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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Dog Is 12 1/2 And Had A Seizure. I Took Her To The Vet…

My dog is 12 1/2 and had a seizure. I took her to the vet and they said she has heartworms. Started her on the medication and the next day she had another seizure. I rushed her in again and they did X-rays to find out she has cancer(I’m not sure what kind) but it is on or near her lungs. They put her on seizure meds and it doesn’t seem to be helping. She rests most of the day and when I get her up to go to the bathroom or get home from work, she has a seizure. And now she seems to be a bit unsteady on her feet while walking. I took her for a short walk and she walked good. She has lost some weight, I can feel her spine very easily, but her stomach seems to be a bit bulgy. I want to know if this is all from the cancer or could she have possibly at something toxic or something that could block her to cause these symptoms? And is this most likely the end or is there other things like diet and vitamins I can give her that would help?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    this might sound like a copout answer, but you really need to ask the vet about this.  i would be worried about the weight loss, yes, but a bulging stomach would have me very concerned.

    if your vet is worth their license, they’ll be frank with you.  please, open a dialog with them.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

We Have An Almost 13 Year Old Chocolate Lab Named Koko. About 5 Weeks Ago…


We have an almost 13 year old chocolate lab named Koko. About 5 weeks ago, she had a seizure. We took her into the vet and they prescribed Phenobarbital to help control the seizures. Since then, she has been incontinent in the house, and has to go outside very frequently (which is a side effect to this medication). This is a problem when my husband and i both work Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm. She has accidents in the house almost every day. Thankfully we put her in our laundry room which has wood floors so clean up is a little easier, but it still is stressful being that she usually pees, and then walks through it all day long tracking it everywhere in that room and gets urine all over herself. Especially when she has seizures, she paces for hours afterwards until finally calming down. We have tried NUMEROUS different types of diapers, doggy diapers (vets best from Petco, womens depends, XXL childrens diapers) and even tried buying suspenders and attaching those onto the diapers and around her to try to keep it on, but NOTHING stays on throughout the whole day. I just bought the “Dog Diaper Keeper” off Amazon today so I am crossing my fingers that it’ll work, if not i dont know what to do.

Besides that, my husband and I also have noticed that she has become increasingly anxious during the day and night time. She has always been on the more anxious side but lately it’s been getting worse, fast.

Since starting the Phenobarbital, she has had 3 more bigger seizures that we are aware of and since then have been to the vet and they have also prescribed Potassium Bromide which she is taking alongside the Phenobarb. We also noticed she started having facial seizures which the vet said could either mean the Phenobarb/Potassium Bromide are working and controlling the bigger seizures, or if the facial seizures continue along with big seizures it could be time for a CT scan.

In the last couple weeks, she has begun to wake up very early in the morning (3am) barking. We thought that maybe she was scared to be alone since having seizures, or is starting to get Alzheimer’s. Her kennel is in our living room so we thought that moving her into our room would help knowing that we were there, but it hasn’t. We also take her outside to go to the bathroom and that doesn’t seen to solve anything either. We are afraid to feed her too early because we don’t want her to get in the habit of eating that early in the morning. We have tried everything we can think of and she still continues to bark at all hours in the morning. The vet also prescribed her Diazapam to calm her down after seizures, but we are reluctant to use that to calm her down just because she is barking at night and hasn’t had a seizure.

We fully understand that it’s not her fault, and that she is getting old and is needing some extra TLC. But we feel so bad because we can’t figure out what she needs/wants. We desperately want to help her and keep her comfortable throughout the night.

Do you or anyone else have any advice for us? For the early morning barking or the diaper issue? Anything is greatly appreciated!


0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Why Did My 13 Yr Old Chow Lab Mix Start Seizures And Kept Having Them…

why did my 13 yr old chow lab mix start seizures and kept having them until i had her put to sleep this morning she was on epilepsy med after another that never happened before

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    first: i’m very, very sorry for your loss.

    second: a necropsy is the best way to determine this at this point.  i would consider it.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

Update: My Cat Was Drooling Clear Liquid Then It Turned To Brown And Then Bleeding…

Update: My cat was drooling clear liquid then it turned to brown and then bleeding in approximately a week. Then she was rescued and taken to the Vet. She got treatment and was better with no vomiting, bleeding etc. but she was not eating. For day she passed loose stools. She was cured but then she ran away for a day. She was again rescued and fed milk and glucose water. her ears were warm at this time. She had three seizures followed by this.

She was taken tothe hospital and given an injection (Lori umm am not sure) after which she slept for like a day and then she was a little relaxed…she again had a seizure which was less severe after 27 hours…then treated… no injection for seizure this time no fever……… she became restless and wanted to be out of the basket…we released her…she started biting…had more seizures in the next 12 hours…at this point she wanted to eat and ate a little bit idk because of anger or hunger

we calmed her down and sent her to the hospital. all this happened over a period of 13 14 days…please tell me what this was…doctor tried to draw blood but it would not come out…no test could be done…is it RABIES?

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Threw Up A Small Amount Of White Foam And Then Had Some Kind…

My cat threw up a small amount of white foam and then had some kind of seizure and fell over. Then started twitching. What could be wrong with him?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Dog Has Thrown Up Had A Seizure Can’t Use Hind Legs. Was Given Worm Med…

dog has thrown up had a seizure can’t use hind legs. was given worm med eariler today. all vets are closed now. is their an answer for this

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Surely you must have a veterinary ER or 24-hour hospital or an on-call vet somewhere? These are SERIOUS symptoms.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Its Been Having Seizures All Night And Day And I Have To Watch It All…

its been having seizures all night and day and i have to watch it all the time. It gets worse by the minute, when i call him, he starts to shake. He even tries to walk to me but falls down and its heartbreaking

5 Responses


  1. Kate McKelvie

    Get to a vet ASAP. If you have Valium for this follow the instructions, administer rectally so you don’t get accidentally bitten.

  2. Brandon Marshall

    I had to call the dogpound, they said it was distemper, and that it was too late to save him. I had to put him to sleep, this was the hardest day ever

  3. julie brader

    I’m so sorry to hear this, what an awful day for you. I guess your dog didn’t have any innoculations to protect him from Distemper ect. If and when you get another dog please make sure he has all his innoculations and this won’t happen again. I’m very sad you’ve lost your dog.

  4. Brandon Marshall

    i thought they had gave the dog shots when i purchased it, but from what happend today, they didnt. I will make sure to give all my dogs shots and if i get a new one. Thank you <3 at least he isnt suffering anymore

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Have A 14 Year Old ShitZu That Had A Seizure And Now He Can…

I have a 14 year old ShitZu that had a seizure and now he can not see. He is using the bathroom in the house and not eating properly. Can anything be done to help him?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what does your vet think about it?  since they know the circumstances of the seizure and the overall health of your pet, i’d ask their opinion first.

  2. Sue Bona

    You may need to help him eat and take him outside more often until he gets used to functioning without being able to see

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Jana | 11 years ago
3-4 Year Old Lab Seizure 2 Days Post [unknown] But Bite – Could It Be…

3-4 year old lab seizure 2 days post [unknown] but bite – could it be related or coincidence?

1 Response


  1. Jana Post author

    Seizures two days after the bite. Bitten by what exactly unknown.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Is It Still Epilepsy If My Dog Only Had A Seizure At Age 5…

Is it still epilepsy if my dog only had a seizure at age 5 and then 9?

1 Response


  1. Jana

    Hi Elizabeth,

    from the way you’re asking I’m assuming that it was diagnosed as epilepsy the first time around? At the age of 5 it would be a likely diagnosis. How was it diagnosed and was it treated in any way?

    “The two most important factors in the diagnosis of idiopathic epilepsy
    is the age at onset and the seizure pattern (type and frequency). If
    your dog has more than two seizures within the first week of onset, your
    veterinarian will probably consider a diagnosis other than idiopathic

    Onset of seizures in a dog older than 5 years, it can be metabolic or neurological (a lesion like a brain tumor).

    So the question on my mind would be, is it the same thing as it was four years ago or is there something else going on? If it was me I would want to revisit this with my vet.