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kiwi | 5 years ago
I Just Recently Changed My 14 Month Old Cat’s Dry Food But She Hasn’t Been …

I just recently changed my 14 month old cat’s dry food but she hasn’t been eating as she used to. Then yesterday i saw there was smear in her bottom and it was brownish orangy i was not sure if there’s blood. Her poops are formed and brown though as usual. This morning poop is the same. But this afternoon she was on my lap and checked her bottom and a small dot of water came out. I wonder if she has diarrhea. She’s been having brownish discharge for about two weeks now too. Also, she’s been shedding since two months ago not sure if thats normal when cat age. What could be wrong? She doesn’t look sick.

8 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning???? Is your cat spayed? It could possibly be related to the change in food, but if she isn’t spayed it could be something more than diet. Either way- I think I would collect a stool sample and get an appointment with the vet to be safe. I would let the vet know the dietary changes recently. If your cat is not spayed, please consider it. Have a great day????????

    1. kiwi Post author

      Yes she is spayed. I was wondering if this is normal in transitioning to a different food brand (couldnt find the one shes used to so i bought a different brand-i feed her grain free). As a younger cat she wasn’t as picky. Also she’s indoors only no other cats.

      1. Sarah

        It could be the diet change…. I would maybe call the vet if she is still having issues and get her in and bring a sample. Hope she’s ok!!

        1. kiwi Post author

          Thank you Sarah! Could be the new food. She seems ok just not eating much.

  2. Laura

    If the diet change wasn’t gradual, I would assume she’s having a hard time with it. Cats aren’t as flexible as dogs when it comes to food and changes really need to be gradual.

    1. kiwi Post author

      She was not picky before that’s why i didn’t expect this. I did mix the food though it’s just that i have less of the old food because I couldn’t find it anywhere in store and online so it took time to buy food and was forced to buy a different one :-/

      1. Laura

        It’s also possible this particular food doesn’t agree with her. Have you tried other formulations of the original brand?

        1. kiwi Post author

          I did long ago but this is the first time she is picky

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Kennedy | 5 years ago
My Cat Has Been Scratching Her Neck And Behind Her Ears Lately (which Is Normal), But …

My cat has been scratching her neck and behind her ears lately (which is normal), but when i watched her do it, today, clumps of her hair came out. I looked at her fur and noticed a couple kinda bold spots. Her skin isn’t red or anything, you can just see her skin more. I am wondering if this is just a shedding thing or if something else is wrong. I live in Illinois so weather is pretty average, and my cat is an indoor cat. She has been throwing up a lot lately, but i think thats just because she eats so fast. She also is allergic to some food. The vet said she is allergic to the protein in some types of meat, she will get red spots on her face and ears but after trying a couple types of food i think the rash is mostly gone. I really hope this is a normal thing but i am not sure. The bold spots keep getting worse with every scratch. What should i do?

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Good morning???? I’m sorry about your cat. My first guess is that there is some sort of skin irritation or allergy. Although it does not look red in the photos, the fact that she is so itchy/uncomfortable is what makes me think along those lines. I know you said the weather is average…but sometimes if it goes from humid to dry or vice verse, it might lead to a skin reaction.

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Taye | 6 years ago
My Dog Mocha, Is Three Years Old. Recently, I’ve Noticed That Small Patches Of Her…

My dog Mocha, is three years old. Recently, I’ve noticed that small patches of her fur were missing. I was hoping she was probably shedding. I was wondering what could I do to prevent it?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    This might be skin mites, thyroid problems, hives from some sort of allergy…start with the vet to nail down the cause.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. Unfortunately hairbloss can have a large number of causes. Things like parasites (fleas, mange), infection or even an internal organ impairment. Please see the vet. I bet that with a visit and a thorough discussion of your dogs history they can help formulate a treatment plan.

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JoAnn Sevey | 7 years ago
What Would Cause A Cat To Never Clean Himself. He Looks Awful & Is Getting…

What would cause a cat to never clean himself. He looks awful & is getting matted clumps of hair. He will not let me brush or comb him. His fur is dull & sheds all year, i know this isn’t normal. Can anyone help me figure this out please..?

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    Cats stop grooming for many reasons. Sometimes it is from stress and sometimes there is a medical reason such as arthritis or an underlying health issue or even a dental issue. I have run into this with my own cats, with my older girl it is simply because she is arthritic and she tends to spend more time laying than she did when she was younger which causes the matts. She tolerates me brushing them out and occasionally I do shave the areas that tend to matt the most. Once we returned home from vacation to find one of our cats a matted mess, he had been fine 10 days prior. Turns out it was stress related. Our house sitter reported that he spent the majority of the time hiding, he simply didn’t adjust well to the change in his routine. I would take my cat to see my vet not only to determine the cause but also to help in de-matting. If left the matts will continue to get larger and will eventually start to pull the skin causing wounds. Best of luck in getting your kitty comfortable again!

  2. JoAnn Sevey Post author

    Thank you for answering Jennifer, everything you mentioned is absolutely worth checking into… The cat belongs to a friend who does take great care of her pets. This cat is maybe 6 or 7 yrs old, spoiled rotten & never really has been very active, he’s more like the big lazy guy who just wants to lounge around, eat & sleep. I read your answer to my friend & she has made an appointment with her vet. Thanks again for taking the time to reply.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Cat Just Recently Lost Her Kittens When They Ran Away On The Fourth Of…

My cat just recently lost her kittens when they ran away on the Fourth of July. Now she’s hardly eating and she’s shedding massive amounts of fur. She’s not taking good care of herself and seems lost all the time. Is there anything I can do?

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    I would get her to the vet, to be quite honest.

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I agree with laura. Also please try to provide her a quiet, warm, stress free place to rest and lots of food options. Please also have her spayed.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Cat Keeps Peeing/pooping In The Basement; I Have A 12 Year Old Cat Who Has…

Cat keeps peeing/pooping in the basement; I have a 12 year old cat who has been peeing/pooping in our basement. She has done this before a while ago but stopped the habit after changing her litter. Then this past summer we took down our shed and much of its contents are currently in our garage where her litter box is. Soon after, she started refusing to use the litter box. My mother got tired of cleaning up after her and put her outside for the summer. (She is an indoor/outdoor cat)We’ve recently let her back in due to the cold weather (after 4-5 months I’d say) and us being out of town for Thanksgiving. It was easier to get someone to feed her that way if she’s in the house.At first she seemed fine and had no issue. We were more careful to clean her litter box more often. And coming back from Thanksgiving we found pee/ poo in the house again.We don’t want the litter box in the house because she is usually messy with it and there really isn’t any convenient space in the house for it. I don’t think it’s a urinary infection because she hadn’t gotten back into the habit until we tore down the shed. We aren’t going to get her checked out because it’s expensive and we are pretty positive its the stuff in the garage.I am just not sure what to do anymore to correct this. She’ll get put in the garage for the winter if she doesn’t stop this act. I think come this next summer we’ll put up a new shed but until then I’m not sure what I can do. But if this keeps up she’ll be kicked out of the house again.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    First and foremost, I would make a vet appointment. Just to make sure there is nothing really wrong internally with your cat. I understand there is a cost, but it is important. If you really feel strongly that it is the shed remnants causing it, perhaps finding a better place to store them would help? Also, if you could try to keep her litter box area clean and free from other debris (I know my garage is full of all kinds of tools, bikes, and who knows what else gets stored in there) as well as making sure to change her litter regularly and keep her box cleaned, this may help out. Our routine is to go into the basement each morning where the litter box is and empty it out first thing. It has gotten so that now after time, our cat routinely goes in the morning around 6:30 and we clean it out shortly after. Every Sunday we change the litter and clean out the box. In all fairness, cleaning the litter box out each day is the least that should be done. Honestly, would you want to use a toilet that hasn’t been flushed? Me either. Good luck!

  2. Anonymous

    I agree – get her to the vet. Indoor/outdoor cats NEED more veterinary attention than indoor-only cats due to their exposure to the environment.

    Do keep in mind, ignoring her care IS neglect, and is a crime in most states. Don’t neglect your cat’s health because it’s inconvenient.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Started Out Having Her Sleeping In Bed With Me And We’d Go To Bed…

I started out having her sleeping in bed with me and we’d go to bed at 12 and shed wake me up anywhere from 8-10 the next morning to go potty. As soon as I put her outside she goes, so she knows she’s supposed to go outside. But she refuses to hold it during the day. She pees probably 10 times and poops 2 times. I will bring her inside and look away for two seconds and she’ll have peed everywhere. So I decided to try crate training her. She doesn’t wake me up to take her out until 9-10 in the morning. So she can obviously hold her pee, she just refuses to during the day? I don’t know how to fix this. It’s getting very frustrating.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    12 weeks is too young to expect reliability with housebreaking.  remember, she’s a tiny baby puppy right now.  you need to teach her a cue (we uses a bell hanging off the doorknob), praise her every time she uses the cue, and you need to make sure she goes out every half hour when she’s awake, immediately before and after all naps, playtime, and food.  at this age, any accident is the human’s fault. 😉

    good luck.  puppies are trying at the best of times.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
What Is The Best Remedy For Hairballs In Cats? Every Spring My Cats Get…

What is the best remedy for hairballs in cats? Every spring my cats get horrible hairballs, throwing up almost daily. Once shedding season is over it subsides a little bit but they still throw up from time to time.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Amy

    There are a few good options for you.

    First be sure that the problem is hair all related. You may need your vet to help you understand hoe to correctly and accurately identify vomiting in cats ( for example we need to identify vomiting versus regurgitation and be sure that it is a foreign body (hair) versus other problems…. The list is long and wide). If it is determined to be hairballs then I would recommend brushing daily to reduce the amount of hair your cat ingests, or even shaving the coat once or twice a year. Any reduction in the amount of hair ingested will help. I have many clients who shave their cat down. I have to admit that both the cat and the owner are happy afterward.

    You can also try a hair ball food. I like science diet. I put my cats on it and I think it worked very well.

    There are also oral hair ball medications. These are available over the counter. They help lubricate the hair so that it passes.

    I hope that this helps.

    The most important thing to do is to be sure that your cat doesn’t have a gastrointestinal problem causing excessive grooming, or a skin problem causing an excessive shedding problem. All of these should be discussed with your vet.

    Best of luck.

    Thanks for visiting. And for posting a picture. She’s a cutie.


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Gary Thomas | 12 years ago
I Have A Feral Cat That Has Given Birth To 5 Kittens In A Old…

I have a feral cat that has given birth to 5 kittens in a old shed out back. This was 5 or 6 weeks ago.

There was another cat that is much more tame that also gave birth to 4 kittens in our yard leaves. These kittens and the mother were brought inside about 1 – 2 weeks old. They were exposed to people and are pretty tame. The mother comes in and out by the cat window. We did this so that we could possibly find homes for them.

We would also like to do the same with the other 5 kittens but the mother is very feral. The 2 mother cats I believe were from the same litter and live in the woods out back.

The cats in the back began to escape and wonder. 2 were abandoned and we thought we would try to incorporate them with the other litter. It was easy and we have made sure the other mother is not overwhelmed. They immediately began to eat solid moistened kitten food. They are a little older then the others. They are all now very friendly with humans and again hoping to find them homes. They are all in a childs play pen, modified, doing well and all beginning to try solid food. Mother is still coming in to check them and feed them. Sometimes we have to remove the 2 "outside" cats so that the mother is not overwhelmed and the cats not really eating solid food have milk, the "outside" cats are at least a week older and stronger.

So.. We happened to come across the other 3 kittens under a palate of landscaping stone. The mother was still around and had not abandoned them like we had thought.

We moved them back into the sheltered shed. They hissed a lot but once we were handling them they were ok. We have been going out there and holding them whenever the mother is not around cause she gets bent out of shape and attacks us.

We would like to remove the kittens in the shed and put them in a crate to acclimate them to humans in hope of finding them homes. They are all very beautiful and unique kittens. So we have a separate crate for these cats and I am pretty sure they have learned to eat solid food cause the other 2 from this took to it and had learned. We did not want to put all 9 kittens in the same pen now cause we did not want to overwhelm the one mother, what are your thoughts? Should we put them in a crate where the mother cant get to them and feed them food an water, making sure they do eat?

Any thoughts?

Also, we would like to trap and get this feral mother fixed so there are no more kittens from her, any thoughts about how we should do this or a place that could do this inexpensively? When can we do this? Did not want to do it while she was nursing.
Same goes with the other mother cat. When can we get her fixed, how old should her kittens be and when can we give them away?

I live in Delta PA area.

Thank you

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Hello Gary,

    Thank you for your question, and thank you for being so proactive and compassionate to these kitties.

    I think that in general you have a very good plan and it sounds like you are doing everything just as I would recommend. I think that 9 kittens is too much for one mom if they are all nursing (it sounds like they are not though). A mom that has too many kittens nursing can get hypocalcemia (we call it eclampsia). This can be life threatening.

    By 4 weeks old the kittens should be able to be transitioned to kitten food. I would recommend leaving dry kitten food, wet kitten food, or softened dry food with kitten formula out every 4 hours. If the kittens continue to nurse I would start to rotate them so they have more individual time with you and a better ability to be encouraged to eat.

    We estimate the age of kittens by one pound per month of age up to about 7 months old. A one pound kitten is about 4 weeks old.

    If a kitten is not socialized and tamed by about 6 to 8 weeks old it gets increasingly more difficult. Spend as much time and attention that you can with them before this age.

    Please be warned that unvaccinated cats and kittens can carry rabies. It can be deadly to them and to you.

    I would also recommend that you contact your veterinarian and any local rescue groups for help in humanely trapping, spaying, vaccinating, de-worming, feline leukemia and feline immuno-deficiency testing, and microchipping. Many of the non-profits or rescues have low cost options for these.

    I have included information about some local groups below.

    Of course, if you would like to talk to me, or anyone else at Jarrettsville Vet about any of this you can find me at the link below.

    For help on affordable pet care;

    Alley Cat Allies;

    Animal Rescue in New Freedom Pa;

    Krista Magnifico, DVM
    Owner Jarrettsville Veterinary Center
    Jarrettsville, MD