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Vicky Lowdermilk | 7 years ago
I Have A Cat 16 Female Have Trouble Laying Down On Her Belly Female Private…

I have a cat 16 female have trouble laying down on her belly female private parts has red spots

1 Response


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Delaney Donelson | 7 years ago
2 Days Ago I Noticed A Big Black Scab On My Cats Chin, I Am…

2 days ago i noticed a big black scab on my cats chin, i am familiar with cat-ne (feline acne) and i have not noticed it on him previously. The scab was pretty large and when i looked at it today, he allowed me to touch it so im assuming it isnt causing him pain and it kinda just fell right off. However, now there is a big raw spot where the scab was. Its rather pink and i think i saw some clear and possibly some yellow fluid coming out of a couple spots. But at this point, he was uncomfortable and ran away so i couldnt get a better look. Anyone have any ideas? It just seemed like too big a scab to be acne..

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning? Years ago we had a very similar situation. We were advised to switch feeding bowls to ceramic or stainless steel instead of plastic, and that solved the issue. Hope this helps!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I see lots of these. usually it is acne or allergic reaction to bowls/water dishes. Keep the area clean, ask your vet for a topical antibiotic scrub that can be used around the face a mouth and follow up with them for antibiotics or allergy meds if it doesnt resolve.

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Karen Guckert | 7 years ago
I Have A 9 Month Old Cavalier King Charles Puppy. He Has Just Started Drooling…

I have a 9 month old cavalier king Charles puppy. He has just started drooling a lot (enough to leave a big, very wet spot) when is is laying around or sleeping. He hasn’t done this up to now. What can cause this? Is it normal? Should he be seen by the vet?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Drooling can be caused by many things; nausea, eating something that is caustic, or tastes bad (be careful with plants, house cleaners, etc), something stuck in the mouth, and even be a sign of impending disease or even something like a seizure. I cannot tell you which, if any, this might be, but if you are concerned, it is worsening, or persisting, it is always better to be safe than sorry and see your vet.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
My Dog Is 1 Year Old And He Is Trained To Go On His Pee…

My dog is 1 year old and he is trained to go on his pee pad (my boyfriend and I live in an apartment). We’ve recently got another dog a few months ago and we have already expected our older dog to be territorial and mark in places around the apartment. That has stopped for a while then all of a sudden he is peeing in places he knows are bad. For example, he peed on our couch while my boyfriend was sleeping on it! I’ve already taken him to the vet and he is fine heath wise. We’ve been keeping a better eye on him to make sure he doesn’t pee where he’s not suppose to and so we can also reward him for when he does go in the right spot. It’s been good for a couple of days. Then today when I came home from work, I took him into the bathroom with me (where we keep his pad) and I waited for him to use the bathroom. I even tried to tell him to “go potty”. Nothing happened for about 10 minutes so I opened the door and we headed to the living room….I see him peeing on our comforter that’s hanging off the couch with his ears down and that “oh no I’m in trouble” look on his face. I don’t know what to do because I feel he knows better than this.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    Is everyone neutered?
    And no I vehemently argue that they “know better”. They may know you are not happy but they do not know spite or anger. I don’t recommend training on pee pads because it gets too confusing for pets. As I think is the case for your dogs. How are they supposed to understand “pee in the house, BUT only right in this little spot on this little thing?” How confusing must that be?
    You could also try a belly band while you figure out how to manage the bathroom issues.

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Pawbly | 7 years ago
Yesterday I Spotted Hair Loss With Bleeding Near Neck Of My Labrador. That Wet Spot…

Yesterday I spotted hair loss with bleeding near neck of My Labrador. That wet spot and hairloss with bleeding has increased today. Plz suggest me what problem Is he facing and solution for it.

2 Responses


  1. Julie Brader

    Hello…the wound looks very red and sore. Your Labrador needs to go to his Vet for diagnosis and treatment. It could be a “hotspot” but it could be something worse. Hope he recovers soon.

  2. Sarah

    I agree-get to the vet. It also looks as if it might be infected, which you’ll need antibiotics for. Good luck.

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Pawbly | 8 years ago
I’ve Had A Kitten For Almost 2 Months And Have Adopted A Friends Older Cat…

I’ve had a kitten for almost 2 months and have adopted a friends older cat. My kitten tries to be friendly but the adult cat hisses and tries to attack. I have put them in separate rooms with the doors between them slightly open and each has their own food, water and litter box. Should they get along better over time? I feel sorry for the older cat because she seems stressed out and won’t leave her hiding spot, even though the kitten is being friendly.

1 Response


  1. Sarah

    Just like with anything else, the will take time. Giving them each their own space is a great start. A perch and a play tree might be a good idea to look into for both cats. The older cat may just need more time to adjust. Best of luck and congrats on your new cats!

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Julie Brader | 8 years ago
Question For Krista Hi…wondered If You Could Give Me Some Advice? As You Know I’ve Had…

Question for Krista
Hi…wondered if you could give me some advice? As you know I’ve had Blue with Anal Sac Carcinoma and his mum Rio with Thrombocytopenia. My gut feeling is to keep all chemicals away from them both. I’ve been using a Homeopathic Essential Oil Flea spray and putting Rose Geranium on their collars as fleas and ticks hate the smell.
Not seen a flea all Summer till yesterday when a big one crawled off Blue and onto my arm. YUK! It was pretty slow, I caught it easily. It obviously didn’t like the spray on Blue’s coat otherwise it would have burrowed in not crawled off. No blood in it so hadn’t bitten him. However one flea and there’s probably more fleas. I wondered if you think Frontline Spot on would be safe to use on them both? It just sits in the hair follicles and doesn’t go into the bloodstream like some of them do. Thanks Krista hope all is well with you xxx

3 Responses


  1. Julie Brader Post author

    RESPONSE FROM KRISTA VIA EMAIL..she suggested I put this on the site as it may well help others.
    “Hello! I always recommend my patients will be ok with a flea and tick preventative. Even with concurrent health issues. If you don’t use one you will get fleas. I don’t know of a safer product that has worked better. I know many of the Holistic Vets try other things but I just haven’t seen them be effective.
    Regards Krista

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Jerome Bronzini | 8 years ago
Hi, I Just Noticed Yesterday My Pet Rabbit Has Two Tiny Patches Of Missing Fur…

Hi, I just noticed yesterday my pet rabbit has two tiny patches of missing fur on the front legs, at the same spot on each leg. However, his behaviour seems completely normal (eating, running, playing,pooping as normal), so wondering what could cause this. Thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    Overgrooming, which can be caused by stress or allergies or any one of a number of other issues, will cause bare patches. If it gets worse, I’d get him to the vet.

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Shiria | 8 years ago
Fancy Mouse And Tetracycline Antibiotics? So I Had A Ca. 9 Month Old Fancy Mouse Who…

Fancy Mouse and Tetracycline Antibiotics?

So I had a ca. 9 month old fancy mouse who started with an irriteted eye around 2 weeks ago. She was otherwise fine and healthy and had a weight of 32gram. She got eye drops twice a day for 10 days, but that didn’t help much.
So last Thursday (two days ago) I visited the vet again and she got tetracycline s.c. and I got some of it home, to inject it to her every two days additional to her eye drops.
So when I wanted to give it to her today, I found her outside of her hiding places cold and apathic. She rarely made trembling, seemingly non controlled movements with her head and paws, but couldn’t walk or rob. She didn’t really react when I took her in my hands. I rushed to the vet where she got fluids and vitamins (B12). Her weight was still fine and she was only a little dehydrated. I kept her warm and should keep her hydrated and try to feed her. She still died around 2 hours later, but she was her hiding spot, together with the other mice she lived with.
Is it possible that it was an reaction to the Tetracycline, that she maybe couldn’t metabolize it or something? It just came so suddenly without warning. Thanks for reading.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m so sorry to hear about your mouse. I think that you tried very hard to help her and that very often it is very difficult and almost impossible to know what is going on and whether or not it will be responsive to treatment. I think that she was telling you for a few days and that it might have just been an untreatable condition. Sadly these pets don’t often live long. I’m sorry for your loss. It sounds like you were an excellent parent to your mouse.

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Sarah | 8 years ago
Hello- I Posted A Few Pics Of My German Shepherd, Butch Last Week Because He…

Hello- I posted a few pics of my German shepherd, Butch last week because he had some sort of injury to his eye. It got much smaller, and we thought it was gone, but it appears to have tripled in size since Thursday. Yes… 2 days. He always rubs his face on the sofa and on Thursday it wasn’t nearly this big, but I thought yesterday when I got home from work that he just irritated it by rubbing on the sofa. Now I’m kicking myself for not just bringing him to the vet in the first place. I’ll call Monday for an appointment hopefully Tuesday. I know JVC has walk in hours on Sunday, but I always feel like those are for emergencies and I don’t want to take up someone else’s’s emergency spot. Here it is today. Any thoughts on whether or not it warrants an “emergency” visit. It has a scab on it now, because I’ve been diligent about not letting him rub along the sofa a rip it off. It feels like a nodual or some sort of hard cyst, and is a little larger than my pinky nail at this time.

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I dont think it is an emergency. I also think that the rubbing is probably due to an itch and is likely the cause of the significant swelling and size increase. Based on breed and location I would suspect an allergy or infection. Please see your vet and ask about a topical ophthalmic and an ecollar. Also ask about using diphenhydramine if it recurs. It might save you a vet visit the next time.
    Good luck,
    Let me know what the vet says,

  2. Julie Hollifield

    I don’t know how to enlarge the pictures to take a closer look. Can anyone help me with this? I tap on the picture which brings up the original post in a separate window but I can’t access the pictures to make them bigger.