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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 3 Month Old Kitten Has Diarrhea And Can’t Control When It Goes. The Only…

My 3 month old kitten has diarrhea and can’t control when it goes. The only other animals it has been around is our puppy but he is not sick. What can I do to stop the diarrhea

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Chihuahua Puppies Less Than 2 Weeks Old .. Fur Is Matting And Stiff, Skin…

Chihuahua puppies less than 2 weeks old .. fur is matting and stiff, skin looks very dry what is it

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Just Gave Birth To Two New Born Puppies One Of Them Came Out…

My dog just gave birth to two new born puppies one of them came out with a clef lip how am i suppose to feed it if it isnt eating help please i dont want my puppy to die ?!

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    This puppy needs surgery.  Call your vet NOW to discuss this. 

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
We Have A 9 Week Old Puppy That House Trains Really Well With One Exception…

We have a 9 week old puppy that house trains really well with one exception. He keeps popping in my daughter room. We keep the door shut, I have steam cleaned and scrubbed the carpet, but if the door is open for a couple minutes he will do his business in there.
He has a spot in the yard where he goes and I take him outside every hour or more often, so it isn’t that he doesn’t know where to go or intervals are too long. He also never pooped anywhere else in the house.
What can we do to discourage him from pooping in her room?

4 Responses


  1. Jana

    Sounds like either the smell remained even after all that cleaning (you might need to try something to kill the scent such as vinegar/baking soda mixture or one of the good enzyme-based cleaners) or he has a reason why he feels he must do that such as marking the place. (dogs use either urine or poop for marking)

    What do you do when he does it outside, does he get praise and reward(s)? What do you do when he does it in the room?

    Is it one particular spot in the room or any area within?

    I remember Dr. Coren had some good suggestions on redefining the area. Such as using the area in question for feeding and/or play with the argument that dogs don’t potty where they eat or play. You could definitely try that.

  2. Anonymous

    He’s too young to have that level of freedom in the house.  At this age he should be tethered to you when you can supervise him and crated when you can’t.

  3. PK Dennis

    I agree with Laura, this puppy is too young for the amount of freedom you are giving him. Tether him to you with a leash when you can’t watch him like a hawk until he is 6 monrhs old or even older.  It takes months to house train a puppy

  4. Wiebke Wiebel

    Thank you for your reply. Yes, he gets praised and rewarded for going outside. When he poops in her room I just remove it without saying anything. I will look into redefining the area like you suggested.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Boxer Started Having Puppies Last Night The Last One Was At 6 Am…

My boxer started having puppies last night the last one was at 6 am yesterday morning I think she’s going back into labour. She’s breathing heavily her legs are really shaking and she’s breathing very deep. Her stomach is semi hard

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Chihuahua Puppy Is Not Having Bowel Movements? What Do I Do?

My chihuahua puppy is not having bowel movements? What do I do?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Puppy Went On A Short, Hot Hike Yesterday. Today He Is Very Lethargic And…

My puppy went on a short, hot hike yesterday. Today he is very lethargic and lays or sits down every chance he gets. There is no vomit, diarrhea, discolored tongue/gums, and he is eating and drinking. Should I worry about the lethargy?

3 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    Yes, I would worry – give your vet a call, explain your concerns and see if they can get you in to see the doctor for a few moments.

  2. Eric Paulsen

    Thanks. I did call my vet, but based on the normalcy of everything else he wasn’t concerned and figured he was exhausted from the hike. Better safe than sorry!

  3. PK Dennis

    It is good that you had the conversation – you are right about safe/sorry!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Female Dog Just Had A Puppy 3 Days Ago And This Morning While Trying…

My female dog just had a puppy 3 days ago and this morning while trying to drink milk he won’t stop whining. Does that mean there’s nomore milk?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would call YOUR vet about this, as they may want you to bring him/them in.

  2. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    It is very unusual for dogs to only have 1 pup but it happens.  A crying pup signifies something is wrong, very wrong.  You need to call your vet or an emergency vet this is a true emergency!  Good luck!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Sorry If This Seems To Ramble. I Just Have A Lot On My Mind.


Sorry if this seems to ramble. I just have a lot on my mind.

He has already broken and melted my heart. I am a teacher and will actually be off work for the next 6 weeks to train, play, and “mother” the little guy. I think I have convinced my mother to watch him for the first couple of months when school starts to help him settle in because he is so young. Our best guess is that he is a lab mix. He will probably be medium to large in size.

I know that socialization is so important for a pup of this age. What can I do to help him?

I keep crying and my anxiety about the next 6 months is very high. My worries make it hard to sleep even when the little guy is sleeping. I’m so sad for him and I just want to make sure that he is a happy, healthy puppy. The shelters around here are overwhelmed and I refuse to leave the little guy. Euthanasia rates are pretty high.

He will eventually be an indoor/outdoor dog. I won’t be comfortable with this, though, until he is older. That is why I’m going to pay my mom to watch him. I will be gone from 7-3:30 and my man works from 7:30-5. On days with inclement weather, my fella would be able to come home and let him in or out. We have a large fenced in back yard with plenty of shady areas. I live in a rural area with very kind neighbors so I am not worried about anyone messing with him. I live in East Tennessee where there is rarely an extreme temperature; however, I’m also looking into adding a doggie door, too.

Here is what I have done so far:

(1) He has a lifestyle crate (with the partition to make it smaller for now) that is attached to a large playpen in our kitchen. He sleeps in this crate at night. I’ve been sleeping on a couch next to it at night to take him out when he wakes. This is generally every 2 hrs.

(2) I’ve taken him to the vet. They dewormed him and gave him a flea treatment that is appropriate for a little guy under 5Lbs.

(3) I take him out to potty every time he wakes up from sleeping. He has only had 3 accidents in 3.5 days. I clean up his mess well so as not to leave a smell and take him out anyway. I DO NOT scold such a young pup but rather just take him out and set him in the grass each time.

What can I do to ensure this little guy has a great adolescence? Especially considering he is off to a rough start?

3 Responses


  1. Katlyn Rose

    It will probably take a little while to potty train him because he is so young. To socialize him you can take him on walks and play with him and get him toys to play with. Puppies are resiliant so even though he has had a rough start just give him a loving home and play with him and make sure he is happy and he will be fine into adolescence. I hope you and your new puppy the best!

  2. Sarah

    Don’t worry about what happened to him. Think about how lucky he is to have a caring human now who is taking great care of him. Socialization is important. Make sure to introduce him to lots of people when he is old enough to go on nice walks. Also dog parks or other dogs that you know, should be a great way to introduce him to other dogs. Your vet should have a ton of info to share with you.  Best of luck!!

  3. Sarah Simpson

    Thanks for the encouragement! I had a torturous few day where I didn’t know if I should keep him or take him to the shelter. Many people on the internet acted like it was inhumane to have a dog if you couldn’t keep him indoors 24/7 and be with him most of the time; however, the lady at the shelter showed me all the cute pups there and told me that many don’t make it out. I refuse to give up on him! I’m not rich and I don’t have the resources to put him in a daycare every day but I do have a very comfortable and large home with a privacy fence. I have lots of love in my heart and no children, as well.

    I plan to use the next 6 weeks to get him into the routine of our household. My mother won’t be able to help out because she takes care of my grandmother but my man is gonna arrange to drive 40 minutes here and 40 minutes back on his lunch to check on little man.

    We are looking at collar activated doggie doors currently but he will be too young for that at first. I found a really cool solar paneled fan that can attach to a doghouse and “heated flooring” options for winter. I can’t believe this stuff exists! Who knew a dog could have a climate controlled doghouse?!?

    Again, I really appreciate the supportive comments while I was panicking about what to do. 🙂

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Shadow Has Submissive Urination. He Was Abused As A Puppy We Believe By Men So…

Shadow has submissive urination. He was abused as a puppy we believe by men so hes a little more nervouse around my boyfriend. Recently he’s been yelping and nipping for no reason. My boyfriend went upstairs to grab some stuff and shadow was infront of the door and as he opened it shadow began yelping and snaped at him again while leaveing a trail of pee behind. Shadow is my world and i am his. Hes a damn good dog and very loyal. But if this continues he’ll have to go. Any help or advice would be much apriciated. Thank you.

4 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Have you gotten him to a vet to rule out anything medical?  Have you hired a veterinary behaviorist to help you deal with this? 

  2. Alex Horn

    We don’t have a lot of money i can’t hire any body. I cant afford to do any of that. And i know none of it is medical related.

  3. Anonymous

    Honestly, Alex, if you’re unwilling to find a way to make this work, maybe finding him another home is the best thing for him.

    He very well COULD have something medically wrong. How do you know he doesn’t?

  4. PK Dennis

    How in the world can you have a dog for 5 years and even consider getting rid of him because of a man?   Will this boyfriend be around in 5 years?  You can bet the dog will be if you don’t ruin his life by sending him back out into the world of rescue. You are correct, you are Shadow’s entire world – it would be wonderful if he was as important to you as some man.  Dogs are not disposable.

    “Yelping and nipping for no reason”.  Girl, there is ALWAYS a reason for what a dog does.  You just have taken the time, energy, effort, or spent the money to find out what that reason is.  This dog has just been moved from the home he knows to a new situation.  His world is up-side-down.  He is probably in pain (the yelping and nipping indicate that), and trying to make sense of what is happening to him.
    He really does need to go to a vet for evaluation, he may have a pinched nerve in his neck or back – that is often the case with dogs that seem to yelp for ‘no reason’.
    Submissive peeing – control the flow with a belly band and sanitary pad if he is peeing a lot.  The incident you describe makes wonder if the dog might not have a bladder infection or bladder stones that prevent him from controlling his bladder under stress.  Again, only a vet can determine if this is the case.
    Snapping at the boyfriend.  Are you sure the boyfriend does not abuse your dog when you aren’t around?  If you are sure, then the boyfriend needs to spend more quality time with the dog.  He should be the one feeding the dog (by hand, one piece of dog food at a time), and taking the dog for walks.  He should also be training the dog tricks or basic obedience so that the dog learns that this man will not hurt him.  The reality is that your boyfriend has to build the relationship with the dog so that the dog can trust him – NOTHING you can do will substitute for this!
    You made a commitment to this being when you adopted him 5 years ago – probably before you met this man.  If you had a child would you get rid of the kid just because the guy in your life didn’t get along with him?  No, you would tell the guy, love me, love my child – no different than this dog.  Tell this guy that he has to either totally ignore and avoid your dog, or do the right thing and work on building a relationship so that three of you can live in harmony.
    I once had a dog the bit my husband (the husband was in my life first).  It must have been very frustrating for my husband to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and have a dog growl at him when he tried to get back in the bed.  Four trainers over 3 years did not really solve the problem – until the 4th trainer told me that I would not be able to fix the problem – it was up to my husband to modify his behavior so that the dog would respect and trust him.  When it was put to my husband in those words he began working with my Murdoch and within 3 months their relationship was totally different and no more biting!  We never, for a second, considered giving up that dog – we made a lifetime commitment to him when he came into our home.  He made us both better dog parents.  I eventually got rid of the husband, but the dog went with me to my new life!