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Shannon | 2 years ago
I Have A 14 Year Old Yorkie Who Has Been Off Since Saturday Afternoon. She Hasn’t …

I have a 14 year old Yorkie who has been off since Saturday afternoon. She hasn’t eaten much but is still drinking and urinating. She is extremely wobbly and not able to keep her balance, as her back legs keep giving out from under her. I took her to the ER yesterday evening and they mentioned she had a bulging disc. They did prescribe some medication and recommended 2 weeks of rest (no playing, going up and down the stairs, or jumping off the couch). My biggest concern aside from her inability to walk is her continued lack of appetite. She has hardly eaten since Saturday and no matter what I try to feed her, she is not interested. Any recommendations?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    i am never sure if this is hyporexia (decreased appetite) due to pain, or stress, or something else. Some of the pain medications cause sedation, and this can affect appetite. For these medications I advise feeding before the medication. Further if the pet cant walk well due to pain I worry about difficulty passing stool, or urinating as it hurts to stand and posture.
    I have a lot of information on this on my blog search IVDD. Also my YouTube channel and ask your vet for an appetite stimulant.

    Also check to make sure enough water is in the food to help avoid the feces getting hard as they sit in the colon.

    For this disease it is imperative to have a good relationship with your primary vet and to have help getting through the first few days, and weeks.

    good luck

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deehoeck1 | 3 years ago
Lucy And Lacee Were Boarded Over Last Weekend, Friday Nite Through Sunday. We Picked Them Up …

Lucy and Lacee were boarded over last weekend, Friday nite through Sunday. We picked them up Sunday afternoon. Both have had their bordatella vaccinations. Thursday and Friday they both coughed a couple times. Today, Lucy is coughing a lot, not eating very much, and she seems a little lethargic. Lacee hasn’t gotten any worse and she is playing and eating. What do you suggest we do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Dr Morgan works tomorrow from 1-3. If you are concerned she can see them. If they are acting normally and the cough isn’t worsening we usually say to just keep them quarantined and calm. But if the cough is worsening or they are lethargic or not eating then they should be seen.
    Please remember to keep the dogs in the car until we are ready to see them just in case it is kennel cough which is contagious so we don’t spread it to any other dogs at the clinic.

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kathy welsh | 3 years ago
My Golden Retriever Was Running In The Yard Playing And Let Out A Yelp. She Is …

My Golden Retriever was running in the yard playing and let out a yelp. She is now limping and won’t put weight on her back leg. Could it be a pulled muscle? I will take her to the vet in the AM if not better. Can I give her anything for pain?

1 Response


  1. Laura

    Hi there! I’m sorry this wasn’t seen until now – I check the site every day, but sometimes days-old posts just don’t show up right away!

    In the future, I would NOT administer anything without your vet’s input. Some human medications might be okay but it’s safer to involve your vet in that question, as they know your dog and her medication tolerance. A better option would be crate rest until the vet appointment (with potty breaks on leash to ensure she doesn’t go running off like a goofball, further exacerbating the injury).

    How is she doing today?

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Joshua | 3 years ago
My Kitten 5 Weeks Old Got Her Foot Slammed In Window She Was Playing And The Window …

My kitten 5 weeks old got her foot slammed in window she was playing and the window fell some hoe her foot is swollen should I take her to vet or can I splint it or wrap it at home

1 Response


  1. Laura

    She needs to be seen by your vet. I know this was posted two days ago, but please get her to the pet ER NOW.

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Samantha | 4 years ago
Hi! For A Couple Weeks I Have Noticed My Dog Chewing On His Back Paw… He …

For a couple weeks I have noticed my dog chewing on his back paw… he normally has pretty strong allergies this time of year and he is a licker anyway.. however tonight when I got home from work I took another close look at his paw (it was looking very pink) and noticed that he is missing a nail.. it’s completely gone ! He is in no pain as it seems.. hes walking, running, playing and eating as normal.. the only thing is he is obviously licking the area where his nail was.. it’s not bleeding and doesn’t look infected…
what advice do you have for this type of situation? I have been reading and watching videos about this but it’s half and half of I should take him to the vet or if I can take care of this at home.. Thank you

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I have never had a situation where the entire nail has been gone- a few times we have had a partial rip and then we did have to make a trip to see the vet or vet tech to have it looked at and snipped. I’m guessing, if there is no pain, swelling, soreness- that it may have happened a bit ago? If there is still a “wound” opening, I would keep it clean and keep an eye on it. If it feels swollen, or sore then definitely call your vet. And honestly, I’m a nervous nelly, so I would probably call my vet anyway and double check with them to see if I should bring them in to be seen…

  2. Laura

    My suggestion? Get all the nails much shorter and keep them shorter to prevent this in the future. Torn nails, broken nails usually happen due to excessively LONG nails. Keeping them short keeps them safer from this sort of accident.

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Tiffaney | 4 years ago
Possible Anal Sac Issue? I Am Currently Unable To Drive Due To A Tbi So I’…

Possible anal sac issue? I am currently unable to drive due to a tbi so I’m trying to figure out if this can wait until Monday or not. She is a 4 year old lab mixing started licking the area last night. Other than that, she’s going to the bathroom fine and she has a little area of concern which I’m attaching the picture for. She’s acting normal, eating, drinking, playing.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It’s in the right spot to be an anal sac problem. The only way to tell for sure is with an exam at your vets office. I treat an abscess with topical and oral antibiotics and a recheck in a few days. I also place an ecollar to stop licking.

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Rachel | 4 years ago
IVDD Advice – My Two Year Old Frenchie Has Recently Been Diagnosed With IVDD. Two Weeks …

IVDD Advice – my two year old Frenchie has recently been diagnosed with IVDD. Two weeks ago he was playing and suddenly started laying on his side and couldn’t get up. I took him to the vet the same day and they did an X-ray and tests that the vet suspects IVDD. The nearest clinic for an mri is two hours away and the cost is more than I can afford

He has been on trazodone, gabapentin, and muscle relaxers for two weeks, but after the fifth day he returned back to his normal self. I’m having a hard time keeping him calm and he tries jumping in the crate and pulls on the leash when I walk him outside to potty. I’ve gotten multiple kongs and slow feeders but he’s still bored. I even got a dog stroller with a screen on it but he’s still too active. Any tips?

Also how do I keep this from happening again? I have another Frenchie that he loves to play with. Can he run and play after the crate rest?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so glad to hear your pup is doing so well. I think a few things are key. No more jumping into or off anything. No high impact activities. I also think it’s time to start obedience so you can better help keep him focused and trained to listen. Go for long walks. In different places where he can really use his nose and his brain to investigate instead of relying on you for activity. Hey his head into other things like puzzles. Toys. Training. Anything to keep his body from any jarring sudden actions. Even scent training or therapy dog classes might help.

    I hope this is helpful. Keep us posted. Good luck.

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William | 4 years ago
8 Month Puppy Was Bit At The Dog Park. He Devoleped A Big Lump Filled With Loose …

8 month puppy was bit at the dog park. He devoleped a big lump filled with loose fluid a few days later where it started smaller and then grew to about the size of a baseball in under 1 week. I didn’t think the event at the dog park was was a factor because there was no blood or any sign of skin puncture at all. He also seemed to be happy, eating normally and still crazy full of energy as usual.I took him to the vet where they said it’s a seroma and should go away on its own in about a week. Ive been doing a warm compress but it doesn’t seem to be working to shrink it, and it has gotten even bigger and tighter 5 days later now. It still doesn’t seem to hurt him, and he is acting completely normal/happy. It has now been about 10 days since the seroma started, and 5 days since the vet. My concern is that it has gotten a bit bigger, and wasn’t as loose as before and is now a bit tighter/harder. I can still feel that it’s moveable fluid but just tighter. The vet didn’t tell me to cut down on activity, and I have been going on runs and playing a lot with him. Should I be trying to avoid activity? His harness is about 6 inches away so it doesn’t rub on it directly, but still fairly close to the bump. Just wondering if I should keep away from running/walking and try to keep him calm until it goes away? (not likely as he is high energy)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I consider every dog bite or fight an infection. And if it isn’t healed in 5-7 days I consider it a problem to keep monitoring closely with the help of your vet. Please go back to your vet or get a second opinion. Your puppy is too young to not have healed quickly and completely by now in my opinion. Better safe than sorry I always say.

    1. William Post author

      Thanks so much krista, I REALLY appreciate your input here and for taking the time! I will be taking him in again

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Jessica | 4 years ago
My Kitten’s Splint Was Removed Today After A Month Of Immobilization. She Had A Complete …

My kitten’s splint was removed today after a month of immobilization. She had a complete humerus fracture, we assume from her jumping off the couch or playing with our older cat (regrettably too soon which I had not realized). It was an angular break, and the vet did his best to place the bones and splint them, but today we learned the bones healed together improperly, on somewhat of an angle, and her elbow will not bend. She can use the paw and applies some weight to it, but the vet said we will have to keep her confined and wait and see how it progresses, or amputate it worst case. I feel sick about it because I had hopes she would heal, we could not afford the $6k surgery. Her skin is also red with some patches of missing fur. Do you have any recommendations of anything else I can do while we wait and see if she begins to heal more? Can I treat the skin at all? Thanks so much for all you do for these animals.
I attached an image of the original fracture. It is healed with a “knot” around the break, but healed crooked. That doesn’t seem to be what’s causing her leg to stick out crooked, it seems to be the elbow that seems “stuck”.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry for the delay. I tell clients in this position that there are only three options.
    1. Spend the money on a surgeon to correct it. Often this is >5,000
    2. Leave it as is and this cat must be kept indoors forever.
    3. Consider amputation down the road if needed to keep her comfortable and pain free

    1. Jessica Post author

      Thank you! I appreciate your response! I feel awful that we couldn’t and likely won’t ever be able to afford such an expensive surgery. I had hoped by splinting her it would at least heal a little bit better. Do you ever see kittens that have improperly healed bones improve over time? I was reading that in children bones tend to straighten out over a few years even if malunioned, but I know pets are also not children! I just feel so sad that she is so young and now has a messed up leg. She will definitely be an indoor cat, along with our other 6 month old cat.

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Cornel | 4 years ago
Hello! I’ll Show The Vet The Video As Well, But That Won’t Be For …


I’ll show the vet the video as well, but that won’t be for some time now. Until then, could you take a look at it and let me know if this looks like FHS? Should I try to get an earlier time to check with the vet?

Here’s the video:

More details:
New member of the community and new cat owner here, we’ve got Haku 2 months ago. She is 2 and a half years old, neutered.

Ever since we have her, she had constant mini-episodes, consisting mostly in vigorously shaking her head multiple times in a row, trying to clean her ears, and trying to run and hide from the shaking. I define a ‘mini episode’ as around 10-20 seconds of shaking during the span of 1-2 minutes.

First we attributed it to the ear mites and the fleas she had. However, the ear mites and the fleas had been treated, and the episodes do still happen, albeit at a lower rate, once or twice a week.

She also has a bit of a hard time passing stools (she only goes potty once every 2 days), so on our last vet visit they prescribed some Royal Canin GI Fiber kibble.

After 2 days of combining the prescribed kibble with her usual food, she had this episode shown in the video, which was more severe than what she usually has (it might have lasted for a good 5 minutes, with another 5-10 minutes of less shaking afterwards). As seen in the video, she also has twitches all over her body and she tries to clean herself all over.
I feel like the episode was also triggered by stress, as we brushed her teeth beforehand.

One day later (today, the 25th Oct), she also started an episode while playing. We immediately stopped to let her calm down and by the time I got the camera up, the episode stopped as well.

We thought the more severe episode could have happened partly because of the Royal Canin Fiber, as she currently is on a lower carbohydrates diet. We stopped giving her the RC kibble today, I thought I’d discuss it further with the vet.

From what I gathered with the limited data I have, these episodes could be triggered either by stress or by ‘being too excited’, as in ‘im ready to pounce and play!’. So basically strong emotions. Is this something that can happen with FHS?

I will keep a closer eye on her and try to get the camera if she ever gets another episode. I will update this post if I have any updates.

Thanks for reading through this!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would be very interested to hear about what your vet thinks this might be? Have you consulted them?
    This is not a platform to diagnose. It is a platform to help educate and inspire. Along with sharing experiences and assistance. We are happy to help adjunct the information and care your vet provides. If needed a neurologist might also provide invaluable insight.