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Tim | 2 months ago
10 Year Old Cat With Nasal Polyp? I Tried Multiple Vets And Hundreds Of Dollars But Nobody …

10 year old cat with nasal polyp?

I tried multiple vets and hundreds of dollars but nobody seems to have a solution. One vet said it was an upper respiratory infection, they gave him a shot of Convenia and prescribed Clavamox, nothing. Fast forward a couple weeks, he wasn’t eating for an over a day so we took him to another vet that prescribed Cerenia which helped temporarily. They said he could have trouble smelling his food so he wasn’t eating. But it’s still not gone. Xray was clear. Now the vet referred to a specialist that wants over $2000 to anesthetize and do an endoscopy JUST to diagnose. From Jersey, can I drive 3 hours to MD so you can maybe look a him? I’m scared he’s gonna pass away from troubled breathing.

He lived with my dad who recently passed and I took him in. In the last year I noticed he has had difficulty breathing but some days it sounds clear, most days it’s worse. It sounds like something is restricting his airway.

He does sneeze often and when he does it’s usually 15+ sneezes in a row like he’s trying to get something out. Last night I counted 21 sneezes in a row. He also sometimes sounds like he’s choking or trying to spit something out but nothing comes out. He does have greenish/yellow boogers once every couple of weeks and also has discharge from his eye.

I know it’s the holidays but I’ll do anything for a chance to help my little guy that reminds me of my father everyday. *Update, just made an appt for 12/30 at 11:30am!

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello. If you need anything sooner please call and ask to leave a message for me. Merry Christmas.
    Dr Magnifico.

    1. Tim Post author

      Hello thank you!! I tried calling back but the office may be busy. I can bring him anytime over the next 3 days, whatever you have available!

    2. Tim Post author

      Update: thank you Doc!! The office was able to get me in on Thursday evening. I emailed records over along with video of his breathing sound. Have a blessed holiday, Merry Christmas!

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Tatsu | 6 months ago
Should My 15yo Cat Perform Nasal Polyps Removal Operation? Good Afternoon Doctor. I Came Across Your …

Should my 15yo cant perform nasal polyps removal operation?

Good Afternoon Doctor.
I came across your Youtube video that you are performing Nasal Polyps removal operation to young cat.
My question is should my 15yo cat young enough to receive this operation.
Currently he is on Steroid and Yuan Bio medication but it is starting to wear-out.
Those medication worked great for the first month but now he is having discomfort in respiratory again.
My cat is not young but I would like to maintain the QOL of the cat and wanted to know if this helps.
If so, what will be the rough estimate and how long does she might have.
I know this is hard to speculate without actually seen the cat but just a ballpark will be appreciated
Thank you


2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    In my experience I have never seen a polyp in a cat this old. It is far more likely that this is a neoplastic mass (cancer) than a polyp. If you are concerned about your cats quality of life than I would do and consider doing anything and everything to alleviate her discomfort and try to improve her life.

  2. Tatsu Post author

    Thank you for your quick response doctor,
    Yes I was told he has a cancer, so I guess I misunderstood that tumor and polyps are different.
    I guess too old for Chemo and radiation and surgery, what will be the appropriate to maintain the QOL ?
    My vet told there aren’t much they can do.
    I just feel helpless seeing cat in such a discomfort.
    He is eating well, and very active as for now, but just breathing seem difficult sometimes.
    Thank you

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Elaine | 7 months ago
Anna Is Turning Her Nose Up At Both Wet And Dry Food. When She Does Eat (…

Anna is turning her nose up at both wet and dry food. When she does eat (with aid from appetite stimulant prescribed by vet) her stools are normal. She drinks/pees normally and is playful. She’s taken to sleeping under my bed rather than up with me but maybe it’s cooler there? It has been very hot here this summer. Less eager to go exploring on harness/leash in fenced in yard/garden but may have issue that I tell her not to eat the grass (have organic grass inside for her but she wants the outside stuff that has Creeping Jenny in it -toxic to cats. Grass eating only started a few months ago and she eats it & throws up a small amount of clear fluid with the grass in it). Got 2 vet opinions regarding Anna’s refusal to eat (I have tried everything from raw to cooked and every prepared wet & dry food off shelf to no avail). Anna will eat some Temptations Mixups BBQ flavor. Weight fluctuates between 6.7 and 7.7lbs. A “normal” Siberian female her age is 10-15lbs. (Anna does have very mild gingavitis & plaque but vet said this wouldn’t be reason for not eating.)

Both vets recommended an ultrasound of her abdomen but as a retiree the $500-$700 is a big chunk of change. Mostly, as a Cat Mom of many years my gut tells me something else may be the culprit for Anna not eating. She has been “flicking” her tongue over her nose more often (she has no upper respiratory issues says both vets). And, to me, the right side of her mouth seems to be looking different than the right side lately. It reminds me of my Nana who had Bells Palsy and one side side of her mouth “drooped”. I will see if I can post an upclose picture below of her right side (photo left) mouth.

Was intrigued with your video of polyps in cats and would love to know if maybe a change in Anna olfactory senses might be tied to her disinterest in eating? She doesn’t snore, btw.

Thank you!

3 Responses


  1. Elaine Post author

    Here is a picture of Anna from February before the eating issues began. Her mouth on her right side (left in photo) looks different to me, ie not drooping like it is now.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    My recommendation is to have a blood work panel done. It should include a full chemistry a cbc, fecal, urine and thyroid. At my clinic this is about $200. An abdominal ultrasound is about $350. I think that these are imperative to figure out what’s going on. And hopefully be able to start a treatment plan for. I doubt it’s a polyp. Use your resources elsewhere. I also think it’s perfectly acceptable to see if you can find these cheaper elsewhere if you are unable to afford them with your vet.

    Good luck

    1. Elaine Post author

      Thank you, Doc. My vet did a “pre-op” panel and everything was normal except:

      Total protein: 5.9 (6.3-8.8 normal)
      Globulin: 2.6 (3.0-5.9 normal)
      Alp: 11 (12-59 normal)

      The ALB/GLOB ratio was slightly high at 1.3 (normal 0.5-1.2)

      The neutrophils were slightly low but the vet said it was probably due to the stress from the visit. (The vet gave me deworming for both kitties, too)

      Because Anna doesn’t have diarrhea and a mildly decreased appetite (and holding her weight level) the vet said we could hold off on the US. But the past few days (without the appetite stim) Anna is again not eating well (treats, some yogurt, a few licks of wetfood & a few dry kibbles) I called and they are going to put me in touch with a “traveling” ultrasound doc who charges $300-$350 and uses different hospitals to do the US. Still awaiting a call back.

      Is this now an “emergency”? I am so worried about Anna…

      Thank you for your input. Muchly appreciated!


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Ashlin | 7 months ago
So My Cat Was Diagnosed With Upper Respiratory About 4 Months Ago. Well He Has Been Sneezing ,…

So my cat was diagnosed with upper respiratory about 4 months ago. Well he has been sneezing ,sounds nasally and , boogers just in the nasal area and the culture came back with pseudomonas well he is still lethargic and now won’t eat or drink now. He has been on orbax, nose drops, intrafungal medicine. Also he has a constant fever of 104°F. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow but wonder if it could be polyps? Pancreatitis?

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I think that if your cat isn’t responding as expected that it’s time to go back to the vet. I also think that you should talk about al of the other possible causes to his current clinical signs. A polyp is on the list of possible causes.

    Good luck.

    1. Ashlin Post author

      What other possibilities could you think why he is not eating and drinking?

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Roxy | 1 year ago
Suspected IVDD: My 14 Yr Old Jack Russell Has Been Experiencing Some Severe What Looks To Be …

Suspected IVDD: my 14 yr old Jack Russell has been experiencing some severe what looks to be muscle spasms. Took her into the vet and was told she may have joint pain or a neurological nerve pain. They sent me home with pain meds gabapentin, anti inflammatory carprofen and vitamin antinol to see if she got better. It was four days and she didn’t really seem to get better.

Then she seemed like she was developing some sort of serve cough. Took her back to the vet and they said she has some bacterial respiratory infection (also took X-rays) but I suspected kennel cough which they could not tell me 100% for sure, so was sent home with antibiotics. She is up on her vaccines and the only place she has been is at the vet because we don’t have any other dogs around us at home and haven’t been taking her for any walks due to her pain.

It’s been 5 days now and the cough is getting better. However, she is having muscle flares up everyday, multiple times a day. She is panting a lot and seems to be in a lot of pain. The meds don’t seem to be helping a whole lot.

She can still walk but is wobbly. Her legs tremble. I can see her legs are very stiff. Her back looks a little raised. She is still going to the bathroom on her own, but is wobbly.

I’ve put some paw grips on her feet since we have tile floors and some more rugs around the house. I’ve also tried to give her messages which she sometimes allowed me but she’s a Jack Russell and they have their own kind of personality.

What should I do? Any advice? I hate seeing her in so much pain.

4 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I think it sounds like you are worried and unsure about your pets condition. In cases like this I recommend two things:
    1: ask your vet to help clarify and solidify your pets condition. Just explain that you are worried and want to make sure you are doing everything you can.
    2. Ask friends and family for help in finding a vet they trust and call them for a second opinion.

    I would also ask about more pain management help, like robaxin or even something stronger, and make sure you are following the very strict cage rest guidelines. These guys just stay in a cage to rest for 6-8 weeks. They only go out for bathroom breaks.

    Also you can follow dodgers list in facebook. They are helpful.

    Good luck.

  2. Roxy Post author

    I’ve switched vets three different times in the last couple of years. Every time I go to the vet there is just really no real solution given other than meds and then come out with a minimum $300-500 or more bill. Tests look normal and basically just have to deal with the problem on my own. To me there are not many vets that are really trying to help or maybe they can’t help. (Have not done an MRI yet, it’s so expensive).

    My dog also has a very stubborn personality. She wants to do what she wants to do. She doesn’t do well with crating. She can be aggressive at times and want to bite. Regardless of her pain, she wants to walk around and “be nosey.” She has to know what’s going on and what we are doing. She has to be around us at all times. I feel like I have to be stationary in order for her to relax. She only eats on her time and if she likes the food (changed food so many times due to refusing to eat). It gets hard with giving her meds when she’s so picky.

    She is currently on Methocarbamol muscle relaxer and seems to help only for a couple of hours if that.

    I’ve been trying to switch her from carprofen to prednisolone but vet said there should be a 3 day wash out period. I feel like I just can’t wait 3 days with her in so much pain without having an anti inflammatory.

    I am lost and cry for her everyday.

    1. Roxy Post author

      My dog actually had a seizure tonight, so we took her to the emergency room. After some tests, it looks like she has low calcium which may have caused the seizure and the leg tremors and muscle spasms. The ER vet doesn’t think her symptoms are associated with IVDD. We are keeping her overnight at the ER while they are administering calcium. She is to be transferred to internal medicine tomorrow to find out the cause or more information. Any thoughts/advice?

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Chaz | 2 years ago
What If The Breathing Issues Is Not A Polyp? And It’s Not Asthma Or A …

What if the breathing issues is not a polyp? And it’s not asthma or a respiratory infection. What else could it be in your experience?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    We do a very poor job in diagnostics to provide a firm diagnosis for pets.
    To help decide what is going on with your pet we should be doing things like X-ray, ct or mri, BAL (bronchiole lavage), culture airways, full blood work and a fecal. Anything within any of those is a possibility.
    I would not rule out asthma or infection without having done all of those. Which no one can ever afford to do.

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Tynesha | 2 years ago
Please Help My Rescue Kitty With A Polyp In His Pharynx! I Recently Took In A …

Please help my rescue kitty with a polyp in his pharynx!

I recently took in a rescue kitty. He was treated for upper respiratory infection. However, it keeps returning and he always sounds like he is snoring. The vet he was seeing suspects a polyp. However, he isn’t able to remove it. I can’t afford to take him to specialist. Please help! I will travel to you to have him seen.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico


    I recommend that you call every local rescue and shelter to see if you can find someone who is willing to help you. There are many vets who will try and do this affordably. I am in northern Maryland. If you find someone close to you please share their information with us so we can pass it along to others.

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Tynesha | 2 years ago
(Nasopharyngeal Polyp) Hi! I Have A Young Cat I Recently Rescued A Few Weeks Ago. I …

(Nasopharyngeal Polyp)


I have a young cat I recently rescued a few weeks ago. I took him to a local wellness center vet as he seemed to have some upper respiratory issues. He was given treatment for an upper respiratory infection. However, I recently took him back for a follow up as I didn’t see consistent improvement. The wellness vet suspects that he has a polyp in his pharynx that needs to be removed. I came across Dr. Magnifico’s videos on YouTube about polyp removals and so I am reaching out! I can’t find a many vets near me that are willing to remove it and the ones that I do find (are specialists) , I can’t afford the prices. Please help! I’m willing to travel to your office to get him the help he needs!

0 Responses
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Harrison | 4 years ago
Possible Polyp In Healthy Cat (Similar To Stripes Video By Dr Magnifico) – Urgent

For about 3 months now, our 9 year old cat, Wheezy, has been making strange noises when she breathes that are similar to snoring or sounding just really congested. We took her to the vet and determined that her lungs are fine and she doesn’t have an upper respiratory infection. We believed it was possible for it to be a polyp.

I found the video about Stripes, by Dr. Kristina Magnifico, and I would be willing to bet that Wheezy also has a polyp on her throat. However, like Stripes’ owners, our usual vet gave us an estimate of close to $1200 for all the procedures to check for a polyp and remove it (some of them seemed unnecessary for this process). We cannot afford a cost like this and if there is a simpler way to go about this like in Dr. Magnifico’s video then we need to go that route.

I also wanted to ask about another symptom Wheezy appears to have where there’s a lot of fluid building up in her right eye. Not sure if this is any more evidence of a polyp or not. I’ll attach a picture.

Everything seems to have slowly gotten worse and she has a lost a VERY unhealthy amount of weight because she won’t eat, and I would guess she’s dehydrated as well. She has lost all her energy. Prior to this starting she was a very healthy indoor/outdoor cat.

If there is anybody in the area of Eastern Massachusetts that could recommend any where they’ve taken their animals that would be so helpful.

Thank you!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I would be worried that this is neoplasia. It is unlikely that a cat this old will have a polyp. That has been my experience. Call the rescues and shelters and see if they know of anyone local to you who will sedate your cat and look behind the soft palate. Find a feline specialist to ask for a second opinion. Good luck.

    1. Harrison Post author

      Thank you for the quick response. Not exactly what you’d like to hear but at least we can probably rule out polyp. We’ll follow your suggestions.

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Haley | 4 years ago
Is This A Nasal Polyp?

Hi, I adopted a Snowshoe/Siamese cat from a shelter about 6 weeks ago. They estimate he is about 3 years old but his history is unknown. He had an upper respiratory infection when I adopted him and was on antibiotics. He was very sneezy but that cleared up with the antibiotics the shelter gave me. I then took him to the vet for a wellness check the day after I adopted him and they found a yeast infection in one of his ears. We treated that and it’s been fine. He was also given Bravecto Plus topical just in case and is an indoor only cat.

About a week later he developed a skin issue, he’s been itching and ripping hair out in massive clumps and had some scabs. He was given two steroid injections over the course of a month. Also an antibiotic injection. I also changed his diet to rule out food allergen but after more than a week of diarrhea from the Hills z/d diet we switched to a sensitive skin Blue Buffalo instead which he is tolerating much better.

The skin issue has been getting better so I’m not concerned about that but just want to preface his history with me. Now onto the current issue. I noticed he snores and has trouble breathing when he is sleeping. I chalked this up to the URI but it has not gone away with the URI. His whole body basically flexes as he inhales. It’s only while he is asleep but does not matter what position he lies in. After spending over $1,000 and going to two different vet offices in the last 6 weeks, I would like to reach out to see if anyone has answers about this. We got back from the vet today with his second steroid injection and the itching has reduced significantly after this one (last one didn’t do much) and we are sending in blood work. The vet suggested next we do a full body x-ray which I’m not opposed to but I’m a graduate student and I’ve already spent over $1,000 on him and I have only had him for 6 weeks! I am going to get the x-rays for peace of mind but tonight I was checking his nose while he slept and found this. I’m assuming it’s a polyp? But I’m not a vet and won’t pretend to be one. If it is a polyp, where can I get this taken care of for a reasonable price? I really don’t want to dip into my emergency fund but I’ve already spent so much on him for vet bills, let alone changing food, litter, etc. To rule out allergens. I’ll include a picture of what I presume to be a polyp.

I appreciate anyone willing to help! I live in the New Orleans area so if you have recommendations for clinics, that would be great too! I am also willing to travel a longer distance for less pricey care. He does well in the car.

He is the one thing that’s really keeping me going right now so I really want to help him.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It is impossible to diagnose via a photo. I think the best thing to do is have your vet look at your cat. I also think that it might be helpful to ask about cerenia nose drops just in case it is inflammation. I know there is a dr Mike down in NOLA that has been very affordable and helpful to people with financial constraints. See if anyone local knows about him. Let me know. Good luck

    1. Haley Post author

      Thank you for your response! His blood work came back today and the vet said it is perfect so that was good news. He is getting full body x-rays done tomorrow. It’s another $285 but I am hoping we get some answers about his snoring and breathing. She is going to thoroughly check his nose and what not while he is sedated. He is a squirmy boy! I will definitely be looking into Dr. Mike. Thank you so much! I really appreciate it.

    2. Haley Post author

      Hi, I got the results from his vet today. She said that his nose looks like just inflamed tissue. She said his lungs were a little foggy on the x-ray but she thinks antibiotics (equivalent of human z-pak) and a diuretic will clear it up so we are doing that. His heart was slightly enlarged but he doesn’t have a detectable murmur. She is sending for a DNT test since they still had his blood for $62 to see if he may have heart disease. His left kidney was very enlarged and his right was atrophied. She said this could be cancer. His blood work and his urine both showed no issues with kidney function so she said this could just be large to compensate for the atrophied one. She said that we could do an ultrasound and biopsy but it will be very expensive and an echocardiogram if the DNT comes back indicating something is off. I am so upset. Should I be really worried about his kidney if it’s functioning fine? Thank you for your time.