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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Teacup Yorke Is Acting Sick He Lays Around Don’t Want To Jump Doesn’t Want…

My teacup Yorke is acting sick he lays around don’t want to jump doesn’t want to play. His back is humped up and his tail is tucked in

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello Chevy…..the symptoms you describe, the arched back, not wanting to jump and lethargy show your Yorkie is in a lot of pain. He needs to see a Vet urgently. He could have a serious back injury, intestinal problem or numerous other things. Please take him straight to the Vet urgently, this could get worse quickly. 

    I hope hes alright….and good luck! 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 7 Year Old Cat Has The Following Symptoms: Weight Loss, Brown Eye Discharge, And…

My 7 year old cat has the following symptoms: weight loss, brown eye discharge, and is lethargic. He still has a good appetite and can be coaxed to play.

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N | 9 years ago
My Kitten (6 Months) Fell From The Staircase, About 10 Feet Up. A Plastic…

My kitten (6 months) fell from the staircase, about 10 feet up. A plastic cookie container broke her fall. She seems to be alright, but right below her nose, on the right side of her lip, she is red/bruised and winces if it is touched. Aside from that, she has been eating, using her litter, played a little, and has been sleeping most of the day. Just want to know if the bruising is anything to be concerned about, as well as her sleepless after the fall (which I attributed to being shaken up about it).

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Hello….10 feet is an awfully long way for a kitten to fall. You need to have her checked over by a Vet to see if there are any other injuries you can’t see….and also to have her nose looked at. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Parents Have An 8 Month Old Chihuahua That Has Always Been Very Energetic, Playful…

My parents have an 8 month old chihuahua that has always been very energetic, playful and loving. All of a sudden she became extremely lethargic, seems unbalanced, dry nose and she is constantly licking her chops and from time to time opens her jaw wide and paws at the inside of her mouth. It’s been a couple weeks now and she is not back to normal. She’s been to the vet twice and they can’t find anything. Could it be neurological or possibly something in her mouth they can’t find?

2 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    Did they check bloodwork, or consider sedation in order to explore the back of her mouth, soft pallet?  I would consider a second opinion, if not…

  2. Whitney Grim

    Blood work and xrays came back normal and they did sedate her and check her mouth. The only other option is to find specialists and my parents just can’t afford it right now. Not sure what to do from here.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi, About A Week Ago I Started Noticing My Dog Was Getting Sores On His…

hi, about a week ago I started noticing my dog was getting sores on his back I thought that him and his brother were playing and he bit him but now there are more I cant afford the vet and iam not really sure what to do at this point

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Today As Every Day Our Beloved Golden Made A Poop. 3/4 Of Which Was Perfectly…

Today as every day our beloved Golden made a poop. 3/4 of which was perfectly normal.1/4 was yellow and well, watery. He eats normally, drinks, plays, digs, wags his tail. Yesterday he stole a chicken in worcastershire sauce. And on Wednesday we changed their puppy food (we mixed taste of wild with holistic ) – He’s up to date with his vaccines ( (DHPPi2 + lepto – most recent).

We have also a lab, but she is on metronidazole right now. She has ameba – which is very common in Indonesia. He was clean, so he got his second shot on Monday.

Sorry for panicking, but we had a dozens of health issues with our dogs and I’m superscared about dealing with distemper or parvo (again).*

*Our lab had parvo 2 months ago, test – positive. Our golden was parvo negative, but he started to have the same symptoms as our lab 4 days before she did. 3 of 4 vets we encountered said that his test results must have been false negative. Now I’m panicking its parvo again. Should I?

For breakfast they had: puppy food (+ peanut butter + apple on the side) (as always)

for lunch I’m serving rice with chicken and carrot.

Can I do something more??

1 Response


  1. Anna K

    Second poop today was just as it should be. Brown and solid. No lethargy or vomiting. He’s crazy happy, thorn his new bed apart, ate the whole lunch and snack. I am so happy that he’s alright!

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| 10 years ago
I Have 3 Kittens
thay Are Familiy(brother/sister)
3 Mounth Old
he Have The Surgery In A Month(dislocated Back…

I have 3 kittens
thay are familiy(brother/sister)
3 mounth old
he have the surgery in a month(dislocated back leg)
he`s axtermly limping
can barley get on stuff or play
but find a way to get on stuff..

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Over The Weekend I Had To Leave My 4.5 Month Old Puppy At A Local…

Over the weekend I had to leave my 4.5 month old puppy at a local kennel while I was away. Today I picked him up and brought him home, and he seemed very tired. I assumed he had played a lot and ignored it.

After going to a walk, I have realized that my pup keeps attempting to urinate, but only manages to get a few drops out. We got home and he drank 3 full cups, 24oz of water instantly. About a half hour later he was peeing great and back to 100%

Now, about 2-3 hours after giving him the water he is back to trying to pee with nothing coming out, due to his bladder being empty. What is wrong with him, I took him to the vet but he didn’t do anything or say anything for help, told me he was fine and all test results turned up normal.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
What Could Be The Problem And What Do I Need To Do? I Know He…

What could be the problem and what do I need to do? I know he can’t make it not peeing. He has pooped tho and it wasnt hard it was soft. He isnt playful today he been just laying around. I can tell he dont feel good.

3 Responses


  1. Angie Webb

    If anyone can give me advice plz do. I’m in a pannick cause I’m helpless. He is one of my children.

  2. Margrit Simons

    Hi Angie;
    Is there not a Veterinary Emergy Service you can call? You may be able to find one for where you are on ‘google’ !

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
•5 Year Old Pure Bred Yellow Lab

•had Tumor For About 6-12 Months

-grew Larger Over Time

•5 year old pure bred yellow lab

•had tumor for about 6-12 months

-grew larger over time
-does not seem in pain
-bumps all over body

-bumps don’t seem to bother her

-read new diet Benadryl or prednisone would help

-happy plays ball

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