Thank you so much for your advise.. I found someone who can get him the help he needs.
My nine-year-old female cockapoo who has two lumps in front of her to find hips in the same spot? She’s eating and drinking and going out but not acting herself energy wise?
We have a 4 month old boy, (Cinder) and a decided to get a new kitten, (Willow) recently so they can be friends while we work all day, so they don’t get lonely. She had ringworm and red bites all over when we got her, she wasn’t looked after very well. We got treatment for her from our vet, a 2x week shampoo and anti-fungal cream daily. Her’s are all clearing up and looking better, but now Cinder has developed one on his ear. We are treating it like we were told to treat Willows. Shampoo 2x week and cream daily. Now his ear is red and shredded of skin and hair and the other one is starting to do the same. He’s developed red spots on his temples and head. He had just started to get diarrhoea as well. And we haven’t changed his food, his mood is as normal. Still running around and chasing things. We have confined them to a tiled area of the house, which he is hating. But does this sound like something other than ringworm? Willows ringworm is healing completely different. Or is it possible he’s reacting to the treatment?
My dog was neutered last Thursday (9 days ago). They used dissolvable stitches. I can’t even see the suture sight because it’s healed so well. There is a tiny bit of redness in one spot so that’s probally it but I can’t be sure.
There is a blizzard where I am at and he definitely is getting wet. I’ve tried to shovel out a spot for him but he went wild in the snow (it’s his first time experiencing it!) And ignored my shoveled spot. I don’t see any problem.
I know the vet advised 10-14 days for a lot of activity and getting it wet but I don’t think there is really any way around this.
Do you think there is any real reason to panick if he seems fine and I don’t see any problems down there?
Just a couple hours ago I came home and my dog was normal, or so he seemed, a couple minutes later he went to hide under a chair in my room and wouldnt come out, I offered him a treat and he wouldnt take it, he always does. I then took him for a walk which he was excited for but not as excited as normal. The entire walk he would slow down and speed up and did not pee or poop once. Then when I brought him back he went back to hiding and stayed down there, when I was in the shower he peed in the kitchen and the other bathroom but a small amount both times. He layed under there for another two hours and when I saw him in the hallway he stopped and I thought he was fine because he was walking around normally then suddenly he stopped curled up his tail and peed as if it was unintentional and when he walked back to his hiding spot he was leaking the entire way back to just lay down.
Now this morning I found two very small Simi hard spots on each of what I would call her groin. Now this morning I found two very small Simi hard spots on each of what I would call her groin.
I’m pregnant and currently out of work I have no money for the vets right now.. We tried Benadryl doesn’t help.. We have tried over the counter hot spot sprays no help.. We switched his food to a wheat grain and soy free food and I was so happy because he started going away and looking so much better and then it came right back.. He was the runt of his litter non of his other 9 siblings have this I’ve kept in touch with all the owners. (I rescued a pit who was pregnant) I don’t know what to do I feel so bad for him but I’m so broke right now being out of work I’ve had to file bankruptcy. I need help.
Brittany Schuey
My dog, Sonny is acting very weird. He was fine yesterday before we went to bed. He just stands in one spot and acts like it hurts to move and he has saliva that’ll drip from his mouth. Any help is appreciated!
I just noticed a quarter sized swollen spot on my 9-10 week old puppys hind led no hair loss not itchy but it has a greenish puss/scabby substance on a small fraction of it what could this be?
He’s a male cat and 7 years old. Now he’s looking super upset and won’t move from the one spot that he’s at.
Hello I have an 8 week old male puppy named diesel. He had been dewormed and had his first two sets of shots. I’ve noticed he had a quarter size spot near his tail. It’s crusty and has hair loss. I’m very worried
sudden abnormal behavior should be met with a trip to the vet. please get him in today.