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Sandy | 5 years ago
Dr. Magnifico I Made An Appointment For Princess To See You On September 8th. She Is …

Dr. Magnifico

I made an appointment for Princess to see you on September 8th. She is overdue her shots and I sent a question that you responded to about her having her days and nights mixed up. Last night though while giving her extra attention and rubbing I found a lump on her belly. What is strange is that she slept all night and got up only to get up to eat and go in the litter box. I called the clinic to see if there were any openings but they are booked.
They were going to see if anyone had time just to check her belly. Such a quick change from 24 hours and I was concerned because she was sleeping all night. However within the last 5 minutes she is up playing so i think i will wait to see you tomorrow. The lump is on her belly more to one side and towards the back (dependingon how she is laying). I already lost 2 cats this year and I have one now with lymph node cancer mesentary. If she continues with her usual behavior of up and wanting attention tonight, is it safe to wait until the 8th or is it best for her to be seen sooner. I know to take her to the ER if she goes back to sleeping constantly….although that is her norm for daytime.

As always I appreciate and value your opinion.


My message was sent earlier today at which time Princess woke up and was playing with something. She went back to sleep and got up several hours ago to eat but then returned to the new bed I had gotten her. I brought out something that she likes to play with but she only played with it for about a minute and returned to her bed. I definitely will see you tomorrow with her and if she starts to exhibit anything more serious I will take her to the ER….unless you get this and think I should take her now. It is now 7:34 pm. This is around the time that she would start to get a little active.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have walk in appointments available from 1-3 sundays. I hope things are ok. If you want to come in on Sunday just arrive between 1245 and 2. It is first come first served. Take care. Krista.

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Angela | 5 years ago
I Have Two Puppies 7 And 8 Months Old I Want To Apply Revolution To One Of Them …

I have two puppies 7 and 8 months old I want to apply Revolution to one of them and I am afraid the other one while playing will lick it off and get poisoned what do I have to do separate them for how long or may be do something else

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I tell my clients to apply it right before bed. So this won’t, or is significantly less likely, to happen.

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Megan | 5 years ago
Kittens And Coccidiosis – Race Against Time

Hello. A few days ago, I found a litter of five abandoned kittens. They have been determined to be between four- and five-weeks old. There are three females and two males, and they are all very social. They are eating and drinking well, and we are currently in the process of weening them from formula and kitten pate to moistened kitten kibble.

Unfortunately, on Sunday afternoon, one of the female kittens (who is named Princess Butterscotch) started to show signs of Coccidiosis. Being in the country like I am, I am very familiar with the signs of the parasite. I rushed her to the emergency vet on Sunday evening, where she was diagnosed with Coccidiosis. She was put on a starter dose of both Panacur and Albon for all parasites. I was also given enough treatment to treat the other four kittens at home, because common sense dictated that they were also infected, even if not showing signs. The four whom were healthy before are still doing well. They all get .25ML of both the Panacur and Albon every evening. The last dose of Panacur will be this evening, whereas the Albon was given in an eight-day dosage.

Princess Butterscotch still has diarrhea. It is to the point where she was “poopy butt” (as we so elegantly call it), and she does not always know she is going to the bathroom. She is still eating, drinking, playing, purring, and doing all things that kittens do; however, I am distraught, because as I said, I have seen Coccidiosis in kittens before and know how quickly it can take a turn for the worst.

In all my experiences and my family’s experiences, Albon DOES NOT WORK on Coccidiosis. And even if it temporarily stops the symptoms of Coccidiosis, they reappear within 24 hours of the last dose of Albon. However, it was all the emergency vet carried. I called my regular vet this afternoon for an appointment and to discuss Ponazuril as a possible treatment, as it is the only medication we have ever found to definitely treat a kitten with Coccidia. My vet could not see me due to having no appointments. I called another vet in the area, and they also cannot see me due to having no appointments. The emergency vet I took Princess Butterscotch to on Sunday evening is not open today.

My fear is that I am going to lose this kitten. I know Albon generally takes one to two days in order to really start showing signs of improvement; however, it seems she’s getting worse and not better. I am wiping up all of her little spots on the bathroom floor with bleach cleaner, and I am making sure their litter box stays clean. However, this will all be for naught if she does not make it. I am currently treating her with some Pedialyte in order to ensure she stays hydrated until someone can see her and possibly provide her and her littermates with more effective treatments against Coccidiosis.

Any advice in the meantime would be greatly appreciated. I have not had this litter of kittens long, but it is difficult not to get attached to such wonderful, loving creatures, and I would hate to lose one because I did not do all that I could to save her life.

Because I know this will be brought forth in mind, none of the kittens are showing ANY signs of Fading Kitten Syndrome. They are all very loving, active, and social. All of them, save for Princess Buttercup, are using the litter box regularly, and they are all eating very well.

Thank you for any and all advice,
One very worried pseudo-foster mother

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- thanks for rescuing these kittens!!!!???????? Is there no way that your regular vet can squeeze you in? Or at least get you on a list in case of cancellation? And can they recommend anything else to do in The meantime while you wait for your appointment?

    1. Megan Post author

      I wish. I even talked to the veterinarian this morning and she told me she couldn’t get me in; that I need to feed her some Pedialyte and hope for the best. This afternoon it’s clear that she now weighs a lot less than her littermates. However, the seeping diarrhea seems to have cleared up a bit. I haven’t found any on the bathroom floor, only small droplets on the their blanket, which of course I’ve gotten into the washer immediately. Unfortunately, it looks like I can do nothing until Thursday when either of my vets in the area have an appointment. Either that or the animal hospital again, but they don’t open until 8PM tonight. It’s a really tough spot to be in. No vet availability and no vet around here, despite Coccidiosis being a real issue in these parts, willing to do anything but Albon. I hate to sound like an “internet vet”, but experience and vet articles published online tell me that Albon simply does not work on Coccidiosis.

    2. Gloria

      Thank you for caring for these babies. According to, the most common treatment for coccidiosis is sulfadimethoxine, and that is what Albon is.


      Good luck! Keep her going on the pedialyte in any case.

      1. Gloria

        I tried to copy the paragraph from, but it dropped it. Anyway, that’s what it says to use.

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Jackie | 5 years ago
HELP!! I Have A 3yo Female Pom, Nomi, Who Is Bullying Our Newly Adopted Female Puppy, …

I have a 3yo female Pom, Nomi, who is bullying our newly adopted female puppy, Ali.
Backstory: We had a senior Beagle (who recently passed away) and our current 3yo Pom. They got along very well tho the beagle was not in to playing with toys, he would play “wrestle” with Nomi. Nomi never had any aggression toward him (other than don’t go after my food) but she did like to boss him around….stay out of the garbage, don’t lick the dishes when the dishwasher is open sort of stuff. As said, our Beagle recently passed and we just (like yesterday) adopted a puppy, wanting to give Nomi another companion. Nomi is bullying the new pup; will not allow her to play with the toys…(.and we did buy new toys as we knew not to just give Nomi’s toys up for grabs)….will not allow her play freely, nips at pup if she makes sudden movements around her. Normally, Nomi is a very social dog with humans but has never been around dogs other than her beagle brother who was already here when Nomi came to us at 12 weeks old.

I need to know how to calm Nomi down and teach her it is ok for the new pup to play both with toys and in general. I need to know how to effectively “discipline” Nomi when she is mean to the pup without using tactics such as striking her or yelling. I have been giving her lots of praise in the moments when she doesn’t nip or growl at the pup, even treats. We’ve been very cautious to make sure we show Nomi affection right along with the new girl and we do not leave them alone together, and do not feed them together.

ANY help/advice would be so welcome as we want these two girls to get along and be pals for their sake and ours!

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    How did you introduce them? Have you talked to Nomi’s obedience trainer for ideas? This sounds like it COULD be generalized resource guarding, and it might mean she needs more confidence.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I think starting over from scratch might be helpful. Complete re-introduction for both dogs. A trainer will be helpful as well- even if your dogs already have obedience training. It just helps establish some routine as well as pack order. I am a firm believer in walks. They are another fantastic tool that help keep things in order. And personal space vs. supervised play will be helpful also. Setting up a place for your 3 yo dog to go for a break (crate, bed, etc.) that they know is for them only can also be very helpful. When our senior dog was still with us, if he went to his bed- everyone dogs and humans alike- knew to let him be, he needed a break. Our younger dogs do the same thing, and it really helps keep things calm. I hope you find this helpful. Again, a trainer who can see things firsthand will probably be money well spent and prove very helpful. These are just some things that help in our house. Best of luck!!!

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K | 5 years ago

PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS… I SERIOUSLY NEED HELP N ADVICE… Backstory…… ive been out of work since 12/26/20 bc of unforeseen medical issues. and still haven’t received any ssi or unemployment. so with that please be a little understanding. my cat had a really bad eye cold n respiratory thing going on… it kept getting worse. I was told trevor supply sells cat and dog safe penicillin. so i got some bc i literally can’t afford a vet right now. i came home and looked up dosing via injection penicillin. apparently it should have been less the 1 ml (i realized today). i didn’t do the math correctly (didn’t carry decimal over right) and ended up giving him 10ml. now i I’m freaking out about his kidneys and liver. He’s currently acting fine. Playing and eating but i am still very very worried. Please please any advice?? ????????????????????????

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m not sure how I can help. Please calll and keep calling all of the local rescues and shelters and keep asking for help. Don’t make any decisions about treatments until you get reliable advice. You are making a (provable not so bad condition ) potentially life threatening. There are adorable places out there. See if you can volunteer in exchange for vet care? Where there is a will there is a way.

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Michelle | 5 years ago
My Dog Is Paralyzed From The Waist Down. My Dog Is A 4 Year Old, 10 Pound Shi-poo …

My dog is paralyzed from the waist down. My dog is a 4 year old, 10 pound Shi-poo mix. He suffered from some trauma yesterday (Friday) after getting his paws stuck in some metal grating he seemed ok but then his symptoms exacerbated after running around the park and playing with another dog. At around 5pm on Friday, he was able to poop and urinate and ran around at the dog park but by the evening he couldn’t put any weight on his hind legs. At 8pm, my dog was still able to wag his tail. We went to a doctor this morning and that doctor says he still has sensation in his hind legs (even though they he cannot move them). We have been given the option of MRI followed immediately by surgery but we are not sure if we want to put his body through that much trauma with the risk that he could die on the operating table. We have taken him to a “holistic” vet who has treated him with acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and cortisone. The acupuncturist Vet said he would need 4 weeks with 1 session a week to see if that method could help but also told us we could very well have “missed” his critical cure time if it doesn’t. Nevertheless the acupuncturist said he is very confident as his method has seen much success in IVDD in older dogs. My dog is in a lot of pain and has not urinated or passed stool since yesterday I do not believe he has control over his bowel movements And he is constantly holding his head back and he is constantly propping himself up on his two front legs. I would love a second opinion and an honest opinion of what his chances of regaining full motor function and bowel control are with OR without surgery.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello- I am so sorry you are going through this. I am hoping that Dr. Magnifico sees your past, as she has a lot of experience with ivdd. I can however direct you to her YouTube webpage where she has helpful videos dealing with ivdd that may be useful to you. Very best to you and your pup. I hope things work out well????????

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your dog. I’m also not a neurologist and it doesn’t appear that you have done the diagnostics to acurately and definitively diagnose him. I think the best advice I can give is to go to a neurologist and see if they can help do this. They typically need an mri to diagnose. This is usually over $1,000 and I don’t encourage clients to do it unless they are ready and able to do surgery after. This is usually about $7,000. If you chose to or cannot afford these then I think full body xrays with a concentration on the spine is the next best option. From here if it is spinal trauma I advise strict cage rest without being outside to do anything except go to the bathroom. Also the pain has to be addressed. Someone need to provide this immediately. I have a lot of information available on this (search IVDD) on my blog and YouTube channel. I think it addresses all possible scenarios and outcomes. Please go there. Read and review all of it. It will help. Good luck.

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Madison | 5 years ago
My Pug Just Threw Up And I Am Worried But The The Clinic Next To Me …

My pug just threw up and I am worried but the the clinic next to me is closed till Monday will he be okay he is also chasing his tail a lot but he has been eating and playing I am starting to worry I called his doctor and she said to wait till Monday because they are closed she also said it might be his anal glands but why is he vomiting

4 Responses


  1. Madison Post author

    He has never been sick this is very unusual he is up to date with his heart hard and vaccines

  2. Sarah

    Good morning
    If your dog continues vomiting, you may want to get him to a vet ER. If he is eating and drinking normally and doesn’t seem to be lethargic- he is probably fine.

  3. Laura

    You asked this question 3 days ago, as well. I think I’d call the vet today and ask their opinion since he’s vomited twice now.

    1. Madison Post author

      Hello thank you very much I took him today in the morning and they told us to change his food and it is an allergic reaction they also told us that many dogs are getting sick and it might be a virus going around

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Madison | 5 years ago
Hello I Have A Pug And He Is About To Turn 2 He Woke Up This Morning …

Hello I have a pug and he is about to turn 2 he woke up this morning and threw up twice he is also chasing his tail a lot it’s the first time he does this other than that he is eating and playing he is drinking water and acting like a normal dog it’s just that problem should I worry?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry but there isn’t enough pertinent medical information for anyone to answer this. It doesn’t sound like an emergency but I would call your regular vet and ask for a check up. Just to be safe. Ask for the anal sacs to be checked. If the vomiting persists for to the vet ASAP

      1. Krista Magnifico

        If you aren’t on a preventative and you aren’t submitting fecals every year then yes. It’s possible. But do not buy an otc without taking to your vet first.

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Kathryn | 5 years ago
Hi, This Is Our 11 Month Old Kitten! I Snapped This Photo Of Her Yawning And It …


This is our 11 month old kitten! I snapped this photo of her yawning and it appears she has an extra tooth on the left side?

We have had her for almost 6 weeks now, she chews on almost everything so were growing concerned. She is eating, sleeping, and playing all the same.

Please let us know what you think is going on in this little mouth

5 Responses


  1. Kathryn Post author

    i’m just wondering if a vet would have to extract or if these usually fall out on their own?

  2. Sarah

    Hi there ???? Seeing as she is almost a year old kitten, I am assuming that you have a vet visit lined up for her in the near future for vaccinations/booster shots. I would make a note of it and mention it to the vet. If it doesn’t seem to be bothering her or effecting her appetite, it is probably ok to wait until your appointment. If there is a change in eating habits or behavior- you may want to call your vet sooner.

  3. Laura

    I know vets will extract retained baby teeth in dogs. I would imagine they do the same for cats.

  4. Krista Magnifico

    Is she spayed? We would remove any extra baby teeth while doing th at under general anesthesia. Although I cannot get a really great look at the mouth I don’t see an obvious extra tooth on the photo. But please have your vet look. Leaving extra teeth behind predisposes them to accelerated dental disease. So go when you can. It’s not an emergency. Even if your cat is spayed we recheck them at about 18 months old for their next vaccines and rabies booster. Hope this helps. Be safe.

  5. Kathryn Post author

    hi guys!
    it was a baby tooth, the vet was able to pull it out without sedation because our good girl just laid down for a belly rub,
    he isnt sure if this will stop her from chewing everything in sight, he thinks that must just be how she is.

    but i am thankful there was no infection or anything!

    thank you all for the advice!!!

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Valerie | 5 years ago
Hi There. My Dog Ruby Had Sudden Onset Mast Cell Tumors Present About 3 Weeks Ago. She…

Hi there. My dog Ruby had sudden onset Mast Cell Tumors present about 3 weeks ago. She’s an energetic 4 year old pit/great dane mix (I know because I spent a billion dollars on a DNA kit). I noticed about 7 subcutaneous lumps on her left side while she was outside playing. They felt like little oblong marbles under her skin. Our vet is an hour away. We had moved a few months back and kept our vet because we love him so much. We still see him for routine care. There is a vet very close to our home and I have read good reviews and have had email conversation previously when I was deciding whether or not to switch vets. I was concerned Ruby would have cancer, I just felt it, and didn’t want her to have to make several long trips to our vet if she were to require surgery, etc. So I decided to take her to the new close to home vet. As it is Covid-19 season, I did not get to go inside the vet’s office with her. They aspirated one of the lumps and were concerned. She was scheduled for surgery in the following week. I talked to my other vet about this, and he was not pleased to hear they aspirated her, because he was worried that the histamines from the tumor would cause it to spread. I was alarmed and researched Dr. Google for 2 days. It seemed to me after my research that the aspiration was standard course of care. Ruby had her surgery and had 2 large masses removed. They could not take all of them because there would have been too many incision sites. Directions for care included keeping her inactive for 10-14 days, not an easy dear with an anxious 65 lb lap dog. On day 7 of recovery, I noticed a fluid buildup around the incision site. Back to Dr. Google, I decided she had a seroma. I called the vet the next morning and we took her over and my suspicion was confirmed. They told us to call if it got worse. We still haven’t received the pathology back on the two masses that were removed. This morning I decided I needed to do more research, as two new masses have cropped up (the tumors, not seroma). Ruby is in good spirits and just wants to play and run with our other dogs. She’s mad at me, I’m sure of it, for making her lay around all day. Is it normal to have a seroma after surgery? Why do these tumors pop up all of a sudden?

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