I think that this requires a vet who can do a very thorough exam and maybe even try different diets to see if you can manage the colon to a point where this kitten can survive. I have seen a case like this in the past where a kitten had bilateral rectal hernias. This is essentially the colon or intestines slipping between the muscles of the anus. It was one of many issues this kitten had and ultimately we had to euthanize.
I appreciate and applaud your trying to help. Please keep us posted.
Very best of luck.
If you cannot afford to see a surgeon for assistance on how to fix the fracture then I believe that the next best option is to try cage rest for 8 weeks (and yes it is a long 8 weeks) is the best way to helm them.
They must stay in the cage and rest. I know it can be hard to do but it has worked miracles in many of my patients.
Good luck.
Keep us posted.
Thanks alot for your reply!
one more question
is it fine if he’s confined in 1 room? instead of a cage
my room is not that big, just a normal sized room
he basically sleeps on my bed, jumps down to eat food, walks a bit, shouts at me to open door so he can go outside, which I have not done yet, and then goes back to sleep
will 1 room work or is cage absoulute necessary?
The idea is to stop them from jumping.
On/off your bed is not going to help healing. Cage is best, here.