Hello JoAnne, I realise your dog is 14 years old and an anaesthetic, as the Vet informed you may not be the ideal at her age….you cannot leave her like this.
She has a large open wound on her stomach that is not only open to infection but must be extremely painful.
The tumour doesnt appear to be on a nipple but the underside of the top of her back leg?
You have to take her to a Vet urgently and you need to find the funds from somewhere to do it. Care Credit might be worth looking into…or perhaps you could borrow the money from family or friends. Your dog needs a Vet and she needs one now.
I would call the vet that did the extraction and ask these questions. They may need to do a followup check.
You need to return to your vet for a recheck as soon as you can.
Good Luck!
Dr Dawn
Thankyou ,I did take her back vet said he could not see anything anything wrong he said I was to take her back and they would put her under again to have a look im so worried about this as she is 16 and is on heart tablets and its not been a month since they operated I just don’t know what to do help anyone please