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Shiria | 8 years ago
Fancy Mouse And Tetracycline Antibiotics? So I Had A Ca. 9 Month Old Fancy Mouse Who…

Fancy Mouse and Tetracycline Antibiotics?

So I had a ca. 9 month old fancy mouse who started with an irriteted eye around 2 weeks ago. She was otherwise fine and healthy and had a weight of 32gram. She got eye drops twice a day for 10 days, but that didn’t help much.
So last Thursday (two days ago) I visited the vet again and she got tetracycline s.c. and I got some of it home, to inject it to her every two days additional to her eye drops.
So when I wanted to give it to her today, I found her outside of her hiding places cold and apathic. She rarely made trembling, seemingly non controlled movements with her head and paws, but couldn’t walk or rob. She didn’t really react when I took her in my hands. I rushed to the vet where she got fluids and vitamins (B12). Her weight was still fine and she was only a little dehydrated. I kept her warm and should keep her hydrated and try to feed her. She still died around 2 hours later, but she was her hiding spot, together with the other mice she lived with.
Is it possible that it was an reaction to the Tetracycline, that she maybe couldn’t metabolize it or something? It just came so suddenly without warning. Thanks for reading.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mouse. I think that you tried very hard to help her and that very often it is very difficult and almost impossible to know what is going on and whether or not it will be responsive to treatment. I think that she was telling you for a few days and that it might have just been an untreatable condition. Sadly these pets don’t often live long. I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were an excellent parent to your mouse.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I Think My Dog Ate Rat Poison 2-3 Days Ago. Is There Any Thing I…

I think my dog ate rat poison 2-3 days ago. Is there any thing i can do from home to help him? He had ran off a few days prior to this and attacked a neighbors livestock so i was supposed to take him to be put down but didnt, so cant really take him to vet..

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I am sorry to hear about your dog. If your dog did get into rat poison it certainly an be fatal. The longer you wait to get help the worse your dogs prognosis is. It is helpful to know what kind of poison he ate. With this information we recommend that you call the pet poison helping and the product manufacturer to get help for your dog. In most cases we pre-emptiness stray dogs on vitamin K supplements to slow or stop the clotting problems that rat poisons kill by. I cannot over emphasize how important it is to get help. I also cannot over empathize how quickly you need to act. Rat poison is a cruel, painful, and awful way to die. No one should ever buy or use this product. There are better, safer ways to manage rats. I suggest a cat, or two.

  2. Jana

    Was that a court ruling of some sort that you were told to put him down? Would the vet know about this? How about a different vet, then?

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Sisters Rabbit Has Protein Poisoning What Can I Do To Treat It

My sisters rabbit has protein poisoning what can I do to treat it

1 Response


  1. Cocotipio Linbayn

    If you wish for the poor baby to live, go to the vet NOW!!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
Hi My Dwarf Hamster Has Loss Abit Of Hair And Has Cuts On His Back…

Hi my dwarf hamster has loss abit of hair and has cuts on his back ! Lately he has been falling over ALOT and has been dragging his back legs along the ground ! He is eating and drinking normal but he won’t let me near the cuts to treat them what do I do ?

1 Response


  1. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Best advice is to take him to a vet because this sounds more serious than just cuts/scratches on his back. His prognosis is going to depend on the hamster’s age and the ultimate cause of his problem.
    Good Luck!

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Two Rabbits Get Really Jealous When I Pet The Other One. What Can I Do…

My two rabbits get really jealous when i pet the other one.
What can i do to prevent that

1 Response


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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Female Netherland Dwarf Rabbit Is Really Aggressive Towards Humans. When I Reach In Her Cage…

my female netherland Dwarf rabbit is really aggressive towards humans.
When i reach in her cage she grunts and bites
Anyone have any helpfull tips
Btw she is Spayed

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always recommend seeking help from your vet to make sure it isn’t a medical issue. Often the only way these pets can show pain or discomfort is with a change in attitude or behavior.

  2. Baz Jarvis

    Training. They have some good behavioral classes you can take them too. Look online around your local area

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
My Guinea Pig Is Not Feeling Well She’s Hardly Eating And She Keeps On Getting…

my guinea pig is not feeling well she’s hardly eating and she keeps on getting cold spells she is 8 years old and i don’t know what to do

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry to hear about your guinea pig. Try to keep her warm and try to see a vet as quickly as possible. 8. Years old is very old for them and your vet would need to see your pig to help provide guidance and advice if she is not well.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Can Someone Help Me With My Hamster Please Read My Post

Can someone help me with my hamster please read my post

1 Response


  1. Jayden Cihlar

    Hi, yes I sure can. Hibernation could be the case, that’s likely, but for some reason, I don’t think it is the case. I think it is most likely room temperature or sleep deprivation. Don’t worry it isn’t serious. Try changing the temperature of your room. If there are any loud noises try to fix them. The problem with hamsters is they have a lot of problems. They can make you over worried because of their behavior too. If you still think that there is a problem, if problems get worse, or if the problem lingers go to the vet. And do understand they have small life spans. You have to understand this. I think before mastering hampsters try black rats, healthy hedgehogs, and gerbils, long-tailed chinchillas, ferrets, or guinea pigs. They all live longer lives and act like hampsters. Hope you have a good time with your little bud!

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi There My Hamster Isabella She Is About 5 Months Old. This Moring She Was…

Hi there my hamster Isabella she is about 5 months old. This moring she was acting still put had her cheek full of food I came home and she was like not moving but her nose was going, I took her to my mom and my mom put her in a towel because my mom though my room was too cold and after a couple mins she started acting fine and now she’s running around but her eyes were a little blood but now she’s acting normal I read up on hibernation and it kinda sounded like that could be it?

2 Responses


  1. Brandi Hine

    Please help someone she’s acting normal now kind
    Of, biting cage and was
    In her food bowl, was it because it was to cold for her? Just worried don’t want to lose my hamster, she is drinking, she didn’t want to eat the second time I found her the first time her cheeks were full and at first she didn’t want nothing only she took was a peanut. Tried carrots and cucumber didn’t want them. After she was in towel for a few
    Mins she came back into it, her eyes did have like blood on them? She’s very young yet. Such a sweet hamster does bite or potty on you. Just want to
    Make sure
    It’s nothing seriously please anything will help thank you

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 6month Old Rabbit Ate A Few Fresh Corn Kernels And I Just Found Out…

My 6month old rabbit ate a few fresh corn kernels and i just found out they’re extrwmwly dangerous for rabbits . He just at a few (12-15) Will he be okay?

1 Response


  1. Halee Darling

    He should be okay. Watch his movements for the husks to pass and monitor his behavior and eating much more closely for the next couple of days.