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DS | 5 years ago
5.5 Days After Bringing Our 16 Week Puppy Home (also 5.5 Days After Her Second Parvo Shot) She Tested …

5.5 days after bringing our 16 week puppy home (also 5.5 days after her second parvo shot) she tested positive for parvo and giardia. In another 5 days she had a negative ELISA parvo.

Upon bringing her home and following all instructions we can’t get solid poo, unless we feed boiled chicken, white rice and pumpkin. We’ve tried twice a slow transition to Pro Plan Chicken EN as our vet prescribed but once we move to kibble and pumpkin only (Forta Flora too) we are back to liquid poo. If we keep at least a 1/4 cup boiled chicken and rice we get some ok poo and some not great however not liquid.

Added to this her poo has mucus. Breeder is not happy with the kibble our vet has us on. We’d like to try something with nutritional content but are fearful we will setback progress. That said where we are at isn’t all that great.

We’ve had a diarrhea panel in addition to lots of other bloodwork and a urinalysis every thing so far is negative. Vet says there is one more bloodwork we can try or exploratory surgery to see if she has IBS.

Trying to determine do I try other foods or did the parvo and treatment ruin her GI and this will never be solved? Is the 2 months post parvo not enough time for get GI to repair?

Help I’m frustrated and confused.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    this is tough to answer here. Tough because there is a lot more info needed to get a clear picture of your pup. (like what kind of dog is this and where are you?). so,, i will add a few notes based on previous experience. One, I think the parvo is probably a moot point by now. Sure a probiotic to help a recovering gut is helpful (and always on my prescription menu so ask about this!), but i doubt your pup had parvo,, and if she did she recovered by now,, puppies heal fast. Two,, I keep looking for intestinal parasites until I get 3 consecutive negative fecals. So keep checking. Next, if i had a dollar for everytime some breeder meddled in my treatment plan, and some client had the nerve to ask me to consider their advice or opinion! UGH! it drives me batty! Stop asking your breeder,, they have no business practicing medicine. (Sorry, personal sore spot).
    lastly I would recommend you talak to your vet about a maldigestion profile and ultrasound.. or ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist, I would also ask about things like panacur, tylan powder and cobalaquin. I use these and i/d for the puppies like yours, Lastly make sure your pup is protected from intestinal worms by using a good broad spectrum heartworm preventative. I have had a few pups w chronic hookworms so I can mine on Interceptor Plus year around,., just some points to discuss with your vet (not your breeder!).

    let us know what happens.

  2. Sarah

    If your puppy, from a breeder, had parvo, I would be concerned with the breeder and their situation. I would stick with the advice of my vet- unless your breeder is a DVM as well. I would make another vet appointment and talk about your concerns and other possible conditions to check for in my puppy. In the meantime, If boiled chicken and rice are helping the situation some, I would keep up with that. Best of luck.

  3. DS Post author

    Maldigestion profile, I assume this is an EPI test.? If yes this was something we had discussed with our vet in addition to cobalaquin as the next step if diarrhea continued. If EPI negative our vet suggested a GI biopsy to rule out IBS. We also discussed getting her on Interceptor with our vet. You’ll love this…breeder didn’t want us to put her on a heart worm preventative so we hadn’t done that yet.

    Based in part by your reply I will schedule the EPI and Cobalaquin test tomorrow. Additionally, will get her going on interceptor.

    Yes she is fully recovered from giardia and or parvo. I’d like to know if those two things and or the treatment of them are what has caused all these other issues of which we have no diagnosis yet. If EPI positive wondering if it can be hereditary…will discuss with my vet.

    Thank you Krista (and scgreco413) for the time you put into a reply to my post.

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Jason | 5 years ago
My Wonderful Vet Gave Us Eye Drops For Our 6-month Old 40lb. Puppy. He Just Had …

My wonderful vet gave us eye drops for our 6-month old 40lb. puppy. He just had surgery to address a “cherry eye”. Does anyone have any suggestion on how to administer these drops? Every time the dog sees the little white eye drop bottle, he gets very stressed. We are unable to keep him still long enough to put in the drops. Please advise any suggestions.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have two options I recommend. One sir him down in between your legs. Surround him under you and hold his nose to the ceiling. Then drop the drops into the eye. And talk to him. In cases like these it’s not the drops that are the problem it’s the restraint. So practice and don’t give up. The other option is to pull the lower lid away from the eye and place the drops in the pocket. So he doesn’t have to be looking at you. If it’s really a struggle being him in and we will help. If all else fails use a muzzle. Usually they are so blindsided by the muzzle they surrender. Although I suspect this is all about him not wanting to be the patient and you not willing to be the forceful determined dad. Be gently but be firm and don’t let him win. He will never listen to you again willingly. I am at the clinic 10 to 2 tomorrow. Xox

  2. Sarah

    Hi there-
    I just want to reiterate “calm and firm”. And yes, if you let him win, you will have to go back to square one with a lot of training success you’ve had already. I am living proof???? it is why I have such trouble trimming my dogs’ nails. Keep trying and be persistent. Best of luck.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 5 years ago
Canine Neuter And Umbilical Hernia Repair Surgery, Meet Beau And Baxter. Brothers With The Same Surgery, Same Day!
Treatment Cost (USD): $357.00
Beau (black) and Baxter (brown) are brothers. They are 8 months old and their parents wanted to neuter them to try to help the urine marking, aggression which can sometimes occur with brothers, and surgically correct their umbilical hernias. The hernias were found on physical exam with the veterinarian who gave them all of their puppy vaccines. hernias can be small and benign to large, severe and in need of immediate (or as soon as possible) surgical intervention. The severe hernias allow abdominal contents (usually intestines) to "slip" out of the abdomen. If this happens, and, if the intestines stop working, strangulate, dilate, or twist (torse) it can be life-threatening. For Baxter and Beau the hernia was small, (about 1/2 inch) but a pinkie finger could go into it, and the fat coming out of it could be pushed back into the abdomen. It is best to fix these and always spay/neuter as this is a congenital issue that can be passed on to the offspring.
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Gevin | 6 years ago
7 Month Old Puppy Has Raw Skin Possible On Upper Lip. Does Anyone Know If I Should …

7 month old puppy has raw skin possible on upper lip.

Does anyone know if I should be concerned or if this will take care of its self. I just noticed it today.( It was not there before)

4 Responses


  1. Gevin Post author

    Also he does not seem bothered by it at all he’s walking around normally, still very playful, and not lethargic at all.

  2. Sarah

    Good morning- it’s always hard to tell from a picture. To me, it looks a little bit like a small injury/scrape… like from a a stick or a toy possibly? If he is acting normally and eating, playing, drinking, bathrooming, etc. as usual, I would watch him and check on it periodically. If it changes or gets worse at all, I would call the vet to have it checked. Cute pup!!

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Kelly | 6 years ago
My 4 Month Old Border Collie Mix Was Spay 9 Days Ago. On Day 7 She Had A Swollen …

My 4 month old border collie mix was spay 9 days ago. On day 7 she had a swollen lump under her incision site. I took her to her vet yesterday and it was determined to be a seroma and they said to continue her on crate rest for several more days. I have read that it can take a month or more for a seroma to go down and the fluid reabsorb. She is by nature an extremely active puppy. We play outside for with her for a couple of hours most days, where she fetches balls, frisbees, etc and runs like crazy. We were hoping that after 10 days we could get back to playing. How long do you recommended we wait. The fluid filled lump is about the size of a lemon.

5 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I think that it’s best to listen to your vet. Every dog and every case is unique. I know it’s hard with an active puppy but do the best you can call your vet and talk to them about your concerns. Ask if walking or puzzle games in the house are ok? And then try to be patient. I also think it is a great opportunity to start learning her obedience and even tricks. Like sit, stay, lay down, give paw, etc. these allow her to be with you and using her intelligence but not over active or running/fetching. Get a bunch of puppy training books and refocus her from play to mental stimulation. Good luck.

    1. Kelly Post author

      Thanks so much for the advice. This is our first puppy. I have been using puzzle games with her and even devising my own…she is very smart. We have been working with a trainer, so also practice some of the commands she knows and trying to teach some new one!! We are just so ready for active play. She has become a little feisty, nipping at us like she did as a younger puppy and I think she is just so frustrated with alot of pent up energy. I will try to be patient but it is really difficult!!

Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Spay Surgery (OHE) For Scarlett, A Vizsla
Treatment Cost (USD): $426.08
Scarlett is a 6 month old Vizsla puppy who presented to the clinic for a spay (OHE: ovariohysterectomy) procedure.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Jake, An American Bulldog, Gets Neutered
Treatment Cost (USD): $370.96
Jake is a happy and healthy American Bulldog puppy who was scheduled to be neutered at around 9 months old.
0 Responses
Regular Vet Visit
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Suzanne Cannon | 6 years ago
Ian’s Neuter
Treatment Cost (USD): $481.80
Ian is an otherwise healthy and happy pup who has a history of ear infections, and was also diagnosed with an umbilical hernia at a young age. During one of his puppy visits at about 6 months of age, his owner was counseled to consider having Ian neutered.
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Melissa | 6 years ago
We Have A New Puppy, A 9wk Doxipoo, He Seems Extremely Lazy And Doesn’t Ever …

We have a new puppy, a 9wk doxipoo, he seems extremely lazy and doesn’t ever really want to move unless we make him. Even when he goes to the bathroom, he goes while laying down and it doesn’t seem to phase him? He doesn’t cry or whimper.. just lays there. His eating schedule has been quite unpredictable as well. At first I thought that he just needed an adjustment period to get used to his new people and place but now I’m getting worried. Shouldn’t he be playing more than this? Or at least have some interest in exploring? Should I be worried about Parvo or another sickness?
He came from an in-home breeder and I haven’t been able to get ahold of her since I became worried.

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    I would get to the vet immediately! Puppies should not be lethargic like that. And the fact that the person you got the puppy from is not getting back to you is concerning. Let your vet know your suspicions when you make the appointment so that they can be prepared. Best of luck. I hope things turn out ok.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Yes. I would be worried. Any abnormal behavior, especially in puppies this young , makes me very very worried. It’s time for a visit to the vet ASAP. I hope they check a parvo test and fecal. Along with physical exam and temp. Please go today. Let us know what the vet says.

  3. Melissa Post author

    Vet said could be PARVO, anemia from fleas, parasite or a congenital defect since he was so much smaller than the rest of the litter.

    We’re hoping just anemia from fleas since that’d be easiest to treat

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Amanda | 6 years ago
My Almost 6 Month Old Puppy Is Having Diarrhea. We Changed His Food About 2 Weeks From Purina …

My almost 6 month old puppy is having diarrhea. We changed his food about 2 weeks from Purina pro plan puppy to the purina pro plan large breed food. He is a lab/mastiff mix. Do you think it’s the food causing the diarrhea? Should I switched him back to the old stuff? Or give him more time? He is acting fine other then the diarrhea. Thanks!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    At that age I would be most worried about intestinal parasites. Has your vet done a fecal exam for parasites? This is done by sending a fresh fecal sample to lab to be examined under the microscope for parasites eggs. Please ask your vet.

    1. Amanda Post author

      Dr.Magnifco he sees Dr.Graf. I will call and see what I need to do.