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Pawbly | 9 years ago
What To Do To A Puppy With Pus On Some Parts Of Her Body?

What to do to a puppy with pus on some parts of her body?

3 Responses


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A Great Dane Puppy Who Is Almost 4 Months. When He Arrived He…

I have a great Dane puppy who is almost 4 months. When he arrived he had a few little wart-like bumps speckled across The back of his neck and the top of his head. Over the past eight weeks since he’s been with me the bumps are spreading and they seem to be growing bigger in size.

He’s not losing hair and the bumps are not pussy. They are dry and flaky. The breeder says that she’s never had puppy mange in any of her dogs and that she thinks it’s a bacterial infection. The vet wasn’t sure and just said to keep an eye on it to see if he started losing fur.

My puppy doesn’t seem to be in too much discomfort. He’s eating and drinking well. I feed him Diamond brand large breed puppy food. That’s what the breeder fed him and the nutritional levels are right on par with what you suggest on your website. Sometimes I feed him cold apples or carrots from the fridge, to help with teething. It seems like his gums are driving him crazy so I also give him bully stick to chew on.

The bumps have spread all down his side and his leg and even on the skin by his genitals.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Did the vet do a skin scrape?  

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Husband And I Run Our Own Company, So Can Bring Our Puppy Into The…

My husband and I run our own company, so can bring our puppy into the office with us every day. We can’t have the time off work to stay with him at home, while he adapts to his new surroundings, so planned on bringing him to the office with us each day, where we would of course give him lots of exercise and love and can potty train him in the grounds of our office. We thought this would also be good for socialisation. But we wondered whether this would be too stressful for him to spend one weekend with us at home, and then start coming to the office with us on the Monday? I know his paws won’t be able to touch the floor of public places until he’s had all his injections at around 12 weeks, so we thought we could take him in a puppy sling and have a crate at work he can occasionally use, as well as his toys, food, drink, treats etc. Any advice or tips would be gratefully received. I have ordered lots of books on it and we’ll be signing him up to dog school as well. Thank you x

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Here’s my take on it.

    Puppies need to walk, to be able to explore their environment.  The best way to do this is tethered to you, rather than in a sling of some sort. Does your company frequently see dogs on the floors?  If not, I don’t see why he can’t be on the floor.  

    Use the crate more than occasionally.  If you cannot have him tethered to you, he should be crated.  I would also consider picking up an xpen so he has a safe space to play outside of the crate from time to time.

    Frankly, I like the idea of taking him in to work right away, especially if you’ll continue doing that when he’s an adult.  If you don’t intend to continue taking him in when he’s an adult, I don’t think I’d do what you’re planning, simply because he’ll wonder why you’re suddenly leaving him home when he’s older.

  2. Charli Glass

    Thanks so much, Laura.

    The sling would just be to carry him to the office, as he could get tired walking there and I thought he might not be allowed to touch pavements etc, until he’s had all injections.

    It’s a short walk and then a short train to our office, so we thought he might be happiest in a puppy sling for the journey there.

    Once we’re inside the building and in our office yard, we would definitely have him on the floor.

    So you think we should have him, perhaps on a leash attached to the arm of my office chair, with occasional time in his crate?

    We plan on always having him with us in the office and taking him back home with us, into his adulthood.

    Thanks again x

  3. Anonymous

    Oh, definitely NO walking on pavement frequented by dogs during the commute, at least until he’s 4 months old. Good luck. 😉

    I think this could work! I also think you’ll have growing pains for a bit. Will you be able to hop up and take him out immediately after waking up, immediately before and after all meals (and he should be eating a lunch until he’s 6 months old), before/during/after all play, and every 30 minutes otherwise? I know that for the first week we had our bitch puppy home, that was life…I wasn’t productive at all. This is why utilizing the crate is so important. You can pop him in there for a 2 hour nap and get some work done while he’s sleeping.

  4. Charli Glass

    Ah brilliant. Thank you. Sounds like we’ll have our work cut out. Is it best to exercise him indoors then, until he’s 4 months? We have a big garden at home he could run around in, on a leash, but we often get foxes, so I guess they’d be more diseased than other dogs. So much to learn! x

  5. Anonymous

    Well, when he’s out in the yard, so are you…and I’m not a fan of long walks for long-legged breeds like boxers. I think your garden should be fine. Get him vaccinated against rabies when the vet says it’s time.

    Is this your first dog? You picked a particularly high energy breed!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 4 Month Old Pitbull Puppy Makes Weird Noises Especially When She’s Sleeping It’s Almost…

My 4 month old pitbull puppy makes weird noises especially when she’s sleeping it’s almost like a wheezing if you put your hand on her chest it almost feels as if it’s congested what could this be?

1 Response


  1. Katie L

    Lehigh actually rescued her about a week from somebody that wasn’t taking very good care of her I was thinking it might have been something genetic because number one he’s kind of small number 2 she only has 4 toes on her back paw I’m definitely going to take her to a vet thank you very much for your help

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Puppy Has Very Stinky Explosive Diarrhea. . What Could Cause This? She Is 8…

My puppy has very stinky explosive diarrhea. . What could cause this? She is 8 weeks and I just got her.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Brother Just Returned From His Mission A Few Days Ago. While He Was Gone…

My brother just returned from his mission a few days ago. While he was gone we adopted a border collie mix puppy, she’s now around a year and a half years old.

She has interacted with people at the park and gets along with most family members when visiting at their place. This her first time having a someone she doesn’t know at home like this, usually have her away from visitors.

She is not getting a long with my brother, she’s constantly barking at him. When he offers one of her favorite treats she tries to hide behind someone she trusts or she runs down and hides in the basement. My brother is getting really frustrated with her.

Expecting that this is going to take a while. Hoping that she gets used to him/desensitized to him over the next few weeks. Any advice would be appreciated.

3 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    In what way is she not getting along with him? My first thought is that he calmly go about his business and not attempt to interact with her. Let the dog approach your brother for interaction. Is he wearing a ball cap, something that she’s not used to? Everyone needs to be calm and act normally.

  2. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, this is perfectly normal. Dogs adapt, and it may take time. Good luck!

  3. Amphibious 803


    She has been getting better. She isn’t barking as much, but tends to avoid him whenever she can now. Want her to get used to being around him, but don’t want to force it. Now she usually hides downstairs or in one of the bedrooms. Gets really nervous and wants to be close to someone she knows when he is around.

    She does bark and get snappy when he’s interacting with one of us, she thinks she is protecting us from him?

    Slow going, but are improvements.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
What And How Do I Feed A Two Week Old Puppy That’s Mother Is Gone?

What and how do I feed a two week old puppy that’s mother is gone?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    A good commercially available puppy milk!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is About To Have Puppies I Think She Is Lethargic And Won’t Eat…

My dog is about to have puppies I think she is lethargic and won’t eat what do I do

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I’m guessing you’re inexperienced with regards to breeding and lack a breed mentor to help you…that means you need to call the vet who has monitored the dam throughout her pregnancy.

  2. Lisa Pfab

    Please go see a vet. I know money is sometimes an issue, but try to apply for care credit, or something to get your dog looked at. Is she eating? Is she Drinking? Are her gums nice and pink or white looking? can she walk?

    Please call a vet!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Just Got 7 Week Old Puppy And Records Show She Was Dewormed 6-22 …

I just got 7 week old puppy and records show she was dewormed 6-22 . Today I seen I believe worms in her stool but it not all the time .. is that normal

1 Response


  1. Kelly

    Hi Olivia,

    Often you need two doses of dewormer to kill off the eggs as well as adult worms. Since your pup will be due for routine vaccines with a vet, I’d advise calling to make an appointment for an exam. Take a fecal sample with you so they can find out what type of worms your pup has, and provide the correct medication. Good luck with your new pup!!


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Morgan Duff | 9 years ago
What To Do About My Puppy Being Scared Of Fireworks

What to do about my puppy being scared of fireworks

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