^^ was going to suggest a fountain.
also, i don’t know if this came to mind Dr. M, but my queen started playing in her water more and more near the end of her life. she was an old street moggy who had detached retinas and had difficulty seeing some things. she’d play in the water first to make sure it was there, THEN she’d drink.
sounds like typical young cat behavior. i’d get him in for a general checkup to be sure, though.
Of course, the vet says he is healthy. It is a psychological or behavioral issue. Wish I knew what happened to him as a baby. Just would like to stop the biting. We had our last cat for 17 years so cat care isn’t new to us… How can we stop the biting?
He has all his shots and we had him micro chipped in case he ever gets out.
These attacks come out of nowhere! I hate to admit it but he can be scary. He attacks our legs and arms. We haven’t had him very long, but we love him and are keeping him (so cute). He can be very loving, lying down for hours, purring and we pet him. And he has a favorite toy, a cat that plays fetch!
His demeanor changes in a split second, out of nowhere….is he just too happy??
Thank you Dr. Magnifico, but that video isn’t 100% our Shady. Sometimes, he will just attack from another room for no reason.,… Not just when we pet him. It is very strange and I try not to compare him to our previous pet, I know they all have different personalities…..but the biting!!!! I wonder if it was from a prior trauma, he was homeless and underweight when he chose us at the adoption center??
He was given a certified clean bill of health from the adoption center and again in April for his wellness visit from my vet. The biting has been since day 1. I think it has been decreasing in frequency. At first he was very skittish and afraid of noises, like thunder, but has calmed down tremendously, truthfully over the past few months. I will check out J Galaxy….thank you very much. Thank you too for having this site.