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Jessie | 2 years ago
Hi! This Is My First Time Posting Here! We Are Taking Our Baby Rusty To The …

Hi! This is my first time posting here!

We are taking our baby Rusty to the Vet next week. He has been recovering from Parvo this past week after being hospitalized for 6 days. He is doing AMAZING. Eating great, keeping it down. Still has slight runny poop/diarrhea. But we know that was to be expected. No blood, colors great.

We take him to the vet next week for a check up to see how he’s doing.

My husband and I noticed a tiny red spot on his arm where his vitals/catheter was they stuck in him at the hospital. We thought at first he was just picking at a scab, so to prevent it I went to wrap it back up and bought a inflatable cone from Petsmart.

As I was about to wrap it up, I noticed it was a pretty big open area exposed. Looking closer, I see a tiny pinpoint hole in the middle. At first, I thought it was again from the vitals they put in his arm.

Looking on Google being paranoid, I came across the possibility of warbles. My heart sank.

I just wanted to know what you think. He has been doing so so well. All my life my family has had dogs but never have had this issue before.

You can see it is right above where his previous bandage at the hospital was.. so not sure if it is really from all the IVs or warbles.

I really appreciate the feedback. Thank you so much!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello! Welcome! I am so happy for you to hear that your pup is doing so well. Parvo is my most dreaded diagnosis as it always hits the very young and often it is either too expensive for people to treat it too severe for dogs to survive.
    I would place the ecollar and make sure he can’t lick the area. And I would also keep it cleans and dry. I usually don’t wrap it because it can be too tight and cause really bad problems for rhe leg and cover up a wound I would rather have people observing daily. Covered up leans you can’t see it and I want to to be monitoring it.

    If it worsens call your vet and have it looked at asap.

    Good luck

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi I Have A Question I Was Wondering If The Distemper/parvovirus Vaccine Sold With Tractor …

Hi i have a question i was wondering if the distemper/parvovirus vaccine sold with tractor supply store is the same vaccine you guys use on dogs? Is it effective? Have you ever seen any problems? Please give me your honest opinion about vaccinating pets at home? Ive never done this before and probally never will but im just curious i have a family member that does this with his dogs and gives goat dewormer to his dogs

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is a great question. One that I face a lot. Here’s my honest answer.
    Yes. It is the same vaccine. At least it is suppose to be. The problem is that no one will validate it with any credibility. The manufacturer won’t and the seller won’t. If it is not handled, shipped, store for given properly the chain of reliability is broken and no one takes responsibility.
    Also no one who relies upon it to be valid will take it at face value. Another words if you bring me vaccine records for your pet and you bought and gave them yourself I (as the vet and practice owner) will require them to be done again by a vet as proof of validity. So if your pet needs a surgery at my clinic you will have to do the vaccines over at a vets office. I cannot trust that your pets are safe from spreading disease to the other pets in my care and I won’t take the chance.
    The only time I would say it’s worth the risk is when you have a huge number of pets and/or a budget so right it is the only way possible to protect them.
    That’s my honest answer.
    I feel like it’s the same thing as buying your own kids vaccines at the gas station and asking their school to call them legit. No school would take that chance. Tractor supply vaccines are like gas station sushi. Why take the chance?

  2. Laura

    I know someone who lost her puppy to distemper after a series of shady vaccinations using only what was available at Tractor Supply.

    If you love your pets, don’t use vax from Tractor Supply.

    1. Samantha Post author

      Im not and dont plan too i love my dogs and would do anything for them this was just a question ive heard of people doing it and i was curious because yes it sounded shady as heck! This was just a question i love this site and everything dr magnifico has done for our community helping dogs and getting free advice once i came accross her youtube channel and seen this site she created and all the babies she has helped i had to bring my babies there and meet her in person and honestly shes the best veterinarian ive ever met shes honest and gives options when it comes to financial issues i can tell how much she cares about her clients im glad i came across her youtube channel and found out shes in maryland

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Shiria | 5 years ago
Kitten With Completely Atonic Colon, Possible Causes? (Long Text Ahead) So Nov. 3th In The Evening …

Kitten with completely atonic colon, possible causes? (Long text ahead)
So Nov. 3th in the evening we got 2 kittens, estimated 6 weeks old, thin. However due to being cold outside they already had very thick fur, so it wasn’t visible how thin they were. Weight was 550 & 650gr.
The finder said they have been more active before and only now they were able to get those two. They borrowed to live traps to get the mother and another kitten.
Both were seen eating. They were treated against worms (Milbemycinoxim/Praziquantel) and fleas (Lotilaner)
Nov 4th: Overnight everything was eaten, poo was solid. Kittens were responsive and alert. To the evening only half was eaten. Poo was still solid.
Nov 5th: Nothing was eaten over night, the little one seemed a bit weaker. I started to feed them with a syringe. They started with diarrhea, but that sometimes happens when feeding with a syringe.
Nov. 6th: They still don’t eat by themselves. The smaller one still seemed weaker, but otherwise it seemed fine. A bit diarrhea. In the evening I found it the litter box, not being able to stand, barely reacting. It hat vomited (at least it looked like it), and still had poo stuck on it. It was immediately brought to a vet. It received glucose solution s.c., something against vomiting, pain and an antibiotics. Lung sounded free, heart (ultrasound) was fine, too. A test of parvovirosis came back negative. I took both of them home that night, so I could feed it smaller portions more often and to give more fluids. 2 hours later to was able to stand again. I fed them every 3-4 hours, fluids every 6 (only small amounts obviously). It was lying on a warmth mat. The bigger one was fine, but avoided it’s litter mate.
Nov. 7th: No further improvement. None of them was eating on their own. The smaller one was still lying down most of the time, sleeping, but would react when I came to feed them. It would stand up and walk to the litterbox between the feedings, but the poo had a weird consistency. Not really diarrhea, but veeeery sticky, so it always carried it back to it’s sleeping place. So I had to clean it before every feeding. A test on giardia was positive, treatment started with Carnidazol. Continue to feed them with a Syringe and fluids for the smaller one. Fluids were always absorbed to the next feeding, but it still was a bit dehydrated (skin fold test). The bigger one would play in between and seemed fine otherwise.
Nov. 8th: No changes in the smaller one during the day, still weaker, able to walk, sit and stand, but sleeping most of the time. Today there was rarely poo in the toilet. I assumed that the treatment started working and it was a good sign (although I already had the feeling that something was wrong… wish I would have trusted that feeling). In the evening it seemed weaker, but would still accept being fed with a syringe. It felt different, less body tension, but would still walk away/go to the t. 10pm feeding. More calm, didn’t want to eat that much, peed on me. Meowed louder during giving the fluids than usual and tried to get away. 2am clock, the fluids weren’t absorbed completely, it’s abdomen felt like a sponge. I only fed a tiny amount. 6am weaker, would lie down immediately, breathing was shallow and faster, meowing, I didn’t feed it, fluids still not absorbed. Rushed to the vet.
-> Heart had a low frequency, breathing fast and shallow
-> X-Ray lungs were free, only a tiny amount of fluids in the abdomen, however the complete colon and stomach were filled with food. There was no visible blockage or air.
-> Ultrasound: Absolutely no movement in the colon/stomach, no blockage or air seen either. Kidneys and liver seemed fine
-> Punctation of the abdomen: ca. 3-4ml of fluids, lots of proteins, a bit of blood. Didn’t look like FIP. Possible that the fluids came out of the colon.
It was given something against vomiting, pain, antibiotics, something to help the cardiovascular system and something to get the colon moving again. To help with its breathing got a mask with additional oxygen. However in the next hour it got worse, so we decided to let it go. After it was gone food came back out of it’s mouth. And it didn’t even smell like it had started to digest.
It’s littermate is still with me and fine. It started to eat on its own yesterday.
Now I obviously ask myself what i could have done better/different. By now I think I should have started with additional syringe feeding earlier – at least with the smaller one. And I should have reacted when my feeling told me that something was wrong, even when there were no obvious changes yet. I somehow have the feeling that I sis something wrong and killed it. Did I give too much fluids (but lungs were free and only a bit fluid in the abdomen)? Did I feed too much? Other kittens eat even more without problems – and the other one is fine.
And what can be the causes for the complete stop of movement in the colon/stomach?
I know that FIP can cause this and an ileus (but there were no visible blockage, everything was filled with food), are there other causes? Can giardia do this?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    First it is important to give yourself a very firm and big pet on the back. You have gone above and beyond and saved these kittens from a slow awful death. Next this isn’t a question about the colon this is a question about what is causing all of the clinical signs you are seeing. Ileus (slow or absent moving gi tract) has many many causes but something caused it. Probably has everything to do with the same something causing everything else you are seeing. There is a huge list of possible causes. Infection, congenital disease, malnutrition before they got to you. Infectious disease like rabies, etc etc. my recommendation is to stick with the basics of keeping them warm, fed, and treated for parasites (internal and external). After that (or before your preference often dictated by amount owner can spend) is to keep asking for second opinions and keep running. Diagnostics. I really applaud your dedication and I have to say as much as sometimes we try we just aren’t able to save them all. This is especially true with kittens. Which have been some of the most rewarding and most heart breaking of all the cases I have seen.

    1. Shiria Post author

      thanks so much for your answer and the nice words. Malnutrition would be definitly possible, it’s nearly winter here and they were thin when we got them. Maybe it was too much for the gi tract after not getting much for some time.
      What additional diagnostics would you have recommended to do? I think bloodworks could have been an option, but what parameters? Just the large profile or other tests (besides FIV/FelV)?
      I added the xRay. I was only present at the ultrasound, where I couldn’t see air. The xRay shows air in the stomach and colon. But otherwise everything is just… filled – theres not really something visible. Kidney and Liver could be seen in the ultrasound and looked normal. The “swelling” on it’s belly is the fluid that wasn’t absorbed – altough it felt a bit harder that a fluid bubble under the skin usually does.

      The other one is still fine, active and playing, starting to eat on it’s own. Purring and cuddly. Yesterday we got the 3rd littermate, the mother is nowhere to be found until now. I haven’t seen the new one eat yet, but it was hungry when i fed it with a syringe – and it liked it. So I’ll just feed it a bit too, just not as much. That’s also nice for bonding. But it ate what was in the trap – so it knows cat food. It’s still very afraid, so I guess it will mostly come outside when I’m not in the same room.
      We also got another one, a little male that the fidners named Nero – same area but not same place – but same age (a bit younger possibly) and also black furred. But this one is in bad shape, too. Very calm and tired. Lying most of the time. It’s just skin and bones, dehydrated. I haven’t seen it eating or using the litter box yet – and since the other two use it and the towel it lays on is wet sometimes I think it doesn’t really go. But it is able to stand and walk – I think it’s just to tired/weak to do so without need. This one is also fed every 3-4 hours and gets fluids. I heard him sneezing, so maybe it’s getting cat flu.
      All were treated against internal and external parasites and no diarrhea until now from the new ones.

      Thanks again for taking your time to read my wall of text(s) and answering so detailed.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Recently Took In A Stray Dog On Friday. He Was Very Malnourished But…

I recently took in a stray dog on Friday. He was very malnourished but other than his big belly he seemed perfectly fine. He was playful and didn’t act sick. On Saturday night he began to throw up his dog food. (Purina One). I started feeding him only liquid foods. I gave him Tomato soup mixed with chicken broth and pepto. On Sunday I started to notice blood in his poop so I believe he has Parvovirus. I don’t have enough money to bring him to the vet and I am afraid of him dying. I am trying to keep him hydrated by giving him Gatorade raw eggs and a pepto pill dissolved in water. Is there any other home remedies that will get him well?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    he needs a vet, Bria.  please find a way to take him in, even if you have to get Care Credit or surrender him.

    you have to think about HIS needs first, here…and not taking him to the vet when he’s obviously very sick is willful neglect.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Need Advice On Puppy With Parvovirus .. Im At Witts End. Please Someone Help…

I need advice on puppy with parvovirus .. im at witts end. please someone help. I need advice badly

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    have you taken this puppy to the vet?  that’s the best way to ensure your puppy gets the care it needs.  

  2. brittany phillips

    6my local vet wants 250$ deposit not including treatment my parents won’t pay this which leaves me to figure it out on my own

  3. brittany phillips

    I don’t know anything about veterinary medicine so I won’t pretend to . But I gave the titan the best care I could around the clock care every hour on the hour with fluids and medicine to combat the symptoms . He fought it very hard for 4 days but I guess I just didn’t do enough .. I do blame myself because I couldn’t get him the vet care . I hate that he passed in any kind of pain but I did make sure he didn’t go alone I held him rocked him sung to him . I didn’t have him long . He wasn’t even my dog but I loved him like family and I cared for him as much as I could . I regret all of the things that happened but I don’t regret loving him.