Thanks for being such a kind parent and for all of the nice things you commented on. I think that some of the morning stuff is normal and that the pain has been unmedicated overnight sonit often takes a little while after the morning meds to see them relax and feel better. I think asking about acupuncture is a better place to start than chiropractic help. By massage is also beneficial. Also aquatherapy when she feels stronger might also help her recovery. You can also ask about laser therapy. I hope this helps. Very best of luck.
Hi, my pregnant dog is on day 65 and 28 hours ago her temperature dropped to 97.8. For the first 13 hours she showed little discomfort. Following this she began to pant and had loss of appetite, and also began to dig in her nesting area. In addition there were several breaks in which she would sleep. These are all stage one symtoms. However according to many articles, she should have gone into labour already. Should I be worried?
8 year old Shih-tzu Maltese diagnosed with a bulging disc 🙁
Hi, thank you for making all of the videos on youtube. I have found them very helpful with my little guy Benson…it’s nice to see a vet that goes the extra mile for their patients. Our vet clinic is also caring and affordable as well, which is hard to find these days.
Benson is a miracle dog. He has already survived a grade 2 mast cell inguinal tumor so Cornell and our local vet love him and call him their miracle dog (this was 2.5 years ago)
Now for his most recent issue which is why I’m writing; For a week, he was dragging his front left paw. We took him to our vet (on Monday, March 19th) and she diagnosed him with arthritis….things got worse throughout the week to the point where he would knuckle his front left paw. Our vet had only told us to limit his activity and no jumping so we didn’t restrict him to a crate. By Sunday morning (March 25th) (and he was on 5mg of prednisone since Monday) his back left paw was now knuckling and he was getting worse to the point where he could barely stand up.
We took him back to the vet and they did x-rays and found a bulging disc right around his shoulder blades. He has been on 10mg of prednisone, Methocarbamol, gabapentin and in a crate 24/7 ever since Sunday the 25th. Luckily, he is really only affected on his left side of his body.
We are seeing a little bit of improvement at times and at other times, he is still just as bad as he was on Sunday.
He has never lost the ability to pee or defecate (thankfully) annnnd Benny loves to eat (or drink) so that will never be an issue haha…
However what worries me is the fact that he is ALWAYS as stiff as a board in the morning when we get up or when he gets stressed/excited. It’s as if he re-injures himself because he can’t walk and can barely stand. It takes him at least an hour to recover, stop panting and then relax again until it seems like he is not in pain anymore….
Is there anything we can do to prevent the “morning/excited episodes” or is it all just part of the process? I thought the muscle relaxer would help but it isn’t. I have even gone so far as to put signs on our front door asking visitors to not knock or ring the doorbell.
Last question-do you have an opinion about a dog chiropractor?
Any advice you could give, we would appreciate! We love our little guy-he has such a personality and adds so much fun to our lives.
Thanks so much,
Megan and Missy
I walk my 4year old Lab nightly for about 45 mins. About once or twice a month, our walks are interrupted by him becoming very uncomfortable to the point where he is rapidly panting, stops walking, sits, lays down, cannot get comfortable, constantly changing positions. On these occasions, we stop, I calmly try to talk to him, gently pet him, until he is okay to walk again. The whole episode lasts no more than 5 minutes. Then we walk home like nothing happened. I have racked my brain trying to find the common thread leading to these episodes. The only thing I can come up with is that he ate within a relatively short time before walking. Maybe 30 mins or less before walking. Usually he eats at least 2 to 3 hours before walking. Is the problem most likely related to his eating, then walking shortly after? Do you think it could be something else?
He also has been panting and having periods of breathing rapidly which tend to happen with him. He is eating and walking and going to the bathroom normally. He suffers from hip dysplacia and arthritis but I cant tell if it is pain related. The concerning thing is the labored breathing.
Her symptoms were panting,warm nose,left side abdominal pain,very unsettled and crouching like she needs to poop all the time.
Now shes stopped panting,nose still a bit warm and green vaginal discharge.
She is still eating and drinking as normal.No sickness
Anonymous Is she spayed? If not, I worry about a very serious health problem, pyometra…
Either way, I’d get her back to the vet NOW.
Melissa DiGioia Did they give her any medication or say she needs surgery? If she’s not in medication, I would take her back to the vet ASAP or at least call them.
Teresa-Ann McNeillie She was spayed when she was 2.
The vet gave her a jab and said keep her away from tit bits and fatty foods.
I just feel helpless as i can see shes not feeling well, she is still eating and drinking as normal but looks under the weather.
I put my trust in my vet but feel let down.I always try to stick to the same vet in the practice (like i do at the doctors for myself).But because i rushed her over i got a different vet from the practice.She said shes a bit over weight (which i know as she is like a dyson hoover) but has lovely teeth and a great condition coat for her age.
Tbh its the discharge thats confusing me.
She went to step of the sofa tonight and her bk legs gave way -
Anonymous The discharge just started today, right? That would have me WORRIED and I’d have rushed her back in to the vet today about it.
And it’s always good to keep your dog at a proper weight. Please don’t make excuses, saying she’s a hoover. Provided she doesn’t have an issue like Cushing’s or hypothyroid, YOU control her weight – put raw green beans in her food while feeding her less of a good quality food. The green beans help to make her belly full without giving her added calories. Expect them to come out the other end mostly whole.
She is doing good, still eating and drinking. Using the bathroom. Very protective of pups which is good. Panting still but I also have the heat turned up for pups. I’ve tried taking her to the vets but no one is accepting new patients and are refusing to help. I cannot travel due to weather and car problems. I’m just worried a pup came two days later
His stomach is tight he keeps his back arched all the time he acts like it hurts him to sit or lie down and his breathing is very labored. He is panting one minute and shivering the next. He can’t walk very fast.
Anonymous he sounds like he might have bloat. can you get him to an emergency vet?
PK Dennis If he is with you need to find an emergency vet near where ever you are as soon as possible, this could be bloat, or a blockage. Both situations are life threatening. If he is at home you need to have whomever is watching him get him to a vet.
She has been to the vet to have a check up. Everything looked fine. She’s still nursing them and cleaning them but is spending less time with them as of today. She has no symptoms of illness (fever, panting, twitching, etc).
Debbie Harris Try taking her for walks or if she likes to go for car rides do that. To answer your question yes dogs just like humans can get depressed.What Are the Symptoms of Dog Depression?
Dog depression symptoms are very similar to those in people, said John Ciribassi, DVM, past president of the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior. “Dogs will become withdrawn. They become inactive. Their eating and sleeping habits often change. They don’t participate in the things they once enjoyed.”
But vets warn those symptoms also can mean a dog has a medical problem, so the first course of action should always be a full checkup by a veterinarian. A pet that mopes around and no longer wants to go for walks could simply have pain from arthritis, Beaver says.
If nothing else works, medications can help dogs get past their depression. Karen Sueda, DVM, a diplomat of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists, said medications for depressed dogs are the same as those used by depressed humans — Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft. She also uses Clomicalm, an FDA approved drug for the treatment of separation anxiety in dogs.
Hope this helps -
Brandi D Her appetite is great! She had her calcium tested (and a full blood panel run) a couple of days ago to be sure and it was perfect. I know it can change though. She is feeding them she just seems really sad and is spending more time away from them. She was so attentive the first few days and would literally sprint back to them after a quick trip outside. She is also trying to nest again like just before she gave birth and she just looks sad. But she does go check on them if they make too much noise and she still cleans them and nurses them. She’s never really too far away but just seems depressed.
Brandi D Thank you! She does love her walks so we have been increasing them the last couple of days. I’ve also been spending time sitting in her crate (it’s huge and has a removable top) petting her and encouraging her while she nurses. It seems to have made a little difference but she still just looks so sad.
Brandi D She did get a full check up including labs done and everything was perfect.
Her heart rate is normal, it’s not beating so fast. When she puked there wasn’t any blood. She has been peeing allot and shes kinda panting but not allot. She’s acting very sleep and it’s freaking me out. It’s been 7 hours and nothing major happened. Oh but a couple of times her backs legs shaked allot. Is she going to be okay?
My female pit is 6 days past estimated due date. She is panting off and on, nesting, and off food. When should I expect whelping? It has been 12 hrs now.
Dana Hampton Oh and there is no discharge
Anonymous have you been taking her temp?
Blakoutwolf AJ its ring worm and if you have been hugging and kissing her u will get it too you can get creem for your dog and you need to go to the doctors
Anonymous I think you may have commented on the wrong post?
It’s not quite our first breeding however it is the first with this dog and everything seems to be a little different. She’s just sleeping normally now again as if she’s not actually in labour. I will try and call an emergency vet however it is 1am where we are right now and our vet system in Malta isn’t so great….
I always worry when hing’s don’t seem as they should. Please see a vet. Ideally every new breeder should have a local breeder to mentor through the questions and rough patches. Is there anyone locally who can intervene tonight? If not please seek vet help.