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Seth | 6 years ago
My 6 Year Old Bijon Shih Tzu Has IVDD But I Know It Can’t Be The End

My 6 year old Bijon Shih Tzu is a very active dog and has been running, jumping, and using her long legs her whole life. Just a couple of days ago she was about to push off her hind legs to run up the stairs as she has done thousands of times before and immediately screeched and ran off limping and then ultimately losing control of her hind legs. After a few minutes of resting she was hobbling along but was able to stand on all four. However the morning after she could not stand any longer on all four and los control of her hind legs. The Vet says she has IVDD and gave us options of surgery, treatments or putting her down. I couldn’t fathom that idea since she isn’t in pain, still wags her tail, still drinks, eats, and goes to the bathroom. I’m in desperate need of some support and help. She is a trooper and I know this cannot be the end. She is currently on meds from the vet and going in today for acupuncture treatment. She is left in her cage and we try to keep her resting as much as we can. I have watched Krista Magnifico’a videos on this subject and hoping my dog can recover as the beagle she cared for did.

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your pup. I have a lot of information on my YouTube channel and blog.
    Please go there, read everything,and explain to your vet how you feel and if they aren’t supportive find one who is. These cases take a lot of time and TLC but many can recover if given the chance.

    Heres the link to my blog; go to it and search “IVDD”

    and use YouTube too,,, my channel has lots on Hank,

    Very best of luck!

Regular Vet Visit
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Krista Magnifico | 7 years ago
Cystotomy Surgery. Canine. Meet Molly. My Patient. Molly Had A Large Bladder Stone That Was…
Treatment Cost (USD): $859.49
Molly was having accidents in the house for many months. Over time the accidents started to have blood in them. That's what brought her in for me to see.
0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have A 16 Month Old Shih Tzu Who Will Not Stop Eliminating In Her…

I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her crate. She is a house dog so she has a spot in the house that she goes. She knows where this spot is and she will use it with no problem but as soon as I put her in the crate and walks away she will pee and poop in there instead of waiting. She also lays in it and steps in it and its so frustrating…any advice?

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    She has been taught that inside the house = potty. That means *anywhere* inside the house. Eliminate the pee pads and start taking her outside every single time. Make the spot in the crate just large enough for her to lie down and turn around. Take her out every hour and praise her when she eliminates outside.

    Also, thoroughly clean the crate with white vinegar and/or an enzyme cleaner.

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Scott Landry | 9 years ago
Hi Pawbly, My Sisters Shih Tzu Tobee Has Been Visiting Us For The Week And…

Hi Pawbly, my sisters shih tzu Tobee has been visiting us for the week and his eye is getting a bit ‘weepy.’ I know these dogs can get eye problems easily. I’ve attached a photo. Do you think this weepy eye looks serious? Thanks.

2 Responses


  1. Madelyn Fischer

    Hello, I don’t think it looks too bad now. Just clean it out with a tissue every time this happens. If it gets any worse I would bring him to the vet. Good luck!

  2. Scott Landry Post author

    Thanks Madelyn, my sister was worried because my (well intentioned) mom has another Shih Tzu, Bentlee, that got an eye infection that started like that and although they kept it very clean, it ended up rupturing because the infection wasn’t being treated. After trying to initially save Bentlee’s eye, and a heavy bill from the emergency clinic, My mother ended up having to have the eye removed. (I didn’t even know they had dog ophthalmologists!) Bentlee is happy and fine these days, but now I help my mother keep the hair trimmed away from the good eye. We kept Tobee’s eye cleaned for the last few days. I’m going to check in with my sister to see how it’s going.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
She Is Limping
female Shih Tzu
8 Years Old

She is limping
female shih tzu
8 years old

2 Responses


  1. Frankie Delise

    Must see vet if the dog is screaming there is something seriously wrong

  2. Zoe Cannon

    She screeched when she done it not all the time

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Elvis Is A 12 Pound Dog, A Mix Of Puddle And Shih Tzu , He…

Elvis is a 12 pound dog, a mix of puddle and shih tzu , he start liking and scratching with his teeth his rectus and he is bleeding, this is the first time this happen.

1 Response


  1. Hamster Beagles

    yes go to the vet as soon as possible and do let us know

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
He Is A 9 Month Old Shih Tzu. I Tried Crate Training When He Was…

He is a 9 month old shih tzu. I tried crate training when he was a puppy however I wasnt consistant. Half of the house is blocked off. He hates being in his crate and will whine and bark the whole time. Please help

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