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Scharline | 2 years ago
I Am Looking To Discuss A Possible Polyp Removal With Dr. Krista Magnifico. I Have An …

I am looking to discuss a possible polyp removal you, Dr. Krista Magnifico. I have an upcoming appointment and have a few questions prior to visit. I have done a lot of research and have found your YouTube to be encouraging and informative. Blake is a 8 month Maine Coon and a lovable, gentle giant. He is otherwise super healthy albeit what looks to potentially be a polyp. I would like to discuss his journey to date and look forward to our upcoming appointment with you.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Thank you for reaching out here.

    I will do my best to help.

    If there is anything we can discuss publicly you can add it here. Or call the clinic and leave your number. Tell them we spoke here and that I asked you to call. We can go over details at that time.


  2. Scharline Post author

    Thank you so much Dr. Magnifico. I will surely give your office a call and leave my number. I sincerely appreciate the opportunity to schedule a short discussion with you. It has been a long journey with Blake and I am hopeful that we are nearing resolution. I will be talking to you soon.

  3. Scharline Post author

    Dr. Krista, we have sent Blake’s test results and records to your office for your review. We will bring his remaining (paper) records with us and present them to you at our upcoming appointment. His test results, according to his current doctor, did not communicate anything alarming or concerning. Blake did have 2 things that stood out on his test; slight crystals in his urine and his phosphorus was a little high, but ultimately, his doctor did not have any cause for worry per his review.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

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Minnow | 2 years ago
My 3yo Cat Has All Symptoms Of Inflammatory Nasal Polyp, In Combination With The Fact That …

My 3yo cat has all symptoms of inflammatory nasal polyp, in combination with the fact that antibiotics and allergy meds have not resolved the situation. She sneezes out (sometimes bloody) green clots about once a week that can be up to 1/4 the size of her whole head. I have had trouble finding a vet who can do the surgery even if they can diagnose it. My vet didn’t even seem to know how to diagnose it when I brought up the possibility. Even emergency vets that I have called refer me to clinics that are not certain that they would be able to perform the operation or who have scary reviews. I literally just adopted her and she came with this undiagnosed issue. Can someone recommend a vet near Richmond, VA who would charge an appropriate price and provide good care?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you are looking for a vet to look for a nasal pharyngeal polyp in your area I suggest that you post a plea on Facebook and nextdoor.Com. Also call all of the local shelters and rescues. I guarantee someone local will look. If not call my clinic and ask to leave a message for me. You will have to reference this reply. We will find you someone. If you do please let me know. We will start a directory

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Tynesha | 2 years ago
Please Help My Rescue Kitty With A Polyp In His Pharynx! I Recently Took In A …

Please help my rescue kitty with a polyp in his pharynx!

I recently took in a rescue kitty. He was treated for upper respiratory infection. However, it keeps returning and he always sounds like he is snoring. The vet he was seeing suspects a polyp. However, he isn’t able to remove it. I can’t afford to take him to specialist. Please help! I will travel to you to have him seen.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I recommend that you call every local rescue and shelter to see if you can find someone who is willing to help you. There are many vets who will try and do this affordably. I am in northern Maryland. If you find someone close to you please share their information with us so we can pass it along to others.

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Carol | 2 years ago
I Think My 2 Month Old Foster Kitten Has A Nasal Polyp. I’m Working With A …

I think my 2 month old foster kitten may have a nasal polyp. I’m working with a vet who doesn’t think she has a polyp because he says she’s too young to have one. We’ve tried a couple of antibiotics and nothing has worked yet. Her breathing is getting louder and she breathes with her mouth open while holding her head up when she sleeps. I had 2 other kittens last year that had polyps with the same symptoms. After 5 months of trying to treat the congestion with antibiotics, during spay surgery, both were found to have very large polyps. I don’t want to wait that long with this little one.
Do you think it is possible for a 2 month old kitten to have a polyp? If so, what is the earliest age for exploratory/removal of the polyp? Thank you!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I don’t think being too young is a reason to not look for one. I know many rescues and shelters who spay and neuter this young.

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Patricia | 2 years ago
Bio Hello My Cat Is 15 1/2 Years Old And Has A Heart Condition And The Herpes Virus. …

Hello my cat is 15 1/2 years old and has a heart condition and the herpes virus. He has a nose polyp. It was extracted twice from his left nostril. Now he is not eating . I have been putting a ointment in his ear so he will eat. He does eat but only purée foods. He wants to eat his dry cat food but it seems like he can’t. I brought him to the vet they sent me to a specialist who wants a lot of money to find the polyp and remove.

I watch the YouTube video of you removing a polyp from a cat and the cost and that is so much more reasonable. Do you know anyone in the ny area that would perform the same procedure at close to what you charged? Where are you located? Would you do it?

I just want so much to help my cat.

Thank you,

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    At rhis age I am most concerned about infection and cancer. I think it is best for a full blood work and X-ray as the place to start. I think a polyp is very unlikely in your cats case. I hope this helps.

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Tynesha | 2 years ago
(Nasopharyngeal Polyp) Hi! I Have A Young Cat I Recently Rescued A Few Weeks Ago. I …

(Nasopharyngeal Polyp)


I have a young cat I recently rescued a few weeks ago. I took him to a local wellness center vet as he seemed to have some upper respiratory issues. He was given treatment for an upper respiratory infection. However, I recently took him back for a follow up as I didn’t see consistent improvement. The wellness vet suspects that he has a polyp in his pharynx that needs to be removed. I came across Dr. Magnifico’s videos on YouTube about polyp removals and so I am reaching out! I can’t find a many vets near me that are willing to remove it and the ones that I do find (are specialists) , I can’t afford the prices. Please help! I’m willing to travel to your office to get him the help he needs!

0 Responses
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Patricia | 3 years ago
Looking For Information Regarding Polyps. In January Of This Year (2022) My Then 3 1/2 Year Old Cat Developed What Seemed Like Nasal Congestion…

Looking for information regarding polyps. In January of this year (2022) my then 3 1/2 year old cat developed what seemed like nasal congestion. She would snore, wheeze and “slurp” through her mouth. After 2 rounds of antibiotics they discovered she had a polyp under her soft pallet. After removal of the polyp her symptoms subsided a little but never completely. We then tried steroids but these did not help either. Now they are recommending I go to a specialist/internal medicine veterinary hospital to get a rhinoscopy and ct scan to see if there are additional polyps or some other kind of blockage. The initial consult visit would be $250 and the scoping and ct scan would cost $2500 to $3200. Is it common for cats to have more than one polyp and is there other treatments you would try before the very costly next step my vet is suggesting? I’ve already spent $1000 with what we have done so far so I am looking for any suggestions you can offer! I hate seeing her uncomfortable!! I should mention that she is not sneezing or coughing, but shake her head sometimes. She is eating fine and acting mostly fine except when lying down as that is when the difficulty breathing seems to get the worst.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Without knowing your pet I would say the options are to recheck for the polyp (they can recur), try a barrage of medications to see if any help, or wait and see what happens , or see the specialist. There I’m not sure this is helpful but it’s the best I’ve got. Good luck

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Amy | 3 years ago
We Have A Very Sassy Beautiful 12 Year Old Orange Female Tabby Named Nala. She Has Been …

We have a very sassy beautiful 12 year old orange female tabby named Nala. She has been perfectly healthy until about a year ago when she started to sneeze a lot (that rapid-fire sneezing that cats do) and she started to make a snoring sound when she breathes. We initially thought it was just allergies but it didn’t get any better after several months. We took her to the vet and he diagnosed her with herpes and prescribed Chlorpheniramine 4mg crushed in her food. I’ve been giving her this for at least 6 months now and she has not improved. The sneezing has decreased, but the “snoring” has not improved at all. Searching online, we found a video of Dr. Magnifico performing surgery on a cat that had a nasal polyp and we are wondering if this may be what she has. The symptoms all seem to be the same as what she has been dealing with. So we’ve been searching for a vet in our area that performs this type of exam and surgery, and we have found this to be very expensive ($2000-$5000). She is otherwise a very healthy girl, she eats, drinks, uses litterbox and plays and snuggles all like normal. She has lost weight, but now seems to be putting it back on slowly. Dr. Magnifico’s office is only about an hour away and we would absolutely drive down to be able to have her exam Nala and if it is a reasonable price, have her remove the polyp if this was the diagnosis.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry for the delay. If you would like a consult I would be happy to meet you and discuss options. Please call the clinic and ask for an appointment. It is the best place to start.

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Christopher | 3 years ago
I Have An 11-year Old Female Domestic Shorthair Cat (Nala) Who Has Been Very Healthy Until …

I have an 11-year old female domestic shorthair cat (Nala) who has been very healthy until around springtime last year when she started to develop a snorty sound when breathing and rapid sneezing fits. We figured it was maybe allergies at the time, as ours were really bad too. But it kept lingering and we finally asked our vet and he was reluctant to do a full exam on her because of the expense, and he also diagnosed her as having herpes, and prescribed Chlorpheniramine 4mg and Duralactin paste 2.5ml for her. I give her a 1/4 of the pill crushed in her canned food once a day, but the paste makes her sick. I have been giving her the pill for about 3 months now with zero improvement. I have been doing a lot of research, and the closest thing I could find that matches what she is dealing with is a video I found of Dr. Magnifico performing surgery on a cat for a nasal polyp. The description she gave completely matches what Nala sounds like with the snoring sounds when breathing and the constant sounds of trying to clear her throat. She has lost a lot of weight because I think it’s difficult for her to eat a lot but otherwise she acts like nothing is wrong, she is very playful, and also eats (best she can) and drinks normally, and litterbox habits are still great. My question is if this diagnosis sound like it could be correct, and if so, is this something that could possibly be fixed without breaking budget?

2 Responses


  1. Autumn

    Polyps in our kitty friends are quite common. I am a surgery technician that assists Dr.Magnifico and we have seen and removed more than a handful!

    We have noticed not many vet offices check for polyps and typically it’s what we end up finding. (Not always the case as some cats are chronic upper respiratory forever)
    This surgery is typically not a budget breaker. Please reach out and never be afraid to ask many questions to your veterinarian!, That’s what they are here for ,

  2. Autumn

    We always recommend reaching out to your vet or local shelters and asking about polyps. It is possible to have them removed, however we do see then reoccur in some cases(not all!!) With your cat being 11, your vet may want to dig a little further and see if there is anymore going on.

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Candice | 4 years ago

Hello everyone,

I have a 3-year-old cat with a polyp. I’m not sure where the polyp is located since the x-rays/MRI scan cost 1k. I’ve joined groups on Facebook to find any clinics to remove the polyp. VCA quoted me 4-7k which doesn’t include any kind of scans and most local veterinarians only remove polyp if they can physically see it.

I really need any help trying to find any clinic in the US. I’m willing to travel but for a reasonable price. I’m a college student living on my own with many expenses and it’s truly upsetting seeing my little guy go through this. I can hear him snoring and couching. I believe the polyp is located in his throat and nose.

Please please help me out!!!

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there-
    I’m sorry that you are going through this. Have you tried pet insurance to see if they cover some of the cost? Have you tried you local humane society to see if they can point you towards a vet or surgeon who can get you a proper diagnosis and is able to perform the surgery if necessary? Have you spoken to your regular vet and asked their opinion, based on your finances, how to best help your cat or where else you can go for assistance? I would start there. I would also google the surrounding area and start making phone calls to see who else in your area might be able to advise/help/treat.

  2. Maricela

    Hello, I went through this just a year ago and finally found a vet near me who is amazing and removed my cats polyps without pushing an MRI. This vet is in MN. Let me know if you’d like his info.