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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Doing Good, Still Eating And Drinking. Using The Bathroom. Very Protective Of Pups…

She is doing good, still eating and drinking. Using the bathroom. Very protective of pups which is good. Panting still but I also have the heat turned up for pups. I’ve tried taking her to the vets but no one is accepting new patients and are refusing to help. I cannot travel due to weather and car problems. I’m just worried a pup came two days later

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
What Should I Feed A 1 Month Old Chihuahua Pup?

What should I feed a 1 month old Chihuahua pup?

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Yazmin, have you bred this puppy? One month old is far far too young to leave their mum.

    As for feeding……try a puppy milk formula. Do not give cows milk, puppies and dogs cannot digest it.

    You could also give some runny baby rice mixed with the puppy milk. At one month old the pup should be able to lap. Once a day you could give a tiny ball of minced steak…and I mean tiny, about the size of a peanut to start with. 

    Good luck and I hope the puppy thrives. 

  2. Yazmin Martinez

    Thank you for ur answer I went to tractor supply and got him some puppy formula 🙂 yes he is young buy the momma rejected them 🙁 that’s y he is not with the mom

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
1 Yr Old Pup Spayed 1 Wk Ago. Tonight Had Check Up At The Vet…

1 yr old pup spayed 1 wk ago. tonight had check up at the vet and she said she has developed a seroma. unless it gets bigger or her behaviour changes, shouldnt need to be drained. do i wait it out and if so what do i do while we wait?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Yesterday I Noticed She Has An Inflamed Vulva, And Today There Is Brown Discharge From…

Yesterday I noticed she has an inflamed vulva, and today there is brown discharge from her urethra. She is normally fairly mellow with bursts of energy (she is a 9 month old pup after all), but today she has slept all day and barely left the couch. She feels warm, but I do not have a thermometer specifically for her so I can’t determine if she has a fever.

I’m not sure if this is related, but yesterday morning and the night before she threw up after meals. She was eating faster than usual because we were visiting a home with another dog, so she wanted to finish eating so they could play. I suspected that was the cause, but I don’t want to leave it out just in case.

There are no emergency veterinarians in or near the small town I live in so I’m very anxious if something is wrong!

6 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    has she gone into heat before?  i’m not a vet, but a suddenly fluffy vulva (and THANK YOU for using the correct term!) and brownish discharge would make me think it’s a heat cycle.

  2. Brenna Routhe

    She is spayed, and as far as I know she never had a heat cycle before the operation. Unfortunately I don’t know for sure because I adopted her from a rescue who spayed her before adoption. Thanks for the quick answer!

  3. Anonymous

    hmm. that was my only thought. it’s possible she’s dealing with a UTI. i’d get her in first thing tomorrow morning unless one of the resident vets pops in with another idea.

  4. Brenna Routhe

    Thanks! 🙂 I was planning on it, just wanted to get a quicker opinion since she won’t be able to be seen until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

  5. Brent Harte

    The vulva is an organ designed to clean its various anatomical structures by creating discharge.  For this reason the discharge itself is not problematic it is the color and odor.  The color and odor indicates the level of infection or presence of unhealthy microbes, UTI, Etc.  I do not have a course of action to recommend, I believe a veterinarian’s diagnoses is required until you more fully understand what this type of discharge represents.  Your dog’s temperature is great measure to the level of immune system activity and infection, so knowing your dog’s temperature now combined with the vet’s diagnoses will give a valuable benchmark for the next event.  I would recommend becoming an expert in your dog’s temperature during the treatment process for future use.  This type of ailment tends to reappear but at numerous levels of severity, being able to determine via temperature combined with the color and odor should assist you in future treatment decisions.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Just Noticed Small White Segments Of Worms Moving In My Pregnant Dogs Poo, What Would…

Just noticed small white segments of worms moving in my pregnant dogs poo, what would be safe for her and pups? She is due in less than a week. She’s still her bubbly self, but I’m worried for her.

3 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hello Anna, if you are finding worms at this late stage in her pregnancy you need to contact a Vet to find out if she can be wormed now and which wormer is safe.

    You will have a lot of problems with worms in the puppies if you don’t keep up with the worming when they are born if your bitch has them this badly. Not only are they passed through the placenta but also mum’s milk.

    The puppies will need worming at 2 weeks; 5 weeks; 8 weeks and every 3 weeks after that. Ask your Vet which wormer to use for them when you talk to him about your bitch.

    Please consider having your bitch spayed once the puppies are old enough, its much safer for her and stops unplanned litters.

    Hope she is ok and the pups are delivered safely. Good luck! 

  2. Anna Jones

    Thx so much, I JUST noticed them last night, so my plans were to call the vet 1st thing and ask. I couldn’t sleep so I searched and read about the worms and pregnant dogs and then I found this site. I haven’t been able to sleep, waiting on the vet to open.

  3. julie brader

    aawww bless you! They are a worry aren’t they! Don’t know if you knew but bitches all have worms laying dormant….pregnancy brings them to life unfortunately. Don’t worry I’m sure your Vet will give you good advice.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Had 5 Puppies All Were Born In Their Sacs Breech. My Husband And I…

she had 5 puppies all were born in their sacs breech. my husband and I had to break their sacs and get them to breathe because she wasn’t doing it and had no interest in pups till last one was born. this is her first litter and one of the pups died at 2 days. shes been a good mom, fed and cleaned them well. she eats a lot but I noticed shes drinking more water than she ever has. some days she just lays around like she doesn’t feel well and others shes her old spunky self. any idea what could be going on?

2 Responses


  1. Vicki Hamill

    What can I add…take the advice of the Vet from this website !!

  2. Ashley jenkins

    thank you for answering, i took her to the vet. he said she didn’t have a fever a doesn’t have any abnormal discharge as far as he could tell. he didn’t seem too concerned at all, but he doesn’t know my dog like i do. i really feel there is something wrong. the pups are now 9 weeks old and arent really nursing anymore. when i let her out to play they basically attack her and try to nurse but i pull them off her and she growls and nips at them. but I noticed that after they do actually nurse a bit is when it seems like she doesn’t feel well. ive done research, gone to the vet and contacted other vets all with no answers. i don’t know what else to do

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Female Pit Bull Pup And I Don’t Know Why Bit She Eats…

I have a female pit bull pup and I don’t know why bit she eats sticks chuncks of wood I clean the yard get anything that’s wood out and then she eats on our trees why does she eat them please help

1 Response


  1. julie brader

    Puppies, like babies test things with their mouths especially if teething.

    You do need to watch her though if she swallowed a peice of wood it could cause all sorts of serious problems. Try and distract her with a toy or a treat…..hopefully she will grow out of it. You could train her not to chew wood too….you’d have to catch her in the act…..calmly and firmly say NO get her to come to you, lots of praise and a treat. Its not too soon for calm sensible training. 

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Female Pit Bull Pup I Need Help She’s Done Something Yo Her…

I have a female pit bull pup I need help she’s done something yo her eye or has something in it what do I do

2 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Hi Brittany, if she was my dog I would take her straight to your Vet. Therr could be numerous things wrong with her eye….something in it; an infection; a condition called Entropian where the eyelashes rub on the eye; an ulcer….lots of things. Please don’t risk her eyesight by trying to treat it yourself. Take her to a Vet its the only way you will know whats wrong and have it treated properly. 

    Good luck!

  2. Anonymous

    ^ this. don’t wait to see what will happen, Brittany. take your dog to the vet TODAY.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
If A Lactating Dog Is Taken Away From The Pups At 5 Weeks Old And…

If a lactating dog is taken away from the pups at 5 weeks old and then returned to the puppies 3 days later, what will happen to her or the puppies?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Howell-Caldwell

    also she is swelled really bad and tender.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Hi Everybody!
Well My Pup Is Going On Five Months Now, He’s Been Desexed And Had…

Hi everybody!
Well my pup is going on five months now, he’s been desexed and had all his needles ect. and he’s a healthy happy boy. However, he has always been an inside dog due to the fact when he was a little guy he was very unwell. We are now moving to a bigger house with a large yard (he’s a cattle dog) and we are hoping for him to become an outside dog. However the problem is we’re having trouble convincing him to be an outside dog 😉
Hes currently being put in the garage with his bed, toys and clothing of ours, we have a clock in there and he has his own radio to keep him company. However, for the last two weeks he will not stop crying, whining, howling, batting at the door loudly and barking. Fortunately, he cries a bit when we put him in at night, and mainly sleeps through the night but as soon as he hears the birds which is like (3 am or 4 am) he won’t stop carrying on from then.
Its driving us crazy, we aren’t getting any sleep and neither is he. It makes us much less approachable in the morning when we get him out. We have started leaving him in there when we go to university and the shops during the day and he continues to do the same thing. We have tried everything, we have ignored him and turned to some smacks on the bottom but nothing is working!
Please if you have any advice, we are willing to try anything!

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    honestly, he wants to be with his family…unless you have some pressing NEED for him to be outside, let him stay in.  in fact, i’d crate him away from windows and give him some sort of radio in the room so he doesn’t hear the birds.

    as for the rest of his carrying on…he sounds BORED.  what do you do with him when you’re home?  are you actively training him?  if not, you need to start.  

  2. Linda Bradley

    Laura and Dr Krista are correct – he wants to be with his family!  A 5-month old puppy cannot entertain himself and neither can an adult dog without a job.  Show him that outside is a wonderful, fun place to be by being out there with him and playing games.  End the game before he is bored with it and then go inside.  Once he is an adult, will he have cattle to herd?  If not, he can get into all sorts of trouble outside alone out of boredom.  

    Please stop smacking him!  He won’t understand why you are hitting him.  He needs to be shown how you want him to behave and it will take  dedicated work on your part.  Find out how long he can stay in his kennel without starting to whine, even if it is just 30 seconds.  Put him in his kennel, go out of sight and return before he starts to whine.  They praise, praise, praise!  Have a party – what a good, smart boy you are!  Continue to do this, gradually extending the separation time.