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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have Two Cats Both Around The Same Age Sushi And Loki. I Got Sushi…

I have two cats both around the same age Sushi and Loki. I got Sushi at 8weeks and Loki a week later at 10 weeks old. Sushi was playful and full of wonder. Loki was loveable and cuddly. After getting them both fixed, Loki started to pull away a little at a time. It’s been a year now and he don’t like to be touched,pet on,won’t cuddle. I don’t know what to!

4 Responses


  1. Crystal Pfeiffer

    They get along well they play and they groom each other. It’s Sushi will be cuddly and lovable but Loki nothing.

  2. Christina Chambreau

    Working with a holistic veterinarian or trying some holistic approaches at home can reverse the behavioral change that I feel was caused by the surgery or the anesthesia. Some animals are sensitive and do have serious reactions that I could not treat when I merely had my conventional treatment. 

    I strongly recommend finding an integrative
    veterinarian with whom to work. This is a person trained in many different
    approaches, including using conventional drugs only when absolutely needed.
    Working with one can increase the chance that your cherished companion can live
    a long and healthy life after recovering from this current problem. There are
    good ones and great ones, and a few homeopathic veterinarians will consult by
    phone or email. You can go to the web sites for each type of holistic practice
    and use their referral list to find one near to you. Many practitioners are
    members of only one or two of the organizations, so you do need to go to every
    site to find who is near you:
    1. Wide range of treatments:, American Holistic Veterinary
    Medical Association and   
    2. Homeopathic veterinarians (these can often help you by phone if no other
    holistic practitioners are nearby that you like): and;
    3. Chiropractic and Osteopathic –; (they treat
    dogs, too)
    4. TCVM (Acupuncture and Chinese medicine):, &
    5. Herbal –

    At home you could take a class to be attuned in Reiki and offer it to everyone in the house on a daily basis. This may reverse the problem (see below). flower essences are totally safe and could help him become normal again. Maybe try a session with Sharon who makes the Anaflora line and is also an animal intuitive. 

    Personally, I think every person who lives with or works
    with animals must know at least Level I Reiki. The practitioner offers this
    energy and the animal comes over to get it (or places her hands upon the
    animal), or it can be done from a distance, even around the world with the
    intent for healing to occur. The energy flows through the healer into the
    animal. This is based on directly applying Chi (energy) to rebalance the energy
    field so it no longer needs to produce the physical symptoms. It is a very good
    adjunct to any healing modality, especially to relieve pain and inflammation. I
    have seen cats who began to eat again when their food was treated with Reiki.
    It also “takes the bad out of” things. By doing Reiki on smelly water
    in restaurants I have been able to drink sweet tasting and smelling water. Use
    Reiki anytime that you must give injections, vaccines, drugs, flea or heartworm
    drugs, or other substances with potential toxicity. Reiki is great to calm
    animals, relieve discomfort, and can deeply heal some problems in some animals.

    1. Great information on Reiki –
    2. Kathleen Prasad is a wonderful teacher and works with my favorite sanctuary
    and holistic education center, BrightHaven Kathleen leads
    a free monthly telechat for anyone trained in Reiki and using it with animals.

    3. If you cannot find a Reiki Class near you (same class for people and animals
    as it connects you through an “attunement” to the healing energy of
    the universe, making you a channel of healing), the following groups offer long
    distance, free, attunements. 

    c. Christine at, To receive
    free distance Reiki send her your first name only, city and state, and whether
    or not you have had any Reiki training.  She invites you to include your
    pets as well.  She uses a teddy bear and does a full body Reiki distance
    treatment for one hour each Sunday evening from 9 p.m. until 10 p.m. EST. 
    d. And a team of over 100 healers will send free healing energy until you say
    not to. Email Barbara at with your healing request, name of
    animal, species, color & age. In the subject say request through Dr.

    4. for a fee:

    Excellent recommendation in 2015 – offers many types of
    energy healing classes- search a bit to find the reiki ones or email them. Long
    distance healing and training is at 
    5. Get a free treatment for yourself at

  3. Crystal Pfeiffer

    Thank you Christina I have a cousin who works in that field. I’m going to make a Call to her for Loki. Thank you I wouldn’t have thought about it.

  4. Christina Chambreau

    I am so glad, Crystal.
    If you want to learn more yourself, join our Thur 1-2 eastern Blabs run by Jeff Feinman (free) and then look at taking his on line course coming up or one of my two in Maine and Maryland in Sept/Oct. Sign up for my RSS feed on my site to learn more.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Have A 5 Yr Old Westi. The Lady Who Had Him Lived In An…

I have a 5 yr old westi. The lady who had him lived in an apartment and didnt take him out to potty regularly. He now has a foul odor, doesn’t seem to have much energy, acts like his lower back hurts (when u go to touch his back or pet him down his back he will try to bite you. Which is uncommon he has never bite or been aggressive to anyone) and also I have noticed a few times he has kind of like a runny puss lookING liquid coming from his rear end. Can anyone tell me what it may be.?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    The only way to know for sure what is happening with this dog is to take him to a vet.  

    He is in pain (that is why he wants to bit when you try to touch), and it sounds like he has an infection (the runny puss).  With Westies it is very likely that he had impacted anal glands which burst and now are infected.  This would make his back hurt for sure!!  It would also smell terrible.

    So, get him to a vet as soon as possible and get him the help he so desperately needs!

  2. Andrea Cox

    You are smart to come to this website because you know something is wrong. Now is the time to get off the computer and get this animal to a vet and quickly. I would say if you cannot get an appointment by tomorrow then you need to seek and Emergency vet open 24 hours and go immediately.  The longer you wait the worse things will get and it is suffering. Who knows how long it was ill before you rescued it. Act quickly! Good Luck.

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    This could be many different issues please take him to the vet ASAP!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
First Of All, Let Me Clarify That My Dog Was Not Adopted & Has Been…

First of all, let me clarify that my dog was not adopted & has been raised by myself since she was a puppy so there was no previous abuse. She is my 1st actual pet & her name is Charlie & she is about 5 years old, so yes she was around before my boyfriend. When I first got her I did a lot of research on how to train her and the things I found were very successful, such as, how to housebreak a dog (which took surprisingly no time at all), positive reinforcement, & most importantly how to train your dog how to behave around all types of people. In order to make her comfortable around people I exposed her from the very start to people of different sexes & ethnicities, groups of people, and various ages (so she would be comfortable around my toddler nieces & nephews). To me it seemed this training worked because she loved to have company and would go up to any person male or female. I actually think that she liked my male friends more. She was also great with the toddlers she would let them chase her then turn around and chase them and never harm them & they love her. Whenever I see my nieces and nephews they always ask me where’s Charlie? She still behaves well around others & gladly approaches them, even complete strangers. The trouble started about 3 1/2 years ago when I started dating my current boyfriend. At first, she acted totally normal around him, for example, she would play with him, sit in his lap, etc. I think the real problem began when she realized that my boyfriend was not going anywhere when we moved in together. Ever since then, she has acted terrified of him & I don’t know why it happened since they hit it off at 1st. She cowers & trembles if he gets too close to her (which usually isn’t on purpose, he gives her the space she needs). Sometimes it seems like she’s trying purposefully to get him in trouble like a doggy tattletale. For example, when this first began & still to this day, whenever she would walk past my boyfriend she would make a yelping sound and run past him especially if I was in another room to make me think he hurt her. Every time I have caught her doing that my boyfriend was no where near her, sitting down, or in what I think is a non-threatening position. I do not comfort her when she behaves this way as it is not appropriate. The situation is so bad that she will not even allow my bf to open the door to let her outside to go potty but she will still sleep in the bed with us just not near him. I feel like we’ve tried a lot of things like having my bf feed her & give her treats but this has not worked! I mean she would eat the food & take the treats but still has nothing to do with him!! The situation is so bad that I cannot even leave her with my bf when I have to go out of town for work because like I said she won’t go outside for him! My mother usually is the one that ends up having to watch my dog when I’m out of town. Which is fine because my mother loves Charlie but she shouldn’t have to do that I would prefer for her to be comfortable at home with my bf. If my BF gets home from work before I do, then he opens her kennel door for her so she can come out & play in the house but instead she cowers in the open cage like she is in trouble until I get home then comes out. I don’t think that my bf has ever harmed her when I wasn’t around but I wouldn’t know if I wasn’t there. He knows I have a certain way of disciplining her & respects that so he’s never done any disciplining that I’ve seen nor do I think he wants to since the situation is already out of hand. He is unhappy about the situation as much as I am because he wants her to be happy too. It really bums us out. Especially since other dogs seem to love him. I wonder if it all boils down to jealousy. She’s not super overprotective of me like some dogs are. I try to give her the same amount of attention & keep to her routine. I do NOT use any physical punishment, if she does something bad I tell her to go to her room/kennel (with the door open) & she stays there until I call her back from what I call “time out.” Why is she acting like this & how can we stop this from happening? She’s my baby and my BF & I want us 3 to be a happy family! Please, please help!!!

5 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    So, there are just so many things wrong about your understanding of how a dog’s mind works in your description that I barely know where to start.  Dogs don’t purposefully try to get humans into trouble like a tattletale.  They are not that evolved.

    The points that you have made indicate to me that this dog is truly afraid of the boyfriend – some thing he did years ago convinced her that she should be worried about him, and that has snowballed to what you see today.  It may have been something as innocent as he stepped on her toes by accident.  Dogs read body language and facial expressions better than we humans – and something as small as a look at her could compound her fear.  

    This is a very frustrating situation for you, and for the BF – you are both probably giving off negative energy without knowing it!  She is picking up on the human frustration and it will only get worse if you don’t get some professional help.

    And NOTHING you can do will solve this problem.  It is a matter between your BF and your dog.  So, you need to find a behaviorist that will come to your home and work with you, the BF and the dog.  The behaviorist will be able to observe the dog and how you both interact with her and help you all find solutions to correct the situation.  It is going to be a matter of your BF building trust with the dog.  And since we can’t be there to watch the interaction, this forum isn’t going to be of much help other than by pointing you to professional, in-the-home, aid.

    So, find someone that does positive training that can come to your home, and that you and your BF like so you can help your girl have the life she deserves – comfortable in her own home.

  2. Brittany Jacobs

    Thank you very much for your advice PK Dennis. I would love to have a behavioral therapist come to our home but the facts are even if I could find one in the immediate area, I couldn’t afford one hence the forum. Also PK, if you really want to help pet owners you probably shouldn’t start off with an insult or people are not likely to take your advice seriously. I’ve obviously stated that I’ve done extensive research on the topic as indicated in the post. I have seen other forums where advice was given & was lead to believe PAWBLY was one that might actually help. I am quite aware that dogs aren’t evolved enough to “tattletale” & that you can’t be here to see my dog’s behavior that’s why I described my dog’s actions. I have never done a forum before & if I wasn’t desperate I wouldn’t have come here. I am very aware that dogs since emotions & energies. Since neither the bf or pet are going anywhere anytime soon I need advice even if you cannot offer anything else. I’m specifically looking for people who have gone through similar situations & could offer any suggestions that helped in their personal situation that we could try!

  3. PK Dennis

    Good luck with that – you need a trainer/behaviorist. Three and a half years – you haven’t solved it by now, you aren’t the going to be able to solve it on your own. Offer to barter with a trainer – clean Thier house, clean their kennel, what ever it takes to get the eyes and hands on help your dog needs to feel secure in her own home.

  4. Frankie Delise

    A dogs only going to be terrified of someone if that someone has hurt the dog id rethink thinking it’s the dog and not leave the boyfriend around the dog unsupervised

  5. Brittany Jacobs

    Well I have found 1 behavioral therapist in my area & she’s still an hour away. It’s pretty expensive since she’s like the only one in this area but I’ve emailed her in hopes of a barter. From what I’ve read she does in home therapy but I don’t know if she’ll drive this far. I feel like if I take my dog to her it may not work as well. It would feel like a trip to the vet for her, she would smell the fear and start shaking & shedding. Wish me luck! On a better note, when I told my partner my wish to have an a behavioral therapist come to our home to help them I feel like he’s made more of an effort to earn the dog’s trust. I feel like when I told him I posted on this forum for help it really struck home to him that I don’t just want to have to deal with the situation I want it to be better. I don’t know why posting for help is any different than our talks about the situation prior to my posting but whatever. Maybe he doesn’t want a stranger in our home. Oh well, that’s a temporary fear, my price, & a possible end to my Charlie’s fear!!! I’ve noticed some improvements since then! The two have been playing for sure whereas before she wouldn’t come near him & yesterday she came up to him! Granted it was no lap call but she let him pet her. I just feel like if he’s more onboard with the idea it will work better. I mean for a while I feel he had given up on mending their relationship. I think what scares her the most is bf’s voice he would never intentionally harm her. He talk too loud because he’s had a lot of hearing loss from his time in Iraq. We’ve been working on that in the meantime too & it helps but it is hard for him to know when his tone gets louder. I’m happier with the results so far but foster hopes that the therapist will understand & barter to come to our home.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
While I Was Out My Pet Dwarf Hamster Got Out Of Its Cage And Had…

While I was out my pet dwarf hamster got out of its cage and had an encounter with my dog and now it’s hair is all clumped and one eye is half shut what do I do

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pet Ate Garlic Powder. What Should I Do?

My pet ate garlic powder. What should i do?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have Cleaned Her Eye From The Ooze Which Now She Has Her Eye Opened…

I have cleaned her eye from the ooze which now she has her eye opened but still looks irritated. I do know that the eye she has it in does have cataract. Can I get her an over the counter at the pet store if it dry eye? And how many drops do I give her?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    I don’t mess around with eyes – I head to the vet if it’s anything like you describe.  There could be something in the eye causing a problem, and the longer you wait the more risk you take.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Please Help!
I Have A 3 Week Old Kitten Whos Mother Died So She Has Been…

Please help!
I have a 3 week old kitten whos mother died so she has been bottle fed , she recently starting drinking out of a bowl and when she ran out of milk i went to get more, she normally has raw goats milk but i couldnt find any anywhere so i went to pets at home and got some kitten milk instead , whilst i was there the vet suggested trying to get her to start eating food, so i got some wet food and put a small amount in her bowl and mixed it with milk, she loved it! But now she has horrible diorreha. I have taken the food away and just left the kitten milk , but im worried 🙁

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pet Behavior Change Looks Like Something Bother On His Ear I Check But I…

My pet behavior change looks like something bother on his ear i check but i havent seen anything. could be a tick inside the ear whats bother him..?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    If he has a bothersome ear, it COULD be a foreign body inside the ear but it could also be an ear infection.  Please get him to the vet.

  2. Alfredo Estrella

    Thank you very much for your help i will take him to the vet.. infection can happen in one moment to another i mean he was fine and 20 min lameanhe came to me i saw him shaking but he doesn’t complain or cry but he doesn’t let me grab his ear at all.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
MY Cat Has Been Sick For 5 Days With A Fever. No Vomiting No Diarrhea…

MY cat has been sick for 5 days with a fever. No vomiting no diarrhea except for a little on the second day. He has a fever, he’s drinking a lot, lethargic, not grooming. I took him to a vet who gave him something for the fever and an antibiotic shot. He’s eating and drinking which is good but the fever is not going down. The vet prescribed Fevadol which has paracetamol in it. We are in a country with no good vets and no real access to pet medication, but everything I have read says that paracetamol is poisonous to cats. I would give anything for him to get better, but there are no vets that I trust here and I am so confused on what to do. He’s obviously fighting an infection but the vet said he doesn’t seem to have a URI, he has no signs in his chest and no discharge from eyes or nose. I just don’t know what to do and it’s breaking my heart watching him in pain. please help.
He’s a 4 year old male.

3 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Normally I would tell you to follow the doctor’s instructions but it seems paracetamol  is acetometaphin which is very toxic to cats!!! However, without examining your cat it is impossible for me to really give you any advice.  My recommendation is to try and find a vet you trust because your cat needs treatment.

    Good luck

    Dr D

  2. D A

    Thank you for your response. I know he needs treatment, I am very scared for him, but as I said there are no reliable vets here. Is there something over the counter that could bring down his fever?

  3. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    No there really isn’t.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 13-year-old Beagle Has, Over The Course Of The Past Five Days, Been In Very…

My 13-year-old Beagle has, over the course of the past five days, been in very poor health. It started on his birthday when he had an edible rawhide birthday card. He chewed on it all day and I don’t believe he ate dinner that night or if he did it, was a small amount. He did go to the bathroom normally, but the next morning, he wouldn’t eat again and from there the symptoms progressively worsened. He threw up some 24 hours after first eating the rawhide and it was mainly unchewed bits of his regular Science Diet dry food (about a handful). He did not go #2 at all that day and though I initially thought he might be constipated, I realized that’s not really a common thing with dogs so it must mean there’s something more going on. The third day, he refused food again and was still having trouble using the bathroom. Peeing fine, but not drinking enough water (maybe going to his bowl 2x that day). He was reluctant to move and didn’t want to climb the stairs. He normally likes to walk forever and ever as he is a Beagle, but he went to pee, slightly sniffed, and returned home. The fourth day, his breathing appeared quite short and in rapid bursts. He wasn’t wheezing or coughing or anything. It just seemed like he was constantly out of breath. Same symptoms as before. The fifth day, we took him to the vet as he was really beginning to worry us. Symptoms maintained and he was unwilling to walk down the stairs to go outside. The vet said it looked as if there was food or possibly a small bit of rawhide in his stomach. Considering his lack of eating, I assumed it was the latter. She ran a general blood test and said that his blood was thick coming out, but the results were perfectly normal and all of his organs seem to be in good standing. There were no specific tests, only the X-Ray of the abdomen as she was aware of his consuming the rawhide. The fourth and fifth days, his hind legs would cross over as he walked and his hind feet would drag almost like he’s dizzy and was trying to catch his balance, but only in his hind legs. Te vet said she didn’t feel anything obvious in his tummy and whilst performing an overview of his teeth, she found he had pus coming from his upper canine teeth and the gums were pale and swollen. She followed up with anti-diarrhoea meds and recommended anti-nausea meds, but didn’t say they were necessary. Nothing was given for his teeth or any possible stomach pain. He was then given 300mL of fluids before giving the go ahead to take home.
The vet visit was two full days ago, nearly three, and we’ve seen little improvement aside from him eating the wet Science Diet food the vet recommended we put his anti-diarrhoea meds in so he would take them. He is still having trouble getting food down and around 6 hours ago, we began force feeding Pedialyte as he threw up once tonight and we thought the electrolytes might help. I’m concerned he may have Renal Failure or IVDD. These seem to be the two which match up the most with his symptoms and breed type, but I wasn’t aware he may have one of them when I took him to the vet and therefore didn’t mention it. I’m concerned the vet may have also missed something considering she seemed to overlook his hind leg situation and his teeth situation. Please give me advice on what I should do and he obviously needs to go to the vet again, but I think I’ll take him to a different one with records from his visit a few days ago. I dropped all of the money I had on his visit then and can’t afford anything more than the exam fee, so any recommendations on what to tell the vet that way we can bypass anything that isn’t absolutely necessary would be amazing and if he does need surgery (I hope with everything in me he doesn’t as I don’t know if he would make it out of being sedated given his short breathing which is still going on), are there any pet surgery fund donation sites anyone could possibly recommend?? Please, I beg of you, any help at all would be great!!!

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    In your shoes, I would definitely get a second opinion.  Has he passed any stool since this started?

  2. Bria Rachele

    I’ve called about fifteen different vets in and around my city, some of which said it could possibly be IVDD and two said maybe TCC. He has passed stool, yes. He hasn’t within the past 36 hours I would say, but he has done it 2-3 times since it all started. He hasn’t had food within the past 18 hours though and because he was refusing most everything we gave him before, he really can’t afford to involuntarily fast right now. He’s lost quite a bit of nutrients and we’re still doing Pedialyte hoping that will help to at least replace some of them. His hind legs seem to have worsened a bit as well. I saw it could also be a disc within his spine, but it seems none of the symptoms for any of these completely match his, so I feel there a million and one things it could be. I just realized I inadvertently failed to include in the post above that the vet said he seems to have a swollen colitis as well, but she attributed that to his lack of adequate food, dehydration, and vomiting. I’m not sure if that would tie in with everything else to point to a diagnosis, but any symptom shouldn’t be overlooked. Please do ask any more questions you may have if you feel you might have an idea as to what it could be and I’ll answer the second I can! Thank you!

  3. Anonymous

    You’ve done quite a bit. I’m tapped for ideas…hopefully Dr. Magnifico or Ferara will pop in with suggestions for you.

  4. Bria Rachele

    Thank you for your input though and yes, any suggestions from any of the other two doctors would be helpful as well.