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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Lucy The Pug’s Spay Surgery (OHE)
Treatment Cost (USD): $430.50
Lucy is a 7 month old pug that presented to the clinic for a spay procedure (OHE: ovariohysterectomy.)
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Recently Rescued Dog, Ivory, Comes In For A Spay Surgery (OHE)
Treatment Cost (USD): $848.80
Ivory is a 7 year old mixed breed dog who was recently adopted from a rescue organization. Her new owner noticed that she had some lumps on her upper abdomen. The vet determined that these lumps were actually enlarged mammary tissue, and she also noted some discharge around the nipples. She speculated that perhaps Ivory had never been spayed, as she wasn't able to find evidence of a spay scar. The vet's recommendation was that the enlarged mammary growths be removed, and that Ivory undergo spay surgery (OHE: ovariohysterectomy) during the same procedure.
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Suzanne Cannon | 5 years ago
Archer The Pug’s Neuter Surgery
Treatment Cost (USD): $303.50
Archer was about a week past his first birthday when he was brought in for a routine neuter.
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Kelli | 5 years ago
My 9 Year Old Pug Has A Seroma On His Right Back Hip. It Was Drained Once …

My 9 year old pug has a seroma on his right back hip. It was drained once due to discomfort.

It’s now filled back up over the last few days. We’ve been monitoring it since our vet doesn’t want to drain it unless it’s absolutely necessary.

It’s really big. It’s pulling the skin down with the weight of it.

How is it possible for the body to heal the muscle area where the space exists when all that liquid is in there and stretching the skin?

He is eating, drinking and seems fine, but he’s having trouble walking with the weight of the liquid he’s now walking around with.

Is it dangerous at any point? Is there a time where it’s too much fluid in the area?

The space was cause by a car tire. He was grazed in our driveway. The skin got separated and me has formed a seroma. He is recovering well from the experience. He’s on antibiotics for the cuts he had and an anti inflammatory.

Thank you. ????????

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In general I address seromas this way; if it isn’t infected or causing the patient problem I leave them alone. It takes time, often weeks to months but the body will reabsorb the fluid slowly and without incident. If it is a problem a drain can be placed in and around the pocket. But this comes with possible consequences. Like every surgery has risk. It requires anesthesia. There is a charge and a risk with this. Opening a sterile pocket to place a drain allows for the introduction of bacteria and can lead to infection. That’s worse than a sterile pocket of fluid. So talk to your vet about all of this and then decide what you think is best for your dog.

  2. Sarah

    If you did not get any paperwork with your puppy, I would make an appointment with your vet immediately. Let them know he is brand new and has no records.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My Pug Is Getting Like Small Red Bumps In His Fur Are They Allergies Should…

My pug is getting like small red bumps in his fur are they allergies should i be worried

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    It could be allergies, or it could be a parasite, or something else. Your best bet is to have your vet examine it and check your pup over to be sure. Best of luck!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with sarah. Please see a vet. Bumps can be just about anything. But I always start with suspecting fleas first.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Am Going To Buy A New Puppy And I Already Have A 8 Month…

I am going to buy a new puppy and i already have a 8 month old pug and he is in heat will he try to hump the new puppy or will i be fine if not how can i introduce the new pug puppy

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello? If you are adding another dog into your home, I would strongly advise that you have your existing pup well trained. It will benefit everyone involved. Honestly, the better behaved your current dog is, the better the example will be set for any newcomers. It sets the stage for everything. If your dog is exhibiting undesired behaviors that you ar concerned about, I would get that sorted out before adding another dog into the mix. My advice would be to enroll in a dog training class and after you are comfortable with your success there, then decide on adding another dog. Best of luck to you??

  2. Laura

    PLEASE wait until your existing dog is an ADULT before bringing another puppy into the home. PLEASE.

  3. Laura

    Also, male dogs do not go into heat like female dogs. Please do research on basic biology of canines.

  4. carrie Urquhart

    Male dogs humping things could be because he isn’t fixed, and if the new puppy is female, yes he will try and hump, maybebif it’s a male too. I would definitely get them both neutered or spayed and that could solve your problems. Some male dog will continue the behavior afterwards, it just depends on the dog.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Chinese Pug Is 8 Yrs Old And Has Difficulty Walking. After Sleeping, His…

My Chinese Pug is 8 yrs old and has difficulty walking. After sleeping, his front legs cannot move well. What it could be? What can he take medically to alleviate it?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pug Has Had This Swollen Lump On Her Front Paw In Between Her Toes…

My pug has had this swollen lump on her front paw in between her toes for a couple weeks now. We had previously assumed it was some kind of fungus and had been keeping it clean. It still hasn’t hasn’t gone away and it’s pretty big and inflamed. It’s reddish brown and normally it didn’t hurt her when we touched it. It also doesn’t hurt for her to walk. My dad tried to pop it this morning and it just oozed a clear fluid which then turned a little bloody. Even after it was popped it didn’t seem to decrease the size. What could this be?

I have also included a photo.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chiuaua Cross Pug Has Just Tied With A Cocker Spaniel, Now Released What Issues…

My Chiuaua cross pug has just tied with a cocker spaniel, now released what issues might we gave now due to the size differance?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Dog That Is 4 Years Old And Is A Pug. We Cant…

I have a dog that is 4 years old and is a pug. We cant afford to have it stay in a kennel for that long and none of my realitives and friends are able to let her stay at their place. So we hired a pet sitter to come to the house to feed the dog in the morning and for dinner, and to let out my dog in the morning afternoon and night. We also hired someone else to come in between those times to come to my house 2-3 a day while im gone to play with my dog and walk it for about 1-2 hours. Do you think my dog will be okay? I’m just so worried and stressed. Also the people we hired are trusted. Also we have cameras in my home and will be able to monitor and my dog has a designated area that is contained.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Is the sitter bonded and insured?  Do they have excellent reviews?  Have you discussed your concerns with them?