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Stina | 2 years ago
I Just Found Out That One Or Both Of My Cats Are Peeing/spraying On My …

I just found out that one or both of my cats are peeing/spraying on my baseboards in the basement. This has never been a problem. I have no idea what has caused this or what to do to stop it. I have 2 female cats. They get along just fine with no issues. What could this mean? How can I stop it?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I always tell my clients that if cats had opposable thumbs they would write on the walls “Hey! Pay attention there’s a problem!” But they don’t so instead they pee outside of the box. There is an issue. The challenge is figuring out what that issue is.
    First head to the vet for an examination and bloodwork to include a urinalysis. Look for a medical issue like uti,cystitis, diabetes, Kinsey disease etc etc. Lots of things cause abnormal urine output. Start there. Otherwise a medical condition can continue and worsen your cats prognosis. After that address behavior. We add medications for stress, anxiety and discomfort. Also consider crate training in a large crate so they cannot wander back the the soiled places and give them their own safe place. In some cases long term medication is indicated.
    My point is that your cat is asking for help. How far are you willing to go to help them?
    I hope it is to the ends of the earth. Too many cats are abandoned or euthanized bc people can’t see past the annoyance of urinating outside of the box.

    Good luck.
    Keep us posted

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Robyn | 4 years ago
Hello! I Will Try To Keep This As Short As Possible But Is Hard Because So …

Hello! I will try to keep this as short as possible but is hard because so much has happened.

I have 3 cats. My male cat is the one I am worried about the most right now. About a month ago all 3 got URIs and went to the vet. They were treated with antibiotics however they weren’t helping much so I had to bring them back a few times! Due to financial issues I ended up bringing them to our local shelter/humane society where they have a free clinic right now due to Covid. Biggest mistake EVER! They were so mean to my cat and overly rough with him completely stressing him out. I wasn’t allowed to go in the room with him however was able to watch some of what was going on through a window. This stressed my cat out so much that a week later he got a urinary blockage (2 weeks ago now)… I have never had issues prior with the other vet. He is 8 yr old. Anyways the vet cathed him and sent him home since it was the weekend and they are closed… where he ended up going to the ER the next day because he was crying all night…. They took the cath out… gave him pain meds and fluids… and kept him for 5 hours… He came home that night and has been on pain meds as needed and prazosin 2x a day. He is also on Hills C/D wet (with minimal dry of the c/d) He has been seen 2x since at the vet and Monday they did a urine sample/culture…. They said he has white blood cells so was put on antibiotics…but once the culture came back it showed everything to be normal…so was taken off of them…. Prior to all of this he was free fed however I have been switching all my cats to meal times 2-3 times a day… and will continue with that because of weight issues . He has been peeing, however, sometimes when I am peeing he will come pee in his litter box at the same time… He shakes his back end and puts it up in the air kind of and the pee shoots or sprays out …. this isn’t every time he pees but it has happened 3 times that I have seen. His pee clumps aren’t as big as they were prior to all this and now vary in size… sometimes a golf ball size give or take a little bit bigger/or smaller. I also will see his back end/tail twitching randomly in the day. The vet said this happening more than likely was due to stress. I have been making sure to keep the stress level low at home, use feliway (idk if it helps) and new toys/cat nip.

My questions are…

1. When switching to a wet food diet…. Will cats pee more than usual? They were on a 90% dry diet before. Sometimes I add a little water to it as I don’t see him drink a lot.

2. He only has a few days left of the prazosin… Should he been weened or go off cold turkey?

3. Is the shaking and spraying like pee normal? He does so in the litter box however because of his angle sometimes it gets on the wall.

I am new to this… and have talked to/seen several vets however they all say different things so I am confused… I just want to know if this is normal….. I think he is probably irritated from being cathed and such… due to licking his private sometimes and whining (both aren’t as bad as they were before however still happen)

Thank You for taking the time to read this.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I’m sorry all of this has happened. I will try to answer your questions BUT you really need to stick with a vet you trust and be prepared for this to take a while to resolve. In some cats it is a lifelong issue.
    I prefer wet to dry as it is a much higher water content and usually much less fattening. I even recommend adding water.
    I also advise clients to try to give Sq fluids at home.
    Prazosin is a question for your vet. Some stay on this medication long term as it seems to be very beneficial.
    I am not sure what the shaking is. Maybe try to get it on video and discuss with your vet. Maybe pain?
    You should also ask about anything you can try for stress? Like Feliway? Catnip? Toys? Confinement at night? An anti anxiety medication? This is a discussion for your vet. What really matters is that you have someone advocating for you and your cat and you do everything you can to avoid another blockage and learn how to manage this long term.

    Best of luck.

    If possible can you share your vet experience (with the costs included) in our storyline section. It might help others.

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suerena schaefer | 4 years ago
I Need Help. My Cats Are Spraying! I Am A Client At Jarrettsville Vet. I Have 5 Indoor/outdoor Make Cats …

I need help. My cats are spraying! I am a client at Jarrettsville vet. I have 5 indoor/outdoor male cats and 2 dogs and they are all rescues. The cats were dropped off on our road at different times and I brought them in and kept them indoors for a year but they screamed for an entire year and darted for the doors and I finally gave up and let them go out. They have all been neutered and the one female dog was spayed. The cats have a litter box but only use it when it’s raining outside or snowing and even then it’s usually only 1 cat. Otherwise they prefer to come and go through their pet door and relieve themselves outside. I have noticed a few of them over the years spray once or twice but I’ve cleaned up the areas and never had a real problem with it or at least I thought. I recently fostered 2 kittens for 5 weeks. They were confined to a bedroom for the most part but were allowed to roam when my cats were outside. The kittens went to their forever home on Saturday. I have noticed in the last week that 4 of my cats are spraying everywhere!! Repeatedly. One of them sprayed 3 times today within 30 minutes. Twice on 2 different spots on the couch I was sitting on. I cleaned each spot right away as I noticed. I moved to lie on the floor to let my babies and he followed me and sprayed on the built in behind my head. I picked him up immediately and put him outside and told him no in a firm voice. I imagine that the kittens probably have something to do with this since cats are very territorial but I don’t know what to do to get them to stop. I’m not sure if I’m using the right cleaning products. I’m using “no more spray” by nature’s miracle. I don’t know if maybe they have a physical issue going on so I don’t want to rule that out. I’m now wondering if they’ve always sprayed a lot and I just didn’t notice it. But I have a very keen since of smell and I think I would have noticed it. I am NOT giving up my cats!! I love my babies ! I need help to end this! PLEASE HELP!

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    This is often a multi factorial issue. And therefore it is a harder fix to resolve. It always should start with making sure everyone is healthy and there are no urinary issues present. That requires and exam bloodwork and urine check on all cats. Which can be costly I know. Next we make sure there are enough litter boxes. One for each cat and then one extra. All let’s must be spayed and neutered. After that we address behavior issues. Like stress markings and territorial marking. If all else levies to not help we talk about feliway pheromones, separating cats and medications to reduce stress and marking. I find rhat there is just a fine line between how many cats will cohabitate together peacefully. I am happy to help but I have to reiterate it can take a while to figure this out and rectify it satisfactorily. Lastly don’t yell or punish. They have no idea they are acting inappropriately and it will only worsen the stress for everyone.

    1. suerena schaefer Post author

      They have all been neutered. I have only 1 litter box in the house that is rarely used since they go outside. They have a cat pet door that is up higher that they all use. They prefer to go outside in my flower beds. They actually all get along well. Three of them are brothers and the other 2 were introduced slowly to the crew. I will make appts for the ones I know for sure are spraying to get the blood work done. I ordered a feliway plug in and bought odaban to clean all surfaces that I know they have marked on. Thank you so much for your time and advice. I know it will take some tumor but their my babies and worth it.

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Holly | 5 years ago
Hey Everyone! I Was Hoping I Can Get Some Insight On How To Battle For Ringworm …

Hey everyone! I was hoping I can get some insight on how to battle for ringworm in my household? we adopted a cat from the humane society and they were not aware that he had ringworm and it has passed to the 2 humans in the house and the other cats.

I’ve been doing the daily cleaning, washing the sheets, vacuuming, spraying Lysol, wiping surfaces down, etc. I got topical medicine for both humans and cats.. I have lime sulphur on order. I also have deep played my couch covered with plastic and tarp and sheets. Cat towers are outside to be cleaned and stored away until it’s over.

Is there any of suggestions? If I would lock my cat’s in the basement and keep them away from the living quarters could that possibly help keep it contained and help eliminate the issue?

Thanks in advance! I appreciate any opinions!/advice I may get! ????

5 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning- ringworm is usually medicated with an anti fungal treatment from a prescription. I am not sure if anything over the counter is safe for your cats- you should call your vet about that. Meantime, quarantining your cats will help. Be sure to wash your hands after you handle them. It sounds like you are definitely on top of things as far as laundering and cleaning. I would recommend li trolling your furniture and then throwing the tape out- just to help get all the fur the vacuum may miss in case there are spores on it. Best of luck!!!!

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Have you spoken to your vet about this? There are OTC medications that can be tried and oral medications, and like the lyme sulfur topical shampoos. In some cases I shave the cats down (if they are long haired) and make sure they are otherwise healthy. I have seen it happen many times in newly rescued cats. It will run its course and it is a big nuisance I know but it passes. Please call your vet and ask for help.. There is a lot you can do.
    although I am not a VCA hosptial fan this is a good article
    now Maddies Fund I love;; this is helpful too

    I guess i would just say to please stay calm, be patient and practice safe handling.. your kitties will be well soon..

    be safe and best of luck!

    If it is any consolation I once had 10 of my clinic cats all get it.. We had to move them to our adjacent house for two months,, but they all got better!

    1. Holly Post author

      Thanks so much for the info! I appreciate it! I have talked to a vet who suggested lime dip and OTC cream. She said I can to oral, but since I caught it at the beginning I may not need it. So I ordered so lime dip, pet collars and going that route. The ringworm spots have almost disappeared with just the topical cream and only 1 more spot has popped up. However, I am still going to treat them all with the lime dip and keep up with the excessive cleaning for a couple more weeks.

      Thanks again, I really do appreciate the info!! 🙂

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Marshmallow The Rabbit | 6 years ago
My Bunny’s Breathing And Nose Twitching Is Very Fast. My City Is In The Middle…

My bunny’s breathing and nose twitching is very fast. My city is in the middle of a heatwave and my bunny has recently just been laying on my kitchen tiles. My sister is staying over and she is very loud and has startled my bunny a lot. I tried to have her lay down on an ice pack but she kept trying to EAT the ice pack so I took it away. I put water in a spray and tried spraying her (it was a mist, not that much water came out) but my bunny would take one spray and run away. Her nose is twitching VERY fast and her breathing is crazy. I was wondering if there was a way I could calm her down. Is she doing OK as well? Her coat is not very thick and she is albino. Thank you.

2 Responses


  1. Sarah

    Good morning. Is there anyway that you can call your vet right away?

  2. Krista Magnifico

    I would be worried about overheating, but stress, pain, and disease are also possible. Its best and safest to head to the vets.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Our Outdoor Cat (1yr) Wasn’t Around During The Day, Like She Usually Is, For Lots…

Our outdoor cat (1yr) wasn’t around during the day, like she usually is, for lots of love. When she finally came around that night, we noticed the top of her tail seemed skinned on the bottom part (just meaty flesh), about 2.5inches. We went to our local farm store and bought a spray to keep infection out and help heal. She seemed to feel better a couple days later, eating and coming around more. Then we noticed the whole tail was looking abnormal, like skinned, with fur hanging. She became more herself, following us around property, wanting alot of love, moving easily, jumping up on things, eating well. 2.5 weeks since this first began, and today, the whole outer part came off! It was almost like a cacoon type looking, hollow inside! All the hair and everything is now gone, just about 4-5″ of completely bare flesh.
I have documented with video/pictures the whole time. We weren’t sure if an animal tried to bite her, or she had gotten it caught in a trap? We love her so much, my 5yr old has raised her after her mommy died 6wks after birth. We are a one income family, and my husband is about to have surgery that we have to pay for upfront, as well as coming up with the money the short term disability won’t pay for 6wks…we are at a loss?
First pic is how it has looked for about 2 weeks, then the other 3 pics are from today ?)

2 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    My guess is that the tail should be amputated to the point where there is viable skin to close the incision. I am worried that the hair will not grow back and she will be in constant discomfort to the point of self traumatizing. I don’t have any cheaper options for you. I’m sorry. I suppose there is a chance the tail might heal but any and all open wounds should be carefully monitored for infection and maggots. Please see a vet. At least for an exam and ask for guidance.

  2. Sarah

    I am soo sorry this happened. I know you’re on a tight budget, but I would definitely get her to a vet to examine it and get her some antibiotics at the very least. Explain to the. You’re financial situation up front and that you of course love this cat but have to take the most cost effective option at this point in time. As she is an outdoor cat, it is going to probably be a bit difficult to monitor her closely… having said that, I agree with Dr. Magnifico and really recommend getting to a vet to assess the situation and get advice. Best of luck!!??

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Sharon Kim | 6 years ago
My Male Cat Has Trouble Passing Urine Today, Went To The Vet And Was Diagnosed…

My male cat has trouble passing urine today, went to the vet and was diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis. He’s not completely blocked only passing tiny dribbles of urine. Was prescribed an anti inflammatory, pain meds and new wet food. He’s been drinking lots of water and not eating since we got back from the vet. I’m worried about him. Was told to wait and see and then come back if no change or symptoms worsen. He’s been hiding under the bed no improvement. Won’t eat. We have some calming spray and topical drops coming in the mail soon just to see if that helps with any stress. Would love to hear anything you can contribute.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    For cases like this when I have a very worried and devoted parent I ask them if they would like to learn how to palpate their pets bladder to be better able to monitor at home and also to give sq fluids to keep the bladder as flushed as possible. If you can afford it hospitalize your cat for iv fluids and have them monitor. Then I recommend you switch to a urinary formula canned food and maybe even add water. Also products like cranmate or dasaquin might help. Ask about what you can do at home. Ask about pain management and follow up urinalysis. Ask your vet to be as personally invested in your cats health as you are. If they aren’t find a different vet. Try a cat specialist. Good luck.

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Pawbly | 6 years ago
Hello I Have A Rottweiler That Is 15 Weeks Old And I Have Had Him…

Hello I have a Rottweiler that is 15 weeks old and I have had him for 7 weeks. I’m thinking about selling him and buying a new dog because he bites way to much like whenever I’m at a park and I’m running around he will just jump at me and bite me furiously, do you guys know how to fix it. I have taken him through puppy school, I spray him with water and when he does something bad and I always yell no when he bites I just don’t know why he does it is it the fact that he’s a Rottweiler?

3 Responses


  1. Krista Magnifico

    I agree. ESP with Laura and the second dog.more training time patience and a puppy class (or four nights a week of them) will help. Your pup is so excited to be outisidw and with dogs he sort of comes unglued. Get him playing, tired, and trained. Then talk about a adding another dog as you will very likely have to do the same thing all over again.

  2. Sarah

    GOod morning again,
    Please see comments below your first post as well. I must ask, have you ever owned a dog before? I feel that a chat with your vet, another enrollment in puppy class with a reputable trainer, and possibly a behaviorist to help you in your training process are definitely worth the money spent. Your suggestion of “Selling this dog and buying a new one” will in no way change the outcome for you. Sorry. Whatever bad habits you’re puppy is developing at this point under your watch, need to be dealt with through training and patience. Another dog in the same situation will most likely end up the same way. At the risk of sounding harsh, a dog is not disposable. It is a commitment that needs to be taken seriously. If you feel that this puppy is truly too much for you to handle at this stage in your life, then perhaps finding a rescue that can take him and rehome him to a person who is familiar with dogs and what needs to go into having one, would be a better thing to do. I would not recommend you get another dog until you have the time, and patience to invest in its well being. I really hope that things work out for both you and the puppy.

  3. Laura

    You really need to get an obedience trainer involved if you’re unable to handle this puppy. He doesn’t know what “no” means. He’s a BABY and needs you to teach him how to behave. ALL puppies are bitey, ALL puppies need training. Dumping him and getting another won’t fix the issue.

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Sarah | 7 years ago
Hello Pawbly Friends- We Have Found 3 Dead Crows On Our Property In The Last…

Hello pawbly friends- we have found 3 dead crows on our property in the last 10 or so days. I am wondering if I should call “someone” ( who would that even be) or if it is not uncommon. I’ve never found this many in such a short time period before. I should mention we live by many farms, who may or may not have sprayed some sort of pesticides.

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    ello, I would call animal control and ask. They are part of the sheriffs department and they can direct you. It might need to go to fish and wildlife. But yes I would alert someone. Xox Krista.

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Julie Brader | 8 years ago
Question For Krista Hi…wondered If You Could Give Me Some Advice? As You Know I’ve Had…

Question for Krista
Hi…wondered if you could give me some advice? As you know I’ve had Blue with Anal Sac Carcinoma and his mum Rio with Thrombocytopenia. My gut feeling is to keep all chemicals away from them both. I’ve been using a Homeopathic Essential Oil Flea spray and putting Rose Geranium on their collars as fleas and ticks hate the smell.
Not seen a flea all Summer till yesterday when a big one crawled off Blue and onto my arm. YUK! It was pretty slow, I caught it easily. It obviously didn’t like the spray on Blue’s coat otherwise it would have burrowed in not crawled off. No blood in it so hadn’t bitten him. However one flea and there’s probably more fleas. I wondered if you think Frontline Spot on would be safe to use on them both? It just sits in the hair follicles and doesn’t go into the bloodstream like some of them do. Thanks Krista hope all is well with you xxx

3 Responses


  1. Julie Brader Post author

    RESPONSE FROM KRISTA VIA EMAIL..she suggested I put this on the site as it may well help others.
    “Hello! I always recommend my patients will be ok with a flea and tick preventative. Even with concurrent health issues. If you don’t use one you will get fleas. I don’t know of a safer product that has worked better. I know many of the Holistic Vets try other things but I just haven’t seen them be effective.
    Regards Krista