Good morning- so sorry about your car. Is it possible to get referred to a specialist by your vet? I know you already spoke to them, but perhaps a quick over the phone conversation could point you in the right direction if your vet isn’t equipped to diagnose? Or maybe call your local humane society and ask if they know of a vet practice that is capable? I hope you can get in touch with someone you’re comfortable with. Best of luck!!
I saw the video from Dr. Magnifico regarding polyp removal and cost. I was given from a vet here in the Salt Lake City area the cost of $2,000. How do I find a vet who will do the procedure for a lot less? Also, how do I make sure my feline has a polyp. She has only had a visual inspection and did show discharge on the right side when she sneezed. She has the snoring sound, the high pitched sound, and sneezing.
I have a cat that I suspect likely has a soft palate or nasal polyp. So far we have seen my usual vet twice. The 1st visit they just looked at the cat and told us it was probably a respiratory infection and sent us home w/ a course of antibiotics (Orbax). That was a $150 visit. The cat completed the antibiotics and showed no improvement in it’s respiratory status, plus it seems like the meds made the car loose his appetite to the point of hardly eating. We just went back for another f/u visit, this time insisting on at least some diagnostic tests and they drew blood for labs, and did a chest x-ray (which the said appeared clear). This time they sent us home with azithromycin and prednisolone (more antibiotics and a steroid). That was a $500 visit. I expressed concern about an obstruction or polyp to the vet, and was told that if this course of meds didn’t work, we might need to see a specialist. I would be very grateful if anyone could put me in touch with a vet like Dr. Krista Maginfico that could help us address the medical issue at a reasonable price in the Austin, Tx area. Please, help if you know of anyone…..thank you in advance.
I have a 8 year old American Shorthair. Her name is Puma. We recently experienced a very traumatizing and costly visit to the emergency room. They recommended euthanizing her since we couldn’t afford their costly treatment plan. They explained that she had severe narrowing of her trachea due to a growth. Possible nasal polyps. Her more overt symptoms include an obvious blockage, snoring/snorting sounds while breathing, and head shaking. I recently watched Dr. Magnifico’s video on Stripes and his Nasopharyngeal Polyp removal and was surprised to see that sedation and a visual exam/removal could be done within such a short time with great results. Giving my husband and I restored hope. We love our little girl so much and don’t know what we do without her. Are there any vets within this network that anyone would recommend that would charge a more reasonable pricing for a similar procedure in California?
My vet thought my cat had a polyp. He went in this morning for them to look into his throat under anesthesia. Turns out he doesn’t have a polyp just has an inflamed throat. They said they can just give him some medicine and he’ll be good. He’s had these symptoms for years.. can an inflamed throat last that long? do you have any advice? will the medicine cure it or just treat it?
My foster cat, who I am now considering adopting, has been struggling to breathe properly for about 3 months now. He came into the shelter with a suspected URI. However, after months of treatment with antibiotics and a whole swath of other anti viral medications, the vet determined that he wasn’t getting any better and euthanasia is on the table. I want to get a second opinion before we make any drastic decisions. I am doing online research and suspect that perhaps he has a polyp, a tumor, or foreign object in his throat/nose.
While I am dying to explore these other solutions, the shelter told me if I adopt him and take him to a specialist costs could go up to $5,000. I don’t have that kind of money. I am in Olympia, Washington State. Does anyone recommend any veterinary hospital that is more affordable and can explore other resolutions at a more reasonable price? I don’t want to give up on him, but can’t afford to spend that kind of money.
Thank you so much.
my cat coughs, gags, and has to walk away and take a second to relax and breathe after petting him and he starts purring. His meows are also weird and don’t sound normal and it’s more of just a quiet raspy “ah” sound. He coughs and gags after purring so i try not to pet him for too long but he loves attention and starts purring just by looking at you. He also starts breathing heavy and fast. He constantly has raspy breathing and snores when he sleeps. His vet thinks he may have a polyp does his symptoms sound like a polyp?
my 8 year old cat possibly has a polyp and is showing pretty severe symptoms of it, will it affect the quality of his life? or can i still wait longer to get it removed?
Hello, my cat Koshka has been suffering from chronic upper respiratory symptoms (snorty breathing, sometimes bloody sneezing) for quite some time now and I’m worried that she may have a nasopharyngeal polyp. I’ve watched several videos posted on youtube by Krista Magnifico and our situation sounds very similar to what was described there. This has been persisting for 2 years and she has been to the vet 4 times now and last week I took her to a new vet for a second opinion and she prescribed prednisone and said she could refer me to a specialist to do a rhinoscopy which costs over $2000.
My question is why hasn’t anyone thought to check for a polyp like Dr. Magnifico has been doing in these videos? It seems like a relatively simple and cost effective procedure. I’m getting very discouraged and frustrated at the thought of paying thousands of dollars just for diagnostics alone when I am currently unemployed. I’d be happy to take her in to the Jarrettsville Vet Center but I live in Nashville which is 12hrs away. I would love to hear any kind of advice on this matter as I’m not sure what to do at this point. Thank you for reading this!
I have a 9yo. Siamese that has been diagnosed with possible nasal polyps. His more overt symptoms include an obvious blockage, snoring/snorting sounds while breathing, some drainage, head shaking. He has seen 3 different vets, all giving estimates for upwards of 2.5k+ for an investigative rhinoscopy/surgery.
I recently watched Dr. Magnifico’s video on Stripes and his Nasopharyngeal Polyp removal and was surprised to see that sedation and a visual exam/removal could be done within such a short time with great results. This was never offered as an option with any other vet visits.
Are there any vets within this network that anyone would recommend that would charge a more reasonable pricing for a similar procedure in the greater NYC area?
Hi, Please if there’s someone who knows a vet like this near York, PA who won’t charge an arm and a leg to remove a polyp from our cat’s throat! we have to pay $2,000 and wait forever just for an appointment! Please! She almost died a few times because she can’t breathe. Her name is Destiny and she’s a sweet and loving cat. Our vet misdiagnosed this as asthma. Tonight she’s having another hard time breathing. We can’t afford to keep taking her to the Emergency vet they charge a fortune and don’t help. Please let me know ASAP. My email is Thanks in advance!
Good morning-
I would call around to local animal shelters and rescues to see if they know of a vet who is familiar with this issue. You could also talk to your vet and see if they have any other recommendations/advice or if they can refer you to a vet who is also familiar with nasal polyps.
Hello. There are lots of vets who are not as expensive. You have to call and ask and keep calling and keep asking. If you’re do find someone please share your pets story in our storylines section so others can benefit. Don’t give up! Good luck