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Pawbly | 10 years ago
He Is 8 Weeks Old, Weighs Just Over 200g (his Litter Mates Are All…

He is 8 weeks old, weighs just over 200g (his litter mates are all at least 600g) has a very soft and enlarged skull with pupils that face east west. There are no good vets here, certainly no vet specialists. Should I wait until he has gained weight before trying to medicate him (All the drugs can be purchased over the counter here and I am medically qualified) or should I start ASAP to help minimise brain damage? He is already blind. Or is the likely outcome so poor that I should be thinking about euthanasia? He seems happy enough at this point in time but cries a lot in the night and I don’t want him to be in pain.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
10 Years Old Cat Was In Heat Then Suddenly The Next Day She Acts…

10 years old cat was in heat then suddenly the next day she acts like she wants to vomit but cant and around her vaginia dark mucus.
If touch her above her tail she acts like she wants to vomit.

0 Responses
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Pawbly | 10 years ago
How Can I Stop My Boyfriend’s 10 Year Old Dog Mounting My 5 Year Old…

How can I stop my boyfriend’s 10 year old dog mounting my 5 year old dog constantly

Scolding, blowing whisle, shouting does not work. My dog snaps & barks to no avail

Neither I or my boyfriend want to find a new home for one of the dogs

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    this is a training issue.  i would ask a trainer for help to ensure you’re doing things right, but i would keep both dogs leashed when they’re together…and crate them when they aren’t, if you live together.

  2. PK Dennis

    Have both of these dogs been neutered? (I assume they are male).  If they aren’t, get them to a vet now.  Mounting is all about who is in control — not about sex.  But, having all those hormones in their bodies amps up all reactions.  

    If you are making a fuss, and there is snapping and barking involved it sounds to me that the humans are not the ones in control in your life.  Both you and your boyfriend need to start working with your dogs on the basics such as down stay, sit stay, go to your bed, bring me a toy, find the ball, heel, etc.  As you gain control over the mind of your dogs you show them that humans are the ones in control and they will feel less need to show dominance to each other.  It wouldn’t hurt to find a trainer to help the four of you!

    Along with this work to calm your dogs with strong leadership, your best tool might be a loaded water gun, or spray bottle.  No yelling.  No whistle.  No scolding.  Just pick up the gun/bottle and spray the mounting dog in the face.  When he dismounts he needs to be redirected: “find your ball”, “go to bed”, “bring me your toy” or “go outside” (this is why you need to teach these types of commands to your dog).  The water needs to happen so fast, and with no fanfare — it works best if the dog never figures out that YOU are the one making the water happen. Keep the guns/bottles all over the house so you can get to one in a step or two. Don’t try to drown the mounting dog, it is just on shot to his head/face to startle him and break his focus on dominating the younger dog.  It sets up the association in his mind that when he dominates the other dog, this uncomfortable and startling thing happens.  The the redirection to a toy or bed channels his mind in a better activity.

    Scolding, blowing whistles, and shouting escalate the excitement — you are barking along with them in the mind of a dog.  Stop.  Be calm.  Calm, positive energy, and 15 mins of focused training 2 times per day (at least) is what is needed to improve the situation. 

    Good luck.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
3 Week Old German Shepherd Suddenly Starts Wobbling And Acting Dizzy. He Stares Off Vacantly…

3 week old german shepherd suddenly starts wobbling and acting dizzy. He stares off vacantly. Started all of a sudden last night. No vomiting, but no eating either. Took it to vet. They saw no problem in the test. What could it be?

2 Responses


  1. Raymond Clark

    Has your dog recently received Ivermectin or Trifexis?  Both can lead to permanent neurological damage I’m told.  Also some dry dogfood and dog treats are being recalled for fungus contamination.  One dog treat I gave my 3 dogs caused them to have the same symptoms and then they had seizures.  Luckily I figured out what it was and they all recovered.

  2. La-Tonia TD

    Maybe it has water in the ears, which can cause the equilibrium to be off.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Male 8 Yr Inside Cat Was Running Jumping Playing, Suddenly He Appeared Wobbly, Pupils…

My male 8 yr inside cat was running jumping playing, suddenly he appeared wobbly, pupils huge, and howled. 30 minutes later he appears normal. This episode lasted 3minutes. What do you think happened? Thanks

1 Response


  1. Anonymous

    maybe a stroke?  i’d call your vet.

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My 5 Year Old Beagle Seems To Have The Symptoms Of Lazy Tail Syndrome…

My 5 year old beagle seems to have the symptoms of lazy tail syndrome. She is eating, drinking and using the bathroom properly but is not wagging her tail and holding it up. Whay can I do for her until payday

1 Response


  1. Angie Pearce

    I think my Brook got hers after her bath. We went for a walk and she rolled around on the grass like she normally does after her bath. But I was wondering…what if her tail wasn’t fully dry and the cold from the ground together… could that cause her problem. Everything was fine shortly after that but then she went to sleep for a while and when she got up that’s when I noticed her licking at her tail. I tried to touch it but she yelped. I went
    on line and got some information. I just want
    to be sure.

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Sarah | 10 years ago
My Dog Seems To Droolong More Than Usual From The Left Side Of His Mouth…

My dog seems to droolong more than usual from the left side of his mouth. He seems ok otherwise, but he is definitely leaving a trail of drool wherever he goes.

2 Responses


  1. Anonymous

    i’d guess this is a dental issue.  can you check his mouth to see if he’s broken a tooth or maybe has something stuck?

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
When He Is Having These Episodes He Will Walk Clockwise BUT He Will Still Try…

When he is having these episodes he will walk clockwise BUT he will still try walk to him food/bed etc. And if we give him back rubs he will still wag his tail like usual. I noticed he had one tonight and he eventually found his bed (while walking in circles) and went to sleep…when he woke up he was fine again, walking straight. We took him to the vets a few weeks ago after he had his FIRST episode and they told us it was like dog dementia. Is there a treatment or something that will help him? Anything we can do!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is Sometimes Crying Out In Pain But I Cannot Locate The Source Of…

My dog is sometimes crying out in pain but I cannot locate the source of the pain. It seems to either be related to his back hip or his ribs. It is not a consistent pain but when it happens it’s very significant.

2 Responses


  1. PK Dennis

    This could be a serious spinal issue — you need to take him to a vet for evaluation.  Swelling disks, a pinched nerve, could be the problem, but you can’t be sure what is going on without a vet’s evaluation and probably an xray or soft-tissue scan.  Any thing involving the spine is pretty serious in my book, so I wouldn’t wait.  Often problems can be resolved with crate rest and some medication for swelling and pain.

    Good luck!

  2. Kelly Furgason

    Sounds like you dog needs a vet to examine. Any time they are crying out in pain means something is def not right. Pets tend to hide their pain so if it’s crying out, it’s time for a vet visit to get to the root cause. Good luck!!

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Pawbly | 10 years ago
My Dog Is Vomiting And Pooping Blood And Not Eating Her Breakfast (just Breakfast…

My dog is vomiting and pooping blood and not eating her breakfast (just breakfast) and we have already taken her to the vet and she couldn’t find anything and gave us special food but it doesn’t seem to work. What could possibly be wrong?

4 Responses


  1. Christina Chambreau

    One of the challenges of conventional medicine is a limited number of both diagnostic and treatment options. Depending on what your vet said yesterday (I assume after Dr. Krista’s comment you did call the vet back) this may be a time to seek integrative care. 

    strongly recommend finding an integrative veterinarian with whom to work because they are trained in many different approaches, including using conventional
    drugs only when absolutely needed. Working with one can increase the chance
    that your cherished companion can live a long and healthy life after recovering
    from this current problem. There are good ones and great ones, and a few
    homeopathic veterinarians will consult by phone or email. You can go to the web
    sites for each type of holistic practice and use their referral list to find
    one near to you. If this interests you, please read my article on selecting a holistic vet at my site. Many practitioners are members of only one or two of the
    organizations, so you do need to go to every site to find who is near you:
    1. Wide range of other treatments:, American Holistic Veterinary
    Medical Association and   
    2. Homeopathic veterinarians (these can often help you by phone if no other
    holistic practitioners are nearby that you like): and

    3. Chiropractic and Osteopathic –; (they
    treat dogs, too)
    4. TCVM (Acupuncture and Chinese medicine):, &

    5. Herbal

  2. caroline challita

    Hi Amy,

    Im not an expert but i don’t think its normal that they haven’t found what’s wrong. Maybe if she needed more time for test results or more info from your end like if your dog ate something spoiled or if he has diarrhea or something… Contact your vet again and tell her the special dog food isn’t working. If the vet keeps saying “i dont know” I’d always go for a second opinion just as you would with a child. Vomiting and pooping blood are signs that the dog needs medical attention.

    Hope she feels better soon,


  3. Sharon Martinez

    Laboratory studies need to be done on her if they have not been already. Specifically, a blood panel. One concern that comes to mind is immune-mediated thrombocytopenia which is what my girl, Hannah, died of. You did not mention her age? Hannah was 5-weeks short of 8 years old. Older dogs are more susceptible to immune-mediated diseases – just like humans. However, immune-mediated diseases can affect younger dogs, too. Just like humans. 

    The key signs for immune-mediated thrombocytopenia would be a blood panel that showed low platelet counts because they are being consumed through an immune-mediated process. Low platelets when the count reaches to a certain level – about 50,000 – can lead to spontaneous bleeding in both the dog and the human. Platelets are responsible for our clotting mechanism. i.e., without them, we will freely bleed and bruise (both, internally or externally) without a means of quelling the loss. 

    This will, then, lead to low red blood cell count as the dog or person will not be able to manufacture replacement cells to make up for the loss. The dog will be anemic. Dogs are stoic creatures and they can become pretty darn anemic before they will show us physical signs of their anemic state. They are people-pleasers and will compensate for their anemia. 

    With spontaneous bleeding, a dog can have gastrointestinal bleeding which would lead to bloody  stools. The colon could be bleeding which would produce bright red blood per rectum or the bleeding could be higher up in the stomach or small intestines which would produce black and tarry stools. 

    Bleeding in the stomach can cause nausea and vomiting in the dog and person because blood is a somewhat caustic product. My Hannah was not vomiting but she had no appetite when the illness was clinically apparent. Unfortunately, I lost her because the veterinarian did not bother to carefully look at her laboratory studies that I had ordered. 

  4. amy lucas

    In 5 days she will be 3 years old. And she is a beagle. I think I’ll go back to vet