear and possibly some yellow fluid coming out of a couple spots. But at this point, he was uncomfortable and ran away so i couldnt get a better look. Anyone have any ideas? It just seemed like too big a scab to be acne..
Bridget is a 9 yo Havenese with a history of glaucoma. The eye was non-functional and painful. Her best option was enucleation. Her story is here.
Note; Briget was my patient. This is her story at my clinic.
Hello Dr. Krista, my 3,5 year old shiz-poo, male got paralyzed on March 29, just playing at home with another dog. Next day we went to EI and we were told that his injury is (slipped disc) at T13-L3, based on xray. Surgery would have been 10.000 $, with 50/50 chance of recovery according to doctor, no chance with steroids. We couldn’t afford the surgery. Our home doctor gave us little hope and Shadow has been on steroids since March 31. After 7 days there was no improvement,doctor recommended euthanasia but with minimum chance we asked for 7 more days of meds. He has very weak deep pain sensation. His back legs are paralyzed, he poops and pees without control, has good appetite and when let out of cage he wants to run on his front legs dragging the back. I just ran across your videos on youtube, not to give up on those dogs, but i am not sure if a miracle can really happen. Is it really possible that he would walk again? I dont want him to suffer but not sure what to do. Could you please let me know your opinion about it, thank you so much! We are desperate…Anita
8 year old Shih-tzu Maltese diagnosed with a bulging disc 🙁
Hi, thank you for making all of the videos on youtube. I have found them very helpful with my little guy Benson…it’s nice to see a vet that goes the extra mile for their patients. Our vet clinic is also caring and affordable as well, which is hard to find these days.
Benson is a miracle dog. He has already survived a grade 2 mast cell inguinal tumor so Cornell and our local vet love him and call him their miracle dog (this was 2.5 years ago)
Now for his most recent issue which is why I’m writing; For a week, he was dragging his front left paw. We took him to our vet (on Monday, March 19th) and she diagnosed him with arthritis….things got worse throughout the week to the point where he would knuckle his front left paw. Our vet had only told us to limit his activity and no jumping so we didn’t restrict him to a crate. By Sunday morning (March 25th) (and he was on 5mg of prednisone since Monday) his back left paw was now knuckling and he was getting worse to the point where he could barely stand up.
We took him back to the vet and they did x-rays and found a bulging disc right around his shoulder blades. He has been on 10mg of prednisone, Methocarbamol, gabapentin and in a crate 24/7 ever since Sunday the 25th. Luckily, he is really only affected on his left side of his body.
We are seeing a little bit of improvement at times and at other times, he is still just as bad as he was on Sunday.
He has never lost the ability to pee or defecate (thankfully) annnnd Benny loves to eat (or drink) so that will never be an issue haha…
However what worries me is the fact that he is ALWAYS as stiff as a board in the morning when we get up or when he gets stressed/excited. It’s as if he re-injures himself because he can’t walk and can barely stand. It takes him at least an hour to recover, stop panting and then relax again until it seems like he is not in pain anymore….
Is there anything we can do to prevent the “morning/excited episodes” or is it all just part of the process? I thought the muscle relaxer would help but it isn’t. I have even gone so far as to put signs on our front door asking visitors to not knock or ring the doorbell.
Last question-do you have an opinion about a dog chiropractor?
Any advice you could give, we would appreciate! We love our little guy-he has such a personality and adds so much fun to our lives.
Thanks so much,
Megan and Missy
My beagle is 2 weeks post op from her 2nd IVDD surgery. Despite steroids and pain meds, she still yelps when picked up and sometimes when she repositions herself. I don’t recall her yelping after her first surgery, but I know this procedure was more delicate because of spinal cord maniplulation (removal of calcification from first surgery) along with nerve root issue, but is it reasonable to expect she’d still be in pain after 14 days post op? Her vet is continuing steroids and pain meds. So discouraging when she goes almost 24 hrs with no audible signs of pain only to end up yelping on a routine potty break. Truly feels like one step forward, two steps back.
I have a 1year and four month old chihuahua mix. She is 8 lb full grown, not over weight, and eats a grain free natural diet. Last night as I was petting her, I noticed this red bump. I am scared to death and am going to make a vet apt when they open today, but for now…anyone know what this bump could be? It is red, moveable, topical (doesn’t feel like it is attached to deep tissue at all), and is not causing pain. She is eating and drinking normally. should I be worried? Anyone have any ideas as to what it may be?
I am sorry to hear about your pup. YES! you should insist upon an exam. I consider it unethical that you have to ask, they should have offered on the first call of your concern. Ask as many questions as you feel necessary. Ask for your bill, the doctor who performed the surgery should be listed on that. You can even request her medical records. It is our practice to not charge for exams post op follow ups. It conveys an air of confidence on both sides and helps reassure everyone that we have our pets care at the forefront and hope to be building and maintaining long standing relationships built around confidence. Be the advocate your dog needs you to be, You are their only voice. Let us know what happens. Good luck!
Hello Dr Magnifico
I think I will book an exam as suggested since it’s more firm than what I’ve read it should be this early on-
folks say should feel more like a water balloon & hers doesn’t. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to get a strong sedative when you know you have an enthusiastic puppy…i emphasized si didn’t want her like a zombie- but one can’t anticipate her initial “inside jumps”…