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Alea | 5 years ago
I Have A 15 Y.o. Cat Who Was Attacked By A Feral Cat And I Treated 2 …

I have a 15 y.o. cat who was attacked by a feral cat and I treated 2 abscesses and they healed–now 2 weeks later one has re-abscessed. I’m a retired doc on a fixed Army pension and vets here in Hawaii charge $100 just to be seen, not including procedures! Can I puncture the abscess with a sterile scalpel and drain it myself again or did I miss something? The local pet store sells OTC Abx. Would I treat as a person–same staph type Abx?

1 Response


  1. Krista Magnifico

    these cases need an examination, assessment of the size, depth and severity of the injury and then medications like an antibiotic, analgesic and ecollar,

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Pawbly | 9 years ago
My Cat Tested Positive For The Toxin That Is Produced By Clostridium Perfringens. He Has…

My cat tested positive for the toxin that is produced by clostridium perfringens. He has had diarrhea now for what seems like forever. He recently was treated with clindamycin for a staph infection in his urinary tract. While on this medicine it cleared up his diarrhea.. For about two months, then it started again. This is when I got a diarrhea panel done and it tested positive for the toxins.

We first tried metronidazole.. No success.

Right now he is on tylan powder and it’s been about a week. He is no longer going on the floor like usual, but I did notice little puddles of diarrhea In the litter boxes. I don’t believe it is any of my other cats because they never have had issues with diarrhea. Well tonight he threw up multiple times. It was mostly his cat food. And colored like his food. I waited about an hour and fed him a little more food which he kept down.
I did not give him his medicine tonight. I am going to call my vet in the morning.

The next step would be for him to go on clindamycin again. This was my vets last choice and she said she really didn’t want him to go on it again. Because it is not the safest medication for cats.
After this clears up he will be going on probiotics and a fiber supplement such as Metamucil.

I’m just really nervous about him being on clindamycin again. Have you seen this problem happen in cats before? Why is he not responding to any medication? Are there any other options? Ugh.

Thank you.

1 Response


  1. dakoda peterson

    I’m going to give you the best advice I can give. I have not experienced this personally but I’ve read a little about it.

    1. Get an opinion from multiple vets not just one. Some veterinarians have more training in that area than others and some have better meds.

    2. Start feeding your cat chicken baby food with rice it will be better for his intestines and less painful.

    3.once you found a vet or you decide to stay with what ever vet ask them to retest for parasites. Sounds like he could have possible hookworms even though it’s uncommon he may have it on top of the toxin.

    4. Get pedilite or something to help boost your cats electrolytes this is important because with that much diareah he could loose too much fluids.

    5. Write down everything you cat does and what time so your vet knows what is going on. Include pee time, color and look of diareah, color of gums, his activity, his pain level, his playfulness. Everything he does while you are there.

    And I can’t stress enough call multiple vets and explain what is happening and what is not working okay? Blessed be honey keep us updated.