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Josh | 4 months ago
Hello, Firstly Thank You For Making This Site And Sharing Your Message And Trying To Help …

Hello, firstly thank you for making this site and sharing your message and trying to help both Vets and pet owners do better by and for their sake.
The cold weather in Oregon is setting in, I attached some photos I hope help. I’m trying to figure out the best way to identify and treat this issue.
The following are my observations of the marks located at the base of the tail areas side and underside only, surface level circular with some being slightly more crater like. Hair loss and area effects remain the same after what feels like over a month already. Plasma is typical puss in 2 or so spots, no swelling since first observed till present day, skin near effected area looks okay, over grooming of the area likely but not believing this is a source of pain. We live in a farm setting he is a stray I will watch over like my own and treat as such, I’m not against funding anything from big or small for his care but he’s strictly outdoor hunter and sometimes I wont see him for days. Would be most appreciative to any insight in what this might be or how I can help, likewise if there is a wound spray or dewormer I could purchase he is 100% outdoors and I see no signs of worms but he drinks from bird bath dishes. He will allow me to handle him but only so much I’d be much more worried when his patience runs out. I’d say he weighs about 15 pounds and overall health and appearance / dental is amazing. I always offer him a safe clean area and access to the property I will be buying a breakaway collar with a GPS tracker for him, he’s a farm cat my neighbor and me watch after. Would this be something to just give more time to mend? or should I step in and apply or seek help. Thank you! I will 100% be doing a donation, really wish more Vets were like you or highlighted in the community.

EDIT, the donation link via paypal says this is indelible, you can click 1-2 photos below that say Ads to be redirected to those to donate, if you have a place in mind please add it to the response I’d be happy to donate to your place of choice.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Thank you for taking care of this kitty. It sounds like he really needs to have a friend in his corner.

    I think that a few things are really important to discuss. One, although the skin wounds are concerning I think that too often pet parents are focused on an exterior (often transient and benign things), and forget about all of the immensely important things going on in the inside. Like, is this cat spayed, neutered or vaccinated? These are the absolute foundations for a healthy pet.

    I also think that your vet can help you understand if this is a parasite issue like fleas?
    I wish I could tell you that this is and give you the answer to help it get better, but, medicine isn’t just looking at a picture. It is about helping the pet from the inside and out.
    I think that you need help from a vet. I think this cat needs to be spayed/neutered and vaccinated. I also think they need an antibiotic and a product to help with fleas.

    Good luck.

    1. Josh Post author

      I will search for a Vet office and bring him in for some treatment or an ER clinic for results. Glad I’m he does not have flees presently, as I comb him and check with flea combs. Those things are terrible as for infestations go and I love Food Grade DiatomaceousEarth for getting rid of that mess. My neighbor is a farmer who lives offsite and does not visit, more or less he picked up this cat some years ago and it only gets put in doors when they spray chemicals on the crops. I was worried with cold weather approaching and any injuries present much less bald spots like this. They either seen this on his tail by now or would have got him help. In his words he is just a friendly stray, pretty sure he is fixed but I will bring him in and get everything covered. He will be okay though I will make sure of it just wanted to get some insight on this. Could be days or sometimes a week or two before I see him day or night, but I will always watch for him and over him. Thanks again for your time and care you give in this field. The donation links did not work for me paypal related / sign up email Have a great day, take care.

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brian | 9 months ago
Dental With Extractions On A 5 Year Old Yorkshire Terrier
Treatment Cost (USD): $1212.00
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mallory | 10 months ago
My Dog Has These Itchy Spots Popping Up. They’re Risen And Have A Scab Over …

My dog has these itchy spots popping up. They’re risen and have a scab over them. If you remove parts of the scab, there is a clear wet substance coming from the spot. Hair is also coming off with the scab. They are the size of a nickel, and I don’t see any other tiny spots or bumps around them. No change in diet/monthly preventatives. He has one on his back and one on his chest. He is a neopolitan mastiff if that matters. Trying to avoid a vet visit if possible.

0 Responses
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brian | 10 months ago
Dental With Extractions On 5yr Old Yorkshire Terrier Mix
Treatment Cost (USD): $822.00
0 Responses
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brian | 10 months ago
Spay And Dental On A 8 Year Old Yorkshire Terrier
Treatment Cost (USD): $1284.00
0 Responses
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Blakely | 2 years ago
Dog Spay
Treatment Cost (USD): $584.69
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Dimitra | 2 years ago
My Cat Lowered His Right Ear And Shaking His Head And When I Look In His …

My cat lowered his right ear and shaking his head and when i look in his ear it had dark red spots and it was a litle bit swelling inside.i brought him to vet and also i said him that he closes his right eye and when he sleeps his left eye does not close-it is closed halfway.he gave me drops for eyes and something liquid for the ears.thing is that i can see the white tissue on his left basically the problem seems to be the left eye which do not close-it closes half way when he is bot awake and asleep.i can also see that his ears are not in the same position.he moves the right ear(which was the inflated)when he hears a noise,but the other ear is not moving(i am not sure about this).also note that a week before they injected him for anesthisia and i am thinking the possibility of nerve damage or that his left eye was injured by a scratch.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your cat. But I cannot provide much assistance based on what you’ve provided here. Certainly things like infection , trauma and other diseases might cause this. I think the vet needs to be consulted again.
    If needed go ask for a second opinion from another vet,, maybe even a cat specialist

    dr magnifico

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Kareem | 2 years ago
My Cat’s Teeth Are Yellow, She Has Black Spots On Her Gum, Also She Has …

My cat’s teeth are yellow, she has black spots on her gum, also she has a bad breath ,what should i do ?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Get her to the vet for a dental. She may need an extraction.

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Josselyn | 4 years ago
Hello, I Work At A Shelter. One Of The Puppies Got Parvo And She Was Given …

Hello, I work at a shelter. One of the puppies got parvo and she was given fluids subcutaneously. She was on antibiotics and has gotten through the parvo, but has gotten a horrible skin infection. (Most likely due to the needle injections given for fluids) Her skin started popping open and draining puss, and what started out as small draining spots, became larger and larger, until large sections of fur/skin sloughed off. The vet put her on Clavamox and has told us to clean with peroxide, then antibacterial soap, then apply a yellow greasy cream. I guess I question the daily peroxide as it makes her cry and it becomes so raw. I am attaching photos and they are disturbing, but the puppy is eating and drinking and I know it will be a long recovery, but I have to try. If a vet sees my post, please tell me what you think the wound care treatment should be. I think too much peroxide is harmful, but don’t know. The vet we use has given questionable care to some other dogs we have taken to her, so I need a second opinion.

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Oh my that looks so painful! Poor thing. I know that my vet does not recommend peroxide. I cannot remember the name of it, but she recommends this blue solution that you dilute in warm water. It looks like the peroxide is doing more harm then good????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t ever use peroxide. Like ever. I’m sorry I know there is a lot of opinion in vet Med but if it’s painful we either don’t it or we administer analgesics or anesthesia. Pain is not an acceptable treatment option. Also peroxide slows cell repair. Ask your vet to seek help via a local dermatologist, your lab services company or I hope this helps. I applaud your wanting to help the pets in the most need. Be well and very best of luck.

    1. Josselyn Post author

      Thank you so much for responding. I will seek out a dermatologist. I appreciate you, and I really enjoy your Youtube channel. Again, thank you.

    2. Josselyn Post author

      I forgot to ask yesterday…Until I can get her to a specialist, what do you recommend I use to keep it clean instead of the peroxide. Thank you

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suerena schaefer | 4 years ago
I Need Help. My Cats Are Spraying! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Vet. I Have 5 Indoor/outdoor Make Cats …

I need help. My cats are spraying! I am a client at Jarrettsville vet. I have 5 indoor/outdoor male cats and 2 dogs and they are all rescues. The cats were dropped off on our road at different times and I brought them in and kept them indoors for a year but they screamed for an entire year and darted for the doors and I finally gave up and let them go out. They have all been neutered and the one female dog was spayed. The cats have a litter box but only use it when it’s raining outside or snowing and even then it’s usually only 1 cat. Otherwise they prefer to come and go through their pet door and relieve themselves outside. I have noticed a few of them over the years spray once or twice but I’ve cleaned up the areas and never had a real problem with it or at least I thought. I recently fostered 2 kittens for 5 weeks. They were confined to a bedroom for the most part but were allowed to roam when my cats were outside. The kittens went to their forever home on Saturday. I have noticed in the last week that 4 of my cats are spraying everywhere!! Repeatedly. One of them sprayed 3 times today within 30 minutes. Twice on 2 different spots on the couch I was sitting on. I cleaned each spot right away as I noticed. I moved to lie on the floor to let my babies and he followed me and sprayed on the built in behind my head. I picked him up immediately and put him outside and told him no in a firm voice. I imagine that the kittens probably have something to do with this since cats are very territorial but I don’t know what to do to get them to stop. I’m not sure if I’m using the right cleaning products. I’m using “no more spray” by nature’s miracle. I don’t know if maybe they have a physical issue going on so I don’t want to rule that out. I’m now wondering if they’ve always sprayed a lot and I just didn’t notice it. But I have a very keen since of smell and I think I would have noticed it. I am NOT giving up my cats!! I love my babies ! I need help to end this! PLEASE HELP!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is often a multi factorial issue. And therefore it is a harder fix to resolve. It always should start with making sure everyone is healthy and there are no urinary issues present. That requires and exam bloodwork and urine check on all cats. Which can be costly I know. Next we make sure there are enough litter boxes. One for each cat and then one extra. All let’s must be spayed and neutered. After that we address behavior issues. Like stress markings and territorial marking. If all else levies to not help we talk about feliway pheromones, separating cats and medications to reduce stress and marking. I find rhat there is just a fine line between how many cats will cohabitate together peacefully. I am happy to help but I have to reiterate it can take a while to figure this out and rectify it satisfactorily. Lastly don’t yell or punish. They have no idea they are acting inappropriately and it will only worsen the stress for everyone.

    1. suerena schaefer Post author

      They have all been neutered. I have only 1 litter box in the house that is rarely used since they go outside. They have a cat pet door that is up higher that they all use. They prefer to go outside in my flower beds. They actually all get along well. Three of them are brothers and the other 2 were introduced slowly to the crew. I will make appts for the ones I know for sure are spraying to get the blood work done. I ordered a feliway plug in and bought odaban to clean all surfaces that I know they have marked on. Thank you so much for your time and advice. I know it will take some tumor but their my babies and worth it.