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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hello I Have An 8 Week Old Male Puppy Named Diesel. He Had Been Dewormed…

Hello I have an 8 week old male puppy named diesel. He had been dewormed and had his first two sets of shots. I’ve noticed he had a quarter size spot near his tail. It’s crusty and has hair loss. I’m very worried

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My 9 Month Old Female Miniature Dachshund Was Emitting A Metallic Odor From Her Back…

My 9 month old female miniature dachshund was emitting a metallic odor from her back end yesterday. I noticed it, did some google-ing, and shortly after the smell disappeared. My research concluded that it might be her anal glands. But I can’t understand why the smell disappeared (and as of this morning had not returned). She has exhibited no other signs or symptoms (no scooting on the floor, no problems going to the bathroom, acting perfectly normal)

As the mystery continued, we were walking outside to use the potty before taking a drive. After peeing, we got into the truck with her on my lap. I noticed she has made a wet spot on my pants. Assuming it was just some urine from her potty trip, I used a towel to wipe me and her off. That’s when I noticed that coming from her vulva was a thick, milky, yellow color liquid that was accompanied by a fishy smell. This led me to think that maybe she has a case of vaginitis. As the day progressed, both smells and the discharge disappeared. And as of this morning, no trace of either can found. I was already planning on taking her to the vet on Friday, should I take her in sooner? She just finished her first heat last week and I am planning on finding out this week when we can get her fixed.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    i’d get her in today, if possible JUST to make sure.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Cat Has Bald Spot On Belly With Skin Tag Type Bumps In Center. Recently Treated…

Cat has bald spot on belly with skin tag type bumps in center. recently treated for allergies. not sure what this is?
This picture is of the biggest skin tag. the others feel just like little bumps (what a human would equate to zits)

4 Responses


  1. dakoda peterson

    This looks like a skin disorder one of my cats had. Go to a vet it’s very important to figure out what this is exactly because it could be very hazardous to the cats organs if it’s a sign of infection or so other underlying problem. 

  2. Alexis Smith

    What happened with your cat?

  3. Alexis Smith

    What exactly does that mean? Diego is a boy (don’t know if that gives you more info).

  4. dakoda peterson

    I got some very afforable meds from my animal clinic. He ended up healthy. I thought it was a nipple too. Male cats have nipples.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Hi I Have A Few Bearded Dragons And I Got A Full Grown Breeding Pair…

Hi I have a few bearded dragons and I got a full grown breeding pair male n female of people who was not looking after them and the female layed 14 eggs when I got her and they died I incubated them at right temperatures and humidity. The male died not Long after because he was not eating and the female is going the Same way she eats about 3times a week I hand feed her powder calcium mixed with water everyday but nothing is working she is very skinny and u can see her two bones sticking right out at the top of her tale she doesn’t move around alot but she does like to get out of the tank every morning to have a little run and the she finds her spot in my room and will stay there all day..I just need some help because I don’t want her to die she US a really friendly and loving bearded dragon

5 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    what else are you feeding her?  has she been to a vet?

  2. Angel Sullivan

    She eats miro worms crickets dubia roaches .. her veg is cabbage apple cucumber and a few other bits a pieces but she won’t eat loads she only eats about 2 of each on live food. And a kids size handfull on veg

  3. Anonymous

    hmm. that definitely doesn’t sound like enough. i’d take her to the vet to see if there’s something else wrong.

  4. Angel Sullivan

    Shes a very bad eater my other dragons r youner then her and they eat pinkie mice and there alot fatter

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Vicky Lowdermilk | 9 years ago
Hi My Siam. Cat Has A Red Spot In The Bend Of Her Paw She…

hi my siam. cat has a red spot in the bend of her paw she just got off predazone seem not to help so i put cone her she acts like is the thing ever will help or should take off and let healon it on

2 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    HI Vicky,
    Did your vet tell you to leave the cone on ? If so and if she’s bothering her paw, then you need to leave the cone on ,,,take it off for a bit if you can watch her so she doesn’t bother her paw….but put it back on.
    Call your vet if you think the medication is not helping , or if things are getting worse.
    Good luck!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Pitbull Puppy Recently Started Scratching And Licking At His Skin And He’s Getting These…

My pitbull puppy recently started scratching and licking at his skin and he’s getting these spots. How can I get rid of them? Is there any medicine I can get for it?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
I Had A 6 Year Old Female Rabbit. The Day We Noticed These Symptoms Was…

I had a 6 year old female rabbit. The day we noticed these symptoms was the day we had to put her down unfortunately. When we saw her she was holding her head up constantly and only one side of her nose was twitching which wasn’t twitching properly in itself. She didn’t eat a single thing or drink anything that day despite our attempts. I called her and she was all over the place trying to walk, not steady at all, she was staying in one position. Once I lifted her up I noticed blood spots on her bottom but there didn’t seem to be any in the litter tray. Very lethargic and not responding to anything. As I said, I made the choice to have her put down. The vet did say she felt masses in the abdomen on her initial examination but we didn’t find out what was actually wrong. Any suggestions or answers would be much appreciated!

2 Responses


  1. Kelly Furgason

    Hi Beth,
    I’m sorry for the loss of your rabbit.
    It’s very hard to say what may have been wrong with your rabbit. Since you said your vet did feel masses, I’d tend to believe that was most likely the cause of her having these issues. Most likely if  she felt masses, there may have been other issues as well that she just couldn’t see or feel. She could have had a mass rupture internally and that may have caused her odd head symptoms and lack of wanting to eat.

    Rabbits of course need to constantly eat or else their digestive symptoms start to shut down so once she’s to the point of not eating then it’s usually a downhill battle. It would have been interesting to get a necropsy done on her, but that would have been costly depending on your vet. Some vets will do it for free just for learning purposes.
    Again, very sorry for your loss.

  2. Beth Farrar

    Thank you for the reply 🙂

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Female Rabbit, 6 Years Old
Symptoms: Holding Head Up Constantly
Blood Spots On Bottom
Not Eating Or Drinking…

Female Rabbit, 6 years old
Symptoms: Holding head up constantly
Blood spots on bottom
Not eating or drinking 24 hours prior to when she was put to sleep
Very unstable, attempts to move ended with her moving sideways

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Need Help How To Get Him Better ..he Is Sore To Touch An Has No…

Need help how to get him better ..he is sore to touch an has no hair were spots are an thay is little bumps ….its dry an flakey ..was leaking when first saw it out the bumps ??

2 Responses


  1. Shannen Tobias

    Are the spots where there’s no hair circular? It sounds a little bit like ring worm.

  2. charles blankenship

    Thay are more long an skinney like egg. Shaped behind his neck is more round the. One on his hind is long an skinney like right down his spine ..?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Puppy Has This Spot On His Belly. He Tries To Lick It When I…

My puppy has this spot on his belly. He tries to lick it when i look at it. Does anyone think they know what this is? ): Thanks

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