It sounds like a nasal flush might be helpful. It also sounds like it is time to try to get a diagnosis to make sure this is just infection and not something more insidious like cancer. Has your cat been tested for FELV or Fiv? Have they checked or talked about a polyp? Can you call around and ask for help from any of the rescues or shelters? Or even for payment plans or billing? For cases like this I try a few antibiotics (usually clavamox, doxy and then azithromycin), and then talk about looking for a polyp. After that I think these guys are either chronic rhinitis or I worry about herpes or cancer. That is my typical work up if people can not afford advanced imaging or cultures and biopsy. Ask your vwt about all of these. Also we are now trying diluted Cerenia nasal drops too. Maybe ask about them? Please keep me posted and very best of luck.
My 6-year-old cat has recently had some trouble breathing. She gets a deep sounding snore when breathing in and can’t seem to take a complete breath. The snoring only seems to occur when she is breathing in, and not out. The snoring does sometimes stop. This mainly happens when she is sleeping, her breaths are softer and she seems to be able to breath better. I have also noticed that when I hold her mouth open a little bit, she is able to breathe in and out without any problem. She occasionally has sneezing fits, but they are very rare to see. There is no discharge from her nose, eyes, or ears. She actually has a very dry nose. I have also noticed that she has been eating less than before, but she is still able to eat and drink water. We took her to a vet, but they told us they would only be able to diagnose her with an endoscopy, which they said would cost us around $1,300. I’ve looked online for symptoms similar to hers and cats that had similar breathing patterns/sounds. The closest thing I have been able to find is something called a “nasopharyngeal polyp”. I’m a little lost on what to do. Should I continue with the first vet, and get a concrete diagnosis? or get a second opinion and maybe bring up what I found while researching online? The cost of the first vet is kind of high for me as I’m a college student, but If it is what my cat needs to be able to breathe comfortably again I’ll pay it.
Have a 16 year old cat that has been very sick with so much mucus coming out of his nose. Been sick for for a while now. Gave him 10 days of amoxicilin from vet. He’s having a really hard time breathing from all the mucus so we have Ben doing everything possible to keep him alive cause he is a fighter. He stops breathing a lot cause h’s so clogged it’s heart breaking. We give him warm steam and humidifier along with taking him outside to get more oxegen. He stays up most of the time cause when he puts his head down it blocks his airways. I have been pulling the discharge out with a small eyedropper when the bogies show. Really hoping he can beat the illness and get better soon but vets are taking all our money with doing much. We are on limited income. I think he needs a nasal flush maybe but can’t do it myself cause of lack of knowledge and medical equipment. Please contact me at 619 453 1747 if you have any ideas. Some days he looks like he won’t make it but then other days his eyes look so clear and beautiful. We have been giving him syringes of water and blended food to help him k==p the weight on cause he stopped eating a few days ago from lack of smell. He never did drink much water but maybe cause there was some underling issue. I have a Web cam and could show you or talk to someone if they care to reach out. He is a huge part of the family for many years and I know he wants to live longer but unless he gets better soon we will be at a great losss. He has a vet appointment today but I don’t think they will offer many answers besides sending him to more specialist we can’t afford. He has been sneezing fluid for about a month. He is the sweets cat ever and would do anything to keep him around.
Hi there,
I guess it will be long.
My cat is an adopted cat from shelter. He was 1.5 yrs old when I adopted him and 9 months old when he got into the shelter. He is 7.5 yrs old now.
He suffered from catflu. He lost his left eye because of it. He had polyp in his left nasal cavity having spread to his left earcanal also, so he had to undergo a surgery at the age of 1.5.
The problem
Every season changes– fall, spring — makes him sneeze so I always administer him Vetri-DMG and Flumax to strenght his immune system.
This fall he was sneezing a lot sounded some discharge up, but didn’t see anything then he started snoring didn’t matter if he was sleeping or awaken. He vomited brownish, greenish, and yellowish fluid. Later on he tried to vomit, but nothing came up. On the top of these he seemed to be gasping for breath or being out of breath.
Since having administered Vetri-DMG and Flumax for 3 or 4 weeks I took him to a vet. He administered him eyedrops (3×2 for 7-10 days) Tobradex — corticosteroid and antibiotics — as he found nothing, but his teary eye and conjunctivitis, which is of course tearing all the time as he has epiphora thanks to catflu. He also administered Moxiclear spot on when the next deworming time comes (he is given dewormer each month, Fenbendazole and Praziquantel — guess you know it as Panacur) to make sure that he has no heartworm or lungworm…
Eardrops have been used for 8 days and he has started snoring again. He snores sometimes even he is awaken when breathing in or out.
His RIGHT side nostril seems to be swollen inside, so as far as I can see ti and narrower on this side. And that’s what makes me be so worried. I am afraid of… nasal cancer. He is a ginger cat and has lentigo on his nose, in on his lips, on his pows… How can I find out what the problem is? Unfortunately, in my country vets doesn’t know anything except giving injections… If an illness is not well-seen yet they do nothing.
Help us please!
Thank you so much in advance!
Gary Stokes Good thing it was a polyp! My cat was doing the same thing and no polyp was found.
This went on for about 4 years and her vet kept giving her different antibiotics and nothing helped. I asked if they could do a nose culture.
And they said no they couldn’t so like I said it went on for 4 years!! It wasn’t until moved back to Lexington SC from Nashville TN that her doctor in Columbia SC saw her. And I told her what was going on and what they said about they couldn’t do a culture! And she said sure they could have! And she said I’ll do one now!
And she sent it off to be tested and it came back that she had pseudmonas!! It is resistant to most all antibiotics! That’s why nothing they had given her helped! But the good news is there was one antibiotic that it wasn’t resistant to it was marblefloxin ” zinaqun ” she but her on a two month round of doses and it cleared it right Up!! -
Gary Stokes Be very careful pseudmonas outbreaks in cats are running rampant in the United States in the last several years so if your car shows any signs of nasal discharge and whising and sneezing get him or her checked for a polyp! If no polyps them get them checked for pseudmonas! Pseudmonas is very Dangerous!! It can cause nerve damage! Nurolagical problems heat problems peralisis and even Death!!
My dog was diagnosed by two vets. One said he had a mild case of collapsed treacha without doing an X-ray. The other one said he had a reverse sneeze due to allergies. He is also sneezing. Put him on medicine. With a mild case of collapsed treacha what would be the symptoms?
My dog is sneezing blood every now and then for the past day half just not sure what it could be he is a 6 year old min pin
Does it mean something is wrong when my dog sneezes excessively?
my dog (male 9 yr old shitzu cross rescued 2 yrs ago) sneezes alot is this healthy?
he also weezes in his sleep are his lungs bad?
I found this kitten about 3 days ago lying in the middle of the road. I brought her home and bathed her and fed her. she has no problem eating. she is a cuddle bug. from my research I would say shes around 4-6 weeks. she has been sneezing and has had this gooey eye problem since I brought her home, although it has gotten a little better since then. unfortunately I cant afford to take her to the vet at the moment so I’m just looking for home remedies or a medication I could possibly buy at the store.
she sneezes, eye fluid discharge, nasal discharge
I think that it perfectly acceptable to go back to your vet and express your concerns. I also think it is completely inappropriate to not have offered loads of options, everything from medications to inhalers, to humidifiers your supplements to referral in this case. I also think that all vets should be willing to do a sedated oral cavity exploratory exam to look for a polyp. But that’s just me and lots of vets think I am too generous with my patients and clients. So maybe you should talk to your vet and ask friends family and all local cat people for a referral to someone who will give your more help and meaningful treatment options. Let me know what happens. Good luck!