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jen Hohman | 7 years ago
My Cat Fell Into The Pool Last Week. She Is Fine, However Yesterday I Saw…

My cat fell into the pool last week. She is fine, however yesterday I saw that she pooped on the attic floor instead of the litter box. Could she still be traumatized by the swimming pool incident? She is 18 years old.

3 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    At that age, I’d worry she isn’t well. Did you get her to the vet after it happened?

  2. jen Hohman Post author

    I called our vet to let her know that the cat had fallen in the pool. The cat has only done this once. The vet told me that as long as she doesn’t have any respiratory problems, she should be fine. We just switched her to a new food. Could this be the issue? She uses her litter box like she always did. She has accidents from time to time. She is eating and drinking normally and is not lethargic.

  3. Anonymous

    Ah, new food absolutely could be the issue, in addition to the fall into the pool. Maybe pick up some Cat Attract litter to remind her where to go…and if it’s a tall box, maybe something with shorter sides?

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jen Hohman | 7 years ago
Hello, My Cat Loves To Walk Along The Edges Of Our Swimming Pool And Drink The…

My cat loves to walk along the edges of our swimming pool and drink the water puddles ( even when we provide fresh water for her). Today she fell in the pool. Fortunately I was standing nearby and heard her trying to get out. We dried her with two warm towels and placed her inside. She is still shaken up but she is eating and drinking normally. Is there anything else that I should do?

2 Responses


  1. Jennifer Taylor

    Our cat loves to walk on the side of the tub while I give my daughter a bath. She has fallen in several times yet continues to enjoy her time hanging out on the side of the tub! If she didn’t seem to take on any water and is acting normal; meaning normal breathing, normal behavior, etc. I wouldn’t worry too much. If she isn’t acting normal then perhaps have your vet check her out to be on the safe side Best of luck!

  2. Jayden Cihlar

    The truth is this happens a lot and could just be anxiety acting up. The cat could have been so used to not falling in that when she did she got in she was startled. The best way to determine this is if the type of cat is known to have anxiety issues. If she still shakes after a few days then maybe you would want to go to the vet. Hope it’s better soon!

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Morgan Duff | 8 years ago
Why Does My Dog Lick Me After A Shower Or Swim In The Pool

Why does my dog lick me after a shower or swim in the pool

2 Responses


  1. Jana

    LOL I couldn’t say I know why but Jasmine used to do that too when she was little. Maybe she was trying to dry me off seeing I was wet. 😉

  2. Krista Magnifico

    Because he loves you? Because you taste yummy? Because they are inquisitive, sweet, adoring beings far more wonderful than humans? Just my professional thoughts on the question.