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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Why Is My 4 Year Old Male Cat Spraying Me When We’re Both In The…

Why is my 4 year old male cat spraying me when we’re both in the bathroom

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    That’s odd!  My guess is he’s stressed and is showing his stress.  I saw your other post about the kittens…is HE neutered?  Do you have 4 litterboxes (one per cat plus one)?  Are those litterboxes VERY clean?

    Bringing in new animals cause upheaval in a home, even if you do it the right way with slow introductions.  ASSUMING HE IS IN GOOD HEALTH, and assuming you’ve had him checked since this started, I’d suggest picking up some feliway from petsmart or petco.  I’d also prevent him from going into the bathroom with you.

  2. Brenda Olson

    Yes Bell is neutered kitten’s aren’t yet so ? Is how to keep the kitten out of his box Laura he was at the vet for shots about month ago clean 3 boxes out 1-2. x’s a day. Thanks for responding Laura.

  3. Anonymous

    Like I said: try Feliway. I’d also give him some personal time with you (away from the bathroom) – this COULD be his way of claiming you.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
When The Second One Passed We Had A Necropsy Done And Sent Off Samples To…

When the second one passed we had a necropsy done and sent off samples to A&M. Those tests came back with a virulent strain of parvo. One of the dogs I lost had bloodwork drawn the day symptoms started and WBC count was completely normal. All dogs were UTD on vaccines and I Booster ed all of them, just to cover my bases, after the first one passed. All of these dogs were over 6 months of age.
I have asked my vet for answers and she does not have any. She has told me to continue doing what I am, which is bleaching everything, inside and our and watching my other dogs. She gave me antibiotics for my other dogs for 5 days, which are now completed. She says there are still 7 days left for symptoms to appear. Being a former vet tech, I have also ordered Parvosol-II-RTU-Disinfectant to spray down everything that cannot handle bleach. I am beside myself because none of this seems to make complete sense. I am not a person who does well not knowing why nothing adds up and not being able ensure my dogs are safe.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Three Of My Dogs Have Passed Away Within 2 Weeks. They Tested Negative For Parvo…

Three of my dogs have passed away within 2 weeks. They tested negative for parvo via the snap test. After the second passed, we had a necropsy done and they sent off a portion of necrotic intestine, a portion of seemingly normal intestine, blood, etc. After that I lost another dog. I had blood draws done on my three smaller dogs that had been around the sick dogs and all came out normal. Within 2 hours after this, one of the smaller dogs started showing symptoms (lack of appitite). This dog was the third one I lost. All of my dogs were UTD on vaccines. The tests came back as an extremely virulent strain of Parvo. This killed each dog, even with treatment, within 36-52 hours. All of my other dogs have been put on antibiotics and we are spraying everything with bleach. I am wondering how a strain of parvo can show normal bloodwork, kill vaccinated dogs, and not show up on snap test if it was this harsh of a strain. I also have no idea as to where it could have come from. We do not go many places. We never go to dog parks, etc. We are in the country and have raccoons, foxes, and deer, along with many other wildlife, but my vet says they could not have gotten it this way. I do not know how to try and make sure none of my other dogs get ill other than the bleach and watching them closely. I was a vet tech for 10 years and I never saw parvo manifest and kill this quickly. I need to understand. Please help me if you can.

1 Response


  1. Andrea Cox

    I feel grief for you.  Are you sure they weren’t poisoned ?. You really need to get with the vet to find a cause and reason…even autopsy. I had a litter of cats die at one time and turned out to be rat poison by a neighbor.  Listen to the previous vet and find the cause. I’m so very sorry for your loss. There is a reason and a cause. I wish you relief.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
About 2 Months Ago, My Dog Broke The Window Screen And Jumped Out Of The…

About 2 months ago, my dog broke the window screen and jumped out of the second floor window. I was not home and thankfully my neighbor grabbed him, he was not hurt. After that. No opening the windows when I’m not home.

But recently my dog has been trying to escape out the window where the window AC unit is in. He has chewed through many sidings and even pushes my tv away from the window. I have sprayed no-bite spray and it didn’t seem to help. I just can home today and found blood from him all over the house. He cut his paw on the ac unit and thenot continued to tried other windows.

I take him for walks twice a day even though I am gone for 10 hours for work. I spoil him with toys and treats. He is a 4 year old German Shepherd/schipperke mix. He is not fixed. He never shows any interest in females.

1 Response


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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Betty Has Always Been What I Call A Scaredy Cat But Hasn’t Always Sprayed It…

Betty has always been what I call a scaredy cat but hasn’t always sprayed it seems to be after we moved house. I don’t think it was the house move but around me are a lot of cats and this makes her nervous she is constantly sat at a window.
She loves the baby and I feel like she is spraying as a way of claiming and protecting the home but obviously it’s not good for the baby! I’ve wondered if she has behavioural issues but am worried to take her to the vet with high costs if that’s not the issue. I’ve tried plug ins also. Basically I need advice. O find out what a vet would do to determine if she needs treatment and what kind of treatment it would be! Thank you

1 Response


  1. Charlotte Vokes

    Thank you! She uses her litter tray though still so I have no problem in that! It’s only when I seem to have my window open she does it, I’m presuming due to all the other cats in the area! I love her but with him starting to move around I need to get it sorted for both of their sakes! X

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
After I Apply My Dogs K9 Advantix Ii She Becomes Itchy & Rubs Her Back…

After I apply my dogs k9 advantix ii she becomes itchy & rubs her back on the couch for like 2-3 days.other than that I love the stuff it seems to work so my question is, is there an anti itch spray I can use after I apply the k9 advantix

3 Responses


  1. debra yuhasz

    Your dog is allergic to it. Use a different topical treatment. There are several others you can try.

  2. Brittany Knox

    Is it that she’s allergic or could she just possibly have sensitive skin that causes it to dry her out

  3. Brittany Knox

    Ok thank you SO MUCH you have been VERY HELPFUL I greatly appreciate it

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Puppy Got Ahold Of Out Chewing Spray And Now He Is Puking And Won’t…

My puppy got ahold of out chewing spray and now he is puking and won’t eat. What should i do???

6 Responses


  1. Belle Chabot

    Probably should give him a bunch of water and normal food to get it out of his system faster. If it gets worse take him to the vet

  2. Britany Medina

    Should i give him his normal puppy food?

  3. Anonymous

     honestly, if this is a PUPPY, i wouldn’t wait.  i’d at least call the vet first thing this morning when they open.  

  4. Dawn Ferara, DVM

    Call the vet or pet poison control

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
I Have 2 Male Cats Around 9 Months Old. They Are Brothers And I Have…

I have 2 male cats around 9 months old. They are brothers and I have had them both since they were 5 weeks. The less dominant of the two has been spraying so I went and had him neutered. Its been a week and there had been no spraying so I thought we were in the clear. Yesterday he started spraying again. I don’t want to rehome one of my boys but I don’t know what else to do. Any advice would be appreciated.

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    it takes a while for the hormones to leave his body.  be patient.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago

I Need Your Advise Regarding My 11 Months Old Persian Male Cat. The Problem Is…

I need your advise regarding my 11 months old Persian male cat. the problem is that my cat wants to go out for mating and if we do not let him go out he sprays and pees in the house which causes a very bad odor in the house. Now that we have let him out on his own he has started to spray around outside and you can smell the odor as soon as you enter through gate.
Secondly we have tried to set up play dates for him and lock both the cats in bathroom but uptill now he hasn’t mated.
Thirdly, there is a stray cat outside which is on heat all he does is that he sits beside her all day long and if we bring him inside the female cat starts to cry which make him go crazy to go outside.
Finally, I want to ask you about getting my cat neutered. The pros and cons of getting the cat neutered. I have heard from someone that the cat’s personality changes and we have to take care of him more because there will be a wound after his operation and all the people in our house go to work. Hence, there can be a problem in taking care of him 24/7.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    absolutely neuter him, and keep him inside.

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter Status: Not Neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body Weight: 66lbs

History: He Started Showing Sings Of…

Species: Dog

Age: 4

Sex/Neuter status: Not neutered

Breed: Weimaraner

Body weight: 66lbs

History: He started showing sings of what appeared to be the mange at 3 y-o. Before this he was completely healthy and hadn’t had any sorts of trouble or illnesses. He was taken to 4-5 different vets and he had some studies done where they determined he had staphylococcus aureus on his skin. Most of them agreed that it was mange and suggested the following treatments (at different times, to no avail):

* Inyected clindamycin
* Ciprofloxacin tablets
* Cephalosporin (don’t know if tablets or capsules)
* Omega 3 and 6
* B complex and casein shots
* Shampoo with amitraz
* Florfenicol .6% spray
* Aluspray
* Antisebhorreic shampoo

And he is currently on an hypoallergenic salmon diet with special food.

Clinical signs:

* Weight loss
* Very swollen paws and skin in general
* Hair loss
* Loss of appetite
* Ulcers
* Lethargic
* Some fever here and there
* Redness in his eyes

Here are some pictures of him

This is him a couple of months after it started a year ago

Duration: 1 year

Your general location: Mexico city

What could this be? What can we do for him? We’ve tried everything and it seems like nothing works and we’re scared to death. We want him to get better.

2 Responses


  1. Alejandra Torres

    He already had bloodwork and nothing showed up, in the skin scrape they just detected bacteria and in the skin biopsy they caught the staphyloccocus aureus. No fungi in any of those.

    He was also seen at a vet teaching hospital by both students and doctors and most of them agreed on mange and one has been studying his case closely to no avail.

  2. Alejandra Torres

    They are not in the US and not anywhere close to a border city at all. We are desperate which is why I’ve come here to ask online since we’ve taken it to plenty different vets on the city and outside the city and spent amounts on the thousands to get him better, which is not a problem because we love him but we are truly worried and aside from the staphyloccocus aureus on his studies, nothing else has shown.

    They’ve urged their vet and themselves which is why they’ve gone to so many different providers and have tried all the treatments as prescribed to no avail.