I hope the receptionist told you to consider the ER. I cannot tell you if she is stable, or healthy enough to wait to come in at 1. I do always have to caution people with illness , any kind of change in behavior or fecal output and the tiny babies like you have are even more fragile. I think that if you are worried you are safest going to the ER.. I also know that in some cases I have to refer the patients I see on Sunday to the ER as we cannot provide the in patient care that we need to provide them,
Please keep me posted. I really hope that everything is ok. I would also hope that you call the appropriate authorities to report the breeder. Most people are not as kind and able as you are to care for a neonate.
Good morning-
It is so hard to tell anything from a photo. This could be an allergic reaction possibly. You will have to have your vet look at them in person though to be sure. If it is, they can give you some medications (oral/topical) that will help clear it up and offer some comfort to your pup. It could also be a side effect caused by something else- I wouldn’t do anything until you get to see your vet. Best of luck!!!!