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Emma | 2 years ago
Male Himalayan Cat Eyes Swollen And Red And Ears Itchy

Male Himalayan cat eyes swollen and red and ears itchy
I have A male himilayan who seems to be having an allergic reaction to something but I’m not sure if it’s a reaction or something else. His eye lids are swollen red and puffy and he keeps scratching his ears till they bleed. My vet told me to open the windows and air out the house which I did For 7 hours and it has gone down a bit but he still looks uncomfortable. It has been on and off for the past week of getting puffy and there was a wall diffuser my mother in law kept plugging in and when it was unplugged it got better but then she’d plug it in again. It has now been removed for good and it’s been almost 12 hours and he’s still puffy. Any suggestions or opinions would be greatly appreciated. Nothing else has changed in the house that I can Think of for another cause of allergies or irritation. I am Trying to get him into a vet tomorrow.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Eyes are one of those things that absolutely have to be seen in person to assess. In some cases I need to stain the eye to look for corneal damage. In others I had to take ocular pressure. And in some we just try an ophthalmology antibiotic and an ecollar. For allergy cases I might send home an eye flush. But they are all based on the in person exam.

    See your vet as soon as you can and do not let your cat run her eyes. That can cause major cornea damage.

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Marshmallow The Rabbit | 7 years ago
How Do You Tell If You’re Bunny Is An American White, A New Zealand Or…

How do you tell if you’re bunny is an American White, a New Zealand or a Florida White rabbit?
My bunny is a white bunny with red eyes and they all seem to look exactly like her.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    You may have to find a local rabbit enthusiast or expert to help identify the breed. In the dog world we can use dna testing. Most bigger cities have rabbit interest groups. You could try asking them.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Is The Red Puffiness Allergies? Both Her Eyes Look Like This, I Can’t Tell…

Is the red puffiness allergies? Both her eyes look like this, I can’t tell if she’s in pain, she’s acting completely normal. It just concerns me, because they look painful

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? Sorry about your pup. I don’t wait on the eyes… I always think of them as an emergency for obvious reasons. I would call my vet right away, and have them checked. Even if it ends up being allergies, they can give your dog something to help. And if it something more, you’ll be very happy you didn’t wait.

  2. Laura

    I agree, that’s concerning. Please get her to the vet today.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Got My Five-month-old Male Cat Neutered Two Days Ago, And Everything Looked Fine Until…

I got my five-month-old male cat neutered two days ago, and everything looked fine until this morning when I noticed a small red swelling. I’m not sure if I should be concerned, or just keep an eye on it.
I’m an expat in a country with literally one licensed vet, and thus she’s very busy all the time and it’s hard to get into contact with her to ask questions. I’ve attached a photo; it’s not great, but it gives the idea.
Other than that, he seems to have mostly regained his appetite, and he’s back to being his affectionate self.

2 Responses


  1. Elizabeth Buller

    Thank you for your response! I left a message for her several hours ago, so hopefully she will see it and respond. I’m keeping a close eye on him and other than the redness he seems fine and is acting normal.
    Thank you for your time. 🙂 I’d rather be safe than sorry, so getting a second opinion helps (and hopefully I’ll get a third from my vet).

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I always cringe a little when trying to analyze a pet by a photo. So, I always have to give the same general advice; if your cat is acting normally they are probably ok. always check and follow up with your vet. Even if it is leaving a message. make sure your kitten isn’t bothering with the incision. Keep a close eye out, and in general after 48 hours these cases rarely have problems.
    Hope this helps.
    As long as it isn’t actively bleeding, looking infected (pus, pain, swelling, warm), and your cat is acting fine,,, you are probably fine.

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Sarah | 8 years ago
My German Shepherd, Butch, Developed A Bump On His Eye This Morning, Literally In The…

My German shepherd, Butch, developed a bump on his eye this morning, literally in the span of about an hour. We had our regular morning routine, which consists of a walk and lots of cuddles for the dogs. I know he did not have anything on his eye then. We brought my oldest down to the bus at 6:50, and he did not have anything on his eye then either. When we brought my two younger kids down to the bus, I noticed he had a sort of angry, red pimple above his eye. I cleaned it off with warm water as soon as we got back up from the bus stop and it sort of “popped” a bit as soon as I put the warm compress on it. It was a bit of clear fluid/blood, but not that much. A little bit on the paper towel, that’s it. It has not gotten any bigger at all today, has not drained at all and does not seem to be bothering him. Any thoughts as to what it could be? I’m thinking if it is still there in the morning that I’ll be bringing him into the vet to make sure it isn’t anything serious. I’ve uploaded a few photos, but they aren’t very clear. It really looks more like a pimple than the photo shows.

2 Responses


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    As fast as it appeared my guesses are insect bite or injury. Although it is impossible to diagnose any skin lesion without examining it. I would recommend watching it for changes and if it is not looking better by Friday have your vet look at it.
    Good Luck

  2. Sarah Post author

    Thank you. It is almost gone this morning, so I guess it was just a bite or scratch of some sort. I’m still watching it and will bring him in if it changes again.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 14 Week Old Cat Have Red Swollen Puss Filled Eyes And Idk What…

My 14 week old cat have red swollen puss filled eyes and idk what to do

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry but our site went down after your question was asked. All eye conditions, especially one like yours describes need to be seen by a vet ASAP to protect the vision and correct the underlying cause. In cats this age it is usually an URI. Antibiotics and fluids are needed.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
This Is My 6 1/2 Month Old Blue Heeler. I’m Worried He Might Have Something…

This is my 6 1/2 month old blue heeler. I’m worried he might have something wrong with his, i could be over reacting but if i dont check i’ll feel pretty guilty. Not the best pictures but basically his right eye (our left) has a few differences than the other. You can always see his sclera in that one eye. The bottom eye lid seems droop ever so slightly lower, when he looks up at you it drifts a little bit to the wrong direction almost like a lazy eye but not severe. It also appears to be a little further set back than the other eye and when u pull his eye lid down he has a curved black mark coming off the colored part of his eye and redness. I took many other pictures but just realized you can only upload one?
Not sure if this also has something to do with it but he is very itchy all the time. No fleas at all no hot spots. Was started on prednisone which worked on 2 pills a day but as soon as he was down to 1 a day hes back to itchy all over and rubbing his eyes.
He also had an overbite which maybe is affecting the face where his eye is? Not sure.

2 Responses


  1. amooshroom .

    Everytime i tried adding a picture it said error

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
It’s Under The Skin About The Size Of A Dime It’s Squishy Not Hard, He…

It’s under the skin about the size of a dime it’s squishy not hard, he also doesn’t seem to mind when we touch it or push it. What should I do? It has only been 2 days since I noticed it. I want to take him to the vet but I think theyll just say keep an eye on it. It’s not red or anything you cannot see it.

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    I would keep an eye on it to see if it changes in a few days.  Then I would take him to the vet to get the lump biopsied.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Eye Is Swollen Shut And Red

Eye is swollen shut and red

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My Dog Lost Half Her Hair, Her Eyes Are Red…

SOS SOS SOS SOS EMERGENCY. My dog lost half her hair, her eyes are red, and she’s really warm. I don’t know what this is help,?

5 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    What did your vet say when you took your dog to see him/her?  Haven’t been to a vet yet?  What are you waiting for?

  2. Anonymous

    Consider this an emergency and GET TO THE VET NOW.

  3. Emma Tiernan

    Took to the vet. Gave her steroids

  4. PK Dennis

    So, steroids.  Did the vet tell you this was the result of an allergy?  

    If so, the first thing you must do is get all grains out of her diet, including treats.  No more sharing the odd cookie or corn chip with her.  Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store or a big box store) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog foods.  Then start reading labels.  You want a dog food that lists real meat as the first 2, or even better, 3 ingredients.  Real meat is easy to recognize, it will say Elk, Bison, Turkey, Lamb, Pork, Salmon meal, Whitefish meal, etc.  Meal is the entire animal ground up and dried – a good thing.  Avoid chicken and beef – many dogs are reactive to those two proteins.  Do NOT buy any food that lists ‘by products’ as an ingredient, this is a sign that you will be paying premium price for a sub-standard food.

    Read all treat packages – they sneak a lot of grains into treats.

    To help with the itching right now – rinse your dog daily with a mix of vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water – organic apple cider vinegar is best if you can afford it.  Use white vinegar if your dog is a very light color since apple cider can stain the coat.).  Flush the mix through her coat, working it down to her skin, then let her shake and dry – don’t rinse it out.  The vinegar helps calm the itch.  You can do this several times per day on the naked skin since it will dry fast – you don’t want her to go to bed damp though.

    You can keep a bowl of this mix at the door (use fresh mix every day) and dip her feet when she comes in from outdoors – this helps keep down the amount of pollen and mold spores she tracks into the house.

    Cover your furniture with sheets or towels where ever you allow her to nap – then toss those covers in the wash every week.  Same with her dog bed or crate liner.  If she sleeps in bed with you – cover the foot of the bed with a sheet or beach towel – and wash it weekly.  This keeps down the amount of pollen and mold spores on those surfaces too.  Vacuum each day with a HEPA filter in your vacuum.

    If the vet suggested Benedryl use Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better for dogs.  The generic is fine, and use the same dose as the Benedryl – one pill in the morning and one at night.

    If she has any hot spots (raw open wounds), dab on witch hazel with aloe vera (find in any pharmacy over the counter) and let it dry.

    Consider feeding your dog a raw diet – google “BARF diet for dogs”, “raw diet for dogs”, “biologically appropriate diets for dogs” to learn more.  It is a little intimidating at first, but after the first 6 months you will see such changes in your dog that you will never go back to dry bits out of a bag.  And your dog will smell wonderful!

    Keep in mind that a naked dog will feel warmer to us – we are used to having a layer of insulation (fur) between our skin and theirs.  Normally a dog’s temperature is 102.5 degrees F and we are only 98.6.

    If your dog has a skin infection you will need to continue to work with a vet – don’t let your girl get worse!