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Kate Reisinger | 6 years ago
Two Days Ago My 8 Month Old Puppy Had Diarrhea & Little Pieces Of His…

Two days ago my 8 month old puppy had diarrhea & little pieces of his buffalo chew horn in it. I took away the horn & threw it away bc I didn’t like the fact that he was swallowing pieces. I assumed the diarrhea was from irritation of not being able to digest it. He had no diarrhea yesterday & was totally fine. This morning I woke up to diarrhea on our floor & later he threw up a small amount. His throw up had another little piece of the buffalo horn in it. He is still acting like his very hyper self & is drinking & eating like normal. My question is do you think his stomach is still just a little irritated & trying to get back to normal? Or is this something I should be really concerned about & get him seen?

2 Responses


  1. Laura

    It’s very possible his stomach is irritated, but I’d be concerned about a partial blockage. Maybe give the vet a call since it’s still an issue?

  2. Sarah

    I agree. I would watch his stools very carefully. It may be irritation from earlier, but if there is partial blockage, you will need to see a vet and have an X-ray to Ben sure. If there is no more improvement, or it keeps recurring, a very visit is needed ASAP.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello I Have A Rottweiler That Is 15 Weeks Old And I Have Had Him…

Hello I have a Rottweiler that is 15 weeks old and I have had him for 7 weeks. I’m thinking about selling him and buying a new dog because he bites way to much like whenever I’m at a park and I’m running around he will just jump at me and bite me furiously, do you guys know how to fix it. I have taken him through puppy school, I spray him with water and when he does something bad and I always yell no when he bites I just don’t know why he does it is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. ESP with Laura and the second dog.more training time patience and a puppy class (or four nights a week of them) will help. Your pup is so excited to be outisidw and with dogs he sort of comes unglued. Get him playing, tired, and trained. Then talk about a adding another dog as you will very likely have to do the same thing all over again.

  2. Sarah

    GOod morning again,
    Please see comments below your first post as well. I must ask, have you ever owned a dog before? I feel that a chat with your vet, another enrollment in puppy class with a reputable trainer, and possibly a behaviorist to help you in your training process are definitely worth the money spent. Your suggestion of “Selling this dog and buying a new one” will in no way change the outcome for you. Sorry. Whatever bad habits you’re puppy is developing at this point under your watch, need to be dealt with through training and patience. Another dog in the same situation will most likely end up the same way. At the risk of sounding harsh, a dog is not disposable. It is a commitment that needs to be taken seriously. If you feel that this puppy is truly too much for you to handle at this stage in your life, then perhaps finding a rescue that can take him and rehome him to a person who is familiar with dogs and what needs to go into having one, would be a better thing to do. I would not recommend you get another dog until you have the time, and patience to invest in its well being. I really hope that things work out for both you and the puppy.

  3. Laura

    You really need to get an obedience trainer involved if you’re unable to handle this puppy. He doesn’t know what “no” means. He’s a BABY and needs you to teach him how to behave. ALL puppies are bitey, ALL puppies need training. Dumping him and getting another won’t fix the issue.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello I Got A Rottweiler Puppy And I Have Had Him For 7 Weeks Now…

Hello I got a Rottweiler puppy and I have had him for 7 weeks now. His name is rocky and he’s 15 weeks old and my question is: whenever I go to a park with him and I run around he always bites me and jumps at me and bites furiously and growls. Do you guys know how to fix it because ive been thinking of getting a new dog. Is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler he does this?

3 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning and congrats on your puppy. There are a few pieces of advice d like to share if you’ll allow. First, I’m very glad you are giving this puppy a loving home and attention. Parks are great fun…for well behaved and completely vaccinated dogs. I would make sure your pup is completely up to date on ALL vaccinations before I would go to the dog park where not everyone is as responsible about the health of their dogs. Secondly, I would get my puppy into a basic training and obedience class right away. This will help curb those unwanted behaviors and give you the tools to keep up with training and mental stimulation that your puppy needs. The sooner you do this, the better. That way, no bad habits will have time to take hold. And lastly, as much as you want another dog for your home, please make sure that you have your current puppy well trained and completely settled into your daily lifestyle, before you move forward with a new addition. I would wait at least a year. You haven’t reached adolescence with your Rottweiler yet, and as with any dog, it is a challenge…but especially with a large breed such as this. One dog takes a lot of time, patience and a strict routine. Two take even more. And lastly. I know he is still a puppy right now, but walks are so important. They are much more than needed exercise. They help establish a good pack order, help with bonding, and when they are part of a well followed routine, help establish trust. I cannot stress the importance of a good walk together. Best of luck!??

  2. Laura

    DO NOT get a second dog until this one is at least 2 (trust me on this). You need to focus on his obedience training before bringing a second dog in, plus littermate aggression is a very real issue you don’t want to deal with. Instead, focus on obedience training with this little guy. Avoid Petsmart – find a good group class with a balanced trainer. At his age, he could benefit from puppy kindergarten, as well. Look for a training company which provides both.

  3. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. ESP with Laura and the second dog.more training time patience and a puppy class (or four nights a week of them) will help. Your pup is so excited to be outisidw and with dogs he sort of comes unglued. Get him playing, tired, and trained. Then talk about a adding another dog as you will very likely have to do the same thing all over again.

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Kate Reisinger | 6 years ago
My 6 Month Old Male Puppy Has Been Peeing On Our House Lately. It Seems…

My 6 month old male puppy has been peeing on our house lately. It seems like the past two weeks he has been doing it at least once a day. He didn’t used to do this, or at least not as much. He won’t really let us know he has to go, then will just release on the ground & look like he knows it was wrong. He will only sometimes let us know he has to go (usually for poops). I have recently started letting him have access to water at all times when not in the crate. (I feel like this is why he’s been peeing so much) but he needs to start letting us know in some way that he has to go. Should I start giving him less water in his bowl or start giving him after at certain times until he finally gets it.. I feel very stuck right now & would love to hear some opinions.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Start this discussion at the vets office. I see a lot of urinary tract infections in puppies. Never limit water intake. If your pet is thirsty there is a reason. Withholding water can do significant damage to kidneys. Let us know what happens

  2. Sarah

    Good morning….? along with dr. Magnifico’s advice, I would check your routine with him. Make sure you have a dependable schedule with definite walk times in place that your pup can depend on. Make sure as soon as he goes potty outside, you praise him. If there is a particular spot you prefer him to go, bring him directly there and when he goes praise him and use a treat too. I know it sounds back to the basics, but you may just need to reestablish things, especially if (hopefully) a uti is ruled out. When he goes inside the house, just say “no” and clean it up. No other attention. I hope this isn’t helpful. Good luck!

  3. Sarah

    ?sorry! I meant to type I hope this IS helpful. My apologies for the typo!!

  4. Laura

    In addition to the suggestions already give him, he should not have free access to the house. Leash him to you or confine him to the room you’re occupying, and take him out every 30 minutes. Once you’ve cleared him of any kidney or urinary issues, you’ll know whether this is health or training…if it proves to be training, you’ll want to SLOWLY increase time between visits outside. I would never restrict water unless you had a gulper.

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suzanne martucci | 6 years ago
I Am Helping Someone Who Rescued A Young Female Stray Cat A Few Weeks Ago…

I am helping someone who rescued a young female stray cat a few weeks ago. No microchip. The plan is to get her vetted and adopted. She tested positive for ear mites , & tapeworms. She has had 2 applications of Revolution , 2 weeks apart, per vet instructions. She had an ear hematoma that the vet drained and sutured. The vet gave her virbantel dewormer tablet , and she is now due for her second dose, the info with this product states it is for dogs and puppies only. She didn’t get that 2nd dose, will consult with vet about it – recheck visit tomorrow. My question is about the virbantel tablet, is it safe for use on cats? What are the risks ? She has had other symptoms that we thought were unrelated , now I am wondering if the 1st dose she received at the vet had some side effects. Also she was shaved to check for a spay scar, I attached photo. Looks like there were two incisions. Any thoughts and or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    If you are under the care of a veterinarian then please forward these questions to them. It is not possible for us to answer what is it is not safe for your pet as we don’t know anything about their current health status or history. These are obtained during a physical examination with your veterinarian.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Am Going To Buy A New Puppy And I Already Have A 8 Month…

I am going to buy a new puppy and i already have a 8 month old pug and he is in heat will he try to hump the new puppy or will i be fine if not how can i introduce the new pug puppy

4 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Hello? If you are adding another dog into your home, I would strongly advise that you have your existing pup well trained. It will benefit everyone involved. Honestly, the better behaved your current dog is, the better the example will be set for any newcomers. It sets the stage for everything. If your dog is exhibiting undesired behaviors that you ar concerned about, I would get that sorted out before adding another dog into the mix. My advice would be to enroll in a dog training class and after you are comfortable with your success there, then decide on adding another dog. Best of luck to you??

  2. Laura

    PLEASE wait until your existing dog is an ADULT before bringing another puppy into the home. PLEASE.

  3. Laura

    Also, male dogs do not go into heat like female dogs. Please do research on basic biology of canines.

  4. carrie Urquhart

    Male dogs humping things could be because he isn’t fixed, and if the new puppy is female, yes he will try and hump, maybebif it’s a male too. I would definitely get them both neutered or spayed and that could solve your problems. Some male dog will continue the behavior afterwards, it just depends on the dog.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
When Should You Switch From Puppy To Adult Food?

When should you switch from puppy to adult food?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I usually say the one year old birthday is the time to start transitioning. Transition over a few weeks.

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Debbie Molnar | 6 years ago
If It Helps A Puppy To Grow Up With Another Puppy Does The Same Hold…

If it helps a puppy to grow up with another puppy does the same hold true for kittens? Will cats be happier and better adjusted if they have a sibling? Does it help to get 2 from the same litter or should they be unrelated?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    We had a few “pairs” in our lifetime- meaning they were from the same litter. Never had an issue- all three times, they were really nice, affectionate and all around good pets. I have heard of littermate syndrome in dogs, which can prove to be a challenge, but I do not think the same holds true for cats. I will say that a kitten is a lot of work- box training, house rules, scratching, etc. so keep in mind that is all double duty when bringing two in at the same time. Best of luck!!

  2. Laura

    I’ve never had kittens, so I cannot speak to this part of your question. I do know quite a bit about dogs, however, and I would NEVER suggest getting two littermates in dogs. Ever. This causes some serious developmental issues – littermate syndrome and dog aggression are but two of them.

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Sarah | 6 years ago
Hi Pawbly- If A Dog Had Pneumonia As A Puppy, Are There Residual Effects When They…

Hi pawbly-
If a dog had pneumonia as a puppy, are there residual effects when they are older? I’m curious because one of our dogs, Riva, apparently had pneumonia when they first got her to the rescue. She is 2 now and seems to tire easily. Loves to play and run, but not for too long. Curious if there is a correlation or if she really is just a diva?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I have seen lots and lots of puppies recover from pneumonia and all of them grew up to be normal active healthy dogs. It is (theoretically) possible that the damage to the lung could cause scarring and potentially make exercise (breathing and stamina) more difficult. But, my bet is more on diva. ?

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Stephanie Picard | 6 years ago
I Have An 8 Week Old Beagle/Labrador Mix Puppy (Sonny). He Is Currently On ID…

I have an 8 week old Beagle/Labrador mix puppy (Sonny). He is currently on ID because he had diarrhea when I brought him home last weekend. He is “solid” and ready for regular puppy food to be introduced, and I’m at a loss on what to choose. So confused about grain-free debate and ensuring no by products. Please can you give some guidance? Favorites?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am a bit old fashioned. But after 30 years of puppies I still like science diet puppy. No boutique grain free for me. It’s afforsable accessible and good. My personal professional preference.