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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Am Going To Buy A New Puppy And I Already Have A 8 Month…

I am going to buy a new puppy and i already have a 8 month old pug and he is in heat will he try to hump the new puppy or will i be fine if not how can i introduce the new pug puppy

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello? If you are adding another dog into your home, I would strongly advise that you have your existing pup well trained. It will benefit everyone involved. Honestly, the better behaved your current dog is, the better the example will be set for any newcomers. It sets the stage for everything. If your dog is exhibiting undesired behaviors that you ar concerned about, I would get that sorted out before adding another dog into the mix. My advice would be to enroll in a dog training class and after you are comfortable with your success there, then decide on adding another dog. Best of luck to you??

  2. Laura

    PLEASE wait until your existing dog is an ADULT before bringing another puppy into the home. PLEASE.

  3. Laura

    Also, male dogs do not go into heat like female dogs. Please do research on basic biology of canines.

  4. carrie Urquhart

    Male dogs humping things could be because he isn’t fixed, and if the new puppy is female, yes he will try and hump, maybebif it’s a male too. I would definitely get them both neutered or spayed and that could solve your problems. Some male dog will continue the behavior afterwards, it just depends on the dog.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Chinese Pug Is 8 Yrs Old And Has Difficulty Walking. After Sleeping, His…

My Chinese Pug is 8 yrs old and has difficulty walking. After sleeping, his front legs cannot move well. What it could be? What can he take medically to alleviate it?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pug Has Had This Swollen Lump On Her Front Paw In Between Her Toes…

My pug has had this swollen lump on her front paw in between her toes for a couple weeks now. We had previously assumed it was some kind of fungus and had been keeping it clean. It still hasn’t hasn’t gone away and it’s pretty big and inflamed. It’s reddish brown and normally it didn’t hurt her when we touched it. It also doesn’t hurt for her to walk. My dad tried to pop it this morning and it just oozed a clear fluid which then turned a little bloody. Even after it was popped it didn’t seem to decrease the size. What could this be?

I have also included a photo.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chiuaua Cross Pug Has Just Tied With A Cocker Spaniel, Now Released What Issues…

My Chiuaua cross pug has just tied with a cocker spaniel, now released what issues might we gave now due to the size differance?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Dog That Is 4 Years Old And Is A Pug. We Cant…

I have a dog that is 4 years old and is a pug. We cant afford to have it stay in a kennel for that long and none of my realitives and friends are able to let her stay at their place. So we hired a pet sitter to come to the house to feed the dog in the morning and for dinner, and to let out my dog in the morning afternoon and night. We also hired someone else to come in between those times to come to my house 2-3 a day while im gone to play with my dog and walk it for about 1-2 hours. Do you think my dog will be okay? I’m just so worried and stressed. Also the people we hired are trusted. Also we have cameras in my home and will be able to monitor and my dog has a designated area that is contained.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Is the sitter bonded and insured?  Do they have excellent reviews?  Have you discussed your concerns with them?

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is A 2 Year Old Pure Pug. She Is Up To Date With Her…

She is a 2 year old pure pug. She is up to date with her vaccinations and has had diarrhea for about 2-3 days. This afternoon she pooped that white slimy liquid and I’m concerned now and I would like to know how to help her.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    if she’s had diarrhea for that long, you need to get her to the vet.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Pug / Boston Terrier Mix Occasionally Chuffs And Huffs Like A Horse With The…

My pug / boston terrier mix occasionally chuffs and huffs like a horse with the heaves. What could be the cause of this? My old Yellow Lab used to do the same thing. Could it be heartworms? He’s 5 yr. old not neutered male in good health

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    If he is not on Heartworm preventative then your dog could have heartworms.  Why is he not on preventative?  It sounds like it could be a heart problem and he should go to the vet.  A vet is the only one who can diagnose Heartworms or another heart problem.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Pug Terrier Mix Who Is Very Sweet And Loving. But, We Have…

I have a pug terrier mix who is very sweet and loving. But, we have a golden retriever in our neighborhood and whenever our dog sees him whether it is through a window or out and about in the neighborhood, he attacks and goes completely insane! One time when I tried to pull him away he even tried to bite me. It is completely out of character for my dog and he is only this way around this particular dog. What is the next step I should take?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    honestly, i’d talk to a behaviorist about this.  they can assess your dog’s behavior firsthand and suggest things accordingly.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 6 Month Pug Puppy Diagnosed With Hip Dysplasia. The Vet Has Said With Rest…

My 6 month pug puppy diagnosed with hip dysplasia. The vet has said with rest this should correct itself in next 6 month but everything iv said says this is not the case!! Advice needed ….do I need a second opiniom???

2 Responses


  1. amy cook

    His xrays showed hip dysplasia but told to rest him (very hard when he is an excitable crazy pup). But reading on treatment options there’s a number that can only be done before arthritic changes begin to show or under 1 year of age… time he goes for next xrays he will be over a year!! I feel like will be offending the vet if I ask for a referral

  2. caroline challita

    Hi Amy,

    I’d like to share something that was suggested to me here and did wonders. Keep reminding yourself that you, your puppy and your vet are on the same team! Show your vet and the staff that you are grateful, it could be something small like simply smiling and saying thank you, a helium balloon with some chocolates or anything small to show your appreciation will go a very long way.

    I think that step would help the vet not to feel offended and instead be part of the follow ups.

    Its never bad to have a second opinion 🙂

    Warm wishes to you and your puppy,


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Pawbly | 11 years ago
I Have A 15 Year Old Pug. In May He Started Losing Patches Of…

I have a 15 year old Pug. In May he started losing patches of hair, no bigger than the size of a quarter. There were a couple on his legs, one or two on his stomach and the last one has been on the under part of his neck. My vet has done all the blood work as well as skin scrapings and everything is normal. He gets better with meds, but as soon as we stop them, he gets another patch. These spots are not itchy. He is not bothered by them at all. I have an appointment with a dermatologist next week. However, I follow the life of an elderly pug on Facebook and I have noticed that he has several places on his underside with no hair. I was wondering if this could all be due to my pug’s age.

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Hi Beth,

    there is a number of conditions that can cause hair loss. Little patches would make me think infection but you say your vet ruled that out? (both bacterial and fungal?) Gland/hormonal disorders can also cause hair loss but typically not in this type of pattern.

    Age by itself is not a disease, but with age things might not be working as well as they used to. There still should be a discernible cause, though, IMO.

    Is this issue in any way seasonal?

    Makes me think of Jasmine, though. Twice she developed a bald patch in different areas, which didn’t seem to have any reason for it. For lack of any better explanation, her vet put her on Melatonin and the fur grew right back.