Hello Branden, your cat needs to be seen by a Vet. Whatever the bite was its now swollen and no doubt infected.
He needs Veterinary treatment to get the swelling and infection under control and heal.
I hope he recovers soon.
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Hi my 8 year old cocker spainal bitch is weeing every hour. She has had bloods done there all normal x ray all clear urine tested showing nothing no infection no bacteria i do not know what to do next
My cat was bitten by something about two days ago right under his chin now its swollen real bad an has a tiny hole in it he was sneezing an hacking a lot but its calm down now.
Hello Branden, your cat needs to be seen by a Vet. Whatever the bite was its now swollen and no doubt infected.
He needs Veterinary treatment to get the swelling and infection under control and heal.
I hope he recovers soon.
Thank you, I was really hoping for some home remedies though. My family and I just moved to a different state and we dont really have the funds to take him to see a vet right now unfortunately.
There really are no home remedies unfortunately. He probably needs antibiotics only available from a Vet.
It doesnt seem to hurt her and she is still eating though yesterday shes not eating as much.She has always eaten anything she can like bugs,spiders,pine cones you name it she will eat it.We cannot afford a vet please help.We have been giving her milk and that helps the swelling but not the lump
today she was running through bush chasing squirrels
when we called her she came running towards us “lop-sided”; looked as if hind left leg wasn’t working
it was not any kind of limp I’ve seen before; the leg didn’t look being favored but looked not working, not providing the right support properly
Cookie sat down while we were going to try to see what’s going on
meanwhile she heard another squirrel and dashed off back into the bush again
looked like the leg wasn’t quite right but she didn’t seem to care
we then fetched and leashed her and after short time everything seemed fine until the time of this writing 4:19PM
often problems resurface after some rest so I’m concerned what she’s going to look like after longer rest; so far she seems perfectly normal again, though
Seeing a vet tomorrow but hoping for some comforting thoughts on what the heck it could have been … ?
She seems perfectly normal and herself now. Moving and acting normally, looking normal and happy. Lasted just a few minutes. Didn’t seem upset about it this time, just came up close and sat down. I was way more upset about it that she was.
Hello, I have a year old large puppy and he has developed a limp from one of his back legs. I have read everything online about different causes and I have done a thorough examination of his leg. There seems to be nothing out of place, no swelling and he continues to run and play (he sure doesn’t seem depressed) and he doesn’t show any signs of pain at all….what could be the problem? The only thing I can even relate to what’s happening is that it might be pano, but I want to confirm before we change his diet. There is also no sort of thorns, cracks, or cuts except a small cut in between the left side of his toes and it’s not worth taking him to the vet for a small cut about 3 cm.
Hi Brittany,
Pets, just like people, have different tolerance levels for pain. The fact that he is limping indicates something is definitely not right. How long has the limping been going on? It is sometimes difficult to know if something is a small or a large problem without going to the vet. Finding an answer is definitely worth it :). I hope he gets better as I can tell you care about him very much!
He’s only been limping for about 3 days, it seems like the limping has gotten a little better since the first day. He has broken his front toe before and was showing a lot of symptoms of pain (of course we took care of it) but that’s what I’ve been basing his pain tolerance on remembering how bad he was hurting before and he’s pretty much normal except for the limp.
UPDATE: took him to the vet today, for the past couple days before our appointment we’ve had him on bed rest and that helped alot. The limping got less severe and it seemed like he could put more weight down on that leg. The vet had said it could be a partailly torn ligament in his knee from the exam. X-rays at the beginning of next month and he’s currently on some doggy pain killers and inflammation drugs and two weeks bed rest! But he’s walking on it even better with the drugs even after one dose.
King Charles got excited and started choking, I had to pull his tongue from the back of his throat and he sometimes starts snorting when breathing what should I do
Witnessed a lady throwing it out of her car. Couldn’t leave it there, so we took him to the vet because his eyes had severe discharge. Vet said he is around 6 weeks old.
I try to feel around her stomach and paws but when I do, she doesn’t cry which makes me think she’s not in pain. But whenever she tries to stand, she’s clearly in pain.
It’s hard to say what could be going on…Is your dog spayed? Has she eaten anything abnormal? Is she eating/ drinking/peeing/pooping….
It sounds like a vet trip is in need, crying and acting painful is a cause for concern that you should get her seen by a vet.
Good luck!
Something is wrong with my cat. He is moving around slow and making deep moans when he moves. He did make a hard stool but not eating. He seems to be in pain from something
you can try tuna packed in water to get him to eat. but you need to see a vet asap.
Planning on the vet trip today. The loud moaning when he moves is whats got me concerned. I will definitely try the tuna packs. Thank u
It sounds like your cat might have something broke. I’m glad you have a vet appointment. I hope your cat will be ok.
Thank u Robin. Well the vet said he has a hairball that he is having a hard time getting up so he recieved some meds to help with it. Hopefully hel b back to normal soon. Thanks for the advice ?
The skin on her muzzle under the fur seems pinker than normal, too. Also, her nose seems to itch (she rubs her nose area vigorously against my fingers, not just normal face rubbing) and gets a little dark crust around the edges. I noticed her nose running with a little clear discharge while I was petting her, but I read that it’s common for a cat’s nose to run when it purrs, so I didn’t think that was part of this. Her ears itch, as well. They don’t have an odor and I don’t see anything in them. Sometimes the fur on her chin will be discolored with a reddish/orangish tint and I noticed an area of dried liquid with a light tinge of brown around the border where she’d been sleeping this morning. Is this an allergy? I have more pictures I can post that show the crustiness on her nose and her upper lip from below.
I’m not sure if it’s the angle of the photo or not, but your kitty looks like it’s upper mouth and general face area is swollen and really distorted and does not look typical.
The brown/reddish color you describe reminds me of exactly how dried flea dirt (blood) looks. So make sure that you examine her carefully with a flea comb to see if that is an issue for her.
If she was an outside “feral” cat, be sure to get her tested for Felv/Fiv as well as a vet checkup to rule out upper respiratory infections, a rabies vaccine and distemper vaccine and spay would be good too–if you haven’t already done that. I’d take a trip to the vet to have her mouth/face examined.
Good luck!
Thank you, Kelly! It’s the angle of the picture. I had a normal looking one to post, but this one shows her mouth better. She does have fleas. I gave her an Rx oral med from the vet a month ago and it didn’t work. So I gave her a combo of Capstar and Program last night and have a spray to spray what I can’t wash to get any remaining eggs & larva. Maybe she has a flea allergy and this will be what she needs.
I’ve done TNR with 8 feral cats over the past year. She was about 5 months old when I took her, but has been very much untamed and fearful of the sight of me until about 3 months ago when I discovered the power of fish. In that time she has begun sleeping and spending much of her days in the house (I put in a cat door and she still insists on using the big “litter box” outside instead of the one I got her. Just this week she started climbing up on me when I’m lying down and using me for her bed. =) I can pet her just about any way I want to without getting injured now, but I can’t pick her up or do anything that seems threatening to her without her running and hiding (i.e. walking fast, carrying the mail, any attempt to use anything on her except my hand). So catching her to take to the vet has had me in a quandary. The humane trap is too traumatic for her AND me. I stopped by the vet’s office today and they said they could give me a sedative to give her so she would be sleeping and I could bring her in. She had a rabies shot when she was spayed, but she’ll need another one in November. And she hasn’t been tested for FeLV/Fiv.
That’s TMI, I know. I tend to get wordy, but thank you so much for your response! I will definitely take your advice now that I know there’s a way to get her to the vet without trauma, and hopefully we’ll get this taken care of quickly.
Hi Zoe…Bit of a mystery! I assume bloods covered her kidneys; bladder, liver?
Have you taken a urine sample of testing?
Ia she drinking more than normal? Has she been tested for diabetes?
Has she been spayed? If not possible uterine infection?
Other than that I hope our Vet Krista answers!
Hope your Cocker recovers soon!
Hi julie she had full blood tests done all clear a full urine test sent away all came back clear
x ray done all clear.. she has been spayed she has been tested for kidney diabetes everything.. im really at a loss somtimes there is blood in her urine other times not she doesnt know if she wants a wee or poo or both sometimes but more recently she has started drinking water as soon as she has had a wee.. i think i may have to visit a different vet to get a second oppinion
as this needs resolving
Hi Zoe….right so all the tests are clear. Blood in the urine occasionally too? Somethings going on then….
This might sound silly but when you said she doesn’t know if she wants a wee or a pooh? That smacks of pressure somewhere to me…possibly her spine….but that doesn’t account for the blood in her urine does it. Are you sure the blood is in her urine and not coming from her bottom? Any blood in her pooh at all? Could it be a bowel problem? Is she in pain, back slightly hunched over? Shes moving and jumping on sofa with no problems?
Have you considered a referral to a specialist for an MRI scan? Might be the only way to find out whats wrong. Presume shes insured? Think I would try a different Vet anyway to be honest.
I have two Cockers by the way…..! I do hope you find out whats wrong, bless her….they are a worry aren’t they?
Hi went to see a different vet my dog has cancer ive just found out i cant understand why other vet didnt notice
Oh Zoe, I am so very sorry. What awful news for you…and I can’t believe the other Vet missed it either.He should have picked it up on her bloods. Is it treatable? I do hope you are ok. Please let us know how things go won’t you.
Hi julie they cant operate cancer in the urinetrack and bladder she is going on tablets for two week these shoud help i have been told incuresble and 6 to 12 months so who knows i am totaly hart broken
Thanks for your concerns and help
Honestlu Zoe I don’t know what to say, only that I know how I’d feel.if it was one mine. Shes not old at 8 years, what a tragedy. Please do let me know how you both are doing won’t you? I’m in the UK too…a lot of people on here are in the US..I’m here if you need to talk about anything Zoe…wish I could do more.
Thanks julie i will keep you updated
Please do Zoe. By the way I have Cockers too, mother and son….both Blue Roan.
Stay strong and I’ll be thinking about you.
Daisy is blue roan thanks julie