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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 2-year Old Male Labrador Retriever At Every Night Between 11pm- Midnight He…

I have a 2-year old male labrador retriever at every night between 11pm- midnight he wakes up an scratches his nails upon a floor tile. When we call his name, he flaps his ears and go back to sleep. What can this be please? Thanks

1 Response


  1. Debbie Untitled

    It worries me a bit to tell you the truth, can dogs sleepwalk?

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Sarah | 10 years ago
We Have A WONDERFUL Cat, Who Is Destroying Our Furniture More, And More. Would Someone…

We have a WONDERFUL cat, who is destroying our furniture more, and more. Would someone please share some possible solutions to curb her scratching the furniture before we have no furniture left?

3 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Sarah,

    There are lots of things you can do to help your cat. First, here is a great link about it :

    Make sure to provide lots of other options for her, scratching posts are great, or the rigid cardboard scratcher boxes–you sprinkle some cat nip on them to lure them and encourage her to scratch.

    Clip her nails as short as possible. If you are not comfortable doing this, take her to a groomer or your vet. It’s important to do this every 4 weeks so they don’t get too long. This will help a great deal.

    Make sure she has a lot of things to keep her busy,,cat tree, interactive toys, etc..that should help too.

    Finally, if you catch her in the act. You can try sound as a deterrent. Take a metal can–like a soup or coffee can, fill it with a few pennies and seal it. When you see her start to try to scratch, loudly shake the can and say NO in a firm voice. After a few times of doing this , you may see her not trying to go near the furniture.

    Good Luck! Make sure to check out the link I put in at the top of this, lots of good advice there.


  2. Sarah Post author

    Hi Kelly- we have scratch posts on each floor of our house and scratch pads as well. This is the first time that I have had a destructive cat. It is EXTREMELY difficult to cut her nails. I’ve gotten one or two here and there over the years, but have the scars to prove it. She loves to be cuddled, but not held. Everything is on her terms, which is fine. That is part of what makes her so awesome! I will definitely check out the link you not. Thanks!

  3. Cathy Woodward

    Someone I know trained his cat to not scratch furniture by putting double sided tape on it

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Judy Kuehn | 10 years ago
Is Cat Acne Usually Painful For The Cat? Do They Scratch At It?

Is cat acne usually painful for the cat? Do they scratch at it?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Pitbull Has Allergies And When She Scratches She Causes Skin Infections. Is It Safe…

My pitbull has allergies and when she scratches she causes
skin infections. Is it safe to give her Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim 800
mg / 160 mg ( The human kind ). What dosage is appropriate? Thanks for any help
you can give.

5 Responses


  1. julie brader

    Please don’t give your dog human medication it could be toxic to her. Only give meds the Vet prescribes. 

  2. Anonymous

    agreed with Julie.  vet time.  don’t give your dog human meds.

  3. PK Dennis

    First, get all grain out of her diet — find a grain-free premium dog food.  The first 2 ingredients must be meat — such as elk, chicken, turkey — words that you understand as meat.  Meal means the whole animal was ground up and dried, so ‘salmon meal’ means meat too.  Avoid any thing that has “by-products” listed such as “chicken by-products” this could be just chicken feathers!  Not a good source of protein.  

    Be sure the treats are grain-free also!  Stop sharing cookies and bread crusts!  Grains impact the dogs ability to fight off allergens.  If she is really chewing off hair or damaging the skin try a generic Zyrtec. Same dosage for a human (typically one pill in the morning, one pill at night.  

    Rinse your dog’s feed and belly when she comes in from outdoors to help remove pollen and mold spores, and to keep those things out of the house.  I keep a tub of water at the back door and change the water daily.  It can be plain water or a mix of water and vinegar (1/3 vinegar, 2/3 water).

    You can rinse your entire dog with the vinegar mix — either just that, or after an Aveeno bath (Aveeno is an oatmeal soap that helps sooth skin).  Allow the vinegar mix to dry on her skin and fur.  This will help with itching and help heal the skin.  Organic cider vinegar is best, but it may stain a white dog to beige. 

    If she has raw, wet spots (hot spots they are often called), I would take her to a vet for evaluation.  You can help heal a hot spot with witch hazel with aloe and blot it on the spot to help with itch and heal the skin.  You can find the witch hazel with aloe in any pharmacy over the counter.

    Grain free, primo diet, reduce the allergen load of pollen and spores.  These things will probably help over time.  In the mean time, work with your vet to give her some relief.


  4. Anonymous

    Chicken is one of the more frequent dog food allergies out there. Anna needs to get the allergy bit sorted with a vet’s assistance.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When I Pick Up My Cat And Hold Her She Usually Will Bat Or Scratch…

When I pick up my cat and hold her she usually will bat or scratch at you and want down, but this time I picked her up she looked me straight in the eye and close her eyes like she’s scared. What should I do? What does that mean?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    are you sure it’s fear?  cats will slowly close their eyes when looking at people they trust, and it’s their way of showing their trust for that person.

  2. Erica Jermanus

    The one time I picked her up and she scratched me I yelled at her and said bad. And I think now when I pick her up it’s like she knows not to do it again so I think there is some trust too since we have had her for 6 years.

  3. Erica Jermanus

    Alright thank you for your input much appreciated and I will try those helpful tips! And she might be not feeling well at times the weather changes her moods and sleep patterns… have a great weekend

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Pitbull Puppy Recently Started Scratching And Licking At His Skin And He’s Getting These…

My pitbull puppy recently started scratching and licking at his skin and he’s getting these spots. How can I get rid of them? Is there any medicine I can get for it?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Cleaned With Peroxide And Applied Neosporin. I Think It’s Because He Some Times…

I cleaned with peroxide and applied neosporin. I think it’s because he some times bites and scratches his self. Also, flea and tick free.

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    HI David,
    Try just soap/water instead of the hydrogen peroxide,,,that stuff actually will irritate and dry out. If he’s biting and scratching you need to figure out the cause. If he is indeed tick and flea free, it sounds like a trip to the vet to figure out the cause of the skin irritation as well as the issue with his nipples.

    Good luck!!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Can I Put My Eye Med In My Cats Scratched Eye? It Is Prednisolone Acetate…

Can I put my eye med in my cats scratched eye? It is prednisolone acetate ophthalmic suspension ups 1%

1 Response


  1. Beth Marker

    Thank you for your help. I will call my vet for appt. Thanks again.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Tonight My Boxer Has Started Scratching His Ear Like Crazy And Crying While He’s…

Tonight my boxer has started scratching his ear like crazy and crying while he’s scratching. I think he might have mites but when I try looking he cries more and pulls away. How can I make him comfy till we see the vet in the morning

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A Very Skittish And Small Cat That Has Been Eating Off And On…

I have a very skittish and small cat that has been eating off and on for the last 2 weeks. She will come out for feeding but only eat a little but will revisit later to munch a little more. I’d say she is eating 50% of what she normally does. Nothing has changed- food, environment, placement, etc. I read how to safely put the cat in the crate, but our problem is just catching her. She only comes out from her basement territory for feeding and late night love when things are calm. She does sleep with us. I have tried trial runs to catch her but she either runs as I approach and darts through her basement cat door where she disappears or if I do get my hands on her she screams, wiggles, scratches and out of fear of hurting her or me I let go, those claws are sharp! In the evening during love time I blocked the cat door and tried to catch her, she flipped out. I tried enticing her with food and cat treats, she is too smart for that, lol. My wife can handle her more than I can and she too has tried without success. We have never been able to pick her up and hold her. She appears and acts perfectly normal. My wife is worried about her and if this continues, she thinks a vet visit may be in order (yet another vet visit, we should buy stock, lol). If we ever get her to the vet, she is their problem then, lol. She is 3 years old and other then when she was a kitten, has never been to the vet because of the above reasons. She is indoor only. Any advice on how to catch this wild crazy cat without hurting her or us?

1 Response


  1. caroline challita

    She sounds super cute and a handful 🙂 Dont have anything to add, but have an injured kitten that im handling who sounds very similar to yours before she got injured. Didn’t know a drop trap even existed until now. i like it! Will try finding one for my next vet visit.