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Pawbly | 9 years ago
About A Month Ago I Took My Fur Baby To The Vet Because He Had…

About a month ago I took my fur baby to the vet because he had a get red dots on his paws that seemed like any bites but he keep licking his paws so I got him checked out to be on the safe side. When we took him in the vet didn’t seem to care much about the situation and just told us that he was not sure what the case was but he thought it was possibly an allergic reaction to something outside, which he was only outside while we worked during the day, so we started keeping him inside all day and only let him outside for potty breaks. The vet went ahead and perscriped Chomps some antibiotics and some pain medication in hopes that it would clear that “allergic reaction” while he was at the vet that day he also had a skin biopsy because when he was about 5 months he began to develop a skin disorder called demodex so we were making sure that he was still clear… All was well everything was clear. Well here we are a month later paws still red and inflammed. My poor baby is very very sensitive to his paws and is constantly licking them. He sleeps a lot more than he used to! I am very concerned but I unfortunately cannot afford to constantly take him to the vet to get unanswered diagnoses. I have been reading up on this situation and I don’t want to self diagnosed him but everything in this article is exactly what is going in with my big fur baby I just would like some professional advice please help! content://

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    What do you feed?  If there’s any grain or chicken in the food, try something else.  You want grain free and something with a novel protein.  I would also wash his feet every time he comes back inside and if this persists I would head to a veterinary dermatologist.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Got His Hip Popped Back Into Place After Dislocating It And Is In…

My cat got his hip popped back into place after dislocating it and is in a lot of pain, causing him to avoid eating and drinking. I have gotten him to eat a bit, but still can’t get him to drink anything. We have had them for 9 years now and have only ever given them water to drink. Would it be dangerous if I tried giving him a little bit of milk even though he has never had it and is going about 24 hours now without any liquids?

1 Response


  1. Brittany Foltice

    we are also planning on taking him to the vet soon (its 2:50am right now) but I am simply finding anything to do to get him to drink a bit before then.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Was Taken Into The Vet Yesterday At Around 4pm To Get Checked For…

My cat was taken into the vet yesterday at around 4pm to get checked for a UTI as she has been having some urinary incontinence. We were sent home with Buprenorphine and Maropitant(cerenia) 24mg 4PK For Pain and Nausea.. Since we have been home she has not been wanting to move much or use her hind legs.. when I fed her food she ate it but I am unsure if she has had much water since the fluids the vet gave her.

Is there a reason she is not wanting to use her back legs much and is sitting on her side instead of her butt?

4 Responses


  1. Chelsea McCrone

    Hi Krista,

    I did call our local 24 hour emergency hospital and they said to monitor her for any signs of severe lethargy since her appointment yesterday she has seemed fine.. but when I got back home I noticed that she was not normal and was not sitting or using her back legs properly.

    Will continue to monitor her until tomorrows appointment. Do you think it could be because she is in pain?

  2. Chelsea McCrone

    Okay will do, Thank you so much!

  3. Chelsea McCrone

    One more thing. Would you suggest me to give her some plain chicken broth and rice until her appointment in the morning or shall I continue to feed her her normal cat food?

  4. Chelsea McCrone

    Okay I will pick some up after her Urinary Analysis tomorrow morning… Thank you again Krista!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
The Vet I Took Bella To Concluded That She’d Endured A Stroke, Began Her On…

the vet i took bella to concluded that she’d endured a stroke, began her on antibiotics (amoxicillin) and prednisone to treat her symptoms and restore her strength, after a day on fluids, symptoms were overall lethargy, weakness, excessive drooling, occasional nausea, pacing and disorientation. she was doing amazing, i was so thankful. she was acting normal again. until today, the only thing we can attribute the change to (speculation), is that her round of antibiotics was completed yesterday at 6pm. she was acting relatively well until about 12-1:00pm today. we are at a loss, we have no money for the vet for a week or so and i love my bella with all my heart. please help, please, any advice or ideas would be amazing. i just want her to be well and out of pain.

0 Responses
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jen Hohman | 9 years ago
Hello, My Cat Came Home Limping. Only One Of Her Back Legs Is Affected. She Is…

My cat came home limping. Only one of her back legs is affected. She is in pain, however, her leg looks normal and she is otherwise healthy. There is no swelling that I can see. Could it be a sprain or muscle injury?

3 Responses


  1. jen Hohman Post author

    Thank you for responding so quickly. She is resting in our garage right now

  2. jen Hohman Post author

    Update: Rugrat is climbing our garage attic stairs. She can put weight on her leg but you can tell she’s in pain. Other than that she is eating, drinking and using her litter box as usual.

  3. Haley Nickole

    My cats ALWAYS do a little something to there selfs , an when they were smaller , they would climb on things an jump off an limp for a day or two an then be fine . i took him to the vet after the first time an they told me it was a sprain an another time it happened to my other cat there was nothing wrong with him , he was just limping lol so sometimes unless you see a wound or they look badly in pain i honestly wouldn’t worry too much unless they persist to stay off the leg longer than 24/48 hours

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have An American Bulldog Who Is Almost 2 Years Old. Despite Training, He Is…

I have an American Bulldog who is almost 2 years old. Despite training, he is very aggressive towards other dogs. He was attacked by a pit bull, on our property, before he was a year old and every since will not tolerate any other dogs or any kind of animals for that matter. We have paid quite a bit for training to try and help him socialize but after a while he is back to his old self. No one will board him and we can’t take him anywhere that has a lot of people or other animals. He’s great at home and wonderful with our children, so I am at a loss s to what to do. He also has pretty bad hip problems and is in pain a lot if he gets a lot of exercise. I love him so much, as does my family, but I want to do the right, humane thing. Help.

3 Responses


  1. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, as an extreme animal lover, I say no, try to train and comfort as much as you can, but I don’t know you and I can’t tell you what to do. That’s the last case scenario. Good luck!

  2. Madelyn Fischer

    Hi Krista, I totally agree.

  3. Crystal Williams

    We have done two extensive training courses for his aggression . One two week program and one five week, away from home program.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chihuahua Who Is Very Active Has His Left Rear Leg Dangling When He Walks…

My Chihuahua who is very active has his left rear leg dangling when he walks. He sometimes tries to stand on it but cannot. When he is outside peeing he tries to stand on it when he hikes and falls right over He is a inside dog. He does jump up on the couch but I have not seen him do anything out of the ordinary. He does not cry with pain but I am very concerned.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Take him to the vet.  Whatever this is (and my unexperienced layperson’s opinion says it COULD be a luxating patella), it’s not something you can fix at home.  It may require surgery.

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| 9 years ago
Our Cat Is 3 Monthes, Several Days Ago We’ve Seen Blood In His Urine. A…

our cat is 3 monthes, several days ago we’ve seen blood in his urine. A doctor prescribed coboctane, no spa, Etamsylate,catosal. After 2 days of injectios our cat started to lose his balance, he is inert, tries to urinate but we see it tkes him great pains,ih hurts him. What it can be? Please help, we beg you

1 Response


  1. Anonymous Post author

    Thank you for your answer. Experts say different things and prescribed different medicaments. we realy dont know what to do and whom to listen

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Took Her To A Vet And He Told Us That It Could Be Bone…

We took her to a Vet and he told us that it could be bone problems such as arthritis, or a broken bone, but recently I noticed that she started off with the pain in the back right paw and and it transferred over to her front right leg, does anyone have any past experience with this with their dog?

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Ok I’m really not sure I understand exactly wha happened.  However, I think what happened is she was normal before grooming and not after.  This makes me think she got hurt at groomer.  So, she may have arthritis but it was an injury that made it more painful.

    So, likely the pain will be lessened in time and if it hasn’t gotten better in 7 days I would return to the vet.

    Good Luck

    Dr D

  2. Edgar Disz

    She has not gotten an x-Ray, our Vet gave her some medication for us to give her and they seemed to help her with the pain, and he also gave her a shot to calm the pain for 12 hours, and thank you for your response

  3. PK Dennis

    I would worry that your pooch took a fall from a grooming table, or twisted something while being groomed. I would ask the vet if this is likely – and would have a conversation with the groomer. Ask the groomer if they noticed any thing wrong, or if something happened while your dog was there. Accidents can happen – don’t assign blame, but explain that knowing if something happened will help your vet diagnose the problem.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Has Small Lumps Under His Skin At First There Was Only One On…

My dog has small lumps under his skin at first there was only one on his shoulder now he has maybe 5 or 6 from his neck to hind legs they don’t seem to be causing him pain

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Unfortunately, we can’t diagnose lumps and bumps online.  A vet needs to examine them in person.  Please get your dog to the vet this week.