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Heather | 1 year ago
My Pup Was Fine All Day The. Out Of The Blue Started Yelping When He Had …

My pup was fine all day the. Out of the blue started yelping when he had to jump or tried to run or be active I can’t touch it’s back his legs his hips everything and he is fine can not pick him up with out him yelping screaming he can not jump up or down with out yelping

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your puppy. I strongly recommend that you place him in a small carrier or cage and get to a vets office. Do not allow him to walk or jump or over exert himself or he can cause more damage or worsen whatever is going on. The vet need to do an examination and maybe take an Xray.
    Keep him calm and quiet and do not give any medications without speaking to a vet first.

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Karen | 1 year ago
My 10 Week Beagle Pup Kiwi Was Diagnosed With Strangles. She Was Put On Clavamox And Prednisone. …

My 10 week beagle pup Kiwi was diagnosed with strangles. She was put on Clavamox and prednisone. I saw a lot of improvement fairly quickly with the swelling and now she is drinking again and is playful and no longer lethargic. My question is regarding the length of the prednisone treatment. She is on 5mg twice a day for 3 days and then 2.5 twice a day for 3 days and then 2.5 once a day for 4 days. I had never heard of this before she became sick and so I have been doing a lot of reading. Everything I have seen so far suggests a much longer course of steroid therapy. I am somewhat uncomfortable about beginning the taper so soon as she still has some swelling on the face and lymph nodes. Should the dosage remain the same until symptoms resolve and then begin to taper?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I’m so glad to hear your pup is doing better. I think this question is best directed to the vet who prescribed it.

    No one can provide a better answer than they can.

    Good luck!!

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Rance | 1 year ago
My Rescue Dog Copper He Is Amazing, Protective And Overall A Huge Part Of My Familys …

My rescue dog Copper he is amazing, protective and overall a huge part of my familys life. He looks like he has dachshund in hin the length reminds me. Recently we started seeing a limp in his back left leg. He has not been hurt at all. I thought maybe a sprain from playing he does get wild with the neighbors bigger pup. So we gradually notice it getting worse over the week hes limping and the muscle has all gone. I have been walking him maybe gain some back he wont even put pressure on his back leg. Its been a couple weeks and we come home and there is blood comong from his genital when the part comes out. It seems as if he has no control o er it anymore. My heart is hurting and i dont want to put him down he is only 2 years old but he seems missreable. He does not speak it (cry) but the look in his eyes tells me everything i need to know. I do not have the money now to go to vet and pay 1,000 tell i get a new job. Please anyone if you have been through anything similar or any home remedies to ease him.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. It really sounds like he needs to be seen by a veterinarian. For cases like these I tell clients to please pay the cost of rhe exam and then we can at least get some idea of what’s going on. In some cases I try an antibiotic and pain medication and then have people save up for an X-ray.
    But a limp is not a reason to put a dog to sleep. The only time I might discuss lameness and euthanasia is if I am worried about cancer. But your dog is very young for this.

    Start with a phone call to a vet for an appointment and go from there.

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Jesse | 2 years ago
7y/0 M Golden Retriever Had Mass Removed Near Spine. Incision Site Was Relatively Large And Is …

7y/0 M golden retriever had mass removed near spine. Incision site was relatively large and is healing quite nicely . Since about day 5 post op he has had a sac of fluid underneath the skin (diagnosed by vet as seroma). After 2 fine needle aspirations, 2 rounds of anti-inflammatory and an antibiotic, the seroma has not gone down in size. He has been very minimally active (just goes out to use potty). Seroma has not reduced size and vet said it is ok to ease back into routine.

Any advice on how long this will last and if playing with buddies at park (he wrestles his one best friend) will delay healing? It seems no activity is not helping the swelling anyway.

Just want my pup to have a bit more fun during the day he’s been isolated for over one month!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Seromas can take quite a long time to resolve. I have seen it take weeks. Or even 2-3 months. The key is that it is never bothering your dog and never shows any signs of being n infection.
    In my experience it just has to reabsorb on its own and on its own time.

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tracy | 3 years ago
Our 4 ½ Month Old Westie Pup Was Almost House Trained. Now, She’s Back To Peeing In …

Our 4 ½ month old Westie pup was almost house trained. Now, she’s back to peeing in the house. What can we do?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    Make sure it isn’t a urinary tract infection or medical issue by talking to your vet and then once that’s cleared to back to basic housebreaking training

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Dewald | 4 years ago
Good Day Everyone, My Question Is About My 6 Week Old Dachshund Pup Hazel She Is Healthy …

Good Day Everyone,

My question is about my 6 week old dachshund pup Hazel

She is healthy and super active but I have noticed that she will cry all the time until I pick her up ( I work from home too so I have plenty of time for her but meetings are hard lol )

3 Responses


  1. Laura

    This is just one of many problems with bringing an underage puppy home – that pup needs to be with her littermates for AT LEAST 2 more weeks for proper mental development. I strongly suggest getting a Snuggle Puppy to help her adjust. It’ll help you crate train, as well.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I think it might be time to seek some help from a puppy class or trainer, or even see if you can find someone local to help with doggie daycare. Or even find another friend who has a puppy so they can play together. It’s time for healthy boundaries and lots of socializing with other people and pets. It might even be time for a little tough love so you don’t end up with separation anxiety issues.
    Your puppy is insecure and needs to feel that it is ok to have alone and down time. Essentially a quiet nap time out.

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Chandler | 4 years ago
Hello! So I Just Took Home A Pup, He’s An 8 Week Old Cane Corso. The …

Hello! So i just took home a pup, he’s an 8 week old cane corso. The breeder had his ears cropped a couple weeks ago and slowly started to noticed a small fluid filled “lump” on the back of his neck between his shoulder blades. He had called the ear cropping vet as well as his regular vet whom didn’t seem concerned most likely a seroma. They prescribed an antibiotic just to prevent an abscess as well as sending me home with some dimethyl sulfoxide cream. The first couple days we had him at home we didn’t use the cream because it made his breath smell and now the small lump has grown to the size of an orange. It’s still soft, doesn’t seem to bother his besides some itching, and he’s still very playful. Ugh it’s just making me nervous! I have an appointment with the vet for his final shots in a couple weeks. Just looking for some advice to calm my nerves or if i should go in sooner.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that in this case I would get a second opinion to help ease your worries. I also think that the best way to identify a mass like this might be to aspirate it so you know what it most likely is. I had a puppy recently who had seen three other vets before he came to see me. He was 12 weeks old and had a large swelling in his neck. The puppy was acting normally he thought. I shaved the area and put a large gauge needle into it. We removed a huge amount of puss. This puppy had also been on an antibiotic. After two weeks he is healed and a fire cracker. He is a lot more lively then when I first met him which goes to show it can be hard to assess true behavior and attitude until after you get the correct diagnosis and treatment plan. Also a seroma happens very near or at the surgical site. So I’m not sure this is that. I hope this helps. Keep us posted.

    1. Chandler Post author

      Thank you for your response! I saw it this AM and took him to the emergency vet. They took a sample to see what it was and it was indeed a seroma. What they’re wondering is why? They think it might be from the micro chip that was placed. They did drain it and said it’s a 50/50 chance it’ll come back- and sure enough it has. So I’ll have to make an appointment with my vet- they talked about possible “surgery” to remove the chip and figure out what’s causing the leak. Seems aggressive – everything i read said seroma stake time to go down. Any thoughts?

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Julia | 4 years ago
My Pup Started About 3 Days Ago Having Skin Tags On The Exterior Of Her Mouth. Now …

My pup started about 3 days ago having skin tags on the exterior of her mouth. Now she has them appear inside her mouth, on top of her head, one on an eye lid, and based on the amount she’s itching one ear there’s likely a wort-like growth inside, too. Is this oral papillomas?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- I would call the vet and get her in to be seen right away. They can get a better look at things in person, and then will be able to provide you with some form of treatment. Hope pup is ok!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    It looks like it might be. Keep her quarantined and don’t share any bowls with other dogs. They have always been self limiting but they are highly contagious.

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CARY | 4 years ago
Hi, We Are In Dire Need Of A Second Opinion As Our German Shepherd Is In …

Hi, We are in dire need of a second opinion as our German Shepherd is in Emergency now and we are waiting for the neurologist to call us back again. About 6 days ago our pup jumped out of the car and yelped. She seemed to start walking a little weird and we kept our eye on her. The next day she started having weakness in her back legs and swaying a little. A couple days later it was a little harder for her to get up from sitting. The vet thought she had pain from her stomach as she had diarrhea and she did blood work and an xray of her abdomen and middle of spine. Because when the vet watched her walk and did pain tests and mobility, she seems fine with no pain. By the 4th day she started to really have a hard time getting up and she had a little dragging in the back feet. 5th day, she had a hard time time squatting to go to the bathroom and was losing balance. Her front left leg started to show weakness and we took her straight to emergency.

The neurologist still has not done an MRI because she said that our pup was just laying there like a log and not being supper responsive. Which makes her think it could be a brain issue. I am waiting for er phone call now but I will be asking her to just do the MRI of the spine and the brain to have a better understanding. Our dog was fully responsive when we took her to emergency 12 hours ago so I am wondering if she is completely sad because we have never left her anywhere.

Please help! This is urgent.

Thank you.

5 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I’m so sorry about your dog! I have to ask- I am assuming your car was not moving when the dog jumped out? And are you and your vet sure that her situation right now is actually related to that incident? I’m just trying to clarify- sorry. I am hoping that you get some more definitive answers today from your vet.

    1. CARY Post author

      Hi Sarah, No, the car wasn’t moving. She yelped a couple times coming down the sofa also, She is still at vet and is getting an MRI today and spinal fluid tap. The vet mentioned meningitis also. I am just frustrated that we had to wait 2 days for an MRI, especially if it is Meningitis and needs to be treated ASAP. I went to see her yesterday and she was excited to see me but can’t stand up or really lift her head up.

      1. Sarah

        Oh my goodness. I truly feel for you. I hope that something shows in the MRI so that you can start the road to recovery and that she is ok ???????? If you fe up to it, please keep us posted.

  2. CARY Post author

    We got the results back from MRI and spinal fluid and she has meningitis/encephalitis . They immediately put her on broad spectrum antibiotics and steroids. Today they got back the spinal fluid results and it showed no bacterial cause so they took her off all antibiotics and started an immediate 24 infusion of Cytostar, an auto suppressive medication. We now wait for another 18 hours to see how she is responding.

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Kimberly | 5 years ago
Our 9 Month Old Boxer Is Scheduled For A Neuter Just Before He Turns 11 Months Old. A …

Our 9 month old boxer is scheduled for a neuter just before he turns 11 months old. A lot of boxer forums have recommended waiting until male boxers hit 18 months so they don’t miss out of their growing hormones. Just wondering if it’s worth the wait. Simba is definitely a more well behaved pup at 9 months than he was at 5 months. Calms down more easily, isn’t as hyper all of the time. Any input would be appreciated!

1 Response


  1. Laura

    I’m a fan of waiting. If you can be 100% certain to keep him contained in the event he smells a bitch in heat in the neighborhood, it’s good to let him keep his hormones until fully grown.

    (People who neuter for behavioral reasons are lazy trainers. Marking is a training issue, unmanaged attitude problems are due to lack of engagement, etc.)