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Mariah | 5 years ago
I Think My Dog Has Separation Anxiety. He Gets Very Sad And Freaks Out When He …

I think my dog has separation anxiety. He gets very sad and freaks out when he knows we are leaving and cries nonstop. I was wondering if there was a way to make him more comfortable at home when we will be going to work?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- anxiety is something that takes time, patience and in my opinion routine. Routine definitely helps. When your dog learns that they can expect “x,y,z” at certain times, and can depend on that routine, it builds trust. There are also other things like leaving a radio on low while you’re gone, walks/exercise to get them good and relaxed before you go, chew toys and toys you can hide a treat like peanut butter in for them to work on while you’re out…. I will also say that making walks a priority part of your daily routine helps a ton. For both of you- it helps with strengthening your bond- in turn helping them trust you more, as well as being physically tired. Training and repetition (even the most basic) is mental work and also helps keep their mind tired. A tired dog is a better behaved dog. There are lots and lots of tricks and tools. Lastly, I would check in with your vet and make sure it is not something that is more serious and needs medical attention. It is definitely something that you can work with and potentially overcome. One of our shepherds had terrible separation anxiety when we first rescued him- chewed EVERYTHING. It took time, but he is well adjusted and one now. Don’t lose hope????

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Kate Reisinger | 5 years ago
I Have A 14 Month Old Pit Mix That Has Terrible Anxiety. He Is Terrified Of Being …

I have a 14 month old pit mix that has terrible anxiety. He is terrified of being by himself, even if we are just behind the closed door using the bathroom. He cries terribly & will pace the house until we’re done. If I take a shower or bath I leave the door open so he feels a little better, but he then cries & tries to grab my arm to pull me out (not in an aggressive way). When people come into the house he paces, jumps, & whines for them. He also does this outside when he sees people or other dogs. He is told “down” when he jumps & warned with the beeping noise on his training collar. He will sit but it is very hard for him to stay still, as he continues to whine, shakes, & then rolls into the ground. It’s like he knows to listen & tries very hard but literally can not stay still. He also is terrified of thunder & the sound the trash truck makes. When those sounds are occurring he runs right under the table & won’t come out. We are in the process of training & we were told by them that they also think he has anxiety. They think he would be able to comprehend better if it was under control. I have been researching non stop for things to help with this major issue. I don’t want him on prescription anxiety meds that cause him to seem “sedated” & not like himself (that happened with my family dog). I have come across a tablet to help with separation anxiety & the behaviors that come with it. It is called clomicalm & every review or story I have read about it was positive. I really do think this could be a successful choice for him IF I know this is something that is not harmful. There are possible side effects that could occur but that could happen with pretty much any medication humans or pets. This tablet does not cause dogs to seem drowsy from what I’ve read from people’s experiences & has a high success rate to treat anxiety. We have tried natural treats, oils, thunder vests, etc. & nothing has helped him in the slightest bit. I just want to know if this something that would be okay for him to take daily or even okay to take at all?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    It sounds like it is time to get help from a behaviorist. Please ask your vet for a referral and also ask them about medications to help bridge the gap as you start to help him overcome his fears and anxieties. Medications can help but they should not be used without also implementing training, socialization and behavior modification therapy. I hope this helps and I hope your pup gets help soon.

  2. Sarah

    I agree with Dr. Magnifico. A behaviorist will be money very well spent and will benefit ALL of you. Very best of luck. Don’t give up!!????????

  3. Laura

    I agree with the others – find a behaviorist. I’d also invest time in a sport of some sort. This can help build the confidence it sounds like he lacks.

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Kana Had Facial Tremors, A “tragic” Look, Erect Ears, And Twitching Eyes. She Had Tetanus…
Treatment Cost (USD): $60.00
A wound on her toe had been present and reluctantly healing for about 3 weeks. Her mom noticed that her ears were standing up on her head, her eyes were pulled back into her head and moving quickly in multiple directions. She also had her facial muscles twitching and pulling her mouth back to her ears. She had a “tragic” look to her face. She also was not walking normally and not eating or behaving normally.
0 Responses
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Pawbly | 6 years ago
My 2 Kittens Were Spayed Last Week And Both Have Developed A Seroma. One Of…

My 2 kittens were spayed last week and both have developed a seroma. One of which is leaking a bit. We have 2 other cats and never experienced this with the others. The vet said they are caused by being overactive, is this accurate? They were both relatively calm and quiet for most of the week after their spay and these just developed within the past 2 days. After we had them rechecked at the vet Monday, they told us to separate them and basically quarantine them to separate bedrooms. We tried this yesterday but keeping them isolated has just caused them to be overactive when they finally get to come back out. We don’t want to make them go crazy from the isolation. Do you have any recommendations? Thank you in advance!

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I can’t really offer an opinion for the surgery or after care. And I’m not sure that blame or identification of underlying cause is helpful at this point. I do however think it is relevant and appropriate for you to inquire who did the surgery and what their experience level is. You can get a copy of the doctors notes and ask the vet if perhaps surgical technique was a part of the seroma. I see these as learning opportunities not sources of blame. Then ask for help in getting your kittens through this. Collectively and productively. If you are struggling with any part of your kittens care or post op care they should be happy and willing to help. As long as the incisions are intact (skin and linea I tell clients to do their best at keeping them quiet. I also offer things like a large dog carrier for times you can’t supervise and options like catnip to keep them busy without too much crazy activity. If you feel that you need more help ask for a referral or get a second opinion. In my experience kittens heal really quickly and this isn’t much of an issue for longer than a week. (But I don’t know how big the seromas are so please use your vets guidance to help you.
    Good luck.

Other Service
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Krista Magnifico | 6 years ago
Neutering A Feral Cat. What Is A TNR, And What Does It Cost?
Treatment Cost (USD): $187.00
Rey is a feral cat who showed up at one of our employees homes. She is feeding him and was able to trap him so he could be vaccinated, FeLV/FIV tested, and neutered. We also gave him a topical dose of Revolution to treat/protect against parasites. We also ear tipped him and gave him a microchip. He will be released at her home in a day or two.
1 Response


  1. Stacey Harris

    Thanks Krista for taking the mystery out of this procedure. Having worked for our local tnrv organization, Ive wondered how sedating such a wild animal trapped in a metal cage was accomplished, short of a blow dart?! The ferals I’ve trapped are surprisingly ferocious, completely unlike the typical domesticated pet. I applaud you for performing spay/neuter on ferals; we have difficulty finding vets who will perform this in Tulsa. Thank you!

Emergency Visit
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Nicholas P. Woodward | 6 years ago
Two Shots In One Day (Lepto + Lyme) Made Stella A Very Sick Pup!
Treatment Cost (USD): $297.50
We had already had the first round for both the Lepto shot and the Lyme vaccine (each done on separate visits), so this visit was to our regular vet to have the second round of both done together.   In retrospect, we realize it was just too much in a day (she also got groomed right before it), but apparently she was also having an allergic reaction to the Lyme shot (in a previous story I posted, I mentioned how the first round had made her sick).   After her visit to the vet, she seemed ok and the vet was great with everything.  However, an hour or two later she was repeatedly vomiting and really worrying us.  Our regular vet's clinic had closed already for the day, so we decided to take her for a visit to a local emergency clinic.
1 Response


  1. Brandon Bachrach

    Hope she’s doing better now!

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Sarah | 6 years ago
Hi Pawbly Friends- My Mom Was Dog Sitting Tonight So That We Could Take The Kiddos…

Hi pawbly friends-
My mom was dog sitting tonight so that we could take the kiddos trick or treating and there was a fight between all three of our guys. Do not know the trigger. Our old guy is limping around and is pretty slow, and our girl is limping a bit. Our new guy seems no worse for the wear. My question is whether or not it is ok to keep them separated tonight or will that backfire on me for tomorrow when I take them for a walk to try and pack up again to move past this setback?

2 Responses


  1. Sarah Post author

    We’ve been to the vet and ?things look ok. All three are happy to be together. Not sure what triggered it. I am just being diligent about supervision now. Thank you so much JVC for squeezing us in and making time for us.??

  2. Anonymous

    Hi Sarah, I’m glad everything seems okay now. I would keep a close eye on them – someone gave a side eye to someone else, and obviously a fight broke out. You said you have two males, and that always concerns me, ESPECIALLY with breeds like GSDs. Good luck.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
I Adopted A 4 Year Old Rescue Small Lab Mix About 2 Weeks Ago. She…

I adopted a 4 year old rescue small lab mix about 2 weeks ago. She is already deeply attached to me, and is starting to show some separation anxiety. Keeping her contained and safe while I’m at work has become a challenge. My Boston Terrier is content gated in the kitchen, but my rescue Duchess simply climbs over the gate. So I put her in a crate and I have attached a pic of the result (it’s sideways). She had bloodied her mouth and scraped her muzzle. The last couple of days I’ve left her loose in the house and hoped for the best. I saw evidence of her trying to push the gate through to get into the kitchen – to be with my other dog? I don’t know. Any advice is welcome.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    There are lots of things I would recommend.
    First of all exercise is my first and constant default.
    1. Start taking long walks before you leave for the day. A tired dog is always a better behaved dog. See if this helps.
    2. Ask me (I’m her vet) ☺️ About solliquin.
    3. Try DAP. Dog appeasing pheromone. There is a lot of great evidence to support its efficacy.
    4. Try a radio or tv while you’re away.
    5. Try a video monitoring device. See if watching her and intervening helps assuage her chewing.
    6. Ask about a neighbor or dog walker to get her out during the day while you are away.
    7. Ask me about a trial period of an anxiety med. I’m lots of cases they help make everyone happier. Especially as she adjusts to her new life

    Thank you for saving her. Please keep in touch

    Xox to you candy and duchess!

  2. Anonymous

    If you’re located near Dr. M, I’d look into obedience classes near you – 4Paws has a selection of classes to consider. She might be otherwise obedient, but classes will help to make her feel more secure in her position in your home, and will help her settle now that she’s past the 2 week introduction phase. More info about training classes at 4Paws here: Kathy Forthman’s a good trainer.

  3. Sarah

    Hi there!! Thanks for rescuing. We just rescued another GSD this week and are going through the same thing- separation anxiety. I’m using a lot of patience and I’m walking the soles of my shoes off with him? No, seriously, long walks seem to help. More so than a good romp around the yard with our other young one. So what I did yesterday that really helped, was had him romp with her for about a half hour after right before human dinner, then ate quick, then walked him (while my other two stayed home) for a good long walk- almost and hour. This helped as he was good and tired and went into his crate without opposition. Now he still chewed his way through a bed, so I’m looking into ways of addressing that. We have Kong’s with peanut butter in the freezer right now. Also we have replaced the bed with towels and are hoping since they are not foam, they’ll do less harm?And a nice nylabone and a few rope pull/chew toys have been helpful. If you find another bit of advice that you find helpful, please share? Thanks!!???

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
I Adopted A Beautiful Cat With A Stunning Personality, She Is Loving And Relaxed. She…

I adopted a beautiful cat with a stunning personality, she is loving and relaxed. She is 1 year 7 months old and they have been struggling to get her adopted. We brought her home And she was immediately so happy, eating and playing. We have two chihuahuas, one is a very timid, nervous baby but so so sweet. When we opened our bedroom door, she ran out to say hello and the cat just pounced on her, making deep scratch marks and only letting go when my husband yelled “NO!” In a panic. I am feeling such guilt at bringing a new pet into the house, that hurt my baby. I absolutely adore the new cat, but my heart is broken for my baby girl. She is now absolutely terrified of any sound, we are keeping them separated and the cat is happy as can be, but I am feeling so nervous about how to resolve this issue. Giving the cat back is just not an option for us, we already fell in love with her. What can we do in this situation?

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    Did you do any sort of shutdown when you brought the cat home? By that, I mean keep her in a room to herself for a couple of weeks, to give her time to acclimate to the household, then allow her to meet your chi in a very closely supervised situation. Furthermore, had she been tested with dogs?

  2. Suanne Villarreal

    Hi! We actually have separated them, the meeting was accidental (our chihuahua ran out of the room once the door was opened). Currently we are keeping them in separate rooms and switching them every so often so they can get used to each other’s scent. She was adopted from a cat shelter so no experience with dogs thus far…

  3. Anonymous

    That may very well have been due to shock. I would reevaluate in a couple of weeks.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Is This Unkind? My Neighbor Moved And Abandoned Their Two Cats Last Winter. They…

Is this unkind? My neighbor moved and abandoned their two cats last winter. They had an outdoor house there for the cats and kept them outside. By the time my husband and I discovered them it was dead of winter and they were starving. We bought them a heated outdoor house, fed them top quality food and took them to the vet. He believes they are 6 and 10 years old. After minor tooth surgery on one, they started to thrive and now they’re healthy, well fed and spoiled! They have obviously had homes in the past. I already have a dog and two indoor cats. I really don’t want them outside in the rain and cold this winter, so I want to bring them in but seperate them in our finished large basement. They try to come in all the time. We don’t spend much time down there but I don’t want to add two more animals to the rest of the crew upstairs. I know it sounds silly, but is it mean to keep them separate in the basement or should I try to incorporate them in the whole house? I will let them in and out if they like. I just want to do the right thing for these poor babies and the indoor animals too. I’m probably overreacting and their life will be better regardless, but would love opinions from other animal lovers.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    I think it is very kind that you took on the responsibility that your former neighbors didn’t. As far as having them in your house with the rest of your pets, part of that depends on how they all react to each other. Keeping them separate at first would be a good way to introduce them. You may be surprised and they might integrate well into your household and you might end up doing just fine with everyone altogether… but you’ll probably need a new swiffer? In all seriousness, in my opinion with cats especially, they’re so self sufficient in so many ways that having more is usually not a big deal. The only thing I am not a huge fan of is the extra litter boxes – which I have delegated to the kids. Best of luck!!