I would call your vet and see if you can schedule an appointment before the two weeks just to get your own vet up to speed and see if there are any changes in diagnosis. Err on the side of caution. I can tell you from experience- getting these things taken care of sooner rather than later and staying ahead of the game, is a LOT less expensive in the long run. Best of luck.
I have a kitten. She was a stray so I’m assuming she is about 11 months old. She recently has stopped eating, drinking, and can hardly move. Within the past few hours we have noticed there’s a knot that’s came up on this inside of her on her side. Please help. She has an appointment in the morning with the vet but I’m worried sick!
I have an 18 month old male cat, Chubbs 🙂 – he was a stray that we took in from the neighborhood as a kitten, vaccinated and neutered and we just adore him. On Monday this week, I noticed he was having urinary issues – lots of in and out of box and no action. Our vet was full so we drove about 30 minutes to another town to take him to an emergency vet. Vet told me that he did not have a urinary blockage, but his urinalysis showed evidence of infection and crystals. A chicken and the egg situation he said. They gave him subQ fluids, antinausea med, anti-inflammatory med and send us home with a supply of pain meds and antibiotics. He was low key the next day, but seems back to normal as of yesterday. However, still lots of urinary urgency and frequency attempts with dribbles here and there, but is producing actual normal appearing size voids 3-5 times a day. No blood, no howling. Bowel movements seem a little looser, assuming from antibiotics but no diarrhea. Is this expected behavior? Can male cats have partial blockages that wax and wane like this? Will this continue on for 1-2 weeks while treating the UTI component? Emergency vet told me to follow-up with our vet in ~2 weeks for repeat urine.
I am helping someone who rescued a young female stray cat a few weeks ago. No microchip. The plan is to get her vetted and adopted. She tested positive for ear mites , & tapeworms. She has had 2 applications of Revolution , 2 weeks apart, per vet instructions. She had an ear hematoma that the vet drained and sutured. The vet gave her virbantel dewormer tablet , and she is now due for her second dose, the info with this product states it is for dogs and puppies only. She didn’t get that 2nd dose, will consult with vet about it – recheck visit tomorrow. My question is about the virbantel tablet, is it safe for use on cats? What are the risks ? She has had other symptoms that we thought were unrelated , now I am wondering if the 1st dose she received at the vet had some side effects. Also she was shaved to check for a spay scar, I attached photo. Looks like there were two incisions. Any thoughts and or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I have an at least 8 yr old maltese mix. (She was a stray)
She isn’t normally very active. She usually just stays on my bed. She loves to go places with me and shes very well behaved.
I had to leave her home tonight for about 45 minutes. When I got home I noticed she wasn’t acting right. Her eyes were kind of big and moving back and forth like she was dizzy. I picked her up and she immediately wanted down. (Not normal)
It’s almost like she’s afraid of me. She’s not a real affectionate dog but she’s always comfortable when I hold her.
Her head and eyes are moving kind of weird. I have a short video. Having trouble uploading it.
She also won’t have anything to do with food or water.
Anonymous I would worry about a seizure, to be honest. Can you post it to Youtube and share the video from there?
Anonymous Every video on Youtube has a weblink. If you post it here, we can see it, but you should make sure YOUR vet sees it today!
Anonymous To my uneducated eyes, I’d guess that’s a seizure. Did you call the vet yet??!
Anonymous Unfortunately, you may be risking her health if there’s something seriously wrong. Please try to find a way to get her in ASAP…she could have issues with thyroid or blood sugar, something neurological could be going on, or it could be something else.
Our 8-9 month old cat is a stray adoption from the humane society, but he is a total pig! You would think he is starving all the time. We have another cat in the house, but if he’s not at his dish during feeding time Jimmy will eat his own food and the other cat’s food. I have tried feeding him several smaller meals throughout the day or a large one in the morning, but nothing seems to satisfy him. He is on his way to being too fat. Any suggestions for satisfying his appetite or giving me some peace with his constant begging?
Starr Henry I often rescue strays and it seems the longer they’ve been on the street the more likely it is they do this. Most likely because they are used to not knowing when the next meal is coming from and when it’s coming. I have one cat that will beg for anything with pasta sauce on it. You just have to try to show them they will have food all the time it might be easier because he’s young but there’s really no telling how a cat will delve lip with time.
I took in a newborn orphan kitten going on 6 days ago.. assuming he’s only about 6 days old, 7 tops. He has been doing amazing! His ears were fully opened yesterday, he lost his umbilical cord on day 3, and his colors started coming in today. (He was an off white.. but now his nose and ears have added black coloring to his mix) he has been gaining weight normally. He eats every two hours, three tops. Hes been finishing 5cc since day one.. now he’s finishinh anywhere between 5cc and 10. I burp him after every bottle as well as stimulate him to use the bathroom. (He pees every time and has been pooping between once and twice a day) I even keep him clean and dry in the event of an accident. He sleeps in a box with half heat pad on low and a blanket covering it, as well as a stuffed teddy for snuggling and comfort. Its my first time doing anything even close to this but his mom dropped him off on my porch only hours old and never returned, when it got dark cold and rainy I had to bring him in. Hes eating KRM I bought from the vet. I also bought a bottle and syringe. Not having much luck with the bottle but doing amazing with the syringe. Noticed his belly being kinda hard and that he hadn’t had his usual poop about 4 hours ago. His bottom is red and raw so im trying to be easy but still try and stimulate him every feeding. I know hand raising newborn kittens is a 50/50 shot especially his mom being a stray but he’s doing perfect other than that. Hes purring and eating and peeing and even wondering around a bit.. just a little fussy over the last two feedings. Im also burping him. Is there anything I can do to help his bottom or get him to poop to relieve the belly bulge? I will take him to the vet if needed. Im just seeing what I can do in the mean time. How long is too long for a kitten to be constipated or not poop if everything else seems normal? *I’ve also been adding a little extra water over his last two feedings hoping that may loosen him up. HELP 🙁
Monica Santos try with a warm wet towel rub your kittens anal. softly. mothers lick their kittens to be able to go pee or poop. hope it helps(:
Cherish Yuppa That’s been how I get him to pee after every feeding. But he usually has at least one poop by now.. his little bottom is so red and sore and his belly is so bloated. All I can think is he’s constipated bc its like he tries just can’t. :/
Anonymous i’d call the vet first thing, to be honest.
Cherish Yuppa I called and they said not to be worried that his belly is just adjusting and if he isn’t better in a day or so then to bring him in
Anonymous i hope he starts doing alright tomorrow. you’ve certainly got your hands full with such a teeny baby! may he grow up healthy and strong. 🙂
Cherish Yuppa Update: called several vets over the last 24 hours… so far I’ve got a lot of contradictions. To limit feedings to not limit feedings. To water down, to not. To use suppository and/or water enema, to not use. To soak bottom, to not soak bottom. To do an early dewormer, to not. To only stimulate bottom every third feeding, to do it every feeding. To use oil, to not. To use tube/Vaseline, to not. Never the less I’m doing what I can and trying a little off everything. Was able to get a poop today just not the consistency I would like or the amount but it’s something. He’s still eating, peeing, and sleeping normally. Just has a hard belly, hard poop, and a raw bottom. Guess I’ll just try and see if anything works or doesn’t and if he gets worse or doesn’t improve in a few days ill take him somewhere hopefully that specializes in this kinda thing or has personal experience bc this crap is confusing. “Do it… don’t… do it..” OMG!! *DAY SIX. -Signed one exhausted mommy!
Anonymous sounds like the parent of a newborn anything. you’re doing well! you’re staying on top of things.
you. can. do. it. 🙂
Cherish Yuppa Thank you! He’s a handful for sure. I have no idea how mommy kitty’s do this with more than one lol. He is much more of a handful than my 3 & 1 year old human boys ever were.. even put together lol
Anonymous well, it’s not like they have to worry about going to work or cleaning or anything like that. 😉
Kelly Furgason Cherish–I have fostered hundreds of kittens. Usually thinnning out the KMR works well. DO not get the stage 2 KMR, stick with the stage one KMR for all feedings,even as the kitten gets older. Warm up a cotton ball and gently hold it to the anus, barely move the soaked cotton ball around . Try for several minutes. Sometimes it takes awhile to get a bowel movement. Usually thinning the food will get a BM…make sure that you are keeping the kitten warm also with a warm water bottle or heat pad (just don’t put the heat pad directly on the kitten) .GOOD LUCK!!!
Cherish Yuppa UPDATE: we are on day 8.. problem seems to have resolved. Thank you so much for everyone’s help!
He’s a mixed breed 3 month and 9 days old pup.. he’s not a pet .he’s a stray but we wanna save him .
Good morning-
I am so glad you already have an appointment scheduled for her. The vet will most likely do a thorough examination and possibly xrays to see what the “knot” you describe might be. You did not specify where on her the knot was- could it possibly be a blockage? That might account for the sudden change in eating behavior. In any case- she needs to be seen ASAP so it is very good that you have an appointment. She may need surgery- so try to prepare yourself for that possible reality. Good luck to you. I hope she is ok!!!
Thank you! I got her to the vet this morning and he said that had a virus. He gave her some medicine and she seems to be doing a lot better now! ????
I’m sorry. This sounds like an emergency and we aren’t staffed or able to manage emergencies online. I how she is ok