Good morning-
I would start at your vet. I would explain your thoughts and ask for help in finding someone who is willing to perform the surgery at a more affordable price, if they cannot. If that doesn’t pan out, I would start calling around and asking. Maybe try your local humane society or animal rescue? They may know of someone close to your area that is willing to perform the polyp surgery. Perhaps even posting to social media may prove helpful- someone who has been through this situation may see it and point you in the right direction. I hope things work out- please keep us posted.????????
For about 3 months now, our 9 year old cat, Wheezy, has been making strange noises when she breathes that are similar to snoring or sounding just really congested. We took her to the vet and determined that her lungs are fine and she doesn’t have an upper respiratory infection. We believed it was possible for it to be a polyp.
I found the video about Stripes, by Dr. Kristina Magnifico, and I would be willing to bet that Wheezy also has a polyp on her throat. However, like Stripes’ owners, our usual vet gave us an estimate of close to $1200 for all the procedures to check for a polyp and remove it (some of them seemed unnecessary for this process). We cannot afford a cost like this and if there is a simpler way to go about this like in Dr. Magnifico’s video then we need to go that route.
I also wanted to ask about another symptom Wheezy appears to have where there’s a lot of fluid building up in her right eye. Not sure if this is any more evidence of a polyp or not. I’ll attach a picture.
Everything seems to have slowly gotten worse and she has a lost a VERY unhealthy amount of weight because she won’t eat, and I would guess she’s dehydrated as well. She has lost all her energy. Prior to this starting she was a very healthy indoor/outdoor cat.
If there is anybody in the area of Eastern Massachusetts that could recommend any where they’ve taken their animals that would be so helpful.
Thank you!
My cat bandit has trouble breathing and is wheezing and making snoring sounds when he is awake. He wont groom himself and sheds terribly. When we took him to the vet after their tests they concluded its probably polyps in his nose or throat and suggested a specialist who wants over a thousand dollars for a ”special” surgery but when i did some research online i watched a video of Dr. Krista Magnifico removing a polyp from a cat which took 3 mins and was 130$ total cost. I live in the Atlanta Ga, area and was hoping y’all had suggestions of somewhere close to me that can do the same wonderful, skillful job Dr. Magnifico performed for around the same price range. I know this problem is bothering my poor bandit and i just want him to be healthy and happy and i know getting this removed is the key.
My rescue cat is estimated to be about 3 years old. Pembroke has had breathing issues since I adopted him. It started with a URI which was treated successfully. But then the snoring started. He also shakes his head frequently and itches his ears. I had a full body x-ray as well as blood work done on him. I can visibly see a blockage in his left nostril but no vet in my area has been willing to figure it out without me going to a specialist for an endoscopy. However, this could just be nasal inflammation (according to 1/3 different vets I’ve gone to) because I was told based on the x-rays there is no growth. Am I crazy for wanting to try and get more answers before spending $2000 on an endoscopy? Ive already spent thousands on this little one and I’ve only had him for a few months. I’m in the Greater New Orleans area. I will attach his x-ray photos. He also has an abnormally large kidney but all of his blood and urine levels were fine. They recommend an abdominal ultrasound but I am trying to prioritize his breathing issues as this is hard to watch when he’s sleeping. He acts completely normal but when he is asleep it is apparent his breathing is difficult. I can also hear him do big swallow that sound like he has post nasal drip. He sneezes often but he never has any discharge/snot.
I have a kitten named Luna. She is less one years old and we recently discovered she has a nasal polyp. She has the “snoring” symptom while she is awake and has difficulty breathing through her nose. We took her to our local vet and she told us she was able to get the tip removed, but that we needed to see a specialist to get it completely removed. She told us the procedure would likely cost $1500-$2000. We happened to come across your video removing a cats polyp and was hoping we might be able to bring our cat to your clinic. How would we go about making an appointment with you and how much would we expect to pay?
Hi. My cat was diagnosed with a throat polyp, however, my vet does not perform the procedure. They referred to a specialist with the cost of 3k. I live in the western suburbs of Chicago and was wondering if anyone has a referral for a much less expensive possibility. Thank you-
Hi, I adopted a Snowshoe/Siamese cat from a shelter about 6 weeks ago. They estimate he is about 3 years old but his history is unknown. He had an upper respiratory infection when I adopted him and was on antibiotics. He was very sneezy but that cleared up with the antibiotics the shelter gave me. I then took him to the vet for a wellness check the day after I adopted him and they found a yeast infection in one of his ears. We treated that and it’s been fine. He was also given Bravecto Plus topical just in case and is an indoor only cat.
About a week later he developed a skin issue, he’s been itching and ripping hair out in massive clumps and had some scabs. He was given two steroid injections over the course of a month. Also an antibiotic injection. I also changed his diet to rule out food allergen but after more than a week of diarrhea from the Hills z/d diet we switched to a sensitive skin Blue Buffalo instead which he is tolerating much better.
The skin issue has been getting better so I’m not concerned about that but just want to preface his history with me. Now onto the current issue. I noticed he snores and has trouble breathing when he is sleeping. I chalked this up to the URI but it has not gone away with the URI. His whole body basically flexes as he inhales. It’s only while he is asleep but does not matter what position he lies in. After spending over $1,000 and going to two different vet offices in the last 6 weeks, I would like to reach out to see if anyone has answers about this. We got back from the vet today with his second steroid injection and the itching has reduced significantly after this one (last one didn’t do much) and we are sending in blood work. The vet suggested next we do a full body x-ray which I’m not opposed to but I’m a graduate student and I’ve already spent over $1,000 on him and I have only had him for 6 weeks! I am going to get the x-rays for peace of mind but tonight I was checking his nose while he slept and found this. I’m assuming it’s a polyp? But I’m not a vet and won’t pretend to be one. If it is a polyp, where can I get this taken care of for a reasonable price? I really don’t want to dip into my emergency fund but I’ve already spent so much on him for vet bills, let alone changing food, litter, etc. To rule out allergens. I’ll include a picture of what I presume to be a polyp.
I appreciate anyone willing to help! I live in the New Orleans area so if you have recommendations for clinics, that would be great too! I am also willing to travel a longer distance for less pricey care. He does well in the car.
He is the one thing that’s really keeping me going right now so I really want to help him.
My 8 year old cat has had a snorting nose for over half his life. Vets constantly prescribing him antibiotics. They want to check for polyp and every one in my area quotes me at 3-4 k just for the rhinoscopy. I’d hate to have to put him out twice when they do find a polyp. I have been suspecting it for years but nobody wanted to take me seriously. Instead they keep giving him antibiotics and the antibiotics do not help. I have videos of the noises he makes and I have found Dr Magnificos you tube videos a few years back. I am willing to travel for what you do for nasal polyps! I can’t afford 3-4K just for diagnostic and then another few thousand for removal. If you have a recommendation for me, or if you can see my cat I would be so incredibly grateful!! I just want him to be able to breathe better.
I got my cat Leila in December and since she has had runny eyes and lots of sneezing. I took her to a vet and we did a course of clavamox which helped while she was on it. A few days after she finished it she was back to sneezing and having runny eyes. Then we tried azithromycin and famciclovir which did nothing and she began to sound super congested. Then we tried a longer course of the clavamox which worked well while she was on it. A week or so after she finished it she was back at it. She is now sneezing up a lot of snot. Other than those symptoms she eats well and plays like a healthy kitty. We took her to another vet who suggested it may be a polyp. I was looking for quotes for a rhinoscopy and possible surgical removal. I got a quote from a vet for $2000-3000 for the CT, sedation, and rhinoscopy but no quote if they need to do surgery. And a lot of other places refused to give me one unless I pay $150-180 for a consultation first. Any advice on where I should look for reasonable prices would be great! We are in Michigan but are willing to travel out. Thank you!
My 11 year old indoor cat has started a snoring sound when breathing over the past year. A local vet said it was not in her lungs and that he saw something while looking in her nose. She is eating and drinking fine with no other problems. Steroids and antibiotics helped pretty well, but the symptoms returned afterward. We think it could be a nasopharyngeal polyp (all of the symptoms are there[the sneezing fits, the head shaking, the constant swallowing like she has something in her throat) but we just got quoted 5 grand for a CT and surgery at the specialist. No other local vet will do an exam under anesthesia to look. Someone please help. We feel like our days are numbered for our sweet Sadie girl. ????
Hey guys,
I have a cat named Butters and he needs a polyp removal. I currently live in Arizona and I’ve called around and been quoted for $3000-7000. I’ve seen some comments on here of people finding clinics that does it for an affordable price. I’m willing to travel as well. Please help me find a clinic cause I really don’t like seeing my little guy not being able to breathe correctly ????
I would be worried that this is neoplasia. It is unlikely that a cat this old will have a polyp. That has been my experience. Call the rescues and shelters and see if they know of anyone local to you who will sedate your cat and look behind the soft palate. Find a feline specialist to ask for a second opinion. Good luck.
Thank you for the quick response. Not exactly what you’d like to hear but at least we can probably rule out polyp. We’ll follow your suggestions.