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Jennie | 5 years ago
I Have A Question About Dog Food. Years Ago, We Had A German Shepherd Who Was …

I have a question about dog food. Years ago, we had a german shepherd who was allergic to chicken. We switched him (and our other 2 dogs) to grain free and they all did amazing on it. We mixed proteins and had no issues. Now, years later, we have a german shepherd pup (9 months old now). When he came to us at 8 weeks he was eating Victor grain free active dog and puppy. Our vet is anti-grain free and recommended Purina Pro Plan large breed puppy (chicken). We transitioned over a couple of weeks, but he had soft stools or diarrhea all the time and was itchy. He ended up having anal gland issues. We added pumpkin, bananas, yogurt and nothing helped.
We switched to the sslmon/sensitive skin and stomach puppy formula but it didn’t get better. We ended up adding Victor back in, and he got better. Now he is back on the Victor puppy grain free, mixed with the Victor grain included formula. No issues. But our Vet has us worried about heart issues, and I’m worried that we’re going to get a lecture because she only recommends Purina Pro Plan, Science Diet, RC, Ian’s – big companies with a vet on staff. Should we keep trying these, or stick with what’s working? (Our previous vet retired 🙁 ) We want to do the best thing for our puppy.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am anti grain free too. I have seen perfectly healthy dogs die, in some cases even multiple dogs in the same house die from grain free diets and heart disease. It has changed me and I won’t recommend grain free until we know exactly what is happening and why. Along with what we can do about it. For now I don’t feed or recomend grain free. I also do not believe the anal glands are associated with the diet. I’ve seen thousands of dogs over decades and they don’t correlate to diet and anal sac issues. Please don’t think that we lecture because we are influenced by anything other then our training, our individual experiences and our deep fondness for the animals we have dedicated our lives too. To say we are paid or influenced by the pet food companies Is both untrue and unkind. You should find a diet that works for all of you and is safe to feed. My best to you all. Be kind to your vet. They want what’s best for your dog.

    1. Jennie Post author

      Thank you! I definitely don’t think that our vet is influenced by anything. I just feel sort of lost – we’ve had many dogs but never one with a sensitive tummy. We want to do what’s best for him. We’ll keep trying!

  2. Sarah

    Hi- we have a household of german shepherds. We feed Purina One large breed with glucosamine. There is a sensitive stomach option as well as a senior option. At the moment our GSDs are loving the venison option. Our youngest did have an adjustment period of about 2 weeks from when we got him until his stools got back on track with our food. Other than that one instance, we have always been very happy with this food. I should add that their health and lifespan has been great on this diet as well. ..14 years and very healthy up until the end. I would say chat more with your vet and see what comes of it. They may be able to provide you with more information that you will find useful.????????

  3. Laura

    I feed the food the dog does best on. If that means Victor, or some other grain free brand, then that’s what it means. (Though I’m really not a fan of Victor.)

    I have been a fan of Merrick for a long time. Try them, or Castor + Pollux, their other brand. If you think your dog is allergic to chicken, make sure you read labels carefully – LOTS of brands use chicken fat in formulations which do not list chicken as a main ingredient, and even a little of it will make our girl break out in hives and have loose stool. I can feed grain-inclusive foods as long as they’re limited ingredient.

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Michael | 5 years ago
My Name Is Gail Soth I Am Requesting Help For My 1 Year Old Puppy She Hasn…

My name is Gail soth i am requesting help for my 1 year old puppy she hasn’t been eating nor drinking throwing up. We had her to churchville vet thursday and Friday og this past week and the emergency hospital in belair Saturday she has had 2 x-rays with suspicion of a object lodged in her intestines. We are trying every way to keep her. We’ve put a lot og money up for her but we don’t have the financials to do the surgery. We love are dog and my youngest 2 grandchildren love her to pieces. We had been trying to feed her through a syringe with her medication the doctors have given us. We want to keep our pup and she means the world to us and shes family. Im pleading for help. This is critical and would appreciate it you could help us save our pup.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your puppy. Please call all family and friends asking for help. I would also call all of the local
    Shelters and rescues. Even some of the pet centered foundations. You can go to the jarrettsville vet website and look under resources for a list of places who might be able to help. If you cannot fins anyone to help I can seek help through a local rescue but she would have to be surrendered to them for further care. I wish you all the best.

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Jackie | 5 years ago
HELP!! I Have A 3yo Female Pom, Nomi, Who Is Bullying Our Newly Adopted Female Puppy, …

I have a 3yo female Pom, Nomi, who is bullying our newly adopted female puppy, Ali.
Backstory: We had a senior Beagle (who recently passed away) and our current 3yo Pom. They got along very well tho the beagle was not in to playing with toys, he would play “wrestle” with Nomi. Nomi never had any aggression toward him (other than don’t go after my food) but she did like to boss him around….stay out of the garbage, don’t lick the dishes when the dishwasher is open sort of stuff. As said, our Beagle recently passed and we just (like yesterday) adopted a puppy, wanting to give Nomi another companion. Nomi is bullying the new pup; will not allow her to play with the toys…(.and we did buy new toys as we knew not to just give Nomi’s toys up for grabs)….will not allow her play freely, nips at pup if she makes sudden movements around her. Normally, Nomi is a very social dog with humans but has never been around dogs other than her beagle brother who was already here when Nomi came to us at 12 weeks old.

I need to know how to calm Nomi down and teach her it is ok for the new pup to play both with toys and in general. I need to know how to effectively “discipline” Nomi when she is mean to the pup without using tactics such as striking her or yelling. I have been giving her lots of praise in the moments when she doesn’t nip or growl at the pup, even treats. We’ve been very cautious to make sure we show Nomi affection right along with the new girl and we do not leave them alone together, and do not feed them together.

ANY help/advice would be so welcome as we want these two girls to get along and be pals for their sake and ours!

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    How did you introduce them? Have you talked to Nomi’s obedience trainer for ideas? This sounds like it COULD be generalized resource guarding, and it might mean she needs more confidence.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning-
    I think starting over from scratch might be helpful. Complete re-introduction for both dogs. A trainer will be helpful as well- even if your dogs already have obedience training. It just helps establish some routine as well as pack order. I am a firm believer in walks. They are another fantastic tool that help keep things in order. And personal space vs. supervised play will be helpful also. Setting up a place for your 3 yo dog to go for a break (crate, bed, etc.) that they know is for them only can also be very helpful. When our senior dog was still with us, if he went to his bed- everyone dogs and humans alike- knew to let him be, he needed a break. Our younger dogs do the same thing, and it really helps keep things calm. I hope you find this helpful. Again, a trainer who can see things firsthand will probably be money well spent and prove very helpful. These are just some things that help in our house. Best of luck!!!

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Tom | 5 years ago
Does My Dog Need A 4DX Test Before Taking A Heartworm Preventive? My Dog Is 71/2 Yrs …

Does my dog need a 4DX test before taking a heartworm preventive? My dog is 71/2 yrs old and has been taking Sentinel monthly since he was a pup, and his Lyme vaccination is up to date. I realize the 4DX test is worthwhile and will get it done at the next annual exam. But the vet is refusing to renew the sentinel prescription without a 4DX test, and that doesn’t make sense to me.

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    The 4DX test is the heartworm test, and every vet I’ve used has required it prior to filling heartworm prescription.

    1. Tom Post author

      Yep, I’m aware that’s what the test is for. I pose the question because the vet has been supplying Sentinel for my dog for the past seven years without a 4dx test, so it’s a belated change in protocol. Plus, if Sentinel works as intended, why test for heartworm? I’ve never missed a monthly dose.

      1. Laura

        That’s interesting, and best addressed with the vet. It’s possible they simply changed protocol, or maybe they’ve mixed up your normal schedule.

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Mike | 5 years ago
Is Our Jack Russell Addicted To Something?

We have a 2 year old Jack Russell named Toby. Papers from the breeder say he is registered, but my guess is if we spent the money on a DNA test we would find a stranger in the midst. We love him and wouldn’t trade him for the world but we think he has an addiction! He was not handled by the breeder and probably didn’t know human touch other than when his tail was docked and dew claws removed as a pup until we bought him.

He seems as though he is now addicted to our touch. Any kind of touch. He loves scratches from anyone, anywhere, at any time, and if you stop scratching him, he whines non stop. Could this behavioral issue be due to the lack of early touch? As much as we love this lug, having our hands on him every waking moment isn’t feasible.

I would love to know what we can do to keep him occupied that doesn’t include belly rubs, butt scratches, and tickling his ribs non stop. He has toys he.plays with as well as two other Jack Russell’s to terrorize squirrels in the back yard with, so it’s not a lack of stimulation. Open to suggestions! Oh, and the breeder was breeding pit bulls in the same place with Russell’s and at 30+/- lbs, we are pretty sure dad, well you understand!
Thank you

1 Response


  1. Laura

    So, by feeding in to the whining, you’re reinforcing the behavior. At his age it will be difficult to stop. I’d reach out to your obedience trainer for ideas for this one.

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Jess | 5 years ago
Hi! This Message Is For Dr. Magnifico: I Just Watched One Of Your YouTube Videos On …

Hi! This message is for Dr. Magnifico: I just watched one of your YouTube videos on IVDD disc disease and it gave me so much Comfort listening to you speak about the pup you were treating and the amount of pain he was in. I have my boy, 11 year old schnauzer_ 25 lbs- we did an MRI Last Saturday which revealed a disc extrusion a C3-4 with other milder disc protrusions. My guy has also had some liver issues for the past three years which has him on denamarin every day but also since this supplement, his liver enzymes have gone back to Normal. He is currently on Dexamethasone 0.5 mg, gabapentin 100mg and tramadol 50mg. Even though I did ask the doctor from the emergency hospital as well as Rex’s (my dog) other regular physician if these medications would be OK with him and his past liver problems, They both said yeah, I still can’t help but feel a little bit worried that these medications are going to hurt his already damaged liver. I’ve been trying to take it easy on the tramadol as a matter of fact they waited only until yesterday to start giving it to him because he is fine during the day he can still walk poop,pee and is still a total scavenger, But come night time that’s when he starts getting more comfortable and about 4 to 5 times he has woken up crying in pain which breaks my heart. Of course these episodes thank God only last about 10 to 20 seconds no longer and then he shakes it off and is fine after that. During these episodes though he gets up lift his right leg up and sort of paralyzes for that short amount of time his neck is not able to move his whole body hunches it’s a really scary experience the first time I saw it happen I thought he was dying, so you describing it the way that you did in one of your YouTube videos really really made me feel so much better about Rex and what he is going through and if anything made me feel thankful that even though my baby is in pain and is feeling uncomfortable there are so many other puppies out there doing so much worse than him. I’ve decided to buy him a stroller just because his brother, him and I are outdoor people we would go every day on 2 to 3 hour walks and now we’ve diminished them to 10 to 20 minute walks which still think that’s a lot so I think his stroller is going to help all three of us. I’m sorry for the rant I’ll finally get to the point-I just wanted to ask you what’s your experience with those three medications that I just mentioned do you think they are going to eventually become an issue with his liver? Also what’s your opinion on a neck brace for dogs I was thinking and looking up a few neck braces that might help him keep his next treat would you recommend this?
I hope to hear back from you soon and once again, thank you so much for your YouTube videos. I wish all veterinarians were like you.


Jess V.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Although dex is a great anti inflammatory and analgesic I would be more worried about it with the liver. I also am not a fan of tramadol. I prefer gabapentin and robaxin for the IVDD dogs. Some of this is personal preference. Please call your vet and ask about your concerns with the liver and if they think the drugs I mentioned might help. Keep us posted. I have a long blog on IVDD at And multiple YouTube videos. Please review all of them for help. Good Iuck.

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Jodi | 5 years ago
Hi Dr. Magnifico! Curious On Your Thoughts On Gabapentin For Pain? I’ve Read Mixed Reviews. …

Hi Dr. magnifico! Curious on your thoughts on gabapentin for pain? I’ve read mixed reviews. My pup has a painful back leg. Originally she saw a vet at our practice who thought is was due to Lyme because she had tested strong positive and did not feel a drawer sign when checked. We did antibiotic treatment and the lameness got better for the most part. She would have some days where you could see it was bothering her. Then a few months later she was back to not bearing weight on it. Saw a different vet this time at our practice and this vet said he felt the drawer sign and said he felt it was injured CCL and reccomened a surgeon. Surgeon said would need to have x-rays to confirm which I haven’t had the money for. So we did pain meds (gabapentin and tramodyl) and rest for about a month and lameness went away again. She’s been good for about a year up until the past month or two and the vet gave gaba again. When she’s on it, she looks sleepy and scared. I’ve never had an issue giving pills with her in cheese on lunch meat or something but now she tries to spit it out. It’s like she knows what it’s going to do to her. I’ve read mixed reviews. I’ve also read it’s more for nerve pain? So I’m not sure if it’s actually relieving her pain or not. I’ve also read the reciptors that tramodyl targets, dogs don’t have? Curious on your opinion on all of this. I would like to see if she’s still a candidate for surgery even though it’s been some time but I need to come up with the funds for that so I’m trying to help her in the mean time. I give her vitamin supplements for her joints. I don’t want her on pain meds all the time but want something that gives her some relief on those bad days without making her feel drugged up.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I actually use gabapentin a lot. I have discontinued using tramadol for many reasons. I also think that if you aren’t seeing benefits and/or seeing adverse side effects that there are other options to discuss. I think the first problem is that you lack a definitive diagnosis. I would try to start there. Then ask about other treatment options to see if they have less adverse side effects? I would also make sure your pets weight is ideal. You are on a good reputable food and a joint supplement. Also moderate impact free exercise. Please talk to your vet about all of these. Good luck .

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Kristen | 5 years ago
Hi! My Pup Was Spayed Last Monday. They Kept Her Overnight And The Next Day Until 3…

Hi! My pup was spayed last Monday. They kept her overnight and the next day until 3pm. They called asking if we wanted to bring sedatives home because she was going crazy there in her crate and dashing everywhere. I said sure and brought them home. They didn’t use sedatives there… she was fine when she came home. She wasn’t too active just random bursts of energy. I tried the sedative one night and it just made her even worse and irritated and couldn’t settle down. From then I’ve been crating her a lot. Anyways Wednesday I noticed a swelling puffy bump on the left side of her incision. Hasn’t gone down yet. Took her to the vet on Friday and she said probably being too active caused it. Which I don’t think she’s been too crazy at home. Idk what happened the day after surgery at the vet but I don’t know. If it’s a seroma, what do you do for that? I’m not sure what to do. She doesn’t lick or bite at that area. And everything else looks good.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning-
    Since surgery was so recent, and you’ve had your vet look at it and they seem to not be too concerned, I would just keep an eye on it. Make sure it doesn’t become painful or warm to the touch, and keep tabs on her activity level. If anything changes, please call the vet and get her in to see them. I’m assuming you have another follow up scheduled soon- any concerns that you might still have, you can address then. But again- if you notice any changes in temperature, behavior or the incision please call your vet and get her in.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with Sarah. This needs to be seen by the vet who did the surgery. Hopefully it is something simple and normal. But. Just in case, and because we always need to err on the side of caution call your vet to check. Hope things are all ok. Thank you for spaying her!

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Samantha | 5 years ago
My 5 Year Old Golden Retriever, Paisley, Just Received Ultrasound Results That Observed Masses On Her Spleen, …

My 5 year old golden retriever, Paisley, just received ultrasound results that observed masses on her spleen, bladder and rectum, and enlarged lymph nodes. Her blood work came back normal, and stool sample was negative for parasites – she’s been a healthy dog! In the past 3 weeks, Paisley has been very lethargic, sleeps most of the day, can no longer get into the car or onto the bed, and strains trying to pass stool (it’s mostly blood or small stool with blood). Her appetite is unchanged – she’s always gobbled up her food and never misses an opportunity to mooch, so this is good. Her water intake is lower than normal, but she is still periodically drinking throughout the day. We’re currently awaiting the full report on the ultrasound to determine what the next options are (x-ray, biopsies, surgery, chemo – depending). My question goes out to the Pawbly community – pet owners and veterinarians, anyone who may have personal experience or insight related to this. Have you had this sort of unfortunate discovery with your pet? Was it benign or malignant? Is surgery recommended for both benign and malignant masses, and what is the likelihood of it resolving things? The questions go on…We just got this news last night, so admittedly my head is still spinning and not sure how best to proceed. It’s already been $2,000 in vet bills to get to this stage. Without pet insurance, just preparing for whatever costs may lie ahead for anything we choose to do next. Otherwise, Paisley is a very happy girl and still has a great zest for life when she has the energy! Shocked that this is happening to such a young pup.

Thanks in advance for any and all feedback! Very much appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hi there- so sorry that this is all happening. I think that before you can really come up with any sort of game plan, you need to find out the rest of the results. I would also start keeping a journal for questions you have as well as your dog’s behavior. You can share these with your vet. I know that when our dog two years ago was ill, I always had a million questions and then when we would get to our appointment, my mind would go blank. Keeping the journal helps to sort your thoughts out so that you don’t forget to mention anything or ask anything. I am quite sure that your vet will set aside time to speak with you. You should talk about ALL possible options. I know that my vet tries to offer every scenario she can think of and then we make a plan from there. Do not be shy about discussing budget either. I wish I could offer more advice to you right away. Hopefully another Pawbly friend will log on and have more insight to share. Very best of luck to you and your pup. Please keep us posted????????

    1. Samantha Post author

      Thank you for your comment! Great idea to document what’s been going on, or any observations that should be noted (especially questions – I always blank out on the millions of things I want to ask when the time comes).

      I do feel like our vet will also take the time to present all available options. I’m just hoping that it’s an honest conversation about quality of life, what the prognosis looks like and if it’s even reasonable to do XYZ, budget considerations, etc. I’m at the point where I don’t want to keep going down a rabbit hole of testing and procedures, but I do feel like the biopsies are the next step regardless and those will definitely provide some answers. I just can’t believe how quickly these things happen! All of the physical behavioural changes have been so unexpected.

      May I ask, what was your dog ill with when you had to consider options? Hope everything ended up being okay, or at the very least hope you’ve had some peace of mind!

      1. Sarah

        Well- only since you asked. He was our younger mixed breed, and always so healthy- when he started to be tired all the time I brought him in because it was so out of character. When they took xrays my vet could tell right away it wasn’t good. He was riddled with cancer everywhere, so we knew it was a matter of time and pain management. That was in early spring about 2 years ago. We had to get him to the end of the school year (he was my son’s best friend in the whole world) and our vet helped us do that. Your situation may very well be much different. It sounds as if anything your dog may possibly have would be fairly contained. Hopefully the ultrasound and other test results come back with a good prognosis! ????????

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
First Puppy Exam, Meet Oakley. This Is A Story Of A New Puppy And The Veterinary Visits They Need To Start Off On The Right Paw.
Treatment Cost (USD): $155.00
It is my advice that every new pet should be seen by a veterinarian within 3-5 days of purchase/ adoption. Based on the previous records a puppy vaccination, surgical, and behavioral plan can be laid out.
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