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Pawbly | 9 years ago
VitaHound Is Continually Evaluating And Searching For Highly Dependable Dog Care Resources. Over…

VitaHound is continually evaluating and searching for highly dependable dog care resources. Over the past 20 years we have assembled a directory of the top organizations to reference for canine care issues by category. We are currently evaluating our selection of Pet Poison help lines and or Websites. Our current recommendation is, our staff would truly appreciate the opinion of pet owners on this source and suggestions on other sources. This site currently is for profit and a current survey of pet owners indicates the fees involved in any pet care service creates a real barrier to access.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Just bumping this into the answer section….

    from Dr. Magnifico, founder of : Would love to talk to you all about this..

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Dog Died Yesterday. She Was In Very Good Health. She Had Blood Swelling…

my female dog died yesterday. she was in very good health. she had blood swelling from her nose and blood clot from her anus and vomit. i wanted to know what had done this? is it poisoning or heart attack?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Food Poisoning

Food poisoning

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello, you don’t say if this is a dog or a cat ect.

    Any animal this young showing these symptoms needs a Vet urgently. Please take Bella straight away or she could well die if you don’t. This could be Parvo Virus….but whatever it is she will not recover without professional treatment.

    Good luck and I really hope little Bella is alright. 

  2. karolina dabrowski

    Please rush to the vet!!! Give her plenty of water not food.