Haven’t been able to take her to vet yet
Yes she had a X-ray and said it was Brocken but I have had dogs all my life and could see that the dogs leg was not out of place and she was running on all fours so can you tell me how the dog could run and jump with no sign of pain
10 week old treeing Walker got stepped on by larger dog and barely puts her toes on ground but she can hold up her leg can’t get to vet for few days what’s the best pain management until I can see what’s wrong
Zach Felton
I have a dalmatian who has been limping on his front left paw for about 2 weeks, he still plays and runs, but I noticed he limps and when he’s at a resting point he favors it. How can I know if its just growing pains or something more?
Anonymous i gather this is a puppy? has he been seen by a vet for this yet?
Alexis E He is 11 months old and he has not yet seen a vet yet, considering that I was trying to wait and see if it is growing pains.
Anonymous i’d get him in. better to be safe than sorry, you know? i don’t think i’d have pushed it more than a few days of consistent limping.
My dog has an issue with her front left pastern. There is a raw spot above the declaw. She is licking it and she won’t let me touch it. It is painful for her. Can I put medicine and a bandage over it to try and give it time to heal? Thanks!
He is 8 weeks old, weighs just over 200g (his litter mates are all at least 600g) has a very soft and enlarged skull with pupils that face east west. There are no good vets here, certainly no vet specialists. Should I wait until he has gained weight before trying to medicate him (All the drugs can be purchased over the counter here and I am medically qualified) or should I start ASAP to help minimise brain damage? He is already blind. Or is the likely outcome so poor that I should be thinking about euthanasia? He seems happy enough at this point in time but cries a lot in the night and I don’t want him to be in pain.
My dog is sometimes crying out in pain but I cannot locate the source of the pain. It seems to either be related to his back hip or his ribs. It is not a consistent pain but when it happens it’s very significant.
PK Dennis This could be a serious spinal issue — you need to take him to a vet for evaluation. Swelling disks, a pinched nerve, could be the problem, but you can’t be sure what is going on without a vet’s evaluation and probably an xray or soft-tissue scan. Any thing involving the spine is pretty serious in my book, so I wouldn’t wait. Often problems can be resolved with crate rest and some medication for swelling and pain.
Good luck!
Kelly Furgason Sounds like you dog needs a vet to examine. Any time they are crying out in pain means something is def not right. Pets tend to hide their pain so if it’s crying out, it’s time for a vet visit to get to the root cause. Good luck!!
First, To Review For Benefit Of Others Reading This…
Question for Dr. Krista; sorry, complicated question(?)
First, to review for benefit of others reading this question:
Patient: Cookie
Rottweiler, spayed female, 2 years old
Presented with lethargy, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea (threw up only twice and one time diarrhea, then taken to vet, given antiemetics and antibiotics; diagnosed with pancreatitis; getting better since – this was Monday)
During exam foreign material found in stool (grain and corn; we think she got into the horse feed) painful cranial abdomen, low and large bowel diarrhea, enlarged submandibular nodes – this part worries me because these were temporarily enlarged not long ago; resolved quickly, though)
As I’m reviewing the blood results, there are things I could understand as being consistent with digestive distress/pancreatitis but some which are concerning me, namely the globulin and lymphocyte levels, even though they are not extremely low but low nonetheless.
Beside the cPL which is clear in its meaning, the free T4 is low – I assume this is what is meant by not testing for hypothyroidism in ill animals, because the thyroid hormones would be low with any disease process? Is that correct?
I would figure that the ALT/unhappy liver enzymes would also be consistent with such insult to the body, is that correct? And I imagine same would apply to bilirubin in a situation of digestive upset?
The values that concern me are the globulin and the lymphocytes, particularly together with the "easily aggravated" sub mandibular lymph nodes in the mix, particularly as it seems that lymphopenia would be present with both CPV and lymphoma … ? I’d assume that a) Cookie was recently vaccinated for CPV and is improving too rapidly to think CPV? Lymphoma has been on my afraid mind since the first time they were found enlarged.
It also says, though, that lymphopenia could be a result of underactive glands (the source doesn’t say which ones) so would that perhaps have to do with the lowered thyroid function during the digestive distress?
Didn’t find much on low globulins, other than immunodeficiency types of situations, which doesn’t seem to apply. What is the "life-span" of a globulin, and if short, would the low globulins have to do with the unhappy liver?
Can you, please confirm about the free T4 and talk to me about the globulin and more importantly the lymphocytes?
Blood results attached.
Christina Chambreau I will let Dr. Krista address your specific blood questions. Were you interested in the holistic approaches to evaluating blood work? Also, not being able to tolerate an occasional eating splurge is considered an early warning sign that a dog is not completely healthy, so there would be many things to do at this point.
I wonder if Cookie has had prior digestive issues?
My lab/shep mix seemed to have a small swelling around his rear, a bit below and to the left of his anus that we noticed on Saturday. I thought to keep an eye on it because he seemed content, was pooping and didn’t appear to be in any pain. Today it was more swollen, but as it is Sunday, I was planning on calling the vet tomorrow. He pooped a while ago, when we were outside playing in the snow and then when we came inside. When he came in, he licked himself and then the swollen area sort of popped, like a big pimple, and has been draining puss/blood at first but now it has stopped and only seems to be draining blood when he licks himself. I still plan on calling the vet tomorrow, but should I be more concerned and take him to the emergency vet, even in this bad weather?
Eleanor Wood Hi,
It sounds very much like one of his anal (scent) glands became infected and formed an abscess, which has now burst. It is not an emergency unless he is bleeding profusely, but he will definitely need veterinary attention tomorrow.
If he will tolerate you doing it, I would gently bathe the area so there is no gunge stuck in his fur, and try to stop him licking at it too much.
Also, if you are unsure, you can usually call your emergency vet and ask for advice over the phone without charge.Eleanor Wood
UK vet
I have seen animals run around and act normal after their leg is splinted. Can’t say that I have ever seen a dog run around with a fractured leg and not limp or hold the leg up. Even dogs with toe fractures hold their legs up.