RIP Dr. Yin.
Would this be the same as counter conditioning to thunderstorms? I want to start working with my MIL’s dog – she FREAKS when a storm comes.
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I have a 16 month old Shih Tzu who will not stop eliminating in her crate. She is a house dog so she has a spot in the house that she goes. She knows where this spot is and she will use it with no problem but as soon as I put her in the crate and walks away she will pee and poop in there instead of waiting. She also lays in it and steps in it and its so frustrating…any advice?
I moved my 10 year old boxer to Chicago about 2 years ago and discovered she becomes very anxious and afraid when a train passes by overhead. I think it’s mostly the loud thundering noise. She gets very wide-eyed as the train approaches and the noise increases, then attempts to get as low to the ground as possible and “army crawl” away. I now am moving to a new apartment in the city that is directly next to an elevated train track. The interior of the apartment is very well insulated so the trains can barely be heard, but her most nearby grassy “potty spot” is directly below the tracks. I am scared that taking her out, especially in the mornings when the trains run every couple minutes, will be very damaging to her in her old age. I’ve attempted to pet and talk calmy to her while the trains pass, with little to no success. What can I do to help her get over her anxiety/fear of the noisy trains as they pass?
This is my 6 1/2 month old blue heeler. I’m worried he might have something wrong with his, i could be over reacting but if i dont check i’ll feel pretty guilty. Not the best pictures but basically his right eye (our left) has a few differences than the other. You can always see his sclera in that one eye. The bottom eye lid seems droop ever so slightly lower, when he looks up at you it drifts a little bit to the wrong direction almost like a lazy eye but not severe. It also appears to be a little further set back than the other eye and when u pull his eye lid down he has a curved black mark coming off the colored part of his eye and redness. I took many other pictures but just realized you can only upload one?
Not sure if this also has something to do with it but he is very itchy all the time. No fleas at all no hot spots. Was started on prednisone which worked on 2 pills a day but as soon as he was down to 1 a day hes back to itchy all over and rubbing his eyes.
He also had an overbite which maybe is affecting the face where his eye is? Not sure.
Everytime i tried adding a picture it said error
thank you krista here are the links
My cat has a very bad abscess on his head. Was sick for a few days before we realized. A drain tube was installed about 30 hours ago. Lots of drainage still. Cat not very responsive, eyes not opening to look at me, mostly laying in one spot. As far as i can tell, he’s only getting up to urinate in the box. He drank some water last night. Had a very very small bite of food but hasn’t really eaten for days. Is this normal now that the tube is installed? He was given fluids and a antibiotic shot. I feel like the infection, not the antibiotics, is winning the battle. How long before I see progress or need to take him back to the vet? I’m thinking we should go back tomorrow 48 hours after having the tube installed if he’s still like this. Thoughts?
Our 14 month old male gerbil lost part of his tail about a year ago. This left a small black spot part way up the remaining stump on one side. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that it had got bigger. It doesn’t seem to bother him at all and he not lethargic or unwell. What could it be?
I had a gerbil that got cancer and it started with a black spot on its back and it spread all over. Nothing you can really do about it if it is cancer. When you say it lost part of its tail are you saying you had it removed, or it just fell off? You will have to take it to a vet and they will tell you if it needs to be cut off and biopsy of the black part. It also could be other things besides cancer but only a vet can really help you. It could be an infection and need antibiotics. Please take it to a vet.
He got his tail caught and panicked, and it broke away, they are designed to do that. It’s not an infection, it’s a nice neat, round smooth bump on the side of his tail. I have emailed photos to my vet, waiting to hear whether he wants me to take him down to see him.
We have had our female Shitz Tuz Mandie for 3 years, she was a rescue dog from a nasty place. She came to us scared of people, it took us a full year to gain her trust, and she can still be skiddish around others. The 1st yr we had her we noticed what looked to be a bug bite, a few days later we had a home visit from a local vet who checked her out, gave her shots etc. We pointed out the bite which had by that time turned into what looked like a boil, which had popped earlier that day. The vet said it was due to fleas, and gave her drops, which we keep current. Ever since that bite she has been chewing herself raw on that spot. We couldn’t find anything there, no bumps or marks that would cause it to bother her. We did notice that her skin in that spot discolored a little. We thought it could be from her licking and chewing. A few months went by and she continued to chew, we switched her shampoo to low sud/oatmeal soap, and switched up her diet to Nutro dry food, no chicken or corn. and that hasn’t helped. Its gotten to the point where she doesn’t want to play, and she sleeps more, may be because she sit up at night after we are sleeping chewing. Her skin is now bright pink all over and her chewing has now moved to any spot she can reach. Any ideas on what is causing this? And, what I should do. Our vet’s here are extremely high dollar vet’s and we just can’t afford a $1,000 vet bill. Please help I feel so bad for this little girl.
Thank you
Lori G
Hi Krista, Thanks for your advice, we figured as much. I guess we all have to pitch in on this one and get our baby healthy again. And being so hot right now I’m sure isn’t making her feel any better either. I’ll give her a nice cool bath tonight and take her in first thing tomorrow.
Again thanks for responding so fast. We all need more vets like you!
First get all grain out of her diet, including treats. Go to a good pet store (not the grocery store, or big box) and ask to be shown to the grain-free dog food and start reading lables. Pick a grain free dog food that has real meat as the first 2 , or even better 3 ingredients. Real meat is easy to spot it says lamb, elk, bison, turkey, salmon meal or whitefish meal (meal is the entire animal ground up and dried). Do not buy any food with by products listed in the ingredients – this is and indication of inferior goods. The worst grains for dogs are: wheat, corn, corn gluten, rice, soy, oats. Many dogs do alright with buckwheat since it is not a grain.
Dogs may not be allergic to grain, but it impacts their ability to fight other allergens. Most dogs do much better when grain is removed from their diet.
Next, stop washing your dog (they only need a bath if they have rolled in something!) and just rinse her instead with a mix of 1/3 vinegar (cider vinegar is her coat is colored, white vinegar if her coat is mostly white) and 2/3 water. Work this into her coat and skin and allow her to shake and dry. Do not rinse it out. You can rinse her with this every day, and if you have her coat cut very short, you can do it 2 times per day. Just be sure she dries out between applications, you don’t want her staying damp since that will lead to other problems. The vinegar smell will disappear as she dries. I recommend you do keep her coat short for the time being – it will help you keep allergens out of her coat. Brush her daily. You can keep her tail hair long since that is one of the best features of this breed!
Keep a bowl of this mix beside the door (make it fresh every day) and rinse her paws in it when she comes in from outside – this will help reduce the amount of allergen she tracks into the house.
Cover every place she sleeps or naps with towels or sheets and toss those covers in the wash once a week. This helps remove the pollen and mold spores that may be making her itch. Wash her dog bed weekly too if she has one. Vacuum the house daily with a HEPA filter in the vacuum.
If she has any raw or ‘hot spots’ dab on witch hazel with aloe vera – you will find this in any pharmacy.
If your vet told you to use Benadryl, switch to Zyrtec instead – it seems to work better. Same dosage, and generic is fine.
I agree with Dr. Krista’s advice to get the help of a vet – but after 22 years of dealing with itchy terriers I know that I have to take these other steps along with what the vet recommends.
I think you need a vet as this dog has been suffering long enough. You have tried hard to treat it at home and unfortunately it hasn’t worked. The next step is a vet and preferably not the same vet that saw her the first time. It would be no wear near $1000. Probably less than $200 including the meds. You did a great thing by rescuing this dog and to continue being a great pet parent it takes sacrifice and some occasional money with a vet. Where I live a vet consultation is a mere $39. At that point they will tell you what needs to be done. You will be feel so much better once you help this poor dog.
I have a ten yold morkie she has never been fixed nor has ever been impregnated the last few days she has been spotting blood from her area is this normal or is she going thru a heat stage or what
We have a 9 week old puppy that house trains really well with one exception. He keeps popping in my daughter room. We keep the door shut, I have steam cleaned and scrubbed the carpet, but if the door is open for a couple minutes he will do his business in there.
He has a spot in the yard where he goes and I take him outside every hour or more often, so it isn’t that he doesn’t know where to go or intervals are too long. He also never pooped anywhere else in the house.
What can we do to discourage him from pooping in her room?
Sounds like either the smell remained even after all that cleaning (you might need to try something to kill the scent such as vinegar/baking soda mixture or one of the good enzyme-based cleaners) or he has a reason why he feels he must do that such as marking the place. (dogs use either urine or poop for marking)
What do you do when he does it outside, does he get praise and reward(s)? What do you do when he does it in the room?
Is it one particular spot in the room or any area within?
I remember Dr. Coren had some good suggestions on redefining the area. Such as using the area in question for feeding and/or play with the argument that dogs don’t potty where they eat or play. You could definitely try that.
He’s too young to have that level of freedom in the house. At this age he should be tethered to you when you can supervise him and crated when you can’t.
I agree with Laura, this puppy is too young for the amount of freedom you are giving him. Tether him to you with a leash when you can’t watch him like a hawk until he is 6 monrhs old or even older. It takes months to house train a puppy
Thank you for your reply. Yes, he gets praised and rewarded for going outside. When he poops in her room I just remove it without saying anything. I will look into redefining the area like you suggested.
Hi, does anyone think they know what type of breed my dog is? He’s supposed to be a purebred miniature poodle but I don’t think he is. He has spots all around him, and his tail and size doesn’t look like a miniature poodle. Here’s the pic:
did you buy him from a breeder? was he registered as a poodle?
i have difficulty with distinguishing the small fluffy companion breeds…i wish i could help ID the dog.
Hi, thanks for replying! I did not buy him from a breeder, we bought him from a puppy store called Dreamy puppy. I don’t think he was registered as a poodle. A lot of people think he’s a bichon frise, I have a hard time telling the difference between the small fluffy breeds too 🙂 🙂 Thanks!!!!!
Ah, that’s a shame…there really is no way to tell unless you want to spend money on one of those DNA tests.
Thank you, just one more question- If you take him to the vet will the doctor be able to tell you or do you have to buy one of those DNA kit test things? Thank you ;>
A vet MAY be able to tell when your puppy is older. Maybe.
Everyday when I come home there is a small pile of garbage from the bathroom, left in my room in the exact same spot everyday. They are small and neat piles. If you go to the bathroom garbage it looks as though she was rummaging through to find the right pieces to bring. She only leaves them in my room, not any of my other family members and it’s always just right inside my doorway. What does this mean? Why is she doing this?
She has been taught that inside the house = potty. That means *anywhere* inside the house. Eliminate the pee pads and start taking her outside every single time. Make the spot in the crate just large enough for her to lie down and turn around. Take her out every hour and praise her when she eliminates outside.
Also, thoroughly clean the crate with white vinegar and/or an enzyme cleaner.