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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Please No Negativity Here. Let Me Explain The Situation. I Live With Roommates And I…

Please no negativity here. Let me explain the situation. I live with roommates and I have 2 females and she has 2 males, I had my females before she got her males. Anyways, we had separated the males from the females at the end of May. I don’t know how I missed all the signs, denial? I don’t know but it wasn’t until July 5 when I noticed that her teats were getting bigger and realized she was pregnant and didn’t know how that could have happened as we had separated them and the reason why we separated them was because we were going to get them fixed through a program but they couldn’t do it until the middle of this month so we thought it’d be best to separate them. Anyways, at around 1130pm on July 13th I heard a lot of cries coming from outside as if to say an animal was in distressed, so I went outside to check on my two and they were both acting very excited and my pregnant girl disappeared into the back yard where it was dark, so I grabbed a flash light and followed her and that’s when I realized she was in labor, she was panting heavily and found herself a spot.

So I picked her up and took her into a bigger spot where I can keep an eye on her and I waited with her. At 1:30am July 14, she had her puppy but only 1 so I thought okay, we got lucky and only have to find a home for 1 puppy.

Now today she is still crying and panting and keeps licking her vulva, is that really normal? I’m just very concerned with her and right now she is crying too. I need advice please.

5 Responses


  1. Crystal Reed

    By the way my female dog is a white german shepherd/lab mixed and the father of the puppy is a boxer/german shepherd mixed

  2. Crystal Reed

    Sorry it’s been forever ago since I posted here. Had my hands full. Ok, I took Chloe to the vet and they told me she was fine even t he though she wasn’t acting herself.

    She had only 1 puppy, I have an appointment to have my other dog and my roommate male dogs as well but of course they won’t fix the mama dog until her puppy is weaned at 8 weeks and everything. Chloe seems to be doing much better though

  3. Crystal Reed

    I will be keeping the little guy as his mom refuses to feed him anymore and I have been bottle feeding him since he was about a week and a half and he is now 3 weeks old as of yesterday. I just haven’t decided on a name for him yet.

  4. Crystal Reed

    I am adding this special little guy to our family, his name is Buddy and he is so advance for his little age, it is so cute and adorable. I just love him and he is an awesome addition and his mama has a spay date as well.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Sira Had A Cruciate Ligament Tear Of The Right Knee And Had ACL…

My dog Sira had a cruciate ligament tear of the right knee and had ACL done with complete meniscectomy on 1/21/15. After 2 months the knee felt swollen and all of a sudden there was a blister that broke open and release a LOT of almost clear fluid and the “swelling” was gone. The little blister wound healed but after 6 weeks swelling/fluid on the outside of the knee joint and the little cap opened up and again fluid oozing out. The vet examined the fluid, even cultured it and there was some inflammation but no infection. For almost 2 weeks the knee looked better, skin color was pink but all of a sudden this changed. The skin looked darker with every hour, turning purplish and again fluid collected under the skin. Again to the vet who tried to drain the fluid out with a syringe but with not much success. The fluid had become more bloody. My dog was put on previcox and baytril. But again after it looked better for a while one morning the certain (blister) spot looked a bit different and 5 hours later it was blueish – pink marbled and 5 more hours later it broke open and again this viscous discharge. What is the cause? Could it be an allergic reaction to the nylon line or the stainless steel crimps that were used for the ACL? How likely is this? I got the recommendation from another vet whom I consulted while the surgeon was on vacation to have the nylon line and metal crimps removed and hopefully enough scar tissue has developed by now so that the knee is stabilized by it. I have spend now close to $3000 on exams, surgery and meds. To remove all that what has been put in to stabilize the knee joint seems like a waste but what good does it do if it doesn’t heal? I cannot let it go on like that and risk an infection of the knee, can I? Has someone seen such a reaction after an ACL surgery? Does this look like an allergic reaction? Is removing the lines and crimps the right next step?

1 Response


  1. ashlyn hag

    It might be an allergic reaction, but I would find a better vet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Cat Has Real Bad Open Wound And They Say To Wrap It Up But It…

Cat has real bad open wound and they say to wrap it up but it won’t stay up and falls and rubs the spot then he starts chewing on it so what do I do do I have to wrap it

3 Responses


  1. Laura Kyle

    Can you take her in and have the vet or technician so you how to wrap it? Or use a t-shirt/dressing to cover it safely.

  2. PK Dennis

    How could just wrapping this be the answer?  Looks like it needs a major repair!

  3. amy meggs

    Oh we already went to the vet cost 200 for him to stay all weekend and they gave him antibiotics they wrapednit but it didn’t last half day they want 25 bucks just to rewrap it I don’t have the money for that and its in a place where it wont stay either

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Cat Has A Black Spot On Her Back That Looks A Little Like Dirt…

My cat has a black spot on her back that looks a little like dirt. I don’t see any fleas. What is it?

1 Response


  1. Kelly Furgason

    It could very well be flea dirt. If you can use a flea comb you can check better for fleas. They are fast and sometimes not easy to see if it’s not a heavy infestation. Are you currently using any flea medication on her?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Dog Is A 6.5 Yr Lab Mix. Was Fine Yesterday. This AM She Doesn’t Want…

Dog is a 6.5 yr lab mix. Was fine yesterday. This AM she doesn’t want to walk on her back legs. Looked @everything, tried pushing spots to see if we could find problem. When we did get her to walk it looks like her back end is squatting.

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    If it was me, I’d see a vet immediately. Particularly with sudden onset like this, I’d suspect some scary cause such as neurological problem, spinal problem, infection, toxin … I wouldn’t wait.

  2. Raj G

    home remedies is not the answer please rush her to the vet for a scan

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deehoeck1 | 10 years ago
My Dog Has An Issue With Her Front Left Pastern. There Is A Raw Spot…

My dog has an issue with her front left pastern. There is a raw spot above the declaw. She is licking it and she won’t let me touch it. It is painful for her. Can I put medicine and a bandage over it to try and give it time to heal? Thanks!

1 Response


  1. deehoeck1 Post author

    Ok Thanks Dr.K!! I will make an apt to bring her in to see you or Dr. Morgan!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
Drinking X Amount Of Water. But Throwing It Up Wit Little White Pieces In It…

Drinking x amount of water. But throwing it up wit little white pieces in it. Standing or sitting in 1 spot. Not interacting wit anyone. Breathing fine. & after he drinks he drolls alot too. Which is not like him at all.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    throwing up little white pieces?

    find anything missing lately?  sounds like your dog might have eating something he shouldn’t have, and now has an obstruction.  i’d get to an emergency vet – something like this can’t wait for morning.

  2. Anonymous

    this is an awful plan. water is more necessary than food to live. restrict water and you could cause even further problems.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
She Is Just Over 2 Years Old And A Belgian Shephard Cross With (I Think…

She is just over 2 years old and a Belgian Shephard Cross with (I think) Podenco, due to the fact she has very large ears and was born on the Canarian island of Tenerife. It did grow quite quickly, it seemed to appear overnight almost and it hasn’t really grown much since I spotted it.

2 Responses


  1. Christina Chambreau

    Dear Amy,

    The conventional approach will be well covered by another, and probably will be to do a biopsy. The blood will probably show eosinophils so that may be the first thing to do.

    I am holistically trained so I have a few different suggestions for you. We often find that any type of tumor is triggered by vaccines and toxins, so for now, avoid all vaccines and other toxins (flea control, house and yard chemicals).

    We often see tumors resolve when you discover the ideal diet – usually a fresh meat (raw or cooked) and pureed vegetable diet.

    Since the tumor stopped growing and may very well be benign, take a few days to research for an integrative veterinarian where you live (or homeopaths can help by phone) so you can be offered many different choices (mushrooms, Acupuncture and more (TCVM), supplements, homeopathy, essential oils, etc). We sometimes find that when a tumor is removed the overall may suffer. However, sometimes not removing a tumor can cause an increase in cancer if the underlying quantum field has not been healed. An integrative veterinarian can help you weigh the different choices. 

    An integrative veterinarian is trained in many different approaches, including using conventional drugs only when absolutely needed. Working with one can increase the chance that your cherished companion can live a long and healthy life. There are good ones and great ones, and a few homeopathic veterinarians will consult by phone or email. You can go to the web sites for each type of holistic practice and use their referral list to find one near to you:

    1. Wide range of other treatments: – American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association and

    2. Homeopathic veterinarians (these can often help you by phone if no other holistic practitioners are nearby that you like): and

    3. Chiropractor –

    4. TCVM (Acupuncture and Chinese medicine): &

    5. Herbal-

    6. Postural rehabilitation – dogs and horses –

    I also have an article on my site ( on Selecting and Working with a Holistic Veterinarian.

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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Hello 7mo Old Siamese Neutered On Fri Will Not Keep Cone On.. Has White Raised…

Hello 7mo old Siamese neutered on Fri will not keep cone on.. Has white raised spot thats black/blue Stopped oral diluted metcam as was prescribed this am & Primary vet not helpful, taking to emergency clinic tonite. What could this be?

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 11 years ago
Zoey Has Been Doing This Since She Became Older. We Now Roll Up All…

Zoey has been doing this since she became older. We now roll up all rugs, clear countertops, remove plush toys, let them out repeatedly before leaving. This happens whether we are gone for 2hrs or 6hrs. We understand it is probably the anxiety that causes her to urinate and defecate. We also understand the behaviors are related to the same. But it is so disheartening and honestly, frustrating, when we return home to find what she has done. We are now trying the wall plug phermones, trying not to make it a big deal when we leave or come home and most importantly, trying not to react when we discover her latest destruction.

To make it worse, my 1 male who is dominant will mark her urinated spots if we do not clean and neutralize it sufficiently… which we always try to do. It seems the issue is cascading and we are at wits end.

Any thoughts?

1 Response


  1. Brian Downie

    Sounds good and thanks!  We will setup an appointment with you to get a general checkup and talk about behaviorists.

    Brian and Ericka